22 research outputs found

    An exact algorithm for the uncertain version of parallel machines scheduling problem with the total completion time criterion

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    Environmental factors affecting soil metals near outlet roads in Poznan, Poland: impact of grain size, soil depth, and wind dispersal

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    We determined the Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations in soil samples collected along the eight main outlet roads of Poznan. Samples were collected at distances of 1, 5, and 10 m from the roadway edges at depth intervals of 0-20 and 40-60 cm. The metal content was determined in seven grain size fractions. The highest metal concentrations were observed in the smallest fraction (<0.063 mm), which were up to four times higher than those in sand fractions. Soil Pb, Cu, and Zn (and to a lesser extent Ni, Cr, and Cd) all increased in relation to the geochemical background. At most sampling sites, metal concentrations decreased with increasing distance from roadway edges and increasing depth. In some locations, the accumulation of metals in soils appears to be strongly influenced by wind direction. Our survey findings should contribute in predicting the behavior of metals along outlet road, which is important by assessing sources for further migration of heavy metals into the groundwater, plants, and humans

    Environmental factors affecting soil metals near outlet roads in Poznan, Poland: impact of grain size, soil depth, and wind dispersal

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    We determined the Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations in soil samples collected along the eight main outlet roads of Poznan. Samples were collected at distances of 1, 5, and 10 m from the roadway edges at depth intervals of 0-20 and 40-60 cm. The metal content was determined in seven grain size fractions. The highest metal concentrations were observed in the smallest fraction (<0.063 mm), which were up to four times higher than those in sand fractions. Soil Pb, Cu, and Zn (and to a lesser extent Ni, Cr, and Cd) all increased in relation to the geochemical background. At most sampling sites, metal concentrations decreased with increasing distance from roadway edges and increasing depth. In some locations, the accumulation of metals in soils appears to be strongly influenced by wind direction. Our survey findings should contribute in predicting the behavior of metals along outlet road, which is important by assessing sources for further migration of heavy metals into the groundwater, plants, and humans

    Assessment of metal concentrations in tap-water – from source to the tap: a case study from Szczecin, Poland

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    The concentrations of Al, As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Fe and Mn were determined in June 2010 for 100 tap-water samples, collected directly at consumers in the older part of the city of Szczecin (Poland). Increased concentrations of metals were thus detected. This concerns mainly Fe (19% of samples showed concentrations above drinking-water quality standards) and Pb (5%). In some samples, the maximum admissible concentration levels for Mn, Cu and Ni were also exceeded. This was not the case for Al, despite the use of aluminium compounds during water treatment; the Al con -centrations in treated water were, however, significantly higher than in raw water. It was also found that (1) the corrosive properties of water (low alkalinity and increased concentration of sulphates), (2) the water-treatment processes causing a decrease of the pH and an increase of the CO 2 , and (3) transport of the treated water over long distances (30 km) provide favourable conditions for the leaching of metals from water-pipe networks. The type of material used in domestic plumbing and the content of Ce, Fe, Mn, Ni and Cd in the tap-water at consumers show a correlation. The high content of Pb is mainly a result of lead pipes connecting the network to the buildings

    Pink rock salts from Kłodawa and Himalayan – comparison of selected components

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    Analizom poddano dwa typy różowych soli kamiennych, wykorzystywanych w celach spożywczych, dostępnych powszechnie w sprzedaży detalicznej. Przebadano ich skład chemiczny oraz część nierozpuszczalną. Pierwszy typ stanowiły cechsztyńskie różowe sole kamienne eksploatowane w kopalni Kłodawa, natomiast do porównania wytypowano tzw. różowe sole himalajskie, wieku neoproterozoicznego, wydobywane w Pakistanie. W wybranych próbkach soli, pochodzących z obu regionów, oznaczono podstawowe makroelementy oraz szereg mikroelementów. W tym celu wykorzystano absorpcyjną i emisyjną spektrometrię atomową z atomizacją płomieniową (F-AAS i F-AES) oraz indukcyjnie sprzężoną plazmą z detekcją mas (ICP-QQQ). Przebadano także część nierozpuszczalną obu typu soli pod kątem ilościowym i jakościowym. Wyniki badań obu typów soli porównano ze sobą i odniesiono do wcześniejszych analiz przeprowadzonych analogicznie dla białych soli kamiennych (kłodawskich i himalajskich).Two types of table pink rock salts a available on the Polish market were tested. The first type is Zechstein pink rock salts from Poland, excavated in the Kłodawa salt mine, and the second type is so called pink Himalayan rock salts (Neoproterozoic age) obtained in Pakistan. In rock salts samples, basic macroelements and a wide range of microelements, including rare-earth elements, were determined using absorption and emission atomic spectrometry with flame atomization (FAAS and F-AES) and inductively coupled plasma with mass detection (ICP-QQQ). Salt samples of both types were dissoluted and insoluble matter were analysed (qualitative and quantitative) also. The results of chemical analysis of both pink rock salt types were compared, with analysis of white rock salts from the same places also

    Polish rock salts vs Himalayan salts – comparative analysis of selected components of table salts

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    Badaniom poddano sole spożywcze dostępne w sprzedaży detalicznej na rynku polskim, wykorzystywane w gospodarstwach domowych. Przeanalizowano dwa rodzaje soli powszechnie używanych: pierwszy typ to sole kamienne pozyskiwane w Polsce przez wiodącego producenta; jest to sól kamienna, spożywcza, niejodowana; drugi typ to tzw. sól himalajska pozyskiwana w Pakistanie, biała. W próbkach soli dokonano oznaczeń podstawowych makroelementów oraz szerokiej gamy mikroelementów z wykorzystaniem absorpcyjnej i emisyjnej spektrometrii atomowej z atomizacją płomieniową (F-AAS i F-AES) oraz indukcyjnie sprzężonej plazmy z detekcją mas (ICP-QQQ). Wykonano również oznaczenia części nierozpuszczalnych pod kątem ilościowym i jakościowym. Uzyskane wyniki badań dla obu typów soli porównano ze sobą i odniesiono do danych literaturowych oraz upublicznionych oficjalnych raportów.Table salts available on the Polish market were tested. Two types of commonly salts have been analyzed: the first type is fine-crystalline rock salts from Poland, the second type is so called Himalayan salt obtained in Pakistan. In salt samples, basic macroelements and a wide range of microelements were determined using absorption and emission atomic spectrometry with flame atomization (F-AAS and F-AES) and inductively coupled plasma with mass detection (ICP-QQQ). Insoluble matter were analysed (qualitative and quantitative) also. The results of chemical analysis both types of salt were compared with data referred in literature and public official reports