35 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of genetic background on giftedness in sports. The research method used is the study of literature. Data obtained through Google Schooler search; Science Direct; Taylor and Francis; Scopus; PsycInfo; Proquest; and Pubmed by entering keywords; 'Talent', 'sports talent', 'genetic', 'social support', 'network', 'parent', 'coach', 'peer', 'talent identification' and 'talent development'. Next analyze the search resultsto get answers about the influence of genetic background on the giftedness of sport. Descriptive analysis techniques are used to explain the processed quantitative data. The results showed that genetic background and social support influence sports talen

    Futsal As a Means of Improving Women Football Players' Playing Skills : A Qualitative Assessment of Player Perceptions

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether futsal could help improve playing skills for women football player. Some researchers claim that futsal can help in enhancing football playing skills. However, no studies have been conducted on women football player; the research was conducted on men's football players. Futsal was created as an indoor variant of football. With that in mind, it is fair to suggest futsal as many of the techniques and skills required are similar to football, such as controlling the ball, shooting, passing and shooting. This research is qualitative, data collection using open questions conducted through the google form application.The participants in this study were amateur women football player who had participated in futsal. This article wants to show that futsal can positively impact improving skills for women football player

    The Contribution of Spiritual Intelligence to The Self-Control and Respect Value of Adolescent Football Athletes

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between spiritual intelligence, self-control and respect values. The research method used in this study is the Causal research (Expost-Facto) method.  In this study, the sampling technique used non-probability sampling, namely by purposive sampling.  The sample in this study was 33 people.  The results showed that there wasa significant contribution between spiritual intelligence and self-control with a correlation coefficient of 0.520** with a significance value of 0.002<0.05, there wasa significant contribution between spiritual intelligence with a respect value with a correlation coefficient of 0.461** with a significance value of 0.00 7<0.05, and there isa significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and self-control value Significance (Sig) of the respect variable  is 0.049. Because of the value of Sig. 0.049 < probability of 0.05, also from the calculation of tcount of 2.0 52 above compared to ttable (db = 31) which is 2.034 significantly 5%, so tcount > ttable


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak yang diberikan latihan harness dengan menggunakan metode interval dan repetisi terhadap peningkatan power endurance tungkai. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah UKM Futsal Putri UPI. Dimana 20 sampel diambil dengan teknik sample random sampling. Kemudian dibagi menjadi dua kelompok dengan sample acak beraturan (pola A-B-A-B) Tes 10 hop digunakan untuk mengetahui besarnya dampak perbedaan power endurance. Desain penelitian menggunakan One Group Prestest-Postest Design. Satu kelompok menggunakan eksperimen latihan interval dan satu kelompok lain menggunakan eksperimen latihan repetisi. Penelitian dilakukan selama 6 minggu, dengan dua kali latihan dalam seminggu. Data yang diolah pada penelitian ini adalah data pre-test dan post-test untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peningkatan dari program penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan. Pengolahan data menggunakan perhitungan uji homogenitas, uji normalitas, uji kesamaan dua rata-rata dan uji beda. Menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa peningkatan yang diberikan tidak signifikan, baik metode interval (1.94 ± 2.26) maupun repetisi (1.40 ± 2.26) terhadap peningkatan power endurance tungkai. Tetapi jika dibandingkan antar metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian, metode interval peningkatannya lebih besar dibandingkan dengan metode repetisi. Penulis menyarankan untuk menggunakan metode interval dan repetisi sebagai salah satu saran untuk meningkatkan kondisi fisik


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    Kemampuan fisik bagi seorang pemain futsal merupakan syarat untuk menampilkan performanya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat kondisi fisik pada pemain Futsal Kota Bandung (FKB). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pemain FKB sebanyak 18 orang. Instrumen penelitian ini terdiri dari enam item tes: Modified Sit and Reach, Sit-Up, Shuttle Run, lari 20 meter, Bleep Test dan Vertical Jump. Pada penelitian ini didapat rata-rata usia 22,57±2,40 tahun, berat badan 60,94±4,48 kg, tinggi badan 168,61±3,94 cm, dan indeks massa tubuh 21,44±1,44 %. Rata-rata VO2 max para pemain sebesar 48,74±5,18 ml/kg/min, fleksibilitas 24,94±13 cm, daya tahan otot perut 82,61±14 kali, kecepatan 3,14±0,12 detik, kelincahan 11,76±0,61 detik, dan power tungkai 49,39±4,24 cm.  Berdasarkan hasil analisis data konversi nilai yang diperoleh; a. Tidak ada satupun pemain FKB yang berkategori Baik Sekali dan Baik, b. Kategori Cukup ada 6 pemain (33,33%), c. Kategori Kurang ada 10 pemain (55,56%), d. Kategori Sangat Kurang ada 2 pemain (11,11%)

    The Effect Of Physical Fatigue On Football Referee's Decision Making

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    The role of the referee is very important, especially in professional football. Wrong decisions may have a profound impact on the outcome of the match. Research is needed to find out the aspects that influence referee decisions. This research aims to determine the effect of fatigue experienced by referees on decision making. This research used an experimental method with 16 football referees as the sample. The research instrument was a video test of soccer referee decision-making from UEFA 2022. The results of this research show a significant influence of fatigue experienced by referees on decision-making. Fatigue experienced by referees interferes with referees in making decision

    Mengajar dan Melatih Atletik

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    xi, 128 p. : il.; 25 cm

    pelatihan kondisi fisik

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    Buku ini menggