36 research outputs found

    Tingkat Rujukan Emisi Hutan Mangrove Delta Mahakam

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    Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) is one of four required elements for developing countries in implementing REDD+ activities, and serves as a benchmark in assessing REDD+ performance. This study assessed the emission level from mangrove deforestation in Mahakam Delta - East Kalimantan, aiming to enhance the baseline for subnational FREL document. Over the observation period of 1980-2001, conversion of mangrove forest into aquaculture ponds has resulted in a massive mangrove loss, with an estimation of 3,183 hectare/year, or equivalent to the release of 0.46 Tg CO2e/year. If soil pool was also included in the calculation, mangrove deforestation in Mahakam Delta between 1980 and 2001 emitted 2.9 TgCO2e/year. The CO2 emission from aquaculture ponds may couple with mangrove deforestation, which released 52 Gg CO2 /year from the pond floor. After 2001, the rate of mangrove deforestation decreased, allowing mangrove forests to recover with the expansion rate of 1,546 hectare/ year during 2001-2011 or equivalent to the carbon sequestration or removal of 0.67-4.7 TgCO2e/year. The results of the study suggest the way to improve the existing FREL by raising the importance of mangrove as “blue” carbon, with reference of the 2013 IPCC Guideline: Wetland Supplement. Tingkat Rujukan Emisi Hutan (TREH) merupakan salah satu acuan bagi negara berkembang dalam melaksanakan aktivitas REDD+ sekaligus sebagai tolak ukur dalam menilai kinerja pelaksanaan REDD+. Studi ini mengkaji tingkat emisi CO2 dari deforestasi hutan mangrove di Delta Mahakam Kalimantan Timur melalui pendekatan retrospective, dengan tujuan untuk melengkapi baseline TREH subnasional. Selama masa tahun pengamatan 19802001, konversi hutan mangrove menjadi tambak budidaya telah menyebabkan hilangnya hutan mangrove sekitar 3.183 hektar/tahun atau setara dengan terlepasnya 0,46 TgCO2e/tahun. Apabila soil pool dimasukan ke dalam perhitungan maka nilai tersebut akan bertambah menjadi 2,9 TgCO2e/tahun. Diperkirakan lahan tambak turut memberikan kontribusi pada nilai emisi sekitar 52 GgCO2/tahun yang dilepaskan dari permukaan tanah tambak. Setelah tahun 2001, laju deforestasi mangrove menurun ditandai dengan pertambahan luas hutan mangrove (recovery) dengan laju perluasan 1.546 hektar/tahun selama tahun 2001-2011, atau setara dengan penyerapan (C sequestration) atau perpindahan karbon (removal) sekitar 0,67–4,7 TgCO2e/tahun. Hasil dari studi ini memberikan masukan untuk penyempurnaan TREH yang telah ada dengan mengangkat peran penting mangrove sebagai “blue' carbon di dalam dokumen TREH, mengikuti acuan dari 2013 IPCC Guideline: Wetland Supplement

    Kuliah Kerja Nyata : Bakti Sosial Di Desa Ogomatanang Kabupaten Tolitoli Dalam Upaya Menciptakan Desa Bersih dan Sehat

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) di Desa Ogomatanang merupakan salah satu program kuliah kerja nyata angkatan 27 di Universitas Madako Tolitoli. Bakti ini dilaksanakan pada 16 Maret 2022. Bertempat di Dusun Bambuan, Desa Ogomatanag, Kabupaten Tolitoli, Sulawesi Tengah. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan secara gotong royong oleh mahasiswa peserta KKN dan masyarakat Dusun Bambuan Desa Ogomatanag dalam membersihkan masjid dan jalan sekitarnya serta memungut sampah sehingga diharapkan hasil pengabdian ini menjadikan Desa Ogomatanag lebih baik lagi, asri dan sehat di masa depan.Kata kunci : Gotong royong, kkn, pengabdia

    Mangrove blue carbon stocks and dynamics are controlled by hydrogeomorphic settings and land-use change.

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    Globally, carbon-rich mangrove forests are deforested and degraded due to land-use and land-cover change (LULCC). The impact of mangrove deforestation on carbon emissions has been reported on a global scale; however, uncertainty remains at subnational scales due to geographical variability and field data limitations. We present an assessment of blue carbon storage at five mangrove sites across West Papua Province, Indonesia, a region that supports 10% of the world's mangrove area. The sites are representative of contrasting hydrogeomorphic settings and also capture change over a 25-years LULCC chronosequence. Field-based assessments were conducted across 255 plots covering undisturbed and LULCC-affected mangroves (0-, 5-, 10-, 15- and 25-year-old post-harvest or regenerating forests as well as 15-year-old aquaculture ponds). Undisturbed mangroves stored total ecosystem carbon stocks of 182-2,730 (mean ± SD: 1,087 ± 584) Mg C/ha, with the large variation driven by hydrogeomorphic settings. The highest carbon stocks were found in estuarine interior (EI) mangroves, followed by open coast interior, open coast fringe and EI forests. Forest harvesting did not significantly affect soil carbon stocks, despite an elevated dead wood density relative to undisturbed forests, but it did remove nearly all live biomass. Aquaculture conversion removed 60% of soil carbon stock and 85% of live biomass carbon stock, relative to reference sites. By contrast, mangroves left to regenerate for more than 25 years reached the same level of biomass carbon compared to undisturbed forests, with annual biomass accumulation rates of 3.6 ± 1.1 Mg C ha-1  year-1 . This study shows that hydrogeomorphic setting controls natural dynamics of mangrove blue carbon stocks, while long-term land-use changes affect carbon loss and gain to a substantial degree. Therefore, current land-based climate policies must incorporate landscape and land-use characteristics, and their related carbon management consequences, for more effective emissions reduction targets and restoration outcomes

    Mangrove forest responses to environmental change in Indonesia

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