30 research outputs found

    The evolution of the CIO profile: Evidence in Chile

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    The great and dynamic possibilities offered by the information technologies (IT) impose new challenges to the organizations. The new capabilities of IT demand that the skills and abilities of the people in charge of the technological management evolve accordingly. In this context we are intrigued by what is the evolution of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) that endows him/her with the capacity to face such challenges? Are there patterns in the evolution of the CIO profile? To answer these questions we integrated the definitions in the literature for the ideal CIO profile with the academic programs of prestigious universities in a conceptual map. Then we interviewed 26 CIOs working in Chile to contrast their profiles with the conceptual map. From the literature review we found several prescriptive features regarding the profile and role of the CIO in modern organizations. Differences were found between the ideal role and the evolutionary status of Chilean CIOs. In spite of the differences, we found patterns for the evolution of the profile that allowed us to propose hypotheses and recommendations for the evolution of Chilean CIOs. Finally, we believe that this paper offers a powerful diagnose of the CIO profile to be used by organizations, IT professionals and universities to set professional and academic paths for success in the IT leading position

    Information value in stochastic and quadratic decision problems

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    It is widely well known that the introduction of Information Technology (IT)has a hard impact in organizations and markets. This introduces the questionabout how to design organizations and markets to take the advantages of theIT's and make them valuable. To answer this question we recognize thesignificance of the coordination. Malone and Crowston (1994) definecoordination as the management of interdependence activities. If thecoordination is an activity causing costs then we can infer that the IT'scan diminish certain costs of coordination. Wich is the value of theinformation for a decision maker? If different decision makers mustcoordinate activities, what is the information and communication value? Wemodel the stochastic and quadratic decision problems and have denominatedthem as (Q1) and (Q2) so as to represent the cases one and two decisionmakers respectly. (Q1r) and (Q2r) represent the restringed cases.In one side, important theorems of games and decisions theories are deduced.In the other side the following conclusions are got in relation to theinformation value:1. The information value of the problem (Q1) is non-negative.2. The information value of the problem (Q2) is non-negative, if theinteraction is observable.3. In the case of (Q1r), the suffiency conditions for the resourcesrestrictions do not influence on the information value, is that the image ofthe technology operator be equal to the set of known random variable.4. In the (Q2r) case we have demostrated that the irrelevance of thetechnology operator on the infomation value is similar to the case (Q1r)

    Computing the value of information of quadratic decision problems and its non-negativity conditions

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    There are many examples in the literature of non-cooperative games in which players prefer not to have additional information in order to improve their payoff. We present a general quadratic game in which, if one of the players improves his payoff upon obtaining more information, the other player's payoff worsens in such a way that there is a net social loss due to having more information. How can we ensure this does not occur? The results of this paper are (1) the mathematical expression of the (social) value of information in a quadratic non-cooperative game, and (2) the conditions that ensure the social value of information is non-negative.CONICYT-Chile through a Basal project, CMM, Universidad de Chile / Department of Mathematical Engineering, Universidad de Concepcion (Chile) / Department of Information System, Universidad de Chil

    Predicting sentencing outcomes with centrality measures

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    Despite their importance for stakeholders in the criminal justice system, few methods have been developed for determining which criminal behavior variables will produce accurate sentence predictions. Some approaches found in the literature resort to techniques based on indirect variables, but not on the social network behavior with exception of the work of Baker and Faulkner [ASR 58: 837–860, 1993]. Using information on the Caviar Network narcotics trafficking group as a real-world case, we attempt to explain sentencing outcomes employing the social network indicators. Specifically, we report the ability of centrality measures to predict a) the verdict (innocent or guilty) and b) the sentence length in years. We show that while the set of indicators described by Baker and Faulkner yields good predictions, introduction of the additional centrality measures generates better predictions. Some ideas for orienting future research on further improvements to sentencing outcome prediction are discussed.A pesar de la importancia para diferentes actores involucrados en el sistema judicial, se han desarrollados pocos métodos para determinar las variables del comportamiento organizado que permiten predecir las sentencias judiciales de redes criminales. Algunas aproximaciones encontradas en la literatura especializada usa variables indirectas al comportamiento organizado y no en el comportamiento en red de estas organizaciones. Nosotros usamos información real sobre un caso de red criminal real que operó en Montreal (Canadá) y analizamos la comunicación entre los miembros de la red para determinar si su comportamiento comunicacional permite predecir el veredicto así como los años de sentencia. Encontramos que los modelos de regresión obtenidos y las variables de centralidad nodal utilizadas por nosotros logra un mejor capacidad predictiva. Finalmente, se discuten algunas ideas dirigidas a mejorar la predicción de sentencias judiciales desde las medidas de redes sociales

