20 research outputs found

    Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Ayam Dengan Medium Campuran Gambut Dan Pmk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) Di Pembibitan Utama

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of chicken manure and peat mixture with PMK medium and its interaction with the growth of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) In the main nursery, as well as to get the best combination treatment. This study was conducted over four months from the month of December 2015 to April 2016. The research was conducted dikebun trial Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau Campus Bina Widya Km 12.5 Baru Simpang Village, District Handsome, Pekanbaru. This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial consisting of two factors, the first factor is the dose of chicken manure which consists of three levels ie P1 (chicken manure 100g/polybag), P2 (chicken manure 150 g/polybag) and P3 (chicken manure 200g/polybag). The second factor is the growing medium mixture consisting of three levels ie T1 (ratio between peat and PMK 1: 1), T2 (comparison between peat and PMK 1: 2) and T3 (comparison between peat and PMK 2: 1). Each treatment was repeated 3 times so that each experimental unit obtained 27 experimental units are 2 seed. The parameters measured were seedling height increment, the increase in diameter stump, in the number of leaves and leaf area. Based on the results of research to get the growth of oil palm seedlings tend to be good with chicken manure at a dose of 200 g/polybag and medium mixture of peat with PMK 2: 1

    Pengaruh Customer Value Dan Word of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung (Studi Pada Pengunjung Pantai Balekambang, Malang)

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    The purpose of this study is identifying and explaining the influence of Customer Value and Word of Mouth partially and simultaneously to the Visit Decision. Explanatory research with quantitative approach is the type of this research. Reasearch population are all tourists/ visitors which is had gotten word of mouth information about Balekambang. Research sample is 115 touristis with purposive sampling technique in sampling used. Collecting data is using questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression. The result showed that Customer Value and Word of Mouth by partially and simultaneously have a significant effect on Visit Decision. 0,736 of R Square value means that Customer Value and Word of Mouth influence 73,6% Visit Decision, whereas 26,4% other is influenced by other variable that isn\u27t addressed in this research. The result of multiple linear regression analysis showed that Word of Mouth give dominant influence on Visit Decisions where is the influence of Word of Mouth is about 1,118 and Customer Value is about 0,439 and each value of Sig. t and Sig. F is 0,000

    Polymorphism and Association of 5’UTR CAPN1 Gene with Growth Traits in Bali Cattle by PCR-RFLP

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    The aim of this study was to identify the variation of 5’UTR CAPN1 gene and its association to growth traits in Bali cattle. DNA samples were obtained from 80 heads of Bali cattle originated from BPTU-HPT Denpasar. The average of Bali cattle age was 784 days (631 days-1098 days). Bali cattle were divided into 3 age groups namely, the first group (1.5 years to 2 years), the second group (2 years to 2.5 years), and the third group (2.5 years to 3 years). The observed growth traits were birth weight (kg), live weights (kg), average daily gain (kg), body length (cm), chest depth (cm), withers height (cm), hip height (cm), and heart girth (cm). Polymorphism identification of 5’UTR CAPN1 gene was conducted by Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) with BglII as the restriction enzyme. Growth traits data association were analyzed using the General Linear Model (GLM) analysis. The 5’UTR CAPN1 gene|BglII was polymorphic in Bali cattle (GG, GT, and TT). Genotype frequencies for Bali cattle were 0.30 (GG), 0.66 (GT), and 0.04 (TT). The allele frequencies of G and T allele were 0.63 and 0.37, respectively. The G allele was the most frequent allele and GT genotype was the most frequent genotype among the cattle. The CAPN1|BglII had a significant effect (p<0.05) on growth traits in Bali cattle. Animal carrier of GG genotype had higher live weight and average daily gain than those with GT genotype, while the lowest values were associated with TT genotype

    Perubahan Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah, Serapan P Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung Pada Tanah Inceptisol Kwala Bekala Akibat Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Ayam Dan Beberapa Sumber P

