160 research outputs found

    Cult service tradition in Georgia

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    The article deals with the cult service in Georgia, which was established in ancient era. We have not written sources, but oral folklore and ethnographic materials contain information about worshipping of divinities and some ritual actions. It seems that oldest system was worshipping of chthonic divinities and it forms the divine hierarchy in archaic religious system. So in the ritual practice of Georgians cultivation o9f land was the main element. It promoted the religious picture and ritual practice in Georgia.culture, georgia, cult service

    The Symbol and Function of the Golden Fleece according to Caucasian-Hittite Data

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    Intensifying globalization of production and trade is causing growing competitive pressures for developing country producers. Accelerated technological advancements and trade and investment liberalization increasingly make fragmenting of activities in all stages of a production value chain possible. Some of these segmented activities can be performed in various locations across the globe and reintegrated again through production systems of global value chains and global production networks. A group of leading transnational corporations are playing a key role in organizing and controlling these production systems, benefiting from location differences in costs, infrastructure, capabilities in manufacturing, marketing and logistic, and in trade and investment regimes. The objective of this research is to explain the role of global value chain in building and enhancing productive capacities of developing countries and economies in transition. By participating in a global value chain, domestic firms, particularly small and medium-scale enterprise (SMEs) can access technology, upgrade skills and improve their competitiveness. It can help developing country producers to enter foreign markets, earn more foreign currencies, diversify their exports, and most importantly to get new skills, knowledge and technology—all considered as key factors for productivity enhancement and growth

    Dynamics of smectic membranes as studied by X-ray and neutron scattering

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    This thesis describes x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) and neutron spin echo (NSE) measurements of fluctuations in smectic A (SmA) liquid crystal membranes. XPCS is a classic dynamic light scattering technique extended into the x-ray domain, which opens the possibility to investigate dynamics at molecular length scales. Using a spatially coherent xray source available these days at third-generation synchrotrons, the time dependence of the scattered intensity is observed. In XPCS experiments spatially coherent x rays are used while working with a single coherence volume. The scattered intensity changes parallel to the positions of the scatterers in the coherence volume. Constructing the intensity-intensity time correlation function one can extract the relaxation times of the fluctuations in the system. We have extended this technique into the sub-microsecond range, approaching the limit of 2.8 ns determined by the bunch structure of the current in the storage ring of the synchrotron. This allows a comparision with NSE spectroscopy which covers times up to about 100 ns. Smectic liquid crystal membranes are highly uniformly ordered, strongly fluctuating and scattering systems that constitute excellent models of low-dimensional ordering. SmA liquid crystal membranes consist of stacks of liquid layers of elongated molecules (no positional ordering within the layers). Consequently, one-dimensional ordering exists along the normal to the layers. Thermal fluctuations in such a system increase with the sample size and eventually destroy the ordering (Landau-Peierls instability). Nevertheless, SmA membranes can be prepared with thicknesses ranging from two to several thousand layers, because the divergence of the fluctuations is weak (logarithmic). We have studied three SmA liquid crystals: 4-octyl- 4’-cyanobiphenyl (8CB), N-(4-n-butoxybenzilidene)-4-n-octylaniline (4O.8) and 4-heptyl-2-[4- (2-perfluorhexylethyl)phenyl]-pyrimidin (FPP). 8CB differs from the other two by a strongly polar end group, 4O.8 is characterized by fast equilibration, and FPP membranes are specific because of the presence of fluorine, leading to strong scattering and a low surface tension. The relaxation behaviour in smectic membranes can be divided into three regimes, characterized by oscillatory relaxation, surface dominated and bulk-elasticity dominated exponential relaxation, respectively. The determining quantity is the largest wavelength from the full spectrum of fluctuations that contributes to the specific situation. Oscillatory relaxations are observed at specular positions for long-wavelength fluctuations. A transition from oscillatory to exponential relaxation is determined by a crossover wave vector qc. Only fluctuations with wave vectors qmn > qc show exponential relaxation, which is in first instance surface dominated. The relaxation time in this regime depends on membrane thickness, surface tension and viscosity and does not depend on bulk smectic elastic parameters. Hence, for surfacedominated relaxation themembrane behaves like a liquid film. For largerwave vectors (shorter wavelengths) the relaxation time becomes dependent on the elastic moduli of the membrane while the dependence on membrane thickness and surface tension disappears. In this bulkelasticity dominated regime the fluctuation pattern is defined exclusively by the bulk smectic elasticity of the membrane. The relaxation time now decreases as 1/q2 mn with the wave vector of the fluctuation. Using XPCS at the Bragg position we observed in thin 4O.8 and 8CB membranes oscillatory relaxations, and in thicker membranes simple exponential relaxation. In contrast, in FPP samples at the first Bragg reflection only oscillatory relaxations were seen. Only by going to the second-order peak we found in FPP exponential relaxation. This can be understood as follows. The finite resolution of the x-ray setup and the size of the coherence volume create a ’window’ of wave vectors defining the experimental results. The position of the crossover wave vector qc in this window determines whether oscillatory or exponential relaxation is observed. As qc decreases with the thickness of the membrane as 1/vL, in thin membranes the wave vector ’window’ is dominated by fluctuations exhibiting oscillatory relaxations, while in thicker samples exponential relaxation prevails. For off-specular scattering geometries only single fluctuationswere probedwith awave vector defined by the rocking angle of the sample. For XPCS, which allows only relatively small offset angles because of intensity considerations, only the surface-dominated exponential relaxation regime was accessed. Scattering at far off-specular angles was possible with NSE revealing the 1/q2 mn decay of the relaxation time characteristic for the bulk-elasticity regime. The role of the coherence volume in determining the ’window’ of detected fluctuations was demonstrated in a series of measurements at the different specular scattering angles and for different settings of the detector slits. The results indicate that the relaxation shifts towards larger times for smaller scattering angles, because of the larger coherence volume due to the increased projection of the beamon themembrane surface. Variation of the setting of the detector slits resulted, apart fromchanges in contrast, also in small shifts of the relaxation times. Finally, XPCS measurements at various off-specular positions close to the specular ridge indicate that the form of the correlation function changes abruptly. Close to specular reflection the finite resolution of the x-ray set-up catches the elastic specular component related to the equilibrium structure of the membrane. This signal acts as a ’natural’ reference signal in addition to the fluctuating part, leading to mixing in a heterodyne detection scheme. In the diffuse tails of a rocking curve this reference signal is absent leading to homodyne detection

