633 research outputs found

    Analyzing conformational changes in single FRET-labeled A1 parts of archaeal A1AO-ATP synthase

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    ATP synthases utilize a proton motive force to synthesize ATP. In reverse, these membrane-embedded enzymes can also hydrolyze ATP to pump protons over the membrane. To prevent wasteful ATP hydrolysis, distinct control mechanisms exist for ATP synthases in bacteria, archaea, chloroplasts and mitochondria. Single-molecule F\"orster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) demonstrated that the C-terminus of the rotary subunit epsilon in the Escherichia coli enzyme changes its conformation to block ATP hydrolysis. Previously we investigated the related conformational changes of subunit F of the A1AO-ATP synthase from the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei G\"o1. Here, we analyze the lifetimes of fluorescence donor and acceptor dyes to distinguish between smFRET signals for conformational changes and potential artefacts.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    eine experimentelle Analyse

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss von komplexen Steuertarifsystemen auf die Arbeits-Freizeit-Entscheidung von Individuen. Dazu wird ein wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Experiment mit 96 studentischen Teilnehmern durchgeführt. Es wird eine realitätsnahe Arbeits-Freizeit- Entscheidung unter Setzung tatsächlicher monetärer Anreize modelliert, um so den Einfluss verschieden komplexer Steuertarifsysteme auf das individuelle Arbeitsangebot der Experimentteilnehmer abzuleiten. Die Modellierung der verschiedenen Komplexitätsstufen erfolgt dabei durch das Zusammenspiel mehrerer Steuersätze, wie es auch in der Besteuerungspraxis zu finden ist. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass bei konstantem Netto- und Bruttolohn das Arbeitsangebot der Teilnehmer allein durch eine Steigerung des Komplexitätsgrades des Steuertarifsystems signifikant sinkt. Die Fragestellung ist sowohl für die theoretische Forschung als auch für zukünftige Steuerreformdebatten mit dem Ziel der Steuervereinfachung von Interesse

    Contemporary Extramarital Sexual Behavior- Insights and Theology

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    This research paper will investigate contemporary insights and attitudes regarding human sexual behavior (in the area of extramarital sex) and evaluate this from the perspective of the Word of God

    Bat activity at McConnell Air Force Base versus nearby parks in Wichita, KS.

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    Bats are bioindicators of the communities to which they belong, giving researchers insight into the overall health of those ecosystems. Bats are also very adaptable and are capable of tolerating urbanization. Some species, such as Lasiurus borealis and Lasionycteris noctivagans may even benefit from adjacent industrial and commercial land use, although this is not the case for all bat species. In 2021, we began acoustic and mist net surveys of bats at McConnell Air Force Base (MAFB, or “base”) in Wichita, KS. However, no bats were captured or seen during mist net surveys, although some were detected acoustically over a four-month period. We also encountered very few insects. These observations lead us to wonder if bat activity differed between MAFB and the surrounding Wichita area. During the summer of 2022, we again conducted mist net surveys, acoustic surveys, collected insect biomass at MAFB, and expanded our surveys to include nearby Wichita parks. We found a significant difference in bat activity in the Wichita parks compared to MAFB. Our most detected species was the Eastern red bat in the parks and MAFB. With this study, we have gotten a closer look into the lives of bats in Wichita, Kansas

    Bat Activity and Insect Biomass on McConnell Airforce Base Compared to Surrounding Wichita Parks

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    Bats are bioindicators of the communities to which they belong, giving researchers insight into the overall health of those ecosystems. Bats are also very adaptable and are capable of tolerating urbanization. Some species, such as Lasiurus borealis and Lasionycteris noctivagans may even benefit from adjacent industrial and commercial land use, although this is not the case for all bat species. In 2021, we began acoustic and mist net surveys of bats at McConnell Air Force Base (MAFB, or “base”) in Wichita, KS. However, no bats were captured or seen during mist net surveys, although some were detected acoustically over a four-month period. We also encountered very few insects. These observations lead us to wonder if bat activity differed between MAFB and the surrounding Wichita area. During the summer of 2022, we again conducted mist net surveys, acoustic surveys, collected insect biomass at MAFB, and expanded our surveys to include nearby Wichita parks. We found a significant difference in bat activity in the Wichita parks compared to MAFB. Our most detected species was the Eastern red bat in the parks and MAFB. We also found no significant difference in insect biomass when comparing the parks and MAFB. With this study, we have gotten a closer look into the lives of bats in Wichita, Kansas

    The Market For Winter Skiing in Two Minnesota Areas

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    Two studies of Minnesota skiing households, one of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area and one of the Duluth area, are reported. The studies were financed by the Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission in an effort to determine the marketing potential for skiing and ski facilities of Spirit Mountain at Duluth. This paper presents results for one of many research objectives involved. It is indicated that skiing households represent about one-fourth of all households in the study areas; that there are boys and/or girls up to 19 years old in about half of the skiing households; income of skiing households is predominantly above $20,000 and resembles the respective community patterns, and that skiing at the resort type facilities appears to have across-the- board appeal regardless of the educational levels of principal male and female adults in the skiing households

    Steuerkomplexität und Arbeitsangebot: Eine experimentelle Analyse

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss von komplexen Steuertarifsystemen auf die Arbeits-Freizeit-Entscheidung von Individuen. Dazu wird ein wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Experiment mit 96 studentischen Teilnehmern durchgeführt. Es wird eine realitätsnahe Arbeits-Freizeit-Entscheidung unter Setzung tatsächlicher monetärer Anreize modelliert, um so den Einfluss verschieden komplexer Steuertarifsysteme auf das individuelle Arbeitsangebot der Experimentteilnehmer abzuleiten. Die Modellierung der verschiedenen Komplexitätsstufen erfolgt dabei durch das Zusammenspiel mehrerer Steuersätze, wie es auch in der Besteuerungspraxis zu finden ist. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass bei konstantem Netto- und Bruttolohn das Arbeitsangebot der Teilnehmer allein durch eine Steigerung des Komplexitätsgrades des Steuertarifsystems signifikant sinkt. Die Fragestellung ist sowohl für die theoretische Forschung als auch für zukünftige Steuerreformdebatten mit dem Ziel der Steuervereinfachung von Interesse. --Steuerkomplexität,Arbeits-Freizeit-Entscheidung,Experimentelle Steuerforschung,Real-Effort-Experiment,Behavioral Taxation
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