1,813 research outputs found

    Potential effects of atmospheric collapse on Martian heat flow and application to the InSight measurements

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    Heat flow is an important constraint on planetary formation and evolution. It has been suggested that Martian obliquity cycles might cause periodic collapses in atmospheric pressure, leading to corresponding decreases in regolith thermal conductivity (which is controlled by gas in the pore spaces). Geothermal heat would then build up in the subsurface, potentially affecting present–day heat flow — and thus the measurements made by a heat–flow probe such as the InSight HP3 instrument. To gauge the order of magnitude of this effect, we model the diffusion of a putative heat pulse caused by thermal conductivity changes with a simple numerical scheme and compare it to the heat–flow perturbations caused by other effects. We find that an atmospheric collapse to 300 Pa in the last 40 kyr would lead to a present–day heat flow that is up to larger than the average geothermal background. Considering the InSight mission with expected error bars on the HP3 measurement, this perturbation would only be significant in the best-case scenario of full instrument deployment, completed measurement campaign, and a well–modelled surface configuration. The prospects for detecting long-term climate perturbations via spacecraft heat–flow experiments remain challenging

    Substance P induces localization of MIF/α1-inhibitor-3 complexes to umbrella cells via paracellular transit through the urothelium in the rat bladder

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    BACKGROUND: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is released into the intraluminal fluid during bladder inflammation in the rat complexed to α1-inhibitor-3 (A1-I3; a rodent proteinase inhibitor in the α-macroglobulin family). The location of A1-I3 in the bladder had not been investigated. Therefore, we examined the location of A1-I3 and MIF/A1-I3 complexes in the bladder and changes due to experimental inflammation. METHODS: Anesthetized male rats had bladders removed with no treatment (intact) or were injected with Substance P (SP; s.c.; saline vehicle). After one hour intraluminal fluid was removed, bladder was excised and MIF and A1-I3 levels were determined using ELISA and/or western-blotting. MIF co-immunoprecipitation determined MIF/A1-I3 complexes in the bladder. Bladder sections were immunostained for A1-I3 and MIF/A1-I3. RESULTS: A1-I3 immunostaining was observed in interstitial spaces throughout the bladder (including submucosa) but not urothelium in intact and saline-treated rats. RT-PCR showed that the bladder does not synthesize A1-I3, therefore, A1-I3 in the interstitial space of the bladder must be plasma derived. In SP-treated rats, A1-I3 in the bladder increased and A1-I3 was observed traversing through the urothelium. Umbrella cells that do not show MIF and/or A1-I3 immunostaining in intact or saline-treated rats, showed co-localization of MIF and A1-I3 after SP-treatment. Western blotting demonstrated that in the bladder MIF formed non-covalent interactions and also binds covalently to A1-I3 to form high molecular weight MIF/A1-I3 complexes (170, 130 and 75-kDa, respectively, verified by co-immunoprecipitation). SP-induced inflammation selectively reduced 170-kDa MIF/A1-I3 in the bladder while increasing 170 and 130-kDa MIF/A1-I3 in the intraluminal fluid. CONCLUSION: A1-I3 and MIF/A1-I3 complexes are resident in bladder interstitium. During SP-induced inflammation, MIF/A1-I3 complexes are released from the bladder into the lumen. Binding of MIF/A1-I3 complexes to urothelial cells during inflammation suggests these complexes participate in the inflammatory reaction through activation of receptors for MIF and/or for A1-I3

    Isolation and characterization of the human uracil DNA glycosylase gene.

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    Numerical Simulation of Illumination and Thermal Conditions at the Lunar Poles Using LOLA DTMs

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    We are interested in illumination conditions and the temperature distribution within the upper two meters of regolith near the lunar poles. Here, areas exist receiving almost constant illumination near areas in permanent shadow, which were identified as potential exploration sites for future missions. For our study a numerical simulation of the illumination and thermal environment for lunar near-polar regions is needed. Our study is based on high-resolution, twenty meters per pixel and 400 x 400 km large polar Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), which were derived from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) data. Illumination conditions were simulated by synthetically illuminating the LOLA DTMs using the horizon method considering the Sun as an extended source. We model polar illumination for the central 50 x 50 km subset and use it as an input at each time-step (2 h) to evaluate the heating of the lunar surface and subsequent conduction in the sub-surface. At surface level we balance the incoming insolation with the subsurface conduction and radiation into space, whereas in the sub-surface we consider conduction with an additional constant radiogenic heat source at the bottom of our two-meter layer. Density is modeled as depth-dependent, the specific heat parameter as temperature-dependent and the thermal conductivity as depth- and temperature-dependent. We implemented a fully implicit finite-volume method in space and backward Euler scheme in time to solve the one-dimensional heat equation at each pixel in our 50 x 50 km DTM. Due to the non-linear dependencies of the parameters mentioned above, Newton's method is employed as the non-linear solver together with the Gauss-Seidel method as the iterative linear solver in each Newton iteration. The software is written in OpenCL and runs in parallel on the GPU cores, which allows for fast computation of large areas and long time scales