    An Unknown Version of the Argonaut Legend

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    Georgia – 2015

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    Executing the National Curriculum of Digital Citizenship Education in the Country of Georgia

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    The international events of recent years have provided us with a new perspective on citizenship in the modern world where the borderlines between online and real life are erased and blurred To navigate safely and ethically in the online space it is essential to integrate digital citizenship education into curricula not only at the national level but also at the level The present study aims to collect the subjective evaluations and positions of the school community regarding the implementation of educational innovation in general education in particular the digital citizenship curriculum Critical and curriculum research approaches were used within the research An in-depth interview and focus group are used as a research method Five school principals and fifty-five teachers participated in the research Based on the study results the following conclusions are drawn Georgia s general education system should create conditions for schools to select the programmed one the adaptive-evolutionary one or the hybrid one - which would be more effective at a specific school and which approach would facilitate achieving the best results Each school should be given freedom in the implementation process and supported with recommended methodological guidelines and guides for the successful implementation of the curriculum The school principal should understand their responsibility for implementing innovations support teachers to the maximum extent and care not only about individual teachers but also about systemic and strategic change to achieve sustainable and long-term educational transformation Recent international events have underscored the critical importance of digital citizenship education in navigating the increasingly interconnected world where online and offline boundaries are blurre


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    Since 2004 Georgia has been carrying out radical reforms to regulate the construction sector. After the cancellation of the Ministry of Architechture and Construction of Georgia the regulation of the field was delegated to the Spacial Planning and Construction Policy Department at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia. In the process of regualting construction business, one of the most significant places is attributed to the construction quality control which means either the state or the private customer should set strict supervision on the architectural-building business considering the essence and specificities of the construction production. Developed countries have obtained and possess the complex system of quality assurance and control in the sphere of construction along others. It covers three stages: supervision of the state, of local authority and of insurance companies

    Два етюди з грузино-українських літературних взаємин

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    The essay deals with some facts showing the interest of the Georgian poet Galaktion Tabidze (1891–1959) in Ukrainian literature. The researcher focuses on two works by G. Tabidze, which were published in the 1920’s: “Let's Approach It” and “That Day Passed Like a Dream”. A scrupulous study of the autographs makes it clear that the fi rst poem mentioned was written due to creative impulse received from the untitled poem beginning with the line “We’ll Go towards the Springs of Life“ by Vasyl Оleshko (1889 – before 1943). The other Tabidze’s poem was inspired by the very fi rst lines of the epilogue from the poem “Haydamaky“ by Taras Shevchenko. In both cases, G. Tabidze expresses his opinion using allusions to the works of Ukrainian poets. У статті проаналізовано ставлення грузинського лірика Ґ. Табідзе (1891 – 1959) до українського письменництва.  Порушене  питання  фактично  залишається  не  з’ясованим,  і  пропонована розвідка – перша спроба дослідження грузинсько-українських літературних взаємин у цьому аспекті. Розглянуто два твори Ґ. Табідзе, які були оприлюднені у 20-х роках: “Підемо назустріч” і “Та доба промайнула, як сон”. Після вивчення автографів цих двох віршів стає очевидним, що перший із них написаний унаслідок отриманого мистецького імпульсу з вірша без заголовка “Підемо назустріч до джерел життя...” В. Олешка, а другий – після того, як автор надихнувся початковими  строфами  епілогу  поеми  Т.  Шевченка  “Гайдамаки”.  В  обох  випадках  Ґ.  Табідзе висловлює свою думку шляхом застосування алюзії до творів українських поетів

    Problem Base and Case Study Methodology in Medical Education

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    Objectives: EBM (Evidence-Based Medicine) and Case Study is a relatively new concept in medicine, and medical education, but one that is rapidly gaining acceptance as an important approach in assisting medical students, residents, and practicing physicians in their clinical decisionmaking. Problem Base and Case Study learning in Medical Education has become a widespread and effective method of using the medical literature. It has four basic steps: the development of a clinical question, the literature search for the appropriate medical literature to address the clinical question, critical appraisal of the acquired paper, and application of the results of the research paper to the patient at hand. Goals: Analysis of effectiveness of teaching methodology Methods: Observational Study Results: The use of PB(EBM) and CS should allow patient care that is the most effective, the most cost-effective, and the safest. The skills to master in use the EBM approach include that of question formulation, literature searching, critical appraisal of articles, and application of evidence. The resources needed include computers and Internet for access to full articles, a printer, and functional use of the English language. Moreover, this is a lifelong endeavor, so practice and mentorship are useful. The PB and CS component in the Tbilisi State Medical University has the aim of assisting students in learning objectives. Training in the PB and CS learning method will be provided at the beginning of the Module. Problem base and Case Study learning in education has become a widespread and effective method of literature use. It has four basic steps: the development of a clinical question, the Literature search for the appropriate medical literature to address the clinical question, critical appraisal of the acquired paper, and application of the results of the research paper to the patient at hand. Conclusion: By the end of this course you should have demonstrated your capacity to: recognize, compare, and contrast the general "ways of thinking" of science (biology) and of philosophy (ethics). Approach bioethical problems, break them into smaller component parts (analysis), and discuss those analyses through oral and written communication, both individually and in groups. Approach bioethical problems and propose solutions to them that transcend the disciplines of biology and philosophy, solidly rooted in their respective ways-of-knowing. Acquire and separate factual knowledge from opinion in the areas of science and philosophy. Demonstrate good critical thinking (that is, clear, logical (coherent and relevant), broad, deep, and discriminating) in bioethics through speaking and writing. Outcomes of PBL and CS are the problem-solving skills, self-directed learning skills, ability to find and use appropriate resources, critical thinking, measurable knowledge base, performance ability, social and ethical skills, self-sufficiency and self-motivation, leadership skills, ability to work on a team, communication skills, proactive thinking, congruence with workplace skills