265 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Wibawa Guru terhadap Keberhasilan Proses Pembelajaran di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Marioriawa Kabupaten Soppeng

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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada dasarnya guru-guru di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Marioriawa Kabupaten Soppeng secara umum telah memiliki kewibawaan dalam proses pendidikan, sehingga dapat mendukung keberhasilan proses pembelajaran karena dapat memberikan motivasi dan menimbulkan minat kepada peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan penuh kesadaran dan keikhlasan bukan karena tekanan atau ketakutan. Dengan demikian, wibawa guru yang dimiliki oleh guru-guru di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Marioriawa Kabupaten Soppeng tersebut dapat memberikan pengaruh yangpositif terhadap pencapaian keberhasilan proses pembelajaran. Implikasi dari penelitian ini, diharapkan kiranya para guru memiliki kewibawaan dalam proses pendidikan, dan senantiasa menjaga serta mempertahankannya agar dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alat pendidikan untuk mencapai keberhasilan

    Effective communication of critical radiology results: The implementation of panic alert mechanism

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    Objective: To establish an effective channel of timely communication of life-threatening emergencies to primary physicians by radiology team.Methods: The observational study was conducted at Aga Khan Hospital for Women and Children, Kharadar, Karachi. Data was collected from the log book from July 2012 to June 2013.Amultidisciplinary Panic Alert protocol was formulated and implemented in the Radiology unit. All radiological examinations were screened as soon as possible and panic alerts [provisional findings] were communicated to their primary care taker/relevant nursing staff, attendants within 30 minutes from the time of completion of examination. Complete log was maintained. Data was analysed on SPSS 13.Results: A total of 22,474 patients were seen, and 77(0.34%) had panic provisional findings. The mean time for communicating the panic reporting was 19.5±8 minutes. Implementation of the designed protocol, effective communication and proper follow-up resulted in 100% coverage of panic results.CONCLUSIONS: Life-threatening emergencies identified by radiological imaging can be managed effectively if alerts are generated in time

    Perceived Acceleration in Stereoscopic Animation

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    In stereoscopic media, a sensation of depth is produced through the differences of images presented to the left and the right eyes. These differences are a result of binocular parallax caused by the separation of the cameras used to capture the scene. Creators of stereoscopic media face the challenge of producing compelling depth while restricting the amount of parallax to a comfortable range. Control of camera separation is a key manipulation to control parallax. Sometimes, stereoscopic warping is used in post-production process to selectively increase or decrease depth in certain regions of the image. However, mismatches between camera geometry and natural stereoscopic geometry can theoretically produce nonlinear distortions of perceived space. The relative expansion or compression of the stereoscopic space, in theory, should affect the perceived acceleration of objects moving through that space. This thesis suggests that viewers are tolerant of effects of distortions when perceiving acceleration in a stereoscopic scene

    Public Policies versus Institutional Structures: A New Perspective of Assessing Economic Growth Dynamics in Developing Nations

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    This study is performed to find out the impact of policy and institutional factors on the economic growth of the developing countries. These include Economic management, Structural policies, Social inclusion/equity and Governance. Panel data of 72 countries is being taken for this study and the time period is from 2005-2013. Simple ordinary least square (OLS) model has been applied to find the impact of these variables on economic growth of developing countries and the results showed that overall institutions are related more to the economic growth of these nations as compared to policy contents. On the other side from institutional parameters, role of budgetary management and equity of public resource use by the government is positively contributing to economic performance of these nations. Nevertheless few variables have showed negative impact as well in which the process resource mobilization and transparency of the system is exhibiting more negative role in economic growth of these nations. Overall results showed that non-economic parameters of the political systems are more closely interrelated with the process of economic growth in these nation as compared to pure economic factors. Key Words: Fiscal Policy, Economic Integration, Budget, Debt Management, Government Regulations, Economic Development JEL Classification: E63, F15, H61, H63, I18, O1

    The Moderating Effect of IT Capability on the Relationship between BPR Factors and Performance of Pakistani Banks

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    Financial institutions work in a highly competitive market. There is always a pressure for improving the processes and IT up gradation, but there is a lack of research on this particular area. This paper focuses on investigating the impact of business process reengineering (BPR) on the performance of banks, while keeping the IT as moderator. BPR plays a vital role in improving the processes, thus affecting the overall performance of organization. Yet, the implementation of BPR requires a lot of risk. Thus, the success rate of BPR depends on how well it has been carried out. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaire from 50 commercial banks. The response rate was 95%. Data was analyzed through multiple regressions on SPSS. The results indicated that IT acted as a moderator between BPR factors and performance of Pakistani banks. This study has strong implications for managers & practitioners seeking to implement BPR in organizations. Keywords: Business process reengineering, IT knowledge and capacity, Performance, Pakistani banks

    Pengaruh Efficient Market Hypothesis, Gambler’s Fallacy, dan Familiarity Effect terhadap Investment Decision Making dengan Perspektif Neuroeconimics sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Studi pada Investor Pasar Modal di Kota Makassar)

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    Hasil penelitian analisis regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa efficient market hypothesis, gambler’s fallacy, dan familiarity effect secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengambilan keputusan investasi. Analisis regresi moderasi dengan uji nilai selisih mutlak menunjukkan bahwa perspektif neuroeconimics memoderasi gambler’s fallacy terhadap pengambilan keputusan investasi, tetapi tidak mampu memoderasi efficient market hypothesis dan familiarity effect terhadap pengambilan keputusan invesatasi

    School Health Services and its Practices in Public and Private Schools of Rawalpindi District

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    Objective: To assess the school health services in public and private schools of Rawalpindi district.Subjects and Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted in 50 public and private schools of Rawalpindi district for a period of 3 months. Consecutive sampling was done with inclusion criteria of only those teachers who had minimum two years of teaching experience in that particular school were included in the study. Participants were interviewed using a structured, interviewer administered questionnaire and a checklist. Data were entered and analyzed on SPSS version 20.0.Results: Among 50 selected schools, 10% were pre-schools, 28% primary schools and 68% were high schools. Regarding clean drinking water, 64% schools were using filtered water, 14% unfiltered, and 2% mineral water. In 60% schools, water was chlorinated. First aid provision in case of emergency was available in 96% of schools. Only in 24% of schools, sick room was available. First aid was given by teachers in most of the schools.Conclusion: Adequate health education on different aspects including nutrition is provided by most of schools. Majority schools provide health services including provision of first aid but there is lack of placement of health professionals and periodical inspection of students. Maximum number of schools have congested classrooms, uncomfortable seating and shortage of washrooms
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