17 research outputs found

    Antimikrobna rezistencija bakterija Escherichia coli izoliranih iz zdravih pasa u Litvi

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    The objective of this study was to establish the prevalence and antimicrobial resistant patterns of commensal Escherichia coli isolated from healthy dogs. In total, 55 rectal swabs from clinically healthy dogs, kept outside (n = 20), and inside a house (n = 20) and from dogs kept at an animal shelter (n = 15), were collected for isolation of Escherichia coli. Resistance patterns to 11 antimicrobial agents were tested using E-test (Epsilometer test) to determine the MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration). Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (M-PCR) amplification was used to detect selected genes conferring resistance to beta-lactams, tetracycline, aminoglycoside, sulphanilamide, quinolone, and phenicol classes of antimicrobial agents. Forty-eight E. coli strains were isolated from 55 (87.3%) dogs. Multi-drug resistance was present in 38% of resistant isolates. E. coli isolates showed the highest resistance rates to streptomycin (85.1%), ampicillin (77.1%), sulfamethoxazole (70.8%) and tetracycline (64.6%). The isolates were most sensitive to enrofloxacin (87.5%) and chloramphenicol (72.9%). Bacterial resistance genes were determined to tetracycline (tet) (9.7%) trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (dfrA1) (16.7%,), and chloramphenicol (catA1) (5.5%). In general, the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in E. coli isolates from shelter dogs population was higher than in those from dogs kept inside and outside (P<0.05). Companion animals in Lithuania are important reservoirs of resistant Escherichia coli strains. Only appropriate use of antimicrobials can minimize the spread of resistant bacteria among healthy and diseased animals and humans.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi prevalenciju i antimikrobno rezistentne oblike komenzalne bakterije Escherichia coli, izolirane iz zdravih pasa. Za izolaciju bakterija Escherichia coli korišteno je ukupno 55 briseva rektuma zdravih pasa od kojih je jedna skupina držana na otvorenom (n = 20), jedna skupina u kući (n = 20), a jedna je skupina držana u skloništu za životinje (n = 15). Analiza oblika rezistencije na 11 antimikrobnih sredstava provedena je E-testom (test Epsilometar) za određivanje minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije (MIK). Multipleks reakcija lančanom polimerazom (M-PCR) upotrijebljena je za pronalaženje odabranih gena odgovornih za otpornost na beta-laktame, tetraciklin, aminoglikozid, sulfanilamid, kinolon i fenikol klase antimikrobnih sredstava. Od 55 pasa izolirano je 48 sojeva (87,3 %) E. coli. Višestruka otpornost na lijekove bila je prisutna u 38 % rezistentnih izolata. Izolati E. coli pokazali su najveću stopu rezistencije na streptomicin (85,1 %), ampicilin (77,1 %), sulfametoksazol (70,8 %) i tetraciklin (64,6 %). Najveća osjetljivost izolata utvrđena je na enrofloksacin (87,5 %) i kloramfenikol (72,9 %). Bakterijski geni za otpornost određeni su za tetraciklin (tet) (9,7 %) trimetoprim/sulfametoksazol (dfrA1) (16,7 %) i kloramfenikol (catA1) (5,5 %). Općenito, prevalencija antimikrobne rezistencije izolata E. coli iz skupine pasa držanih u skloništima bila je veća nego kod pasa držanih u kući ili na otvorenom (P<0,05). U Litvi su životinje za druženje važan rezervoar rezistentnih sojeva bakterije Escherichia coli. Samo prikladna uporaba antimikrobnih lijekova može smanjiti širenje otpornih bakterija između zdravih i bolesnih životinja odnosno ljudi

