49 research outputs found

    Comparative study of radiation-induced damage in magnesium aluminate spinel by means of IL, CL and RBS/C techniques

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    International audienceA comparative study of damage accumulation in magnesium aluminate spinel (MgAl2O4) has been conducted using ionoluminescence (IL), cathodoluminescence (CL) and Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry/channeling (RBS/C) techniques. MgAl2O4 single crystal and polycrystalline samples were irradiated with 320 keV Ar+ ions at fluencies ranging from 1 × 1012 to 2 × 1016 cm−2 in order to create various levels of radiation damage. RBS/C measurements provided quantitative data about damage concentration in the samples. These values were then compared to the luminescence measurements. The results obtained by IL and RBS/C methods demonstrate a two-step character of damage buildup process. The CL data analysis points to the three-step damage accumulation mechanism involving the first defect transformation at fluencies of about 1013 cm−2 and second at about 1015 cm−2. The rate of changes resulting from the formation of nonluminescent recombination centers is clearly nonlinear and cannot be described in terms of continuous accumulation of point defects. Both, IL and CL techniques, appear as new, complementary tools bringing new possibilities in the damage accumulation studies in single- and polycrystalline materials

    Observations of the Sun using LOFAR Baldy station

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    We report first results of solar spectroscopic observations carried out with the Baldy LOFAR (LOw-Frequency ARray) station, Poland from October 2016 to July 2017. During this time, we observed different types of radio emission: type I and type III radio bursts. Our observations show that the station is fully operational and it is capable to work efficiently in the single station mode for solar observations. Furthermore, in this paper we will briefly describe the observational technique and instrument capabilities and show some examples of first observations. (C) 2018 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Interferometric imaging of the type IIIb and U radio bursts observed with LOFAR on 22 August 2017

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    Context. The Sun is the source of different types of radio bursts that are associated with solar flares, for example. Among the most frequently observed phenomena are type III solar bursts. Their radio images at low frequencies (below 100 MHz) are relatively poorly studied due to the limitations of legacy radio telescopes.Aims. We study the general characteristics of types IIIb and U with stria structure solar radio bursts in the frequency range of 20-80 MHz, in particular the source size and evolution in different altitudes, as well as the velocity and energy of electron beams responsible for their generation.Methods. In this work types IIIb and U with stria structure radio bursts are analyzed using data from the LOFAR telescope including dynamic spectra and imaging observations, as well as data taken in the X-ray range (GOES and RHESSI satellites) and in the extreme ultraviolet (SDO satellite).Results. In this study we determined the source size limited by the actual shape of the contour at particular frequencies of type IIIb and U solar bursts in a relatively wide frequency band from 20 to 80 MHz. Two of the bursts seem to appear at roughly the same place in the studied active region and their source sizes are similar. It is different in the case of another burst, which seems to be related to another part of the magnetic field structure in this active region. The velocities of the electron beams responsible for the generation of the three bursts studied here were also found to be different.Peer reviewe

    Magnesium and sulphur balances in young cattle fed maize silage

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    В соответствующих исследованиях определяли баланс магния и серы у откормочного скота кормимого силосами изготовленными из монокультурной кукурузы следующих гибридов: Буковиньски-3 выведенного в СССР, французского ИНРА-190 и польских ИХАР-280 и Кб-280. Содержание анализируемых элементов в силосах изготовленных из кукурузных гибридов было высоким, составляя в среднем 0,59 г Мg /кг и 0,66 г S /кг. Исследуемые гибриды кукурузы как источник определенных минеральных элементов не показывали статистически существенных различий и обеспечивали потребности животных в магние, чего проявлением может служить положительный баланс этого элемента и его содержание в моче, составляющее в среднем 103,95 мгМg/л. Полученные отрицательные, или положительные но очень низкие балансы серы показывают, что этот элемент, содержится в преобладающем большинстве кормов в неусвояемом виде. Таким образом возникает необходимость пополнения рационов для откормочного скота содержимого на кукурузных силосах более легко усвояемыми источниками серы.The magnesium and sulphur balances in young beef cattle fed with the following monocultured maize silages: Bukowiriski-3 bred in USSR, INRA-190 obtained in France, and two Polish hybrids IHAR-280 and Kb-280, were determined. The contents of the above mentioned elements in hybrid maize silages were very high and a- mounted 0,59 g Mg/kg and 0,66 g S/kg. Statististically, there were no great differences in the hybrid maize silages as sources of particular mineral components, and they met cattle requirement for magnesium. The positive magnesium balance and its content of 103,95 mg Mg/1 in urine gave a sufficient evidence. Negative or very low positive sulphur balances showed that the investigated feedstuffs contained that element predominantly in an unavailable form. Therefore, it is necessary to supply beef cattle rations that are based on maize silage with easy available sulphur sources

    Electrical Conductivity of Ethylene Glycol Based Nanofluids with Different Types of Thulium Oxide Nanoparticles

