243 research outputs found

    Divisia Monetary Aggregates for a Heterogeneous Euro Area

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    We introduce a Divisia monetary aggregate for the euro area that accounts for the heterogeneity across member countries both, in terms of interest rates and the decomposition of monetary assets. In most of the euro area countries, the difference between the growth rates of the country-specific Divisia aggregate and its simple sum counterpart is particularly pronounced before recessions. The results obtained from a panel probit model confirm that the divergence between the Divisia and the simple sum aggregate has a significant predictive content for recessions in euro area countries

    Divisia monetary aggregates for a heterogeneous euro area

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    Since the run-up to the great recession, there has been a significant degree of heterogeneity across euro area countries both in terms of interest rates and in the composition of monetary assets. In order to account for the heterogeneity of monetary assets within and across member countries, we propose a Divisia monetary aggregate for the euro area. In line with earlier evidence obtained for the United States, our results from a panel probit analysis show that the divergence between the Divisia and the simple sum aggregate has a significant predictive content for recessions in euro area countries

    "Concepción puente" y "concepción insular"

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    Una concepción tradicional de la argumentación jurídica considera que se debe resolver casos jurídicos a través de subsunción y deducción. Hugo Zuleta disputa esta posición, rechazando así la "concepción puente" de las normas, la que fue defendida en particular por Carlos Alchourrón y Eugenio Bulygin. Según la "concepción puente" la norma condicional incluye una modalidad deóntica solo en su consecuencia, mientras su antecedente consiste en un enunciado descriptivo (p → Oq). En cambio, Zuleta propone la "concepción insular", que pone la modalidad deóntica adelante del condicional (O(p → q)). Discutiré estas concepciones, evaluando su adecuación en distintos ámbitos de aplicación. En particular, defenderé la tesis de que la crítica a la "concepción puente" tiene razón en cuanto se trata de conflictos normativos. Así, la "concepción insular" puede tener una aplicación importante en la teoría de los principios, que trata justamente del análisis de normas en conflicto.The traditional conception of legal argumentation is that legal cases are resolved by means of subsumption and deduction. Hugo Zuleta disputes this position, rejecting the "bridge conception" of norms, which was defended in particular by Carlos Alchourrón and Eugenio Bulygin. According to the "bridge conception", the conditional norm includes a deontic modality only in its consequence, whilst the antecedent consists of a descriptive sentence (p → oq). By contrast, Zuleta defends the "isle conception", which puts the deontic modality in front of the conditional (O(p → q)). I will discuss these conceptions, assessing their adequacy in distinct fields of application. In particular, I will defend the thesis that the critique of the "bridge conception" is correct in the case of norm conflicts. Thus, the "isle conception" can have an important application in the theory of principles and the analysis of norm conflicts

    Zur antimikrobiellen Wirkung von Zahnpsten

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    Die mechanische Plaqueentfernung ist das wichtigste Mittel zur Erhaltung der Zahngesundheit. Moderne Zahnpasten enthalten neben Schleifkörpern und Fluoriden weitere Zusätze, die ein weiteres Wachstum der Bakterien bremsen und zur Plaquereduktion beitragen können.In der vorliegenden In-vitro-Studie wurde die antimikrobielle Wirkung von 168 Zahnpasten auf 15 verschiedene Keime untersucht. Die Zahnpasten wurden in sechs Hauptgruppen und 23 Untergruppen unterteilt.Die Wirkung der Zahnpasten auf die Referenzstämme wurde mit Hilfe des Agar-Hemmhoftestes untersucht. Der Agar wurde standardisiert bei 50°C mit den jeweiligen Indikatorstämmen inokuliert. Nach Erstarren des Agar wurden unter aseptischen Bedingungen Reservoire herausgestanzt und mit jeweils 0,3g Zahnpasta befüllt. Als Negativkontrolle wurde sterile physiologische Kochsalzlösung mitgeführt, als Positivkontrolle 3%-iges H2O2. Die entstandenen Hemmhofdurchmesser wurden metrisch erfasst und statis-tisch ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisdarstellung erfolgte deskriptiv mit Mittelwerten und Standardabweichungen. Unterschiede in der antimikrobiellen Wirkung der Zahnpasten wurde mit dem nichtparametrischen Mann-Whitney-U-Test und dem Wilcoxon-Test nachgegangen. Das Signifikanzniveau wurde auf α < 0,05 festgelegt. Triclosanhaltige Zahnpasten wiesen das breiteste Wirkspektrum auf. Der Zu-satz von Zinkverbindungen konnte die Wirkung gegenüber den Laktobazillen und E. faecalis zwar erhöhen, jedoch erst der weitere Zusatz von Zinnverbin-dungen konnte diese Wirkung signifikant verbessern. Aminfluoridhaltge Zahn-pasten zeigten die geringste Wirkung unter den Produkten für Erwachsene. Die größte Hemmwirkung wurde insgesamt bei der Gruppe der Aktinomyzeten gemessen, die geringste bei E. faecalis. Die Produkte mit Triclosan hemmten S. aureus hingegen am stärksten. 76,8% der getesteten Produkte zeigten gegenüber allen Stämmen eine antimikrobielle Wirkung. Lediglich drei Produkte zeigten gegenüber keinem der Referenzstämme eine Wirkung