    Discovery of a 0.15" Binary Brown Dwarf 2MASSJ 1426316+155701 With Gemini/Hokupa'a Adaptive Optics

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    Use of the highly sensitive Hokupa'a curvature wavefront sensor has allowed for the first time direct adaptive optics (AO) guiding on brown dwarfs and VLM stars (SpT=M7-L2). An initial survey of 9 such objects discovered one 0.15" binary (2MASSJ 1426316+155701). The companion is about half as bright as the primary (Delta K = 0.61+/-0.05,DeltaH=0.70+/0.05)andhasevenreddercolorsHK=0.59+/0.14thantheprimary.TheblendedspectrumofthebinaryhasbeenpreviouslydeterminedtobeM9.0.WemodeledablendofanM8.5templateandaL1L3templatereproducingaM9.0spectruminthecaseofDeltaK=0.61+/0.05,DeltaH=0.70±0.05, Delta H = 0.70+/-0.05) and has even redder colors H-K=0.59+/-0.14 than the primary. The blended spectrum of the binary has been previously determined to be M9.0. We modeled a blend of an M8.5 template and a L1-L3 template reproducing a M9.0 spectrum in the case of Delta K = 0.61+/-0.05,Delta H = 0.70\pm0.05. These spectral types also match the observed H-K colors of each star. Based the previously observed low space motion and HαH_{\alpha} activity we assign an age of 0.80.3+6.7Gyr0.8^{+6.7}_{-0.3} Gyr. Utilizing this age range and the latest DUSTY models of the Lyon group we assign a photometric distance of 18.81.02+1.44pc18.8^{+1.44}_{-1.02} pc and masses of MA=0.0740.011+0.005MM_{A}=0.074^{+0.005}_{-0.011} M_\odot and MB=0.0660.015+0.006MM_{B}=0.066^{+0.006}_{-0.015} M_\odot. We therefore estimate a system separation of 2.92+0.220.16AU2.92_{+0.22}^{-0.16}AU and a period of 13.3+3.181.51yr13.3{+3.18}^{-1.51} yr respectively. Hence, 2M1426 is among the smallest separation brown dwarf binaries resolved to date

    Whole body cryotherapy and recovery from exercise induced muscle damage: A systematic review

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    Introduction Cold therapies are used regularly in medicine for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) involves exposure to air maintained between -110 and -160oC, and is hypothesised to reduce pain, local and systemic inflammation. WBC has recently become popular in an exercise and sporting context as a recovery method after skeletal muscle damage, however, research examining the efficacy of WBC in an athletic context is minimal. This review seeks to summarise the evidence for the effects of WBC on exercise recovery measures. Methods Electronic database searches were conducted from March to April 2013. Six large online databases were used; MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and AMED. The search targeted human studies with an exercise task, and WBC intervention. Results included randomised controlled trials (RCT’s), uncontrolled trials and crossover designs. Results A total of 8 studies were included in the review. Two RCT’s, four crossover trials and two uncontrolled trials were identified. Five studies showed WBC had no effect on markers of muscle damage or inflammation post exercise, while 3 studies show a positive effect. Three out of the eight studies measured maximal muscle force production and subjective pain levels following exercise and WBC, with two showing WBC had a positive effect on muscle force recovery and pain. A meta-analysis was not conducted due to the heterogeneity of the studies. Conclusion The current evidence for the efficacy of WBC on exercise recovery is unclear. Published studies report mixed findings, and the study designs make these results difficult to interpret. As WBC is proposed as an aid to recovery in an athletic population, repeated measures of performance, muscle force production and pain are of importance to the athlete, however, are minimally reported in the literature. Cold water immersion (CWI) is widely used in an athletic setting for recovery, and has much literature supporting its use for the reduction of pain post-exercise. Well-designed RCT’s with controlled exercise interventions targeting performance measures are needed, in particular comparison of WBC with CWI data is needed for evaluation

