366 research outputs found


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    In understanding hydraulic characteristics of open channel flow infested by vegetation, it is necessary to study the characteristics of vegetation that occupies the channel. Hypothetically, different vegetation will result in different characteristics. In this experiment, Japanese grass, Cow grass and Pearl grass were used to understand the relation of their presence towards open channel hydraulic characteristics. Experiments were conducted inside a laboratory flume, with 5-m stretch of each grass laid across the 10-m flume. Upon experiment, cross-sectional discharges, flow depths, retardance coefficients and velocities were assessed to establish relationship between vegetation and hydraulic characteristics. By comparison of graphs of depth flow characteristic, velocity characteristic, and discharge characteristic over the computed Manning’s n values, it can be concluded that characteristic of Japanese grass, Cow grass and Pearl grass are found to behave in similar pattern. The finding emphasis that, if there are an increase in channel discharge, there will be an increase in the flow depth. Besides, as flow depth increases, velocity will also increases. Eventually, when the velocity increases, manning’s retardance coefficient will decreases and play minimal effect on impeding the channel flow

    Tidal energy generation using the double-emptying system scheme

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    This paper presents the electrical power generation by using the tidal lagoon system. In general, using tidal concept, water will flow into the dam in one direction, and then water will be forced to be released back into the sea via the low-head one-way generator. In some cases, there is a two-way power generation where power is generated when water from the sea flowing into the dam and one more generation when power is released back into the sea via two different generators. However, in this paper, a new scheme of tidal generation namely Double-Emptying System is proposed where the power can be generated during in flow and out flow, but, by using just one low-head one-way turbine only. The operation of this scheme is explained in detail in the paper. Analysis regarding the potential power production is then executed on the best location in Malaysia; Port Klang. Findings show that by using the proposed technique, the maximum potential mean power can be generated in March whereas the minimum in June, with 9.8926 MW and 6.151 MW, respectively

    Persepsi Dan Sikap Masyarakat Terhadap Manfaat Bantuan Psd-pu

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    Dirjen Cipta Karya telah memberikan bantuan PSD-PU kepada Pengembang dan Koperasi yang membangun RS dan RSS. Selama ini besarnya manfaat dari bantuan tersebut kepada masyarakat dan Pemda belum pernah diukur. Dengan berdasar kepada persepsi dan sikap masyarakat dilakukan kajian dengan menggunakan skala Likert yang diinterpretasikan ke dalam skala derajat manfaat.Dari kajian tersebut diketahui bahwa derajat manfaat yang diperoleh masyarakatatas bantuan prasarana jalan mendapat nilai rata-rata 67% yang berarti dalam derajat lebih bermanfaat. Demikian pula untuk bantuan saluran air dan gorong- gorong mendapat nilai rata-rata 79% yang masih dalam kategori lebih bermanfaat. Manfaat yang diperoleh antara lain : meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, dapat menyerap tenaga kerja setempat, dapat menunjang perekonomian masyarakat sekitar, dan dapat meningkatkan nilai jual tanah.Sedangkan dari sudut pandang Pemda nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh 60% yang berarti dalam kategori bermanfaat. Adapun manfaat yang diperoleh antara lain dapat mendorong masyarakat membayar pajak

    UPM penganjur terbaik FFVM ke-6

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    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) telah berjaya menjadi pengajur terbaik dengan melakukan beberapa pembaharuan dan mencorakkan Festival Filem & Video Pelajar Malaysia (FFPVM) ke-6 lebih profesional

    Difusi Inovasi Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah Pada Masyarakat

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    The diffusion of Waste Management System to the society should be followed by the change of not only their knowledge and attitude, but also their behavior. To find out the effects of the diffusion to the society, some measurements can be used. These are the number of society adopted the system and how fast the society can adopt it. In order to measure the success of its implementation, the knowledge on the natures of innovation in waste management technology is required, as well as the components influencing how fast it is adopted. By doing so, the system socialization is expected to be more acceptable by all parties. It is needed to avoid the incompleteness of waste management system socialization carried out so far by society and government elements

    Penguatan Klaster Pangan Olahan Berbasis Mocaf Di Kabupaten Blitar

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    As its food diversification effort, Blitar develops modified cassava flour (mocaf) using cassava as raw material. Mocaf is considered as one of agricultural commodities with good prospect for development. Sari Raos food processing cluster is one of Putri Kencana programs. A study on this cluster, using Porter's Four Diamond Framework, has been conducted for two years. The result shows that mocaf based food processing industrial cluster in Blitar canbe synergized with in the Sourthern region of Java. Strategies to develop/strengthen the cluster can be implemented with the programs of Blitar local government


