44 research outputs found
Excitation of wake field and transition radiation in a semi-infinite waveguide by a relativistic electron bunch
The theoretical investigations and simulation are performed for the emission of a relativistic electron bunch
during the injection into a semi-infinite vacuum/dielectric waveguide. The power and the frequency spectrum of
high intensity pulse of ultra-wideband transition radiation, excited by a finite size electron bunch in a vacuum
waveguide, are calculated numerically. It is shown that in a dielectric waveguide the short pulse of Cherenkov wake
field drifts behind the relativistic bunch with the group velocity
Ultra-Short Pulse Excitation in a Semi-Infinite Waveguide by a Relativistic Electron Bunch
The theoretical investigations and simulation are performed for the emission of a relativistic electron bunch during the injection into a semi-infinite vacuum/dielectric waveguide. The exact solution of the problem is obtained for the first time. Contrary to the previously used saddle-point technique, we applied a number of successive conform transformations of integration area in order to carry out the inverse Fourier transformation. The power and the frequency spectrum of high intensity pulse of ultra-wideband transition radiation, excited by a finite size electron bunch in a vacuum waveguide, are calculated numerically. It is shown that in a dielectric waveguide the short pulse of Cherenkov wake field drifts behind the relativistic bunch with the group velocity.Выполнены теоретические исследования и численное моделирование излучения релятивистского электронного сгустка или последовательности сгустков при инжекции в полуограниченный вакуумный или диэлектрический волновод. Получено точное решение задачи. Вместо использовавшегося ранее метода седловой точки для нахождения асимптотического решения мы воспользовались несколькими конформными отображениями области интегрирования, чтобы выполнить обратное преобразование Фурье. С помощью численного моделирования определены мощность и частотный спектр интенсивного импульса сверхширокополосного переходного излучения, возбуждаемого электронным сгустком конечных размеров в вакуумном волноводе. Показано, что в диэлектрическом волноводе возбуждается короткий импульс Черенковского кильватерного поля, распространяющийся за сгустком с групповой скоростью.Виконані теоретичні дослідження та чисельне моделювання випромінювання релятивістського електронного згустка або послідовності згустків при інжекції в напівобмежений вакуумний або діелектричний хвилевод. Отримане точне рішення задачі. Замість використаного раніше методу сідлової точки для знаходження асимптотичного рішення ми використали декілька конформних відображень області інтегрування, щоб зробити зворотне Фур’є-перетворення. З використанням чисельного моделювання знайдена потужність і частотний спектр інтенсивного імпульсу надширокосмугового перехідного випромінювання, що збуджується електронним згустком скінченних розмірів в вакуумному хвилеводі. Показано, що в діелектричному хвилеводі збуджується короткий імпульс Черенківського кільватерного поля, що розповсюджується за згустком з груповою швидкістю
Изучение эффективности изолирующего крема Барьедерм при дерматозах
Goal. The aim of the study is evaluation of the effectiveness of a barrier cream Bariederm in combined therapy of dermatoses. Materials and Methods. 3 groups of patients were examined: 32 patients with allergic contact dermatitis, 22 female patients with cold and wind induced dermatitis and 23 children aged 5 years and under with cutaneons mastocytosis. All of them were treated with Bariederm cream. Results. Including of Bariederm cream in combined treatment fetched to increase of clinical efficiency in treatment of dermatoses. Bariederm cream is also well tolerated.Цель. Изучение эффективности изолирующего крема Барьедерм в комплексной терапии заболеваний кожи у взрослых и детей. Материал и методы. Наблюдали 3 группы пациентов: 1-ю группу составили 32 человека, больных аллергическим контактным дерматитом, во 2-ю группу вошли 22 женщины, страдавшие простым раздражительным дерматитом от воздействия ветра и холода в зимнее время, в 3-ю - 23 ребенка в возрасте до 5 лет с кожными формами мастоцитоза. В комплексную терапию пациентов включали крем Барьедерм. Результаты. Включение крема Барьедерм в комплексную терапию пациентов привело к существенному возрастанию клинического эффекта. Отмечена хорошая переносимость крема Барьедерм пациентами
Discrimination between Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus mitis based on sorting of their MALDI mass spectra
AbstractAccurate species-level identification of alpha-hemolytic (viridans) streptococci (VGS) is very important for understanding their pathogenicity and virulence. However, an extremely high level of similarity between VGS within the mitis group (S. pneumoniae, S. mitis, S. oralis and S. pseudopneumoniae) often results in misidentification of these organisms. Earlier, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has been suggested as a tool for the rapid identification of S. pneumoniae. However, by using Biotyper 3.0 (Bruker) or Vitek MS (bioMérieux) databases, Streptococcus mitis/oralis species can be erroneously identified as S. pneumoniae. ClinProTools 2.1 software was used for the discrimination of MALDI-TOF mass spectra of 25 S. pneumoniae isolates, 34 S. mitis and three S. oralis. Phenotypical tests and multilocus gene typing schemes for the S. pneumoniae (http://spneumoniae.mlst.net/) and viridans streptococci (http://viridans.emlsa.net/) were used for the identification of isolates included in the study. The classifying model was generated based on different algorithms (Genetic Algorithm, Supervised Neural Network and QuickClassifier). In all cases, values of sensitivity and specificity were found to be equal or close to 100%, allowing discrimination of mass spectra of different species. Three peaks (6949, 9876 and 9975 m/z) were determined conferring the maximal statistical weight onto each model built. We find this approach to be promising for viridans streptococci discrimination