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    Tanah Inceptisol memiliki kandungan bahan organik yang rendah dan pH yang rendah.Kandungan bahan organik rendah dengan ratio C/N tergolong rendah dan kandungan P potensial rendah.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Kasa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan.Pada bulan Agustus tahun 2015 sampai dengan selesai.Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) faktorial terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor I adalah pupuk kandang ayam dengan 4 taraf yaitu: tanpa aplikasi pupuk kandang ayam, 40 g/polibag, 80 g/polibag, dan 120 g/polibag. Faktor II adalah beberapa sumber Pyang terdiri dari: tanpa aplikasi pupuk P, pupuk SP-36, dan pupuk TSP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian pupuk kandang ayam dapat merubah beberapa sifat kimia tanah, serapan P dan produksi tanaman jagung pada Tanah Inceptisol Kwala Bekala. Pemberian beberapa sumber P dapat merubah beberapa sifat kimia tanah, serapan P dan pertumbuhan tanaman jagung pada Tanah Inceptisol Kwala Bekala. Interaksi antara pupuk kandang ayam dan beberapa sumber P dapat merubah beberapa sifat kimia tanah, serapan P dan produksi tanaman jagung pada Tanah Inceptisol Kwala Bekala

    Perbandingan Kinerja Simpang Bersinyal Berdasarkan Pkji 2014 Dan Pengamatan Langsung (Studi Kasus : Simpang Jl. Brigjend Sudiarto/ Jl. Gajah Raya/ Jl. Lamper Tengah Kota Semarang

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    Pedoman Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia atau PKJI merupakan pemutakhiran Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia atau MKJI. Studi pra-penelitian mengindikasikan hasil analisis PKJI lebih mendekati pengamatan lapangan dibandingkan hasil analisis MKJI, namun masih ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan karakteristik antrian pada simpang bersinyal hasil analisis PKJI terhadap hasil pengamatan di lapangan, dan untuk memberikan rekomendasi faktor penyesuaian terhadap PKJI. Kajian ini diterapkan pada Simpang Gajah di Kota Semarang dengan parameter analisis jumlah antrian (NQ1 dan NQ2), panjang antrian (PA), dan rasio kendaraan henti (RKH). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa antara analisis PKJI dan pengamatan lapangan terdapat perbedaan NQ1 sebesar 2,26 – 305,22 skr, perbedaan NQ2 sebesar 0,28 – 9,60 skr, perbedaan PA sebesar 8,63 – 1913,34 meter, dan perbedaan RKH sebesar 0,66 – 6,08 stop/skr. Perbedaan ini dapat diminimalkan dengan faktor koreksi (FK) meliputi faktor koreksi jumlah antrian (FKNQ1 dan FKNQ2), faktor koreksi panjang antrian (FKPA), dan faktor koreksi rasio kendaraan henti (FKRKH). Faktor koreksi digunakan dengan Perumusan : nilai parameter (NQ1, NQ2, PA, RKH) PKJI terkoreksi = nilai parameter (NQ1, NQ2, PA, RKH) PKJI Hitungan x (1-FK). Luasan rata-rata per skr pada DJ<0,85 disesuaikan dari 20 m2 menjadi ±12 m2

    Global demand for natural resources eliminated more than 100,000 Bornean orangutans

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    Unsustainable exploitation of natural resources is increasingly affecting the highly biodiverse tropics. Although rapid developments in remote sensing technology have permitted more precise estimates of land-cover change over large spatial scales , our knowledge about the effects of these changes on wildlife is much more sparse. Here we use field survey data, predictive density distribution modeling, and remote sensing to investigate the impact of resource use and land-use changes on the density distribution of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus). Our models indicate that between 1999 and 2015, half of the orangutan population was affected by logging, deforestation, or industrialized plantations. Although land clearance caused the most dramatic rates of decline, it accounted for only a small proportion of the total loss. A much larger number of orangutans were lost in selectively logged and primary forests, where rates of decline were less precipitous, but where far more orangutans are found. This suggests that further drivers, independent of land-use change, contribute to orangutan loss. This finding is consistent with studies reporting hunting as a major cause in orangutan decline . Our predictions of orangutan abundance loss across Borneo suggest that the population decreased by more than 100,000 individuals, corroborating recent estimates of decline . Practical solutions to prevent future orangutan decline can only be realized by addressing its complex causes in a holistic manner across political and societal sectors, such as in land-use planning, resource exploitation, infrastructure development, and education, and by increasing long-term sustainability