385 research outputs found
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penyelenggaraan Event Lokakarya dan Seminar (Studi Kasus: UNIKOM Bandung)
Workshops and seminars are a form of organizing scientific events in universities. Workshops and seminars become a knowledge sharing activity from practitioners / experts in certain fields. Organizing events to get success, it would require a good event management. UNIKOM Bandung's information system department organizes workshop and seminars events specifically for students. In practice, problems frequently arise and result in the direct implementation. This study aims to design a management information system for event workshops and seminars that can be solutions to problem solving that exist in organizing events in UNIKOM's information systems department. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach and descriptive method. System development adopts a prototype model with an object oriented system approach. The procedure designed includes the procedure of publication, registration, payment, presence. The results of this study are a web-based event management workshop and seminar information system. The system designed is expected to be able to provide better solution to the problem for the participants or the organizing committee.Lokakarya dan seminar merupakan salah satu bentuk penyelenggaraan event ilmiah di perguruan tinggi. Lokakarya dan seminar menjadi sebuah aktifitas berbagi pengetahuan dari praktisi/ahli di bidang tertentu. Untuk mendapatkan kesuksesan penyelenggaraan event, maka diperlukan pengelolaan event yang baik. Program studi sistem informasi UNIKOM Bandung menyeleggarakan event lokakarya dan seminar yang dikhususkan untuk mahasiswa. Dalam pelaksanaannya, permasalahan sering muncul dan berakibat pada pelaksanaannya secara langsung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah sistem informasi manajemen event lokakarya dan seminar yang dapat menjadi solusi pemecahan masalah yang ada pada penyelenggaraan event di program studi sistem informasi UNIKOM. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif. Pengembangan sistem mengadopsi model prototype dengan pendekatan sistem yang berorientasi objek. Prosedur yang dirancang meliputi prosedur publikasi, pendaftaran, pembayaran, presensi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah sistem informasi manajemen event lokakarya dan seminar berbasis web. Sistem yang dirancang ini diharapkan mampu untuk menyediakan penyelesaian masalah dengan prosedur yang lebih baik bagi peserta ataupun panitia penyelenggara
Aplikasi Partograf Sebagai Media Bantu Dalam Proses Persalinan Di Rumah Sakit Ibu Dan Anak Arvita Bunda YOGYAKARTA
The rapid developments of information world, makes us aware of the direction of future life in the fast-paced. Information technology has changed the way modern man lives a good way to socialize or do business, information technology is increasingly developing overseas computerized almost all activities, from the business sector, government sector to the household sector, even now information technology has been used as a media aide in the world of Health Care. Partograf a sheet form with a variety of graphics and code that describes the various parameters to assess the progress of childbirth. Partograf picture given by parameters of each line (vertical) to the line of the passage of time (horizontal). Partograf used to detect if there are deviations / problems of childbirth, so that it becomes abnormal parturition and require other actions to help resolve childbirth. By leveraging our technology can make an application partograf.This application is designed to increase the functionality of the technology, that is to petrify midwife in the birth process, so it will be faster and more efficient in making such partograf. This application is created with the PHP programming language, using the software Dreamweaver 8 and Notepad++ as an editor
Studi In Vitro Potensi Kurkuminoid (Curcuma Domestica Vahl) dan Senyawa-senyawanya terhadap Superoksidadismutase dan pada Proses Peroksidasi Lipid Sel Monosit.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah masing-masing sampel ( kurkuminoid,kurkumin, desmetoksikurkumin dan bisdesmetoksikurkumin ) dengan dosis sama (3,68 ug/50ul)yang diisolasi dan dimurnikan dari rimpang kunyit (Curcuma domestica Vahl) memiliki efekterhadap aktivitas superoksidadismutase dan terhadap proses peroksidasi lipid secara in vitro.Subjek penelitian menggunakan sel monosit yang diisolasi dari darah pria dewasa normaldengan metode Boyum.Masing-masing sampel dibagi ke dalam dua grup, grup (a) dilarutkan dalam dimetilsulfoksida(DMSO), dan grup (b) dilarutkan dalam air suling. Kedua grup sampel tersebut diuji terhadapaktivitas superoksidadismutase, dilakukan dengan metode Murakami, dan juga diuji terhadapproses peroksidasi lipid sel monosit dilakukan dengan metode TBARS.Hasil penelitian dari kedua grup sampel, memiliki efek meningkatkan aktivitassuperoksidadismutase secara bermakna (p< 0,05), demikian pula dapat menghambat terhadapproses peroksidasi lipid, yang ditunjukan dengan penurunan kadar malondialdehid secarabermakna (p< 0,05).Sampel grup (a) memiliki kekuatan lebih besar terhadap peningkatan aktivitas superoksidadismutasejika dibandingkan dengan sampel grup (b), khususnya terlihat pada kurkuminoidaktivitasnya hampir menyamai α-tokoferol.Kurkumin baik dari grup (a) maupun dari grup (b) memiliki aktivitas yang lebih besar terhadappenghambatan proses peroksidasi lipid dibandingkan dengan kurkuminoid, desmetoksikurkumindan bisdesmetoksi-kurkumin. Bahkan lebih kuat dari α-tokoferol
This research studies the influence of the tourism sector GRDP on poverty in Central Java Province. The research uses quantitative methods with linear regression techniques using time series data. The data for this research is secondary data that spans 15 years, starting from 2005 to 2019, which is represented in semester data. The total sample used is 30 samples. After the Classical Assumption Test was performed then the data analyzed using Cobb-Douglas linear regression model with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique. The research results showed that Tourism Sector GRDP had a significant negative effect on poverty. Based on that tourism sector can be one of the most potential approaches to be developed for alleviating poverty in Central Java Province.