    "Concepción puente" y "concepción insular"

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    Una concepción tradicional de la argumentación jurídica considera que se debe resolver casos jurídicos a través de subsunción y deducción. Hugo Zuleta disputa esta posición, rechazando así la "concepción puente" de las normas, la que fue defendida en particular por Carlos Alchourrón y Eugenio Bulygin. Según la "concepción puente" la norma condicional incluye una modalidad deóntica solo en su consecuencia, mientras su antecedente consiste en un enunciado descriptivo (p → Oq). En cambio, Zuleta propone la "concepción insular", que pone la modalidad deóntica adelante del condicional (O(p → q)). Discutiré estas concepciones, evaluando su adecuación en distintos ámbitos de aplicación. En particular, defenderé la tesis de que la crítica a la "concepción puente" tiene razón en cuanto se trata de conflictos normativos. Así, la "concepción insular" puede tener una aplicación importante en la teoría de los principios, que trata justamente del análisis de normas en conflicto

    Activation of Nrf2 by electrophiles is largely independent of the selenium status of HepG2 cells

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    Selenoenzymes, whose activity depends on adequate selenium (Se) supply, and phase II enzymes, encoded by target genes of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), take part in governing cellular redox homeostasis. Their interplay is still not entirely understood. Here, we exposed HepG2 hepatoma cells cultured under Se-deficient, Se-adequate, or Se-supranutritional conditions to the Nrf2 activators sulforaphane, cardamonin, or diethyl maleate. Nrf2 protein levels and intracellular localization were determined by immunoblotting, and mRNA levels of Nrf2 target genes and selenoproteins were assessed by qRT-PCR. Exposure to electrophiles resulted in rapid induction of Nrf2 and its enrichment in the nucleus, independent of the cellular Se status. All three electrophilic compounds caused an enhanced expression of Nrf2 target genes, although with differences regarding extent and time course of their induction. Whereas Se status did not significantly affect mRNA levels of the Nrf2 target genes, gene expression of selenoproteins with a low position in the cellular “selenoprotein hierarchy”, such as glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX1) or selenoprotein W (SELENOW), was elevated under Se-supplemented conditions, as compared to cells held in Se-deficient media. In conclusion, no major effect of Se status on Nrf2 signalling was observed in HepG2 cells

    Kürze und Kometen

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    Mit Beiträgen von Johannes Binotto, Stefan Ramirez Pérez, Hans W. Koch, John Smith, Dietrich Leder, Miriam Gossing/Lina Sieckmann, Friedrich Nietzsche

    Sustainable engineering master module - Insights from three cohorts of European engineering team

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    Mobility and transnational migration are current social developments among the population of the European Union. These developments in both society-at-large and companies, linked to the challenges of sustainability, lead to new requirements for working in the European Union. Teaching and learning in higher education needs to adapt to these requirements. As a result, new and innovative teaching and learning practices in higher education should provide competencies for transnational teamwork in the curriculum of tomorrow's engineers in order to ensure their competitiveness in the job market. A transnational project-oriented teaching and learning framework, which provides the future key competencies for young engineers was implemented in the course European Engineering Team (EET). Engineering students from four countries participated in a new project-based course that focused on the development of innovative and sustainable products and opportunities. The goal of this paper is to present results and lessons learnt from three cohorts of EET

    Interés legítimo en amparo. un instrumento procesal “Comunitarista”**Agradezco mucho la revisión crítica de este texto al profesor Rodolfo Vázquez Cardozo (ITAM).

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    ResumenParte importante de la interpretación constitucional se origina como producto del juicio de amparo; sin embargo, ello no implica que la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación haya construido una teoría constitucional uniforme sobre los derechos y libertades. Este texto tiene tres propósitos: a) mostrar que el discurso justificatorio de la Corte sobre los derechos se ha elaborado a partir de un enfoque de justicia comunitarista o, en ocasiones, utilitarista; b) subrayar que la interpretación del interés legítimo en amparo sigue la misma suerte, y c) destacar que la incorporación de dicha herramienta procesal con un enfoque distinto puede proyectar la inclusión de una visión liberal igualitaria en la justicia constitucional.AbstractAn important part of the constitutional interpretation arises as a result of the trial of amparo, however this does not imply that the Supreme Court of Justice has built a uniform theory of constitutional rights and freedoms. This text has three purposes: (a) show that speech rights court only has foundation on communitarianism justice or utilitarianism, (b) emphasize that the interpretation of legitimate interest in amparo follows the same fate and (c) noted that the incorporation of that procedural tool in the new model of amparo, can include of an egalitarian liberal view on constitutional justice