К 100-летию клиники и 140-летнему основанию кафедры кожных и венерических болезней Ростовского государственного медицинского университета
The article describes the stages of development and formation of the national dermatovenereology, history of one of the oldest department of skin and sexually transmitted diseases in Russia. Discusses national and global role of the P.V. Nikolsky, Z.N. Grjebine, N.A. Torsuev, L.M. Khasabov and other colleagues of clinic and chair in the learning and teaching of dermatology and venerology, their contribution to the fight against leprosy, skin and venereal diseases.В статье описываются этапы развития и становления отечественной дерматовенерологии, история открытия и дальнейшая судьба одной из старейших кафедр кожных и венерических болезней в России. Обсуждаются национальная и мировая роль П.В. Никольского, З.Н. Гржебина, Н.А.Торсуева, л.М. Хасабова и других сотрудников клиники и кафедры в изучении и преподавании дерматовенерологии, их вклад в борьбу с лепрой, кожными и венерическими болезнями
Mental traumatization of police officers during service in a medical and biological emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic [ПСИХИЧЕСКАЯ ТРАВМАТИЗАЦИЯ ПОЛИЦЕЙСКИХ В ПЕРИОД НЕСЕНИЯ СЛУЖБЫ В ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНОЙ СИТУАЦИИ МЕДИКО-БИОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ХАРАКТЕРА, ОБУСЛОВЛЕННОЙ ПАНДЕМИЕЙ COVID-19]
Relevance. Internal Affairs employees during the anti-epidemic measures of COVID-19 period protected public order and the safety of citizens in crowded places. During the pandemic, according to departmental statistics, morbidity rates in police officers were 6.6 times higher than in general population and close to the healthcare professionals. Due to police officers' professional activities, the COVID-19 pandemic was associated not only with high contamination risks, but also with certain emotional stress and destabilization. Intention. To identify mental traumatization features in police officers who serve to protect public order and citizens safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology. 371 male employees of the Internal Affairs Headquarters in Moscow were surveyed. Three groups were identified: Group I - 127 police officers (average age 33.3 ± 1.1 years, service experience 6.1 ± 1.3 years) with positive test results and COVID-19 clinical manifestations (mild and moderate severity, inpatient and outpatient treatment) over the period from 10.04.2020 to 9.06.2020 (the restrictive measures and self-isolation period announced by the decree of the Russian Chief State Sanitary Doctor on 30.03.2020 N 9 “On additional measures to prevent the COVID-2019 spread in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic”); Group II - 118 healthy police officers (average age 30.9 ± 1.5 years, service experience 5.6 ± 1.9 years), without COVID-19 clinical manifestations but released from their duties as contacts; Group III - 126 healthy police officers (average age 32.4 ± 1.5 years, service experience 7.1 ± 1.9 years) not released from their duties during the COVID-19 pandemic, who protected public order in crowded places (patrolling streets, metro duty, etc.). Our questionnaire was intended for self-assessing mental state, and experimental psychological examination was also included. To meet the anti-epidemic requirements, respondents were surveyed online using electronic digital resources. Results and Discussion. Based on self-assessment results, police officers in all groups showed high levels of well-being, mood, performance and emotional stability on duty during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental traumatization in police officers of the Group 1 was associated with increased personal anxiety and responses to everyday situations tended to be maladaptive, with physical and verbal aggression, irritation. In Group 2 employees, mental trauma included emotional stress and situational anxiety associated with the COVID-19 risk. Healthy police officers who were not released from their duties during the COVID-19 pandemic and continued to serve as law enforcement officers in crowded areas were prone to non-constructive responses to stress in the form of feelings of guilt, hostility, and irritability. In all respondents, constructive business relationships with direct managers and additional financial incentives helped prevent psychological trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion. The study results justify developing an algorithm for psycho-prevention in police officers during medical and biological emergencies, including psychological support, social support and a positive social environment in service teams. This will help prevent the psychological trauma and borderline mental disorders in police officers and, accordingly, increase their personal reliability and reduce damage to the Department image. © 2020 Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia. All rights reserved
Some problems, which arise in the process of work with the use of SystemView (SystemVuetm) program of system planning the radio electronic devices
В статье рассмотрены основные трудности, возникающие при работе с программой системного проектирования SystemView (SystemVuetm) в режиме быстрого преобразования Фурье (БПФ).У статті розглянуто основні труднощі, що виникають при роботі з програмою системного проектування радіоелектронних пристроїв SystemView (SystemVuetm) у режимі швидкого перетворення Фур’є.This article describes the main problem, which arise in the process of work with the use of SystemView (SystemVuetm) program of system planning the radio electronic devices in the regime of fast Fourier transform