135 research outputs found

    Evaluation of quality parameters of apple juices using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics

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    Near-infrared (NIR) spectra were recorded for commercial apple juices. Analysis of these spectra using partial least squares (PLS) regression revealed quantitative relations between the spectra and quality- and taste-related properties of juices: soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), and the ratio of soluble solids content to titratable acidity (SSC/TA). Various spectral preprocessing methods were used for model optimization. The optimal spectral variables were chosen using the jack-knife-based method and different variants of the interval PLS (iPLS) method. The models were cross-validated and evaluated based on the determination coefficients (R-2), root-mean-square error of cross-validation (RMSECV), and relative error (RE). The best model for the prediction of SSC (R-2 = 0.881, RMSECV = 0.277 degrees Brix, and RE = 2.37%) was obtained for the first-derivative preprocessed spectra and jack-knife variable selection. The optimal model for TA (R-2 = 0.761, RMSECV = 0.239 g/L, and RE = 4.55%) was obtained for smoothed spectra in the range of 6224-5350 cm(-1). The best model for the SSC/TA (R-2 = 0.843, RMSECV = 0.113, and RE = 5.04%) was obtained for the spectra without preprocessing in the range of 6224-5350 cm(-1). The present results show the potential of the NIR spectroscopy for screening the important quality parameters of apple juices.National Science Centre, Poland [2016/23/B/NZ9/03591

    Changing attitudes and behaviour concerning contraception and abortion in Poland

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    The study on changes in attitudes towards contraception and abortion and the study on changes in attitudes towards contraception and abortion and the contraception use among generations at the procreative age in Poland is based on the data coming from two Polish Retrospective Surveys carried out in 2001 and 2006. Poland is a country with very restricted abortion law, very few legal abortions. Additionally, available data on contraception show that its use and methods applied are still far from patterns observed in other countries of Europe. In parallel, Poles have changed considerably their procreative behaviour after 1989 – TFR dropped to the lowest-low level (1,2 in 2003) and despite some improvements fertility in Poland remains low (TFR reached 1.4 in 2009). In the last two decades the Polish society, considered to be a traditional Catholic society, is undergoing a deep social transformation, including also changes in values and norms (social, religious, legal norms, etc.), important for attitudes and behaviour related to family. The unique data coming from two surveys makes it possible to investigate how views on abortion and contraception evolve over time and to analyse contraceptive behaviour. Descriptive and model-based analyses refer to relevant determinants usually mentioned in the literature: the education attainment, the role of social networks and the religiosity as well as some personal attributes. The results revealed that the increasing number of people accepts contraception unconditionally. For those who declare their approval for contraception in some situation the number of children is a decisive determinant. Contraception patterns are being slowly modernised - condoms are still the most preferred means followed by contraceptive pills. The natural methods are in use mostly by couples. In addition, there is still quite remarkable the percentage of people declaring no contraception use. Attitudes towards abortion seem to undergo some polarisation. The dominant opinion claims that it is a couple’s decision to terminate a pregnancy while the opposing group perceives abortion as strongly immoral. The role religion in people’s life also matters for attitudes towards abortion. However, a relatively strong disapproval is declared also among persons who do not regard religion as important in their life while some religious people permit abortion. As hypothesised, Poles’ attitudes regarding family-planning and their behaviour changed considerably. Results of testing the role of the education attainment, social networks and the religiosity reveal the complexity of family-planning decisions, which strongly depend on the socio-cultural background and personal preferences. The picture seems to suggest the diminishing role of religiosity and ongoing individualisation process in terms of methods of birth control

    Application of multidimensional and conventional fluorescence techniques for classification of beverages originating from various berry fruit

