219 research outputs found

    Antroponimy męskie parafii Bieliny w świetle ksiąg parafialnych z lat 1850–1900

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    The aim of the present article is onomastic analysis of male surnames reported in the documents of the parish of St. Joseph Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bieliny (built in 1637), derived from the second half of the 19th century. The analysis encompass five hundred sixty-four surnames. The classification of surnames was based on the division of surnames proposed by Stanislaw Rospond. He divided the surnames into derivative and non-derivative ones. The most productive group of derivative surnames was formed by the use of different suffixes. Among them, the most numerous are surnames with the suffix -ski, derived from place-names and first names. Among non-derivative surnames there prevail appellative surnames related with the names of professions, physical characteristics and personality, as well as surnames associated with nature, foods, abstractions, homemade production, substance and minerals, places and clothes. These names feature lexical differences.Celem artykułu jest analiza onomastyczna nazwisk męskich odnotowanych w dokumentach kościelnych parafii pw. św. Józefa Oblubieńca Najświętszej Marii Panny w Bielinach (powstała w 1637 r.), pochodzących z drugiej połowy XIX wieku. Analizie poddanych zostało 564 nazwisk męskich. W celu dokonania klasyfikacji wykorzystany został podział nazwisk Stanisława Rosponda na nazwy derywowane i niederywowane. Najbardziej produktywną grupą okazały się nazwiska derywowane, które powstały przez wykorzystanie różnorodnych sufiksów nazwotwórczych. Wśród nich najliczniejsze są antroponimy zakończone formantem z elementem sufiksalnym -ski, utworzone od nazw miejscowych i imion. Wśród nazwisk niederywowanych przeważają nazwiska odapelatywne, powstałe od różnorodnych nazw pospolitych, takich jak nazwy zawodów, cechy fizyczne i osobowościowe, nazwy kojarzone z przyrodą, pokarmami, abstrakcjami, wytworami ręki ludzkiej, substancje i minerały, miejsca, ubrania. W omawianym materiale można zaobserwować zróżnicowanie leksykalne nazwisk

    ASimJava: a Java-based library for distributed simulation, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2004, nr 3

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    The paper describes the design, performance and applications of ASimJava, a Java-based library for distributed simulation of large networks. The important issues associated with the implementation of parallel and distributed simulation are discussed. The focus is on the effectiveness of different synchronization protocols implemented in ASimJava. The practical example - computer network simulation - is provided to illustrate the operation of the presented software tool

    Parallel and Distributed Simulation of Ad Hoc Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, nr 3

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    Modeling and simulation are traditional methods used to evaluate wireless network design. This paper addresses issues associated with the application of parallel discrete event simulation to mobile ad hoc networks design and analysis. The basic characteristics and major issues pertaining to ad hoc networks modeling and simulation are introduced. The focus is on wireless transmission and mobility models. Particular attention is paid to the MobASim system, a Javabased software environment for parallel and distributed simulation of mobile ad hoc networks. We describe the design, performance and possible applications of presented simulation software

    FR/ASimJava: a federated approach to parallel and distributed network simulation in practice, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2006, nr 4

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    The paper addresses issues associated with the application of federations of parallel/distributed simulators to large scale networks simulation. We discuss two principal paradigms for constructing simulations today. Particular attention is paid to an approach for federating parallel/distributed simulators. We describe the design and performance of frame relay network simulator (FR/ASimJava) implemented based on a Java-based library for distributed simulation – ASimJava. Six practical examples – six networks operating under frame relay – are presented to illustrate the operation of the given software tool. The focus is on the efficiency of presented network simulator

    ATM-deficient neural precursors develop senescence phenotype with disturbances in autophagy.

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    ATM is a kinase involved in DNA damage response (DDR), regulation of response to oxidative stress, autophagy and mitophagy. Mutations in the ATM gene in humans result in ataxi A-Telangiectasia disease (A-T) characterized by a variety of symptoms with neurodegeneration and premature ageing among them. Since brain is one of the most affected organs in A-T, we have focused on senescence of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) derived from A-T reprogrammed fibroblasts. Accordingly, A-T NPCs obtained through neural differentiation of iPSCs in 5% oxygen possessed some features of senescence including increased activity of SA-β-gal and secretion of IL6 and IL8 in comparison to control NPCs. This phenotype of A-T NPC was accompanied by elevated oxidative stress. A-T NPCs exhibited symptoms of impaired autophagy and mitophagy with lack of response to chloroquine treatment. Additional sources of oxidative stress like increased oxygen concentration (20 %) and H2O2 respectively aggravated the phenotype of senescence and additionally disturbed the process of mitophagy. In both cases only A-T NPCs reacted to the treatment. We conclude that oxidative stress may be responsible for the phenotype of senescence and impairment of autophagy in A-T NPCs. Our results point to senescent A-T cells as a potential therapeutic target in this disease

    Analysis of expression of MHC class I molecules and TAP genes in malignant human cell lines.

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    TAP proteins (transporters associated with antigen processing) take part in the transport of oligopeptides created in proteasomes from cytoplasm into endoplasmic reticulum. In the endoplasmic reticulum those oligopeptides are bound to MHC class I molecules and transported to the cell surface. TAP proteins consist of two subunits: TAP1 and TAP2. It has been previously shown that TAP protein expression can be decreased in malignant cells, followed by reduced protein expression or complete lack of MHC class I antigens on the cell surface. The aim of the study was to characterize of MHC class I protein expression and TAP mRNA synthesis in twenty human malignant tumor cell lines. MHC class I protein expression was examined by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. Expression of TAP genes was studied using RT-PCR and real-time PCR. All tested cell lines expressed MHC class I molecules. Flow cytometry showed different expression of MHC class I protein in tested cell lines. Molecular analysis revealed the presence of TAP1 and TAP2 gene transcripts in all cell lines examined. Quantitative real time PCR analysis showed differences of gene expression among cell lines tested

    Flow cytometric analysis of CD55 and CD59 expression on blood cells in paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria

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    PNH is a rare clonal disorder of hematopoietic stem cells, therefore all blood cells lineages are involved. The main feature is an increased sensitivity of erythrocytes to complement-mediated cell lysis due to deficiency of membrane-bound GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol)-anchored proteins which normally function as inhibitors of reactive hemolysis. In the present study, we performed flow cytometric analysis using monoclonal antibodies against CD55 and CD59 for the detection of PNH-type clone in the blood of 50 patients (28 females and 22 males, age range 7-67 yrs). In one patient only we found a large population (95%) of granulocytes with decreased expression of both CD55 and CD59 molecules (type I PNH) and in two others with partial loss of CD55 expression (type II PNH). The expression was determined chiefly on granulocytes which in the control group showed reliable and high expression of CD55 and CD59

    Putative neuroprotective role of visfatin against cognitive dysfunction in obese patients

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    Objectives: Visfatin (adipokine) is thought to have neuroprotective properties. The aims of to determine the type and extent of prefrontal cortical dysfunction and to evaluate the potential neuroprotective role of visfatin. Methods: Sixty-one obese patients were included. A diagnosis of primary obesity was made on the basis of a BMI > 30. Visfatin serum levels were determined by enzyme immunoassay. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) was used to assess prefrontal cortex-mediated cognitive function. Results: Visfatin levels were not correlated with age or BMI. However, patients with higher visfatin levels tended to show an overall improvement in WCST scores. Nonetheless, a significant positive correlation (P = 0.032) was found only between high serum visfatin levels and the number of correctly completed categories in the WCST. Discussion: The results described herein indicate a possible neuroprotective effect of visfatin against obesity-related cognition dysfunction, particularly in regard to the categorizing capacity associated with executive function