17 research outputs found

    Regional diversification of the effects of support for agricultural producer groups in Poland

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza absorpcji środków finansowych oraz proces powstawania grup producentów rolnych funkcjonujących w warunkach członkostwa Polski w UE w ujęciu regionalnym. Analizowano ich liczbę wg okresów utworzenia, tj. w latach 2004-2013 oraz 2014-2017, rodzaj prowadzonej działalności z podziałem na produkty roślinne i produkty zwierzęce, wypłacone kwoty wsparcia w ramach działania 142 – Grupy Producentów Rolnych [działanie 142] Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich. Określono województwa dominujące na rynku pod względem absorpcji wsparcia oraz stopień koncentracji rynku wykorzystując indeks Herfindahla–Hirschmana [HHI]. W ujęciu regionalnym zaobserwowano zjawisko znacznego zróżnicowania uczestnictwa rolników w procesach integracji poziomej w ramach grup producentów rolnych. Najwięcej grup producentów rolnych powstało na terenie województwa wielkopolskiego, najmniej zaś na terenie województwa małopolskiego, gdzie rolnictwo jest najbardziej rozdrobnione na tle kraju. Wysoka aktywność rolników w tworzeniu grup producentów rolnych implikowała uzyskanie wysokich kwot wsparcia że środków unijnych. Rolnicy z województwa wielkopolskiego, dolnośląskiego oraz opolskiego uzyskali dominującą pozycję na rynku w absorpcji środków pieniężnych w ramach działania 142 PROW pośród rolników z wszystkich województw w Polsce. Łącznie pozyskali blisko połowę całości środków [47%]. Stopień koncentracji rynku w zakresie absorpcji unijnych środków określony za pomocą indeksu Herfindahla–Hirschmana był umiarkowany, wynosił bowiem 1220. Był to więc poziom nie zagrażający procesom konkurencji w aplikowaniu o wsparcie unijne dla grup producentów rolnych.The aim of the article is the analysis of quantitative data describing groups of agricultural producers operating under the conditions of Poland's membership in the EU. Their number was analyzed according to the creation periods, i.e. in the years 2004-2013 and 2014-2017, the type of activity broken down into plant products and animal products, paid out amounts under measure 142 - Agricultural Producers Group [measure 142] of the Rural Development Programme. The voivodship dominating the market in terms of absorption of support and the degree of market concentration were determined using the Herfindahl-Hirschman index [HHI]. In terms of region, the phenomenon of significant diversification of farmers' participation in horizontal integration processes within agri-cultural producer groups was observed. Most groups of agricultural producers were established in the Wielkopolskie voivodship, and the least in the Małopolskie voivodship, where it is the most fragmented in the country. High activity of farmers in establishing agricultural producer groups implied obtaining high amounts of support from EU funds. Farmers from the Wielkopolskie, Dolnośląskie and Opolskie voivodships achieved a dominant position on the market in the absorption of funds as part of the 142 PROW action among all voivodships in Poland. In total, they acquired nearly half of all funds [47%]. The degree of market concentration in terms of absorption of EU funds determined using the Herfindahl-Hirschman index was moderate, as it amounted to 1220. It was therefore a level that did not threaten the competition processes in applying for EU support for agricultural producer groups

    Income situation of dairy farms in European Union countries : a synthetic approach

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to determine the market position of Polish milk producers based on a synthetic assessment of the profitability of dairy farms compared to their business partners in the European Union in 2013–2017.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Source materials used in this analysis was 2013–2017 data for the “dairy cows” type of farming, as retrieved from the FADN. A synthetic characteristic was used to carry out a summary assessment of dairy farms’ income situation; its value was determined without making a reference to an ideal solution.FINDINGS: This study revealed the large complexity and heterogeneity of income situation of Union’s milk producers. Only some farms engaged in milk production have enough income to be able to continue or develop milk production in the coming years. At the same time, a significant part of dairy farms find themselves in a poor income situation, as confirmed by a negative production profitability ratio. These farms will face considerable development challenges in the future. It follows from this study that some of the Polish dairy farms face major restructuring and modernization challenges. Also, a part of them are likely to discontinue milk production in the future.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Findings from this study can be used by the Union’s agricultural policymakers and by agricultural producers and their associations. The results identify the countries where dairy farms are likely to be competitive in the future and those where dairy farms face major development challenges.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The results of this comparative analysis supplement previous research on the profitability of dairy farms. This paper proposes the use of linear ordering in assessing the profitability of dairy farms.The project was co-financed with the resources of the National Science Center, allocated pursuant to decision No. DEC-2012/05/B/HS4/04134.peer-reviewe

    Regional diversification of financial situation of the horticultural farms in European Union countries

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    PURPOSE: This article aims to identify the financial situation of the horticultural farms in Poland compared to their counterparts in other European Union countries in 2012-2017 in the synthetic context.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: To achieve this purpose, the data from the FADN database on horticultural farms from macro-regions in EU countries in 2012-2017 were used. To assess the financial situation, a synthetic measuring instrument of development was used, and the non-pattern method was employed to construct it.FINDINGS: The results of the conducted research show that the horticultural farms are characterised by differentiation of economic effects. These results affect their financial situation, which in turn determines their possibility of further market development, that is the economic safety of farm families, as well as the supply safety of food consumers.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Obtained studies results can be used by EU agricultural policymakers and the horticultural farm owners. The results indicate in which regions the horticultural farms have more development opportunities and in which the economic safety of farm families is in danger.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The results of the conducted analysis are complementary to the previous studies on the financial situation of the horticultural farms. Additionally, the article proposed the straight-line ordering method to assess the financial situation of the horticultural farms.The project was co-financed with the resources of the National Science Centre, allocated pursuant to decision No. DEC-2012/05/B/HS4/04134.peer-reviewe