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    The objectives of this study were to characterize fluorescence of beverages from berry fruit, including chokeberry, blackcurrant, raspberry and strawberry, and to develop classification models based on different types of fluorescence spectra to identify beverages depending on the fruit species. Total fluorescence spectra (excitation-emission matrices, EEMs) and total synchronous fluorescence spectra (TSFS) were recorded for a series of commercial berry fruit beverages. An analysis of EEMs using parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) revealed four components characterized by the excitation/emission maxima at 275/326, 319/410, 414/600, and 360/460 nm, respectively. Based on the spectral profiles, these components were assigned to various groups of phenolic compounds. Partial least squares discriminant analysis was used to develop the classification models. The analysis was performed on PARAFAC scores, unfolded EEMs (uEEMs), unfolded TSFS (uTSFS), and additionally on conventional emission spectra (EMS) measured at particular excitation wavelengths and single synchronous fluorescence spectra (SFS). The classification models with the same average classification error of 4.86% were obtained for the analysis of both the entire uEEMs and uTSFS. Among models based on the individual spectra, the lowest error of 4.42% was obtained for SFS measured at Delta lambda = 40 nm, and an error of 7.64% was obtained for EMS measured at the excitation wavelength of 360 nm. The classification model based on the PARAFAC scores had the highest error of 15.27%. The present results show good potential of fluorescence as rapid and reagent-free tool for authenticity evaluation of berry beverages.National Science Centre, PolandNational Science Centre, Poland [2016/23/B/NZ9/03591]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Variation in leaf surface hydrophobicity of wetland plants: the role of plant traits in water retention

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    Leaf surface wetness has numerous physiological and ecological consequences, and the morphological structures on the leaf surface can affect its extent and duration, contributing to interception rates in the scale of the whole ecosystem. Wetland plants have developed morphological adaptations to high water level allowing them to avoid water excess. Droplet contact angle and surface free energy are measurable parameters which relate to how the plant influences water usage and redistribution. We analysed patterns of contact angle and the surface free energy of the adaxial and abaxial surface of 10 wetland plant species and related them to the optimal habitat conditions and functional traits of the plants. Despite the consistent environment of these plants, we found them to vary greatly in terms of leaf surface wettability and surface free energy, with contact angles ranging from 75 to 169° and surface free energy, from 1.32 to 30.38 mJ/m2. Canopy height and leaf longevity were significantly correlated to leaf wettability, whilst SLA (Specific Leaf Area) and leaf shape were not related to hydrophobicity. Investigating adaptations of wetland plants to their environment showed that including wettability and surface free energy in combination with other plant traits improves our understanding of water plant-soil-water interactions in wetland habitats

    Explorative study of apple juice fluorescence in relation to antioxidant properties

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    Total fluorescence spectra (excitation-emission matrices, EEM) were recorded for a series of commercial apple juices, including clear and cloudy juices produced from concentrate, cloudy juices that were not from concentrate, and freshly squeezed juices. An exploratory study of the spectra with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) revealed three groups of fluorophores with different emission properties, and these properties were characterized by excitation/emission maxima at 270/315 nm, (310, 370)/455 nm, and 430/(550, 680) nm, respectively.A regression analysis of the total fluorescence spectra arranged into three-way arrays using N-way partial least squares regression methods (NPLS1 and NPLS2) and an analysis of the unfolded spectra by partial least squares methods (PLS1 and PLS2) revealed quantitative relations between the fluorescence and antioxidant properties of juices. The best models for the total phenolic contents and total antioxidant capacities were obtained by applying the NPLS1 method to the EEM. The model parameters were as follows: R-CV(2) = 0.802, RPD = 2.3 for the total phenolic content and R-CV(2) = 0.808 and RPD = 2.3 for the total antioxidant capacity. These results show the potential use of fluorescence spectroscopy for screening apple juices for their antioxidant properties. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Vitamin D supplementation in adults - guidelines

