222 research outputs found

    Superspace formulations of the (super)twistor string

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    The superspace formulation of the worldvolume action of twistor string models is considered. It is shown that for the Berkovits-Siegel closed twistor string such a formulation is provided by a N=4 twistor-like action of the tensionless superstring. A similar inverse twistor transform of the open twistor string model (Berkovits model) results in a dynamical system containing two copies of the D=4, N=4 superspace coordinate functions, one left-moving and one right-moving, that are glued by the boundary conditions. We also discuss possible candidates for a tensionful superstring action leading to the twistor string in the tensionless limit as well as multidimensional counterparts of twistor strings in the framework of both `standard' superspace and superspace enlarged by tensorial coordinates (tensorial superspaces), which constitute a natural framework for massless higher spin theories.Comment: Rev Tex, 13 pages, no figure

    Twistor Strings with Flavour

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    We explore the tree-level description of a class of N=2 UV-finite SYM theories with fundamental flavour within a topological B-model twistor string framework. In particular, we identify the twistor dual of the Sp(N) gauge theory with one antisymmetric and four fundamental hypermultiplets, as well as that of the SU(N) theory with 2N hypermultiplets. This is achieved by suitably orientifolding/orbifolding the original N=4 setup of Witten and adding a certain number of new topological 'flavour'-branes at the orientifold/orbifold fixed planes to provide the fundamental matter. We further comment on the appearance of these objects in the B-model on CP(3|4). An interesting aspect of our construction is that, unlike the IIB description of these theories in terms of D3 and D7-branes, on the twistor side part of the global flavour symmetry is realised geometrically. We provide evidence for this correspondence by calculating and matching amplitudes on both sides.Comment: 38+12 pages; uses axodraw.sty. v2: References added, minor clarification

    Inherited Twistor-Space Structure of Gravity Loop Amplitudes

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    At tree-level, gravity amplitudes are obtainable directly from gauge theory amplitudes via the Kawai, Lewellen and Tye closed-open string relations. We explain how the unitarity method allows us to use these relations to obtain coefficients of box integrals appearing in one-loop N=8 supergravity amplitudes from the recent computation of the coefficients for N=4 super-Yang-Mills non-maximally-helicity-violating amplitudes. We argue from factorisation that these box coefficients determine the one-loop N=8 supergravity amplitudes, although this remains to be proven. We also show that twistor-space properties of the N=8 supergravity amplitudes are inherited from the corresponding properties of N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory. We give a number of examples illustrating these ideas.Comment: 32 pages, minor typos correcte

    Effect of simplicity and attractiveness on route selection for different journey types

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    This study investigated the effects of six attributes, associated with simplicity or attractiveness, on route preference for three pedestrian journey types (everyday, leisure and tourist). Using stated choice preference experiments with computer generated scenes, participants were asked to choose one of a pair of routes showing either two levels of the same attribute (experiment 1) or different attributes (experiment 2). Contrary to predictions, vegetation was the most influential for both everyday and leisure journeys, and land use ranked much lower than expected in both cases. Turns ranked higher than decision points for everyday journeys as predicted, but the positions of both were lowered by initially unranked attributes. As anticipated, points of interest were most important for tourist trips, with the initially unranked attributes having less influence. This is the first time so many attributes have been compared directly, providing new information about the importance of the attributes for different journeys. © 2014 Springer International Publishing

    Scalar diagrammatic rules for Born amplitudes in QCD

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    We show that all Born amplitudes in QCD can be calculated from scalar propagators and a set of three- and four-valent vertices. In particular, our approach includes amplitudes with any number of quark pairs. The quarks may be massless or massive. The proof of the formalism is given entirely within quantum field theory.Comment: 20 pages, references adde

    MHV Vertices and Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theory

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    The generic googly amplitudes in gauge theory are computed by using the Cachazo-Svrcek-Witten approach to perturbative calculation in gauge theory and the results are in agreement with the previously well-known ones. Within this approach we also discuss the parity transformation, charge conjugation and the dual Ward identity. We also extend this calculation to include fermions and the googly amplitudes with a single quark-anti-quark pair are obtained correctly from fermionic MHV vertices. At the end we briefly discuss the possible extension of this approach to gravity.Comment: Latex file, 38 pages, 15 figures; v2, minor changes, references added; v2, minor changes, 2 references adde

    MHV Vertices and Fermionic Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theory with Quarks and Gluinos

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    The Cachazo-Svrcek-Witten approach to perturbative gauge theory is extended to gauge theories with quarks and gluinos. All googly amplitudes with quark-antiquark pairs and gluinos are computed and shown to agree with the previously known results. The computations of the non-MHV or non-googly amplitudes are also briefly discussed, in particular the purely fermionic amplitude with 3 quark-antiquark pairs.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figures; v2, minor changes, references added;v3, 2 important additions, references adde

    The Topological B-model on a Mini-Supertwistor Space and Supersymmetric Bogomolny Monopole Equations

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    In the recent paper hep-th/0502076, it was argued that the open topological B-model whose target space is a complex (2|4)-dimensional mini-supertwistor space with D3- and D1-branes added corresponds to a super Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions. Without the D1-branes, this topological B-model is equivalent to a dimensionally reduced holomorphic Chern-Simons theory. Identifying the latter with a holomorphic BF-type theory, we describe a twistor correspondence between this theory and a supersymmetric Bogomolny model on R^3. The connecting link in this correspondence is a partially holomorphic Chern-Simons theory on a Cauchy-Riemann supermanifold which is a real one-dimensional fibration over the mini-supertwistor space. Along the way of proving this twistor correspondence, we review the necessary basic geometric notions and construct action functionals for the involved theories. Furthermore, we discuss the geometric aspect of a recently proposed deformation of the mini-supertwistor space, which gives rise to mass terms in the supersymmetric Bogomolny equations. Eventually, we present solution generating techniques based on the developed twistorial description together with some examples and comment briefly on a twistor correspondence for super Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions.Comment: 55 pages; v2: typos fixed, published versio

    New approaches in W-gravities

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    We have devoted an effort to study some nonlinear actions, characteristics of the W{\cal W}-theories, in the framework of the soldering formalism. We have disclosed interesting new results concerning the embedding of the original chiral W{\cal W}-particles in different metrical spaces in the final soldered action, i.e., the metric gets modified by the soldering interference process. The results are presented in a weak field approximation for the WN{\cal W}_N case when N is greater than 3 and also in an exact way for W2{\cal W}_2. We have promoted a generalization of the interference phenomena to WN{\cal W}_N-theories of different chiralities and shown that the geometrical features introduced can yield a new understanding about the interference formalism in quantum field theories.Comment: 28 pages, Late