    Quarter milking parameters by lactation in dairy cows

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    Ova studija provedena je na 229 muznih krava u Litvi, a za mužnju korišteni su roboti tvrte DeLaval. Pritom su u svakoj pojedinoj četvrti vimena, ovisno o broju laktacija određivani prinos mlijeka (kg), trajanje mužnje (min), protok mlijeka (kg/min) i najviše vrijednosti protoka (kg/min). Statistička analiza prikupljenih podatka napravljena je pomoću programskog paketa Statistical Package for Social Science 22 za Windows, Kolmogorov-Smirnovog testa i modela analize varijance s jednim utjecajnim faktorom (ANOVA). Raspodjela četvrti vimena vrlo je važna u postupku mužnje. Prinos mlijeka u prednjim četvrtima vimena iznosio je oko 4,6 kg (42,2 %), a u zadnjim 6,32 kg (57,8 %) (P<0,05). Dakle, količina mlijeka bila je značajno manja (P<0,05) u prednjim četvrtima vimena u svih ispitivanih muznih krava. Uzimajući u obzir proizvodnju mlijeka u svim četvrtima vimena, mliječnost krava u prvoj laktaciji značajno je manja (P<0,05) u odnosu na krave s većim brojem laktacija. Trajanje mužnje prednjih četvrti vimena krava u trećoj i višoj laktaciji bilo je kraće nego u krava u prvoj laktaciji (P<0,005). S porastom broja laktacija opadalo je trajanje mužnje u prednjim četvrtima. Prosječan protok mlijeka i njegova maksimalna vrijednost bili su niži kod krava u prvoj laktaciju u odnosu na starije krave (P<0,05).The study was conducted on 229 dairy cows in Lithuania. DeLaval milking robots were used for cows’ milking. Milk yield (kg), milking duration (min), milk flow (kg/min), peak flow rates (kg/min) by cow lactation in separate udder quarters were analyzed. The statistical analysis of the research data was performed using the data collection and analysis program package Statistical Package for Social Science 22 for Windows, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and One-Factor Dispersion Analysis (ANOVA) model. Distribution of the udder quarters is very important in the cow milking process. Milk yield from cow front udder quarters was about 4.6 kg (42.2 %) and from rear udder quarters 6.32 kg (57.8 %) (P<0.05). The milk content in front quarters was significantly lower than in the rear udder quarters in all dairy cows (P<0.05). Cows of the first lactation showed lower milk production per milking in all udder quarters when compared to other lactation cows (P<0.05). The duration of milking of cows in third and more lactation in front quarters was shorter than that of the first lactation cows (P<0.005). Along the increase in the number of cows’ lactations, the milking time in the front quarters decreased. The average milk flow and the peak flow in the first lactation cows were found to be lower than that in older cows (P<0.05)

    Analysis of Morphological and Morphometric Changes in a Parenchymal Tissue after the Radiofrequency Ablation Procedure

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Background and Objectives: Prostate cancer is on the rise in the European Union, and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is one of the minimally invasive treatment options used for its treatment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate and analyze the effects of RFA on prostate tissues. Materials and Methods: A standard prostate RFA procedure was performed on 13 non-purebred dogs in three sessions: no cooling (NC), cooling with a 0.1% NaCl solution (C.01), and cooling using a 0.9% NaCl solution (C.09). Microtome-cut 2–3 µm sections of prostate samples were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and further examined. Results: A histopathologic evaluation identified four zones of exposure: direct, application, necrosis, and transitional, as the damage on tissues decreased going further from the ablation site. The areas and perimeters of these zones were calculated, and geometric shapes of ablative lesions were evaluated using the quotient formula. Areas and perimeters of prostate tissue lesions in the NC and C.09 sessions were of similar size, whereas those found in C.01 were statistically significantly smaller. Lesions observed in session C.01 were of the most regular geometric shape, while the most irregular ones were found in session C.09. The shapes of lesions closest to the ablation electrode were the most irregular, becoming more regular the further away from the electrode they were. Conclusions: Prostate RFA leads to tissue damage with distinct morphological zones. Notably, the prostate lesions were the smallest and the most regular in shape after RFA procedures using the 0.1% NaCl cooling solution. It can be argued that smaller ablation sites may result in smaller scars, thus allowing for faster tissue healing if the blood flow and innervation at the ablation site are not compromised.Peer reviewe

    Microbial Diversity and Antimicrobial Resistance Profile in Microbiota From Soils of Conventional and Organic Farming Systems

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    Soil is one of the biggest reservoirs of microbial diversity, yet the processes that define the community dynamics are not fully understood. Apart from soil management being vital for agricultural purposes, it is also considered a favorable environment for the evolution and development of antimicrobial resistance, which is due to its high complexity and ongoing competition between the microorganisms. Different approaches to agricultural production might have specific outcomes for soil microbial community composition and antibiotic resistance phenotype. Therefore in this study we aimed to compare the soil microbiota and its resistome in conventional and organic farming systems that are continually influenced by the different treatment (inorganic fertilizers and pesticides vs. organic manure and no chemical pest management). The comparison of the soil microbial communities revealed no major differences among the main phyla of bacteria between the two farming styles with similar soil structure and pH. Only small differences between the lower taxa could be observed indicating that the soil community is stable, with minor shifts in composition being able to handle the different styles of treatment and fertilization. It is still unclear what level of intensity can change microbial composition but current conventional farming in Central Europe demonstrates acceptable level of intensity for soil bacterial communities. When the resistome of the soils was assessed by screening the total soil DNA for clinically relevant and soil-derived antibiotic resistance genes, a low variety of resistance determinants was detected (resistance to β-lactams, aminoglycosides, tetracycline, erythromycin, and rifampicin) with no clear preference for the soil farming type. The same soil samples were also used to isolate antibiotic resistant cultivable bacteria, which were predominated by highly resistant isolates of Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Sphingobacterium and Chryseobacterium genera. The resistance of these isolates was largely dependent on the efflux mechanisms, the soil Pseudomonas spp. relying mostly on RND, while Stenotrophomonas spp. and Chryseobacterium spp. on RND and ABC transporters