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    Vitamin D is necessary in maintaining appropriate calcium and phosphate homeostasis in the body (classical function) and ensuring appropriate functioning of many tissues, organs and cells, unrelated to mineral economy (non-classical function). Vitamin D deficiency in adults may cause osteomalacia, increase fracture risk in osteoporosis, induce cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 1 and 2, multiple sclerosis, Lesniowski-Crohn disease, and cancer, including colon, breast, and prostate cancer. Possible causes of vitamin D deficiency in a healthy population include decreased cutaneous synthesis and an inadequate intake of vitamin D, both in food and in supplements. Vitamin D deficiency level (25(OH) D. < 20 ng/mL), is fairly widespread, being found in a substantial percentage of healthy subjects around the world, regardless of race, gender and age. Daily vitamin D dose, as determined by the Food and Nutrition Board in 1997, is now rather insufficient, the biggest problem being associated with maximal vitamin D levels (50 &#956;g/day) in actually available food supplements. Nowadays, it is recommended that adults need a minimum of 800&#8211;1,000 U/day when their exposure to the sun is inadequate (in Poland from October to April). This dosage should be provided to all subjects who avoid sunlight, as well as to those aged over 65 because of their slower skin synthesis of vitamin D and for its proven anti-fracture and anti-fall effects. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (6): 723-729)Witamina D jest niezbędnym elementem do utrzymania właściwej homeostazy wapniowo-fosforanowej organizmu (rola klasyczna) i zapewnienia właściwego funkcjonowania wielu tkanek, narządów i komórek niezależnych od obrotu mineralnego (rola nieklasyczna). Niedobór witaminy D u dorosłych zwiększa ryzyko złamań kości w osteoporozie, może prowadzić do osteomalacji, choroby niedokrwiennej serca, cukrzycy typu 1 i 2, stwardnienia rozsianego, choroby Leśniowskiego-Crohna oraz nowotworów szczególnie jelita grubego, piersi i prostaty. Przyczynami niedoboru witaminy D u zdrowej populacji jest prawdopodobnie zmniejszenie syntezy skórnej oraz niedostateczne spożywanie w diecie oraz suplementach. Niedobór witaminy 25(OH)D (stężenie < 20 ng/ml) występuje dość powszechnie u zdrowej populacji ogólnej niezależnie od rasy, płci i wieku. Dzienne zapotrzebowanie na witaminę D określone przez Food and Nutrition Board w 1997 roku, jest obecnie niewystarczająca. Największy problem wiąże się z maksymalnym stężeniem witaminy D (50 &#956;g/dobę) w suplementach. Obecnie uważa się, że dzienne zapotrzebowanie osoby dorosłej wynosi 800-1000 j., jeżeli jej ekspozycja na słońce jest niewystarczająca (w Polsce od października do kwietnia). Taka dawka powinna być przyjmowana przez osoby unikające nasłonecznienia, jak również stosowana przez wszystkich w wieku powyżej 65 lat z powodu spowolnienia skórnej syntezy witaminy D, oraz ze względu na udowodnione działanie przeciw złamaniom i upadkom. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (6): 723-729

