65 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of oligosaccharide binding to a monoclonal antibody specific for a Salmonella O-antigen point to hydrophobic interactions in the binding site.

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    The thermodynamic characteristics of oligosaccharide binding to an antibody binding site that is dominated by aromatic amino acids suggest that the hydrophobic effect contributes substantially to complex formation as well as hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions. A detailed titration microcalorimetric study on the temperature dependence of the binding of a trisaccharide, representing the epitope of a Salmonella O-antigen, showed that its maximum binding to the monoclonal antibody Se155-4 occurs just below room temperature and both enthalpy and entropy changes are strongly dependent on temperature in a mutually compensating manner. The heat capacity change also shows an unusually strong temperature dependence being large and negative above room temperature and positive below. van't Hoff analysis of the temperature dependence of the binding constant yielded a biphasic curve with two apparent intrinsic enthalpy estimations (approximately -100 kJ mol-1 above 18 degrees C and approximately +100 kJ mol-1 below), each very different from the calorimetrically determined enthalpies (ranging from about -60 kJ mol-1 to -20 kJ mol-1). This was interpreted as being due to large enthalpy contributions from concomitant reactions, most notably changes in solvation. Linear plots, -delta H0 versus -T delta S0, observed for temperature-dependent measurements mirror the behavior seen for a series of functional group replacements, suggesting that the molecular and physical origin of these phenomena are closely related and linked to the role of water in complex formation. The thermodynamic results are compared to the mode of binding determined from a 2.05-A resolution structure of the Fab-oligosaccharide complex, and with literature data for the heat capacities of sugars in aqueous solution and for the thermodynamics of carbohydrate binding to transport proteins and lectins

    Bacterial expression and secretion of various single-chain Fv genes encoding proteins specific for a Salmonella serotype B O-antigen.

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    Active single-chain Fv molecules encoded by synthetic genes have been expressed and secreted to the periplasm of Escherichia coli using the ompA secretory signal. Four different constructs were developed to investigate the effects of peptide linker design and VL-VH orientation on expression, secretion, and binding to a Salmonella O-polysaccharide antigen. Peptide linker sequences derived from the elbow regions of the Fab molecule were used alone or in combination with the flexible (GGGGS)2 sequence. VL and VH domain order in the single chain molecules had a profound effect on the level of secretion but hardly influenced total expression levels, which were approximately 50 mg/liter, chiefly in the form of inclusion bodies. With VL in the NH2-terminal position, the amount of secreted product obtained was 2.4 mg/liter, but when VH occupied this position the yield was less than 5% of this value. Enzyme immunoassays of the four products showed domain order and linker sequence affected antigen binding by less than an order of magnitude. Attempts to express active Fv from dicistronic DNA were unsuccessful, but active Fv was obtained from single-chain Fv by enzymic cleavage at a site in the elbow linker peptide. The thermodynamic binding parameters of intact and cleaved single-chain Fvs determined by titration microcalorimetry were similar to those of bacterially produced Fab and mouse IgG

    The anti-sigma factor RsrA responds to oxidative stress by reburying its hydrophobic core

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    Redox-regulated effector systems that counteract oxidative stress are essential for all forms of life. Here we uncover a new paradigm for sensing oxidative stress centred on the hydrophobic core of a sensor protein. RsrA is an archetypal zinc-binding anti-sigma factor that responds to disulfide stress in the cytoplasm of Actinobacteria. We show that RsrA utilizes its hydrophobic core to bind the sigma factor σ R preventing its association with RNA polymerase, and that zinc plays a central role in maintaining this high-affinity complex. Oxidation of RsrA is limited by the rate of zinc release, which weakens the RsrA-σ R complex by accelerating its dissociation. The subsequent trigger disulfide, formed between specific combinations of RsrA's three zinc-binding cysteines, precipitates structural collapse to a compact state where all σ R-binding residues are sequestered back into its hydrophobic core, releasing σ R to activate transcription of anti-oxidant genes

    Orally Administered P22 Phage Tailspike Protein Reduces Salmonella Colonization in Chickens: Prospects of a Novel Therapy against Bacterial Infections