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    The paper presents experimental investigation on electrical conductivity of thulium oxides-ethylene glycol (Tm₂O₃-EG) nanofluids based on nanoparticles with three different sizes, and prepared in different conditions. Nanofluids were prepared with two-step method with use of the nanoparticles obtained by precipitation method. Measurements were conducted at constant temperature 293.15 K for various mass concentrations from 0% to 20% with 5% step. The electrical conductivity was measured using conductivity meter MultiLine 3410 (WTW GmBH, Weilheim, Germany) and temperature was stabilized in a water bath MLL 547 (AJL Electronic, Cracow, Poland). The results indicate that increase in mass concentration of nanoparticles in base fluid causes increase in electrical conductivity of Tm₂O₃-EG nanofluids. The enhancement in electrical conductivity of nanosuspensions of thulium oxide is dependent on particle size

    Physical properties of Al2O3-Ag nanopowders produced by thermal decomposition-reduction and colloidal nanosilver impregnation

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    Praca miała na celu zbadanie wpływu warunków wytwarzania nanoproszków Al2O3-Ag jak również ilości dodanego srebra na ich właściwości fizyczne [1]. Nanoproszki Al2O3-Ag zostały wytworzone metodą rozkładu termicznego-redukcji. W pierwszym etapie otrzymany prekursor poddano wygrzewaniu w temperaturze 700°C w atmosferze powietrza przez 24 h. Następnie, produkt pośredni Al2O3-Ag2O poddano redukcji w temperaturze 700°C w atmosferze wodoru przez 2 h w celu uzyskania produktu końcowego- nanoproszku Al2O3-Ag. Metoda ta pozwoliła na otrzymanie serii próbek A12O3+ x wag% Ag (x = 0.30, 1.35, 2.84, i 12.55). W celach porównawczych wytworzono również nanoproszki Al2O3-Ag metodą impregnacji nanoproszku Al2O3 nanosrebrem z układu koloidalnego nanosrebro-heksan. Metodą tą otrzymano serię próbek Al2O3+ x wag% Ag (x=0.30, l.40, 2.85, oraz 12.70). Otrzymane nanoproszki Al2O3-Ag poddano analizie takich parametrów fizycznych jak powierzchnia właściwa, objętość i rozmiar porów, a także gęstość rzeczywista. Produkty obu metod charakteryzują się znacznie rozwiniętą powierzchnią właściwą (ponad 200 m²/g) oraz dużą objętością porów (0,4-1,1cm³/g).The main aim of this work was to investigate the influence of Al2O3-Ag production parameters and Ag percentage addition on surface morphology and physical properties of the middle as well as final product. The Al2O3-Ag nanopowders were produced by two methods. The first one, thermal decomposition-reduction allowed receiving the series of samples: Al2O3+ x wt% Ag (x=0.30, 1.35, 2.84, and 12.55). The second, was colloidal nanosilver-hexane impregnation. This method allowed receiving the series of samples: Al2O3+ x wt% Ag (x = 0.30, 1.40, 2.85, and 12.70). Morphology and physical properties were examined using scanning electron microscope, nitrogen sorption measurements and helium pycnometer. Both methods allow to obtain Al2O3-Ag nanopowders with comparable average particle size (between 40 and 100 nm), large specific BET surface area (over 200 m²/g) and large open porosity volume (between 0.4 -1.1 cm³/g)

    Zastosowanie preform ceramicznych do wytwarzania kompozytów ceramika-metal

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    This paper presents new solution to manufacturing Cu-Al2O3 composites with a dispersed reinforcement phase. It consists in substituting commonly used commercial alumina powder with crushed ceramic foam. Very low strength of thin-walled Al2O3 porous foams results in both their easy destruction and isolation of fragments 2O3 z rozproszoną fazą wzmacniającą. Polega ono na wykorzystaniu zamiast powszechnie stosowanego handlowego proszku tlenku glinu, rozkruszonej pianki cera- micznej. Wysoka kruchość cienkościennych, porowatych pianek Cu-Al2O3 pozwoliła na łatwe ich rozdrobnienie i wyodrębnienie frakcji o fragmentach wielkości < 200 /im. Dodatek fazy ceramicznej wynosił 3-10%obj. Proces spiekania prowadzono w temperaturze 1050°C w czasie 30 min i pod ciśnieniem 30 MPa. Celem pracy było określenie wpływu ilości dodatku fazy ceramicznej na mikrostrukturę oraz wybrane właściwości otrzymanych kompozytów

    Application of Ceramic Preforms to the Manufacturing of Ceramic - Metal Composites

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    Artykuł przedstawia nowatorskie rozwiązanie wytwarzania kompozytów CU-AI2O3 z rozproszoną fazą wzmacniającą. Polega ono na wykorzystaniu zamiast powszechnie stosowanego handlowego proszku tlenku glinu, rozkruszonej pianki cera- micznej. Wysoka kruchość cienkościennych, porowatych pianek AI2O3 pozwoliła na łatwe ich rozdrobnienie i wyodrębnienie frakcji o fragmentach wielkości < 200 /im. Dodatek fazy ceramicznej wynosił 3-10%obj. Proces spiekania prowadzono w temperaturze 1050°C w czasie 30 min i pod ciśnieniem 30 MPa. Celem pracy było określenie wpływu ilości dodatku fazy ceramicznej na mikrostrukturę oraz wybrane właściwości otrzymanych kompozytów