    Mean-variance portfolio selection with the ordered weighted average

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    Portfolio selection is the theory that studies the pro-cess of selecting the optimal proportion of different assets. The firstapproach was introduced by Harry Markowitz and was based ona mean-variance framework. This paper introduces the orderedweighted average (OWA) in the mean-variance model. The mainidea is to replace the classical mean and variance by the OWA op-erator. By doing so, the new model is able to study different degreesof optimism and pessimism in the analysis being able to develop anapproach that considers the decision makers attitude in the selec-tion process. This paper also suggests a new framework for dealingwith the attitudinal character of the decision maker based on thenumerical values of the available arguments. The main advantageof this method is the ability to adapt to many situations offering amore complete representation of the available data from the mostpessimistic situation to the most optimistic one. An illustrative withfictitious data and a real example are studied

    Bargaining under polarization: The case of the Colombian armed conflict

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    A bargaining framework and a measure of conflict polarization are developed from two elements: (i) hatred-based negative externalities experienced by the parties to the conflict, and (ii) penalties the parties impose on their delegated negotiators when concessions are made in the bargaining process. The framework establishes agreement and disagreement regions and it is shown that a necessary condition for a negotiated solution is the adoption of a dual policy that combines dissociative political and military strategies. This analytical approach is applied first to polarized conflicts generally and then to the specific case of the internal conflict in Colombia between that country's government and the FARC guerrilla group. The model provides a rationale for the complex dynamic of Colombia's current peace process, which has involved a preliminary agreement and its subsequent rejection in a national referendum. Our analysis highlights the successful dissociative political-military strategy followed by the negotiators that enabled them to reach the agreement and the negotiators' underestimation of the hatred levels that led the majority of the Colombian society represented in the referendum to vote the agreement down because they considered the concessions made by the government too generous to be acceptable

    The core skills of the cio we need

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    Currently, organizations depend on their Information Systems and Technology Systems (IS/IT) functioning normally, as well as the innovative processes that can arise from them. However, the current performance of the CIO (Chief Information Officer) can be questioned when one contrasts his role as the one responsible for the administration of opportunities given by IS/IT, and the business value added by those technologies. In such a scenario, we pose the question of how the IS/IT professionals acquire articulated competencies and skills that prepare them for the CIO position. In order to elucidate an answer to our question, we interviewed professionals in the CIO position, and surveyed an array of prestigious graduate programs from the USA, European Union and Asia. The most relevant findings of our study report an operational view towards the CIO in the academic formation as well as in the roles that organizations assign to the professional

    Research in Production and Operations Management: A University-Based Bibliometric Analysis

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    Universities across the world are contributing greatly to production and operations management (POM) research and playing significant roles in social and economic development. This article analyzes the performance of universities in POM research and development between 1990 and 2014. The Web of Science core collection database is used to collect all the necessary data. The results show a wide diversity among the countries of origin of the top universities, with some of them being in Asia, Europe, and North America. These results are quite different from many other management areas where English-speaking countries, especially the USA, tend to be dominant. Hong Kong Polytechnic University is the most productive university, while Michigan State University is the most influential one. Time-based evolution reveals that the USA previously had a more dominant position, while now there is more distribution of top universities around the world. The analysis of selected journals indicates that many journals tend to be more influenced by their respective countries of origin. However, other journals show a more general profile by publishing papers from most of the countries around the world

    The core skills of the cio we need

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    Currently, organizations depend on their Information Systems and Technology Systems (IS/IT) functioning normally, as well as the innovative processes that can arise from them. However, the current performance of the CIO (Chief Information Officer) can be questioned when one contrasts his role as the one responsible for the administration of opportunities given by IS/IT, and the business value added by those technologies. In such a scenario, we pose the question of how the IS/IT professionals acquire articulated competencies and skills that prepare them for the CIO position. In order to elucidate an answer to our question, we interviewed professionals in the CIO position, and surveyed an array of prestigious graduate programs from the USA, European Union and Asia. The most relevant findings of our study report an operational view towards the CIO in the academic formation as well as in the roles that organizations assign to the professional.Actualmente, las organizaciones son dependientes del funcionamiento normal de sus Sistemas de Información y Tecnologías de Información (IS/IT), como asimismo de los procesos de innovación que se pueden desprender de estos. No obstante, el actual desempeño de los Gerentes de Información y Sistemas (CIO) puede ser cuestionado cuando uno contrasta su rol como responsable por la administración de oportunidades dadas por IS/IT, y el valor agregado al negocio por las tecnologías. En tal escenario, nos preguntamos: ¿Cómo los profesionales en IS/IT adquieren competencias y habilidades de manera articulada que los prepare para la posición de CIO? Para elaborar una respuesta a esta pregunta, entrevistamos profesionales en la posición de CIO y revisamos un amplio espectro de prestigiosos programas de postgrado en EE.UU., Unión Europea y Asia. Los hallazgos más relevantes del estudio revelan una visión operacional hacia el CIO, tanto en su formación académica como en las funciones que las organizaciones le asigna