    Sytuacja ekonomiczna a kierunki rozwoju małych gospodarstw rolnych

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    The paper aimed to present the economic situation in the farms of small economic size and the processes of changes in this group of households. As the materials used raw data from purposely selected farms in Wielkopolska. In the farms of economic size to 25 thousand euro EU subsidies play a leading role in shaping their economic situation. Unfortunately, even the large role of EU support can not be enough to change the economic situation of such households in order to gain a new and better opportunities for development. In the long term, especially very small farms, are threatened cessation of farming activities, which may be the advantage that in this way will be launched on a larger scale agrarian transformation process in Polish agriculture

    Regional Diversification of Electricity Consumption in Rural Areas of Poland

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    Access to energy, including electricity, determines countries’ socio-economic development. The growing demand for electricity translates into environmental problems. Energy is therefore a crucial element of the European Union’s sustainable development strategy. This article aims to present the changes taking place in the electricity market in Poland considering the goals of the energy policy until 2040. This is the basis for the determination of the scale of processes taking place in the Polish energy sector from two perspectives, i.e., the production of electricity considering its level and energy carriers used, and the consumption of electricity in households depending on their location (rural vs. urban areas). The research was conducted at the regional level (NUTS 2 until 2017) in Poland. Secondary data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS) contained in the Local Data Bank were used, along with information from the European Commission and Eurostat websites. Results of the study made it possible to identify areas in which a greater environmental load is observed due to increasing electricity consumption. The coefficient of localization and concentration (by Florence) and the rate of change were applied. These results indicate that, in Poland, it is now the rural areas that have a greater negative environmental impact than urban areas, resulting from differences in unit energy consumption. Compared to the other provinces, rural areas of Podlaskie province had the highest rate of growth in energy consumption in the years 2004–2019, with an annual average of almost 20%


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    The main aim of the paper was an analysis of the present status and changes of commercially grown genetically modified crops and food security from 2012 to 2018, based on the Global Food Security Index by countries. The work used a descriptive approach with elements of inductive reasoning and meta-analysis based on secondary data, derived from Briefs of The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications, FAOSTAT and the GFSI, developed and calculated by The Economist Intelligence Unit. The study showed the highest increase in biotech crops was observed in Brazil and the USA, i.e. in countries with a relatively high level of GFSI. Accordingly, the highest positive change in GFSI was achieved in several countries both with quite a high level of GFSI (Chile, Uruguay and Argentina) and with a very low GFSI (Burkina Faso and Myanmar). A slightly positive Pearson correlation coefficient for the area of biotech crops and GFSI indicated that, in the analysed period, when an increase in GM crop area was observed, the value of the GFSI increased as well. However, the value of the Pearson correlation means that the biotech crop area can be considered one of the many factors influencing the food security of the studied countries. The results show that biotech crops cannot only be analysed in the context of food security at a country level, but also at a household level. GM crops could contribute to food production increases and higher food availability, however not necessarily to food security, especially at a country level


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    The paper compares the possibilities of supporting tourism projects (agro-tourism and rural tourism) under the Rural Development Programs in 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. Moreover, selected effects of the EU support to agro-tourism and rural tourism were presented, mainly under the measures: 311. “Diversification into non-agricultural activities” and 312. “Creation and development of micro-enterprises”

    Economic situation of rural farms in conditions of the EU CAP - an attempt of the forecast till 2013 year

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    Poland’s membership in the EU gives rural farms chances to improve their economic situation. Direct payments and other instruments of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) are the main factors determining the economical status of rural farms. Growth of gross margin, as well as agricultural revenues are the results of the EU support for the rural farms. However, strong differentiation of the economic situation of the rural farms according to their size and specialisation in production is noticed. As a result, there are still rural farms, in which economic situation has not change, and revenues of the agricultural population are not sufficient to assure them life standard on a par with the parity consumption fund


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    The aim of this paper is to estimate, as well as analyse and assess spatial diversification in human capital resources in rural and urban areas of Poland. Studies have static nature and relate to the state of the situation in 2018 year. A synthetic index of human capital resources (IHCR) was applied, based on which a hierarchy was developed for rural and urban areas, depending on the administrative division into provinces determining the degree of their diversification in terms of their human capital resources. Human capital resources were analysed in four categories, i.e. in terms of employment, education, entrepreneurship and unemployment, using data from the Local Data Bank CSO database. Research results indicate considerable regional (spatial) diversification of rural and urban areas. We may distinguish two homogeneous classes, including urban areas with a high level of human capital development, as well as rural areas with their low level. Moreover, there is a heterogeneous group of the so-called medium level of human capital, composed of both urban and rural areas. Particularly, observed polarization in human capital resources may in the future reduce the absorption of development impulses within both national and EU development policies