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    One of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in man and economically important animals is bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The emergence of difficult-to-treat infections, primarily caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria, demands for alternatives to antibiotic therapy. Currently, one of the emerging therapeutic alternatives is the use of lytic bacteriophages. In an effort to exploit the target specificity and therapeutic potential of bacteriophages, we examined the utility of bacteriophage tailspike proteins (Tsps). Among the best-characterized Tsps is that from the Podoviridae P22 bacteriophage, which recognizes the lipopolysaccharides of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. In this study, we utilized a truncated, functionally equivalent version of the P22 tailspike protein, P22sTsp, as a prototype to demonstrate the therapeutic potential of Tsps in the GI tract of chickens. Bacterial agglutination assays showed that P22sTsp was capable of agglutinating S. Typhimurium at levels similar to antibodies and incubating the Tsp with chicken GI fluids showed no proteolytic activity against the Tsp. Testing P22sTsp against the three major GI proteases showed that P22sTsp was resistant to trypsin and partially to chymotrypsin, but sensitive to pepsin. However, in formulated form for oral administration, P22sTsp was resistant to all three proteases. When administered orally to chickens, P22sTsp significantly reduced Salmonella colonization in the gut and its further penetration into internal organs. In in vitro assays, P22sTsp effectively retarded Salmonella motility, a factor implicated in bacterial colonization and invasion, suggesting that the in vivo decolonization ability of P22sTsp may, at least in part, be due to its ability to interfere with motility… Our findings show promise in terms of opening novel Tsp-based oral therapeutic approaches against bacterial infections in production animals and potentially in humans

    Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Adaptive Binding in the Malachite Green RNA Aptamer

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Biochemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bi400549sAdaptive binding, the ability of molecules to fold themselves around the structure of a ligand and thereby incorporating it into their three-dimensional fold, is a key feature of most RNA aptamers. The malachite green aptamer (MGA) has been shown to bind several closely related triphenyl dyes with planar and nonplanar structures in this manner. Competitive binding studies using isothermal titration calorimetry and stopped flow kinetics have been conducted with the aim of understanding the adaptive nature of RNA–ligand interaction. The results of these studies reveal that binding of one ligand can reduce the ability of the aptamer pocket to adapt to another ligand, even if this second ligand has a significantly higher affinity to the free aptamer. A similar effect is observed in the presence of Mg2+ ions which stabilize the binding pocket in a more ligand bound-like conformation.National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) [326911-2009]Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI

    Small Angle X-ray Studies Reveal That Aspergillus niger Glucoamylase has a defined extended conformation and can form dimers in solution

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    The industrially important glucoamylase 1 is an exo-acting glycosidase with substrate preference for alpha-1,4 and alpha-1,6 linkages at non-reducing ends of starch. It consists of a starch binding and a catalytic domain interspersed by a highly glycosylated polypeptide linker. The linker function is poorly understood and structurally undescribed, and data regarding domain organization and intramolecular functional cooperativity are conflicting or non-comprehensive. Here, we report a combined small angle x-ray scattering and calorimetry study of Aspergillus niger glucoamylase 1, glucoamylase 2, which lacks a starch binding domain, and an engineered low-glycosylated variant of glucoamylase 1 with a short linker. Low resolution solution structures show that the linker adopts a compact structure rendering a well defined extended overall conformation to glucoamylase. We demonstrate that binding of a short heterobidentate inhibitor simultaneously directed toward the catalytic and starch binding domains causes dimerization of glucoamylase and not, as suggested previously, an intramolecular conformational rearrangement mediated by linker flexibility. Our results suggest that glucoamylase functions via transient dimer formation during hydrolysis of insoluble substrates and address the question of the cooperative effect of starch binding and hydrolysis

    Evidence for the extended helical nature of polysaccharide epitopes. The 2.8 A resolution structure and thermodynamics of ligand binding of an antigen binding fragment specific for alpha-(2-->8)-polysialic acid: Biochemistry

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    The antigen binding fragment from an IgG2a kappa murine monoclonal antibody with specificity for alpha-(2-->8)-linked sialic acid polymers has been prepared and crystallized in the absence of hapten. Crystals were grown by vapor diffusion equilibrium with 16-18% polyethylene glycol 4000 solutions. The structure was solved by molecular replacement methods and refined to a conventional R factor of 0.164 for data to 2.8 A. The binding site is observed to display a shape and distribution of charges that is complementary to that of the predicted conformation of the oligosaccharide epitope. A thermodynamic description of ligand binding has been compiled for oligosaccharides ranging in length from 9 to 41 residues, and the data for the largest ligand has been used in a novel way to estimate the size of the antigen binding site. A model of antigen binding is presented that satisfies this thermodynamic data, as well as a previously reported requirement of conformational specificity of the oligosaccharide. X-ray crystallographic and thermodynamic evidence are consistent with a binding site that accommodates at least eight sialic acid residuesNRC publication: Ye
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