    Lietuvos pieninių galvijų genominės selekcijos ekonominis įvertinimas

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    Siekiant įvertinti ekonominę genominės selekcijos panaudojimo naudą Lietuvos pieniniams galvijams, buvo atliktas bandomasis tyrimas. Kiekvienai karvei buvo nustatytas genominis pieninių galvijų „Igenity“ profilis pagal produktyvaus amžiaus požymį, somatinių ląstelių skaičių, primilžį, riebalų ir baltymų kiekį bei procentą, ir pieninę formą. Didelis, nuo 8 iki 10 siekiantis produktyvaus amžiaus požymio, genominis potencialas buvo nustatytas 23 % ištirtų karvių, primilžyje - 13 %, riebalų kg - 25,5 %, riebalų procentais - 17 %, baltymų kg - 27 %, baltymų procentais - 41,5 %. Nuo 1 iki 3 svyruojanti bei somatinių ląstelių skaičiui pageidautina žema genetinė vertė buvo nustatyta pagal 13 % ištirtų gyvūnų. Pieninių galvijų genominės selekcijos taikymas leido autoriams įvertinti pieninių genčių potencialą, padidinti selekcijos tikslumą, pasirinkti skirtingus atrankos modelius ir taikant naują selekcijos priemonę, didinti jos intensyvumą. Genominės selekcijos metodą rekomenduojama taikyti ne tik atskiroms galvijų bandoms, bet ir visose pieninių galvijų veislių (Lietuvos juodmargiams, Lietuvos žaliesiems, Holšteinams) selekcijos programose, nes kiekvieno gyvūno genominė informacija yra vertinama remiantis tarptautiniais duomenimis, suteikiant galimybę įvertinti veislinę vertę tarptautiniu mastu ir dalyvauti tarpvalstybinėse tarptautinėse pienininių galvijų veisimo programose.The pilot study was conducted to evaluate economic benefit of application of genomic selection in Lithuanian dairy cattle. Igenity dairy cattle genomic profile was determined for each cow, including traits of productive life, somatic cell count, milk yield, fat amount, fat %, protein amount, protein %, dairy form. Application of genomic selection in dairy cattle has enabled the authors to evaluate dairy cattle genomic potential, increase accuracy of selection, choose different selection models and increase selection intensity, all together resulting in the new selection tool taking into account economic benefit of usage. Genomic selection method is recommended to be applied not only to separate cattle herds, but also whole dairy breed (Lithuanian Black and White, Lithuanian Red, Holstein) selection programs, as the genomic information of each animal is ranked on the basis of international data enabling international breeding value evaluation and participation in cross-country international dairy cattle breeding programs

    Factors influencing choice of veterinary service

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    Increasing competition among health care service providers for pets and constantly growing requirements for the veterinary service quality, force veterinary service providers to search for some possibilities to remain competitive in the market in order to meet both customer needs and expectations, and animal needs best. The aim of the research is - having identified the choice motives for animal health care service, to enumerate the factors, influencing the choice of veterinary service. In order to find the pet keepers' approach concerning the factors, influencing the choice of veterinary service, a pilot research was completed. According to the gained primary data results in the research, it was found that the key factors, influencing the choice of veterinary service are as follows: the service quality of health care, the recommendation of the person responsible for animal care and the price for the delivered serviceLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Economic Evaluation of Genomic Selection in Lithuanian Dairy Cattle

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    The pilot study was conducted to evaluate economic benefit of application of genomic selection in Lithuanian dairy cattle. Igenity dairy cattle genomic profile was determined for each cow, including traits of productive life, somatic cell count, milk yield, fat amount, fat %, protein amount, protein %, dairy form. Application of genomic selection in dairy cattle has enabled the authors to evaluate dairy cattle genomic potential, increase accuracy of selection, choose different selection models and increase selection intensity, all together resulting in the new selection tool taking into account economic benefit of usage. Genomic selection method is recommended to be applied not only to separate cattle herds, but also whole dairy breed (Lithuanian Black and White, Lithuanian Red, Holstein) selection programs, as the genomic information of each animal is ranked on the basis of international data enabling international breeding value evaluation and participation in cross-country international dairy cattle breeding programsLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Veterinarijos akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from healthy dogs in Lithuania