    Protoplanetary and Transitional Disks in the Open Stellar Cluster IC 2395

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    We present new deep UBVRI images and high-resolution multi-object optical spectroscopy of the young (~ 6 - 10 Myr old), relatively nearby (800 pc) open cluster IC 2395. We identify nearly 300 cluster members and use the photometry to estimate their spectral types, which extend from early B to middle M. We also present an infrared imaging survey of the central region using the IRAC and MIPS instruments on board the Spitzer Space Telescope, covering the wavelength range from 3.6 to 24 microns. Our infrared observations allow us to detect dust in circumstellar disks originating over a typical range of radii ~ 0.1 to ~ 10AU from the central star. We identify 18 Class II, 8 transitional disk, and 23 debris disk candidates, respectively 6.5%, 2.9%, and 8.3% of the cluster members with appropriate data. We apply the same criteria for transitional disk identification to 19 other stellar clusters and associations spanning ages from ~ 1 to ~ 18 Myr. We find that the number of disks in the transitional phase as a fraction of the total with strong 24 micron excesses ([8] - [24] > 1.5) increases from 8.4 +\- 1.3% at ~ 3 Myr to 46 +\- 5% at ~ 10 Myr. Alternative definitions of transitional disks will yield different percentages but should show the same trend.Comment: accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Further evidence for increased macrophage migration inhibitory factor expression in prostate cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a cytokine associated with prostate cancer, based on histologic evidence and circulating (serum) levels. Recent studies from another laboratory failed to document these results. This study's aims were to extend and confirm our previous data, as well as to define possible mechanisms for the discrepant results. Additional aims were to examine MIF expression, as well as the location of MIF's receptor, CD74, in human prostatic adenocarcinoma compared to matched benign prostate. METHODS: MIF amounts were determined in random serum samples remaining following routine PSA screening by ELISA. Native, denaturing and reducing polyacrylamide gels and Western blot analyses determined the MIF form in serum. Prostate tissue arrays were processed for MIF in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry for MIF and CD74. MIF released into culture medium from normal epithelial, LNCaP and PC-3 cells was detected by Western blot analysis. RESULTS: Median serum MIF amounts were significantly elevated in prostate cancer patients (5.87 ± 3.91 ng/ml; ± interquartile range; n = 115) compared with patients with no documented diagnosis of prostate cancer (2.19 ± 2.65 ng/ml; n = 158). ELISA diluent reagents that included bovine serum albumin (BSA) significantly reduced MIF serum detection (p < 0.01). MIF mRNA was localized to prostatic epithelium in all samples, but cancer showed statistically greater MIF expression. MIF and its receptor (CD74) were localized to prostatic epithelium. Increased secreted MIF was detected in culture medium from prostate cancer cell lines (LNCaP and PC-3). CONCLUSION: Increased serum MIF was associated with prostate cancer. Diluent reagents that included BSA resulted in MIF serum immunoassay interference. In addition, significant amounts of complexed MIF (180 kDa under denaturing conditions by Western blot) found in the serum do not bind to the MIF capture antibody. Increased MIF mRNA expression was observed in prostatic adenocarcinoma compared to benign tissue from matched samples, supporting our earlier finding of increased MIF gene expression in prostate cancer

    Effects of whole body cryotherapy and cold water immersion on immune and inflammatory markers following exercise induced muscle damage

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    Introduction: Cold therapies are used regularly in medicine for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) involves exposure to air maintained between -110 and -160oC, and is hypothesised to reduce pain, local and systemic inflammation. WBC has recently become popular in an exercise and sporting context as a recovery method after skeletal muscle damage. However, research examining the efficacy of WBC in an athletic context is minimal, in particular, studies comparing WBC to currently accepted recovery methods are lacking. Cold water immersion (CWI) is a widely researched and applied method of skeletal muscle recovery in sport science. As yet, no study has compared the proposed new method of WBC and the currently practiced method of CWI. We have designed a randomised control trial to examine the efficacy of WBC, as compared with CWI on recovery from a bout of eccentric muscle damage. Methods: Sixty healthy male subjects will perform skeletal muscle function tests and an eccentric muscle damage protocol of their left quadriceps femoris, using an isokinetic dynamometer. They will then be randomly assigned to one of 3 groups, WBC, CWI or a passive recovery control (PAS). The WBC will expose subjects to -160°C for 3min, using cold air. The CWI condition involves whole body exposure for 3min, in water maintained at 12°C. The PAS will have subjects seated comfortably at room temperature following the exercise protocol. Blood samples, muscle functional measurements and pain reports will be taken before muscle damage, immediately following damage, prior to therapy administration and post therapy. Further follow up measures to be taken 6 h post, 24 h and 7 days post. Blood samples will be analysed for changes in interleukins 6, 8 and 10, creatine kinase and leukocyte population kinetics. Results: Testing is being conducted. Results to be presented at the international society of exercise immunology (ISEI) symposium in September 2013