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    Aim in this study to identify: 1) the effect of cable crossover training on increasing power and arm muscle strength; (2) the effect of shoulder press training on increasing arm muscle strength and strength; 3) a comparison of the effect between cable crossover training and training shoulder press to increase power and arm muscle strength. There were 39 samples in this study and divided into 3 groups, each group consisting of 13 samples. The type of research used in this research is quantitative with quasi- experimental procedures. The research design uses a randomized control group pretest- posttest design, and data analysis uses ANOVA. The process of obtaining power information was carried out by testing throwing a medicine ball and arm muscle strength using an expanding dynamometer test during the pretest and posttest. Furthermore, information on research results was analyzed using the SPSS boost series 16.0. The conclusion of this study is that the cable crossover and shoulder press training programs have a significant effect on increasing power and arm muscle strength. Shoulder press training is more efficient than cable crossover and the control group for increasing power and arm muscle strength

    Legal Aspects in Handling Criminal Acts in the 2019 Election

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    This research meticulously examines the legal framework and the procedures involved in addressing election crimes in Indonesia, as outlined in Law No. 7 of 2017, and evaluates the effectiveness of Sentra Gakkumdu, a pivotal coordination forum in the electoral crime enforcement process. The primary objective is to dissect and analyze the legal intricacies and practical challenges in enforcing laws against election crimes, with a spotlight on the ambiguities and potential conflicts within the current system. Through normative legal research methodology, the study delves into the statutory regulations and engages with various primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials to construct a comprehensive understanding of the election crime handling procedures. It highlights the absence of clear election crime definitions, identifies several weaknesses in Law No. 7 of 2017, and critiques the ambiguous role and limited effectiveness of Sentra Gakkumdu. The paper concludes by calling for significant improvements and clarifications in the existing legal frameworks to ensure fair, efficient, and effective handling of election crimes, thereby bolstering public confidence in the electoral process and upholding the principles of legal certainty and justice in the realm of Indonesian elections

    Determinants of Profitability of Islamic Stocks: The Case of Jakarta Islamic Index (JII)

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    Abstract. This study aims to analyze the determinants of profitability of Islamic stocks using the case of Jakarta Islamic Index member companies in 2019-2023. The profitability as reflected in Rate of Return on Assets (ROA) of Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) member companies constantly fluctuates but, on average, decreases in 2023. It analyzes the influence of Total Asset Turnover (TATO), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Current Ratio (CR), and Debt Ratio (DR) on ROA. Secondary data obtained from the Indonesian Stock Exchange were analysed using the multiple linear regression method. It found that simultaneously, the independent variables of TATO, NPM, CR, and DR significantly affected the. Meanwhile, the TATO and NPM variables partially have a significant effect on ROA, while the CR and DR variables have no effect. To increase profitability, companies should maximize TATO and NPM while achieving asset efficiency, control costs, and manage debt wisely.  Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis determinan profitabilitas saham syariah menggunakan studi kasus perusahaan anggota Jakarta Islamic Index tahun 2019-2023. Profitabilitas yang tercermin pada Rate of Return on Assets (ROA) perusahaan anggota Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) selalu berfluktuasi namun rata-rata mengalami penurunan pada 2023. Studi ini menganalisis pengaruh Total Asset Turnover (TATO), Net Profit Margin (NPM) ), Current Ratio (CR), dan Debt Ratio (DR) terhadap ROA. Data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Bursa Efek Indonesia dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan variabel independen TATO, NPM, CR, dan DR berpengaruh secara signifikan. Sedangkan variabel TATO dan NPM secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROA, sedangkan variabel CR dan DR tidak berpengaruh. Untuk meningkatkan profitabilitas, perusahaan sebaiknya memaksimalkan TATO dan NPM dengan tetap melakukan efisiensi aset, mengendalikan biaya, dan mengelola utang dengan bijak

    Improvement of Community Capacity in Managing the Cetho Tourist Destination in Gumeng Jenawi Village, Karanganyar, Central Java

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    Purpose: This research paper aims to investigate enhancing community capacity in managing the Cetho Tourist Destination in Gumeng Jenawi Village, Karanganyar, Central Java. It highlights the significance of this research in fostering tourism development within the region. Method: The study employed a comprehensive research methodology, which involved field visits, observation, discussions, and documentation. Various cultural symbols of Javanese culture were utilized, and a Focus Group Discussion was conducted with 15 stakeholders involved in Gumeng Tourism Village management. Data analysis was carried out using the SWOT analysis method to guide the development of the tourism village. Practical Applications: The findings of this study have practical implications for the tourism industry and community development in the Gumeng Jenawi Village area. They can be applied to enhance the attraction and visitor numbers while extending their length of stay, ultimately benefiting the local economy and the tourism sector. Conclusion: In conclusion, this research emphasizes the importance of strengthening community capacity for the sustainable management of tourist destinations. The study's results contribute to a broader understanding of improving tourist attractions and their potential impact on local communities and the tourism industry