This research studies the influence of the tourism sector GRDP on poverty in Central Java Province. The research uses quantitative methods with linear regression techniques using time series data. The data for this research is secondary data that spans 15 years, starting from 2005 to 2019, which is represented in semester data. The total sample used is 30 samples. After the Classical Assumption Test was performed then the data analyzed using Cobb-Douglas linear regression model with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique. The research results showed that Tourism Sector GRDP had a significant negative effect on poverty. Based on that tourism sector can be one of the most potential approaches to be developed for alleviating poverty in Central Java Province.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat degradasi kawasan hutan mangrove di Desa Bajo Kecamatan Tilamuta Kabupaten Boalemo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode transek garis. Transek garis dibuat tegak lurus garis pantai dengan panjang transek garis 100 m yang dibagi menjadi 3 petak/kuadran dengan ukuran petak masing-masing 20 x 20 meter untuk kelompok pohon, 10 x 10 meter untuk kelompok pancang dan 5 x 5 untuk kelompok pohon. bibit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengukuran analisis struktur vegetasi tipe mangrove ditemukan tujuh spesies tumbuhan mangrove di Desa Bajo, Kecamatan Tilamuta, Kabupaten Boalemo, yaitu Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Ceriops decandra, Ceriops tegal, Bruguiera gymnorizha, Avicennia alba. , dan Sonneratia alba. Sedangkan hasil analisis kerusakan ditemukan bahwa kondisi kawasan hutan mangrove di Desa Bajo, Boalemo termasuk dalam kategori rusak (jarang) karena kerapatan mangrove 1000 ind/ha dengan jumlah pohon sebanyak 112 pohon/ha. Selain itu, berdasarkan tingkat kekritisan lahan mangrove dan metode formula tidak termasuk dalam kategori rusak sedang (54,45)
An It2fs Model for Sharia Credit Scoring: Analysis & Design
Credit scoring system is a classic problem which is still interesting to study. There are many studies on credit scoring. But, most of them only discuss feasibility analysis. In fact, credit scoring system should accommodate all processes from feasibility analysis until the end of contract. This study is aimed to analyze and design scoring of default status and fines computation processes in Islamic bank. BPMN 2.0 was used to model their processes. Beside that, this study proposed new mechanisms and algorithms using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets for maintaining Sharia rules and fairness guarantee. The results showed that the new methods offer more fair and comply to sharia than existing methods
Production of Medium Chain Length Polyhydroxyalkanoates From Oleic Acid Using Pseudomonas Putida Pga1 by Fed Batch Culture
Bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are a class of polymers currently receiving much attention because of theirpotential as renewable and biodegradable plastics. A wide variety of bacteria has been reported to produce PHAsincluding Pseudomonas strains. These strains are known as versatile medium chain length PHAs (PHAs-mcl) producersusing fatty acids as carbon source. Oleic acid was used to produce PHAs-mcl using Pseudomonas putida PGA 1 bycontinuous feeding of both nitrogen and carbon source, in a fed batch culture. During cell growth, PHAs alsoaccumulated, indicating that PHA production in this organism is growth associated. Residual cell increased until thenitrogen source was depleted. At the end of fermentation, final cell concentration, PHA content, and productivity were30.2 g/L, 44.8 % of cell dry weight, and 0.188 g/l/h, respectively
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