8 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Badan USAha Milik Desa (Bumdesa) : Unit USAha, Pendapatan, dan Inefisiensi

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    Artikel ini mendiskusikan tentang implementasi Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUM Desa) Sejahtera di Desa Bleberan, Kecamatan Playen, Kabupaten Gunungkidul sebagai wadah kolektif USAha warga desanya. Penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pendekatan studi kasus digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menseleksi data, display data, dan verifikasi/kesimpulan. Teknik triangulasi digunakan dalam uji keabsahan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran dan fungsi BUM Desa Sejehtera belum mampu optimal dalam mencapai tujuan normatifnya karena 85% realisasi pendapatan unit USAha desa wisata habis digunakan untuk beban gaji pegawai dan biaya operasional. Inefesiensi yang terjadi menyebabkan kegagalan sejumlah program pembangunan desa dan pemberdayaan warga desa

    Strategi Promosi Produk Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada BMT Al-Ittihad Cabang Panam Pekanbaru

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    ABSTRAK M. Fajar Sidik F. (2019) : Strategi Promosi Produk Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada BMT Al-Ittihad Cabang Panam Pekanbaru Saat ini strategi promosi oleh BMT Al-Ittihad cabang Panam Pekanbaru tergolong belum cukup efektif dikarenakan BMT Al-Ittihad cabang Panam Pekanbaru belum mampu bersaing secara kompetitif terhadap lembaga keuangan bank yang sama-sama memiliki produk pembiayaan dan memiliki karyawan dibagian marketing yang sedikit. Karena dinilai kurang efektif masyarakat pun kurang begitu merespon keberadaan maupun keunggulan produk sehingga timbul ketidakpahaman dan keraguan terhadap akad-akad maupun persyaratan pada produk pembiayan murabahah. Tujuan penulisan laporan yaitu untuk mengetahui strategi promosi produk pembiayaan murabahah BMT Al-Ittihad, apa saja persyaratan pembiayaan murabahah yang diajukan pihak BMT Al-Ittihad kepada calon nasabah dan apa saja kendala-kendala yang dihadapi BMT Al-Ittihad dalam mempromosikan produk pembiayaan murabahah Untuk membahas masalah ini informan berjumlah 2 orang yaitu 1 orang pimpinan dan 1 orang karyawan marketing. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif yaitu dengan menguraikan data-data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis. Pengumpulan data melalui 2 metode yaitu wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Adapun data primer diperoleh langsung di kantor BMT Al-Ittihad, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh diperpustakaan dengan mengumpulkan buku-buku, laporan dan makalah terkait pembahasan. Adapun hasil penelitian di kantor BMT Al-Ittihad Cabang Pekanbaru terkait pelaksanaan kegiatan penjualan produk pembiayaan murabahah telah melakukan promosi dengan door to door, penggunaan iklan melalui media cetak, penawaran dari mulut ke mulut hingga menjadi sponsor disuatu acara sosial. Syarat untuk menjadi anggota produk pembiayaan murabahah yaitu fotocopy KTP/SIM 1 lbr, Simpanan pokok Rp. 50.000, simpanan wajib Rp. 15.000, simpanan mudharabah min. Rp. 5000, dan kartu anggota Rp. 5000. Dan juga tak hanya itu kendala juga dihadapi pihak BMT baik itu kendala internal maupun eksternal dalam mempromosikan produk pembiayaan murabahah. Kendala internalnya yaitu sedikitnya jumlah anggota karyawan dibagian marketing dan kendala eksternalnya yaitu kurangnya pemahaman nasabah terhadap sistem BMT dan kurangnya penyuluhan tentang akad syariah pada BMT. Kata Kunci : Strategi Promosi, Marketing, dan Pembiayaan Murabaha

    Reflection on Rural Development: Village Fund, Village Tour, and the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    In 2015 the central government implemented the Village Fund program for all villages in Indonesia. The objective of this program was to accelerate poverty alleviation and promote village independence. One of the development priorities in rural areas is to achieve village independence by developing tourism villages with village funds. Meanwhile, at the end of 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic that broke out in Indonesia led to an increase in poverty in rural areas. This increased the need for assistance from village funds to help improve the welfare of the poor. In this study, the Giri Manik Village was examined because it was one of the national pilot villages in developing a tourist village using village funds. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation analysis. Based on the results, it can be concluded that developing the physical infrastructure of tourist villages does increase the income of the poor through cash-intensive labour. However, the benefits of tourist villages are largely enjoyed by the village elite. Keywords: village funds, tourist village, village elite, poor people, the Covid-19 pandemi


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    The recent demand of renewable energy elevates rapidly. Inverter as one equipment relates closely to the renewable energy sector gain more and more important role by this condition. In a grid-connected system, the inverter should be able to adjust its output voltage and frequency in synchronize with the grid. The issues related to this is the output voltage and frequency resolution. Normally, in order to be able to control its output parameters, an inverter employs specific switching strategies such as sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM). In this research, a direct digital synthesis (DDS) is proposed in order to create sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SWPM) that can meet the synchronization requirements such as voltage and frequency. The DDS is digitally implemented using low cost 16-bit digital signal controller. DDS is a technique to create various signal based on lookup table. The ability to adjust its frequency output since using a counter as an address to take some data form table. Meanwhile, the voltage adjustment is obtained by multiplying the data from table with decimal in range 0 - 1. A prototype has been built in the lab scale to verify the proposed system design. Experiment results has shown that the voltage ranges of 47,2 - 246 V and frequency resolution of 1 Hz can be achieved through the low cost controller. Another result, the efficiency of inverter is above 82 %

    Single-Phase Shift Modulation of DAB Converter in Typhoon HIL Simulation

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    Solid-state transformer (SST) could be a solution for a future distribution system, in which many renewable energy sources (RES) are integrated. The SST consists of a single-phase dual-active bridge (DAB) converter, which is scale-down the dc voltage level. The control objective of the DAB converter used in the SST is to control its output voltage. This control strategy consists of a proportional-integral (PI) controller and a single-phase shift (SPS) modulation. Numerous literatures have mentioned about the SPS modulation for the DAB converter. However, they do not provide procedures in implementing the SPS modulation in the real controller. This paper aims to develop the SPS modulation in the real controller of the STM32F446RE microcontroller. The proposed SPS modulation is based on a master-slave timer feature, which is available in the STM32 microcontroller. The development process and testing of the complete control strategy of the DAB converter were carried out in the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation using Typhoon HIL. This scheme speeds up the development of process and reduces the costs. The experiment in the HIL environment shows that proposed control strategy of the DAB converter consisting of the PI controller and the SPS modulation is successfully implemented in the real microcontroller of the STM32F446RE. The proposed control strategy of the DAB converter is capable of bidirectional power flow, which is useful for integrating distributed generators in the load side. Moreover, this control strategy can reject the disturbance caused by loads

    Book Chapter Pengantar Pasar Modal Kelompok Studi Pasar Modal Kabinet Radiant Universitas Siliwangi

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    Buku ini tidak lain adalah untuk membantu mengedukasikan pasar modal kepada generasi muda khususnya para mahasiswa baik di lingkungan kampus Universitas Siliwinagi maupun dari berbagai kalangan. Buku ini juga akan memberikan informasi secara lengkap mengenai perngertian dan tekhnik dasar di dalam pasar modal. Dengan buku ini juga diharapkan dapat menjadi regenerasi ilmu khususnya dari Kabinet Radiant KSPM UNSIL 2021 kepada generasi selanjutnya, dimana buku ini merupakan kolaborasi beberapa penulis dari Kabinet Radiant KSPM UNSIL 2021