    Prognostic factors in patients surgically treated after hip fracture

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    Wstęp: Osteoporoza z racji zmian demograficznych oraz nieprawidłowego stylu życia społeczeństw rozwiniętych stała się poważnym problemem społecznym. Złamanie bliższego końca kości udowej stanowi jej najpoważniejsze powikłanie, związane z dużą śmiertelnością lub trwałymi następstwami. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu wybranych czynników socjoekonomicznych i czasu interwencji chirurgicznej na rokowanie. Materiał i metody: W badaniu uczestniczyło 148 pacjentów (114 kobiet i 34 mężczyzn) w wieku od 48 do 93 lat, po operacyjnym leczeniu złamania bliższego końca kości udowej, wśród których przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe. Wyniki: W trakcie rocznej obserwacji zmarło 34 pacjentów, co stanowiło 23% badanej grupy. Kolejnych porównań dokonano w dwóch grupach. Wśród 114 pacjentów, którzy przeżyli roczną obserwację (grupa A) oraz w grupie pacjentów, którzy zmarli (grupa B). Średnia wieku pacjentów z grupy A wynosiła 76,3 lata , a dla pacjentów grupy B &#8212; 82,6 lat (p < 0,05). W grupie A przed złamaniem 79,8% pacjentów deklarowało pełna samodzielność, w porównaniu do 44,1 % w grupie B (p < 0,05). Regularnie uprawiało różne formy aktywności fizycznej 39,5% z grupy A i 11,8% w grupie B (p < 0,05). Aktywne spędzaniu czasu poza domem zgłaszało 32,5 % chorych w grupie A vs 14,7% w grupie B. Złamanie wpłynęło niekorzystnie na sytuację materialną pacjentów. Nie stwierdzono zależności między szybkością operacji a rokowaniem pacjentów. Wnioski: 1. Złamanie bliższego końca kości udowej mimo zastosowania leczenia zabiegowego nadal obarczone jest dużym ryzykiem zgonu. 2. Duża aktywność fizyczna, szczególnie poza domem, samodzielność oraz posiadanie partnera wpływają korzystnie na rokowanie pacjentów po złamaniu bliższego końca kości udowej. 3. Złamanie bliższego końca kości udowej ma negatywny wpływ na sytuację materialną pacjentów. 4. Szybkość interwencji chirurgicznej po złamaniu bliższego końca kości udowej nie ma wpływu na przeżywalność. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (2): 108&#8211;113)Introduction: By the impact of demographic changes and as the result of the &#8216;incorrect&#8217; lifestyles pursued in developed societies, osteoporosis has become a serious social problem. Hip fracture is the most serious complication of osteoporosis and is associated with high mortality rates or permanent health impairment. The goal of this study was an evaluation of the impact of selected socio-economic factors and of the time period from fracture to surgical intervention on the patient&#8217;s prognosis. Material and methods: A group of 148 patients (114 women and 34 men) participated in the study, their age varying between 48 and 93 years, all of them after surgical treatment of hip fracture. A questionnaire study was carried out, encompassing all the participants. Results: During a year-long follow up, thirty-four (34) patients, i.e. 23% of the whole group, passed away. Further comparisons were performed between two groups: Group A &#8212; 114 patients, who survived the follow up period, and Group B &#8212; those who died. The mean age of patients was 76.3 and 82.6 years in Groups A and B, respectively (p < 0.05). In Group A, 79.8% of the patients declared full self-dependence prior to fracture episode vs. 44.1% of the patients in Group B (p < 0.05). Regular physical activity &#8212; in various forms &#8212; was undertaken by 39.5% of the patients in Group A and 11.8% of those in Group B (p < 0.05). Active ways of spending outdoor time were reported by 32.5% of the patients in Group A vs. 14.7% in Group B (p < 0.05). Fracture unfavourably influenced the material situation of affected patients. No relationship was found between the time period from fracture to surgery and the patient&#8217;s prognosis. Conclusions: 1. Despite the currently available surgical treatment methods, hip fracture is still laden with a high risk of fatality. 2. High physical activity, especially outdoors, self-dependence and having a partner positively influence patient&#8217;s prognosis after hip fracture. 3. Hip fracture negatively changes the material situation of patients. 4. The length of time from hip fracture to operation has no effect on the survival rate. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (2): 108&#8211;113

    Therapeutic Role of Animals: A Comprehensive Literature Review on the Prevalent Forms and Species in Animal-Assisted Interventions

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    Animals have been valued and used to improve human physical and mental health since ancient times. Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a complementary approach to traditional medicine, involving trained animals. AAT can enhance cognition, commitment, character growth, and the learning process. Commonly used species in animal-assisted therapy include cats, dogs, horses, dolphins, and others. Feline-assisted therapy alleviates loneliness and stress, whereas canine-assisted therapy positively impacts emotions and overall well-being. Equine-assisted interventions benefit individuals with cognitive and motor disabilities. Dolphin-assisted therapy shows promise for conditions like autism and cerebral palsy. However, ethical concerns have arisen, particularly in children with behavioral disorders. Safety measures, adult supervision, and proper screening and hygiene practices are crucial in AAT programs. In conclusion, AAIs have a significant potential to enhance well-being and mental health across various contexts, but more research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness and safety in different settings and age groups. The existing literature consists of subjective accounts and inadequate methodologies

    Cardiovascular manifestations of Lyme disease - a literature review

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    Lyme disease is an infectious zoonosis transmitted by ticks infected with Borrelia spirochetes. Condition affects multiple organ systems and typically has a protracted course. Although Lyme carditis is a comparatively rare symptom of Lyme borreliosis, it can cause major cardiac conditions, including death, if left untreated. Atrioventricular block of various degrees is the hallmark of cardiac involvement, although other manifestations of the disease are increasingly describe such as ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias, pericarditis, acute coronary syndrome, mild heart failure, cardiac tamponade or individual cases of cardiomyopathy, degenerative valvular lesions and vasculitis. Cardiovascular conduction disorders have a good prognosis despite their abrupt onset and completely resolve after a few days of antibiotic therapy. Therefore, a wait-and-see attitude should be maintained. However, a temporary or permanent pacemaker may be required if the patient's clinical condition necessitates prompt intervention. Nevertheless, current recommendations suggest avoiding temporary stimulation wherever possible and limiting its use to the shortest treatment time possible