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    The objective of this study was to establish the prevalence and antimicrobial resistant patterns of commensal Escherichia coli isolated from healthy dogs. In total, 55 rectal swabs from clinically healthy dogs, kept outside (n = 20), and inside a house (n = 20) and from dogs kept at an animal shelter (n = 15), were collected for isolation of Escherichia coli. Resistance patterns to 11 antimicrobial agents were tested using E-test (Epsilometer test) to determine the MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration). Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (M-PCR) amplification was used to detect selected genes conferring resistance to beta-lactams, tetracycline, aminoglycoside, sulphanilamide, quinolone, and phenicol classes of antimicrobial agents. Forty-eight E. coli strains were isolated from 55 (87.3%) dogs. Multi-drug resistance was present in 38% of resistant isolates. E. coli isolates showed the highest resistance rates to streptomycin (85.1%), ampicillin (77.1%), sulfamethoxazole (70.8%) and tetracycline (64.6%). The isolates were most sensitive to enrofloxacin (87.5%) and chloramphenicol (72.9%). Bacterial resistance genes were determined to tetracycline (tet) (9.7%) trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (dfrA1) (16.7%,), and chloramphenicol (catA1) (5.5%). In general, the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in E. coli isolates from shelter dogs population was higher than in those from dogs kept inside and outside (P<0.05). Companion animals in Lithuania are important reservoirs of resistant Escherichia coli strains. Only appropriate use of antimicrobials can minimize the spread of resistant bacteria among healthy and diseased animals and humans.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi prevalenciju i antimikrobno rezistentne oblike komenzalne bakterije Escherichia coli, izolirane iz zdravih pasa. Za izolaciju bakterija Escherichia coli korišteno je ukupno 55 briseva rektuma zdravih pasa od kojih je jedna skupina držana na otvorenom (n = 20), jedna skupina u kući (n = 20), a jedna je skupina držana u skloništu za životinje (n = 15). Analiza oblika rezistencije na 11 antimikrobnih sredstava provedena je E-testom (test Epsilometar) za određivanje minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije (MIK). Multipleks reakcija lančanom polimerazom (M-PCR) upotrijebljena je za pronalaženje odabranih gena odgovornih za otpornost na beta-laktame, tetraciklin, aminoglikozid, sulfanilamid, kinolon i fenikol klase antimikrobnih sredstava. Od 55 pasa izolirano je 48 sojeva (87,3 %) E. coli. Višestruka otpornost na lijekove bila je prisutna u 38 % rezistentnih izolata. Izolati E. coli pokazali su najveću stopu rezistencije na streptomicin (85,1 %), ampicilin (77,1 %), sulfametoksazol (70,8 %) i tetraciklin (64,6 %). Najveća osjetljivost izolata utvrđena je na enrofloksacin (87,5 %) i kloramfenikol (72,9 %). Bakterijski geni za otpornost određeni su za tetraciklin (tet) (9,7 %) trimetoprim/sulfametoksazol (dfrA1) (16,7 %) i kloramfenikol (catA1) (5,5 %). Općenito, prevalencija antimikrobne rezistencije izolata E. coli iz skupine pasa držanih u skloništima bila je veća nego kod pasa držanih u kući ili na otvorenom (P<0,05). U Litvi su životinje za druženje važan rezervoar rezistentnih sojeva bakterije Escherichia coli. Samo prikladna uporaba antimikrobnih lijekova može smanjiti širenje otpornih bakterija između zdravih i bolesnih životinja odnosno ljudi

    The Effect of royal jelly on boar sperm viability and motility during liquid storage for 96 hours

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    The current study was carried out to investigate the protective effects of royal jelly supplementation on sperm motility, viability and pH value during the liquid storage of boar semen at 16 °C and 4 °C, at various periods of time (0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h). Semen samples were collected from 11 boars, diluted with a long-term extender and supplemented with different concentration of royal jelly (0%, 0.5%, 1% and 2%) at a final concentration of 50 × 106 sperm/ml. In the laboratory, the semen was assessed for sperm morphology, viability (eosin-nigrosin staining), subjective motility and objective sperm motility by sperm class analyzer. In total, 396 tests for sperm viability and motility were performed. The longer storage time and the lower incubation temperature showed lower sperm motility and viability results. The results showed that royal jelly supplementation at 1% concentrations protected the functionality of the sperm plasma membrane during the liquid storage time of 96 h at 16 °C. Sperm subjective and objective motility results in samples stored at 4 °C decreased with higher royal jelly concentrations and longer storage time, and differ significantly from the results in samples stored at 16 °C (P < 0.05). Our data showed that royal jelly supplementation at lower concentrations can improve boar semen motility and viability parameters during liquid storage at 16 °C for 96 h