279 research outputs found

    Supporting Looked After Children and Young People at School: A Scottish Case Study

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    The research outlined in this report aimed to study the arrangements for supporting looked after children in schools, including the transfer of information between social work and education, knowledge of the children, the awareness of key staff of the appropriate school and care environments, and the role of the designated senior manager with responsibility for looked after children. The research employed a case study approach, based on one 'learning community' (i.e. a local cluster of schools) within the City of Glasgow, Scotland. The learning community comprised a secondary school, four primary schools, two nursery schools and a pre-school children's centre. The research approach involved interviews with key informants and more informal contact, both in person and by email. Other important elements in the project included completion of a comprehensive data sheet for each young person and provision of mentoring support for the learning community via informal advice, passing on information, and by the provision of a training course for teachers and carers

    The Educational Attainment of Looked After Children - Local Authority Pilot Projects : Final Research Report

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    The aim of the research was to identify interventions that appeared to make the most difference in terms of both the educational experience and outcomes of the looked after children and young people participating in the local authority pilot projects. Data on attendance, exclusions and attainment were collected for a population of more than 600 children and young people. The research also analysed qualitative data, based on interviews with project co-ordinators, professionals, children and young people, and their parents and carers

    A Curriculum for Excellence: a review of approaches to recognising wider achievement

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    The is the report of work undertaken by the Quality in Education Centre of the University of Strathclyde on behalf of Learning and Teaching Scotland into Recognising WiderAchievements of young people both in and out of school.Desk research and empirical research were undertaken in January and February 2007. This short timescale inevitably limited the extent of the work undertaken. The views ofstakeholders were sought through interviews and questionnaires. Definitions of wider achievement have been emerging in the UK since four key areaswere identified by the DfES (DfES, 1984). These were recognised in 'National Records of Achievement' and included recognition of achievement (exams and other activities), motivation and personal development, curriculum organisation, and a document of recordthat is 'recognised and valued'. Further policy development in the 1990s and into this century raised further issues including the range of activities and variation in types oflearning, equity of access to opportunities, and challenges of assessment

    The role of imaging in early hip OA

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    SummaryHip osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by cartilage degradation, subchondral bone sclerosis and osteophyte formation. Nowadays, OA is thought to develop via different etiologies that all lead to a similar form of end stage joint degradation. One of these subtypes is related to an abnormal shaped hip joint, like acetabular dysplasia and a cam deformity. These bony abnormalities are highly predictive for development of hip OA, but they are likely to already be present from childhood. This suggests that these deformations induce OA changes in the hip, well before extensive hip degradation becomes present three to four decades later. Accurate detection and successful characterization of these early OA events might lead to better treatment options for hip OA besides nowadays available invasive joint replacement surgery. However, current diagnostic imaging techniques like radiographs or plain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are not sensitive enough to detect these subtle early OA changes. Nor are they able to disentangle intertwined and overlapping cascades from different OA subtypes, and neither can they predict OA progression. New and more sensitive imaging techniques might enable us to detect first OA changes on a cellular level, providing us with new opportunities for early intervention. In this respect, shape analysis using radiography, MRI, computed tomography (CT), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/CT, and positron emission tomography (PET) might prove promising techniques and be more suited to detect early pathological changes in the hip joint. A broad application of these techniques might give us more understanding what can be considered physiological adaptation of the hip, or when early OA really starts. With a more clear definition of early OA, more homogenous patient populations can be selected and help with the development of new disease modifying OA interventions

    Osteoarthritis: pathogenesis and therapeutic interventions for a whole joint disease

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    __Abstract__ Osteoarthritis (OA) is an invalidating disease characterized by progressive cartilage degradation. OA is the most prevalent arthritic disease and leading cause of disability that effects approximately 34% of the population in the United states over age 65. Also in the Netherlands, approximately 30% of persons aged 65 and older are affected in either the hip or knee joint by this severely disabling disease. Due to the obvious cartilage pathology, research has much focused on articular cartilage and chondrocyte pathobiology. Over the years more knowledge has been gained on complex biochemical and biomechanical influences of chondrocyte behavior. During the past decade, however, pathologic cellular and structural changes in subchondral and trabecular bone, ligaments, synovium, supporting musculature, fibrocartilagenous structures such as the meniscus, and intra-articular fat tissue support the idea that osteoarthritis is not just a cartilage problem. In the current dogma, OA is explained as ‘a whole joint disease’ that involves a degenerative continuum between multiple joint tissues and cell types

    Citation analysis of orthopaedic literature; 18 major orthopaedic journals compared for Impact Factor and SCImago

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One of the disadvantages of the Impact Factor (IF) is self-citation. The SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator excludes self-citations and considers the quality, rather than absolute numbers, of citations of a journal by other journals. The present study re-evaluated the influence of self-citation on the 2007 IF for 18 major orthopaedic journals and investigated the difference in ranking between IF and SJR.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The journals were analysed for self-citation both overall and divided into a general group (n = 8) and a specialized group (n = 10). Self-cited and self-citing rates, as well as citation densities and IFs corrected for self-citation (cIF), were calculated. The rankings of the 18 journals by IF and by SJR were compared and the absolute difference between these rankings (ΔR) was determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Specialized journals had higher self-citing rates (p = 0.01, Δmedian = 9.50, 95%CI -19.42 to 0.42), higher self-cited rates (p = 0.0004, Δmedian = -10.50, 95%CI -15.28 to -5.72) and greater differences between IF and cIF (p = 0.003, Δmedian = 3.50, 95%CI -6.1 to 13.1). There was no significant correlation between self-citing rate and IF for both groups (general: r = 0.46, p = 0.27; specialized: r = 0.21, p = 0.56). When the difference in ranking between IF and SJR was compared between both groups, sub-specialist journals were ranked lower compared to their general counterparts (ΔR: p = 0.006, Δmedian = 2.0, 95%CI -0.39 to 4.39).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Citation analysis shows that specialized orthopaedic journals have specific self-citation tendencies. The correlation between self-cited rate and IF in our sample was large but, due to small sample size, not significant. The SJR excludes self-citations in its calculation and therefore enhances the underestimation in ranking of specialized journals.</p

    Принцип коеволюції в контексті ноосферної концепції В.Вернадського

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    Досліджується принцип коеволюції людини та природи в контексті ноосферного вчення В.Вернадського. Аналізуються особливості світогляду суспільства ноосферної цивілізації.Исследуется принцип коэволюции человека и природы в контексте ноосферного учения В.Вернадского. Анализуются особенности мировоззрения общества ноосферной цивилизации.The principle of coevolution of person and nature is investigated in the context of noospherian doctrine of V.Vernadsky. The particularities of world view оf society of noospherian civilization are analyzed

    Properties of commonly used calcium phosphate cements in trauma and orthopaedic surgery

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    Introduction Half of the population sustains at least one fracture during their lifetime, and the majority of these fractures heal successfully. Successful fracture healing requires the following five elements; (i) osteogenic cells (e.g., osteoblasts), (ii) osteoinductive stimuli (e.g., bone morphogenetic proteins); (iii) an osteoconductive matrix; (iv) adequate blood and nutrient supply, and (v) sufficient mechanical support. One or more elements can be compromised due to the existence of a bone defect. Bone defects are treated with bone grafts in order to avoid insufficient fracture healing. Insufficient fracture healing is encountered in 5–10% of the fractures, resulting in delayed union, malunion, or non-union