249 research outputs found

    Towards hand biometrics in mobile devices

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    The increasing demand of security oriented to mobile applications has raised the attention to biometrics, as a proper and suitable solution for providing secure environment to mobile devices. With this aim, this document presents a biometric system based on hand geometry oriented to mobile devices, involving a high degree of freedom in terms of illumination, hand rotation and distance to camera. The user takes a picture of their own hand in the free space, without requiring any flat surface to locate the hand, and without removals of rings, bracelets or watches. The proposed biometric system relies on an accurate segmentation procedure, able to isolate hands from any background; a feature extraction, invariant to orientation, illumination, distance to camera and background; and a user classification, based on k-Nearest Neighbor approach, able to provide an accurate results on individual identification. The proposed method has been evaluated with two own databases collected with a HTC mobile. First database contains 120 individuals, with 20 acquisitions of both hands. Second database is a synthetic database, containing 408000 images of hand samples in different backgrounds: tiles, grass, water, sand, soil and the like. The system is able to identify individuals properly with False Reject Rate of 5.78% and False Acceptance Rate of 0.089%, using 60 features (15 features per finger

    Towards hand biometrics in mobile devices

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    The increasing demand of security oriented to mobile applications has raised the attention to biometrics, as a proper and suitable solution for providing secure environment to mobile devices. With this aim, this document presents a biometric system based on hand geometry oriented to mobile devices, involving a high degree of freedom in terms of illumination, hand rotation and distance to camera. The user takes a picture of their own hand in the free space, without requiring any flat surface to locate the hand, and without removals of rings, bracelets or watches. The proposed biometric system relies on an accurate segmentation procedure, able to isolate hands from any background; a feature extraction, invariant to orientation, illumination, distance to camera and background; and a user classification, based on k-Nearest Neighbor approach, able to provide an accurate results on individual identification. The proposed method has been evaluated with two own databases collected with a HTC mobile. First database contains 120 individuals, with 20 acquisitions of both hands. Second database is a synthetic database, containing 408000 images of hand samples in different backgrounds: tiles, grass, water, sand, soil and the like. The system is able to identify individuals properly with False Reject Rate of 5.78% and False Acceptance Rate of 0.089%, using 60 features (15 features per finger

    Towards hand biometrics in mobile devices

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    The increasing demand of security oriented to mobile applications has raised the attention to biometrics, as a proper and suitable solution for providing secure environment to mobile devices. With this aim, this document presents a biometric system based on hand geometry oriented to mobile devices, involving a high degree of freedom in terms of illumination, hand rotation and distance to camera. The user takes a picture of their own hand in the free space, without requiring any flat surface to locate the hand, and without removals of rings, bracelets or watches. The proposed biometric system relies on an accurate segmentation procedure, able to isolate hands from any background; a feature extraction, invariant to orientation, illumination, distance to camera and background; and a user classification, based on k-Nearest Neighbor approach, able to provide an accurate results on individual identification. The proposed method has been evaluated with two own databases collected with a HTC mobile. First database contains 120 individuals, with 20 acquisitions of both hands. Second database is a synthetic database, containing 408000 images of hand samples in different backgrounds: tiles, grass, water, sand, soil and the like. The system is able to identify individuals properly with False Reject Rate of 5.78% and False Acceptance Rate of 0.089%, using 60 features (15 features per finger

    A robustness verification system for mobile phone authentication based on gestures using Linear Discriminant Analysis

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    This article evaluates an authentication technique for mobiles based on gestures. Users create a remindful identifying gesture to be considered as their in-air signature. This work analyzes a database of 120 gestures of different vulnerability, obtaining an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 9.19% when robustness of gestures is not verified. Most of the errors in this EER come from very simple and easily forgeable gestures that should be discarded at enrollment phase. Therefore, an in-air signature robustness verification system using Linear Discriminant Analysis is proposed to infer automatically whether the gesture is secure or not. Different configurations have been tested obtaining a lowest EER of 4.01% when 45.02% of gestures were discarded, and an optimal compromise of EER of 4.82% when 19.19% of gestures were automatically rejected

    Hand Image Segmentation by means of Gaussian Multiscale Aggregation for biometric applications

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    Applying biometrics to daily scenarios involves demanding requirements in terms of software and hardware. On the contrary, current biometric techniques are also being adapted to present-day devices, like mobile phones, laptops and the like, which are far from meeting the previous stated requirements. In fact, achieving a combination of both necessities is one of the most difficult problems at present in biometrics. Therefore, this paper presents a segmentation algorithm able to provide suitable solutions in terms of precision for hand biometric recognition, considering a wide range of backgrounds like carpets, glass, grass, mud, pavement, plastic, tiles or wood. Results highlight that segmentation accuracy is carried out with high rates of precision (F-measure 88%)), presenting competitive time results when compared to state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms time performanc

    The World Trade Organization Appellate Body Blockade: A Blow to the Multilateral Trading System Stability

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    El sistema de solución de disputas de la Organización Mundial del Comercio se diferencia de otros mecanismos de resolución de controversias por su obligatoriedad, automaticidad y órgano de apelaciones. Dicho sistema no ha tenido una aplicación pacífica. Uno de los elementos más cuestionados es su Órgano de Apelaciones, a tal punto que, desde hace más de un año, Estados Unidos logró bloquear el funcionamiento del mencionado órgano. No obstante, este hecho tiene repercusiones que afectan la obligatoriedad y automaticidad del Sistema de Solución de Disputas y la estabilidad y credibilidad de la Organización Mundial del Comercio.The Dispute Settlement System of the World Trade Organization differs from other dispute resolution mechanisms due to its automaticity, mandatory nature and Appellate Body. This system has not had a peaceful application. One of its most questioned elements is its Appellate Body; to the point that for more than a year the Uni ted States has blocked the operation of the aforementioned body. This fact has consequences that have to do with the mandatory nature and automaticity of the Dispute Settlement System and the stability and credibility of the World Trade Organization

    Creating an Iris Image from a given Iris Template

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    An Iris Detection System is known to be one of the strongest systems in terms of security. One of the main security aspects of this system relays on the incapability to reconstruct the original iris image from the iris template, i.e. that binary string able to provide the enough information to identify and/or authenticate a certain user. However, this paper proposes a method in order to carry out the solution for such a problem. The algorithm is based on evolutionary strategies, and intends to find an image whose iris template attends to be so similar as required to a given iris template. Results will highlight how this algorithm achieves the required aim, and how the performance can be as accurate as desired

    Nuevos Algoritmos y Ataques a Sistemas de Identificación Biométrica basados en Reconocimiento de Iris

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    En este trabajo se recogen dos enfoques claramente de_nidos: Primeramente, se propone una mejora a los sistemas actuales de detecci _on de iris, tanto en detecci_on de pupila, como en detecci_on de iris en s__ misma. Dichos algoritmos rompen con el esquema cl_asico de aislamiento de iris, y proponen una nueva idea en este campo. Adem_as, se utilizar_an bases de datos actuales para la evaluaci_on de los resultados. Por otro lado, se presenta un esquema de ataque a un sistema de iris en el que a partir del patr_on biom_etrico se reproduce una imagen de iris capaz de confundir a dicho sistema, mediante la utilizaci_on de algoritmos gen_eticos. Este novedoso procedimiento, no existe nada parecido en la literatura actual, permitir__a a un determinado usuario falsi_car su identidad, utilizando simplemente el patr_on biom_etrico de iris de otro usuario. Los resultados de este algoritmo muestran como esto es factible. Adem_as, no existe en la literatura nada similar en cuesti_on de ataques de este tipo a un sistema de iris

    Exercicis individuals de gimnàstica rítmica: varietat i diversitat

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és fer una anàlisi quantitativa i qualitativa dels elements tècnics utilitzats en exercicis individuals en el Campionat del Món de Gimnàstica Rítmica (GR) a Kíev, 2013, i identificar les característiques estructurals de la composició que permeten percebre la varietat i diversitat en els exercicis de GR en cadascun dels aparells. Es van analitzar 288 fitxes de la competició, corresponents als exercicis de 72 gimnastes en cada aparell (cèrcol, pilota, maces i cinta). Les dades van ser analitzades mitjançant estadística descriptiva i proves no paramètriques (Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney i prova de Friedman). Els resultats mostren característiques estructurals en la composició dels exercicis similars en les diferents modalitats respecte als aspectes de la tècnica corporal que determinen el major percentatge en la composició. Els exercicis dels diferents aparells es distingeixen en els grups més relacionats amb la part artística (mestratge, passos rítmics i elements dinàmics de rotació amb llançament, EDR), principalment a causa de les característiques específiques de cada aparell. Aquest estudi proporciona informació actualitzada sobre el contingut tècnic dels exercicis individuals de GR d’elit, per ser considerada respecte a: (1) la possibilitat de modificar el present codi de puntuació, sobretot en la definició de les exigències de composició que afavoreixin la varietat i diversitat i fomentar el valor artístic i la unitat tècnica de l’aparell; (2) el procés de formació de valor i el perfil d’acompliment de GR d’elit

    Ejercicios individuales de gimnasia rítmica: variedad y diversidad

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    El objetivo de este estudio es hacer un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los elementos técnicos utilizados en ejercicios individuales, en el Campeonato del Mundo de Gimnasia Rítmica (GR) en Kiev, 2013, e identificar las características estructurales de la composición, que permiten percibir la variedad y diversidad en los ejercicios de GR en cada uno de los aparatos. Se analizaron 288 fichas de la competición, correspondientes a los ejercicios de 72 gimnastas en cada aparato (aro, pelota, mazas y cinta). Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva y pruebas no paramétricas (Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney y prueba de Friedman). Los resultados muestran características estructurales en la composición de los ejercicios similares en las diferentes modalidades respecto a los aspectos de la técnica corporal que determinan el mayor porcentaje en la composición, Los ejercicios de los diferentes aparatos se distinguen en los grupos más relacionados con la parte artística (maestría, pasos rítmicos y elementos dinámicos de rotación con lanzamiento, EDR), principalmente debido a las características específicas de cada aparato. Este estudio proporciona información actualizada sobre el contenido técnico de los ejercicios individuales de GR de élite, para ser considerado respecto a: (1) la posibilidad de modificar el presente código de puntuación, sobre todo en la definición de las exigencias de composición que favorezcan la variedad y diversidad y fomentar el valor artístico y la unidad técnica del aparato; (2) el proceso de formación de valor y el perfil de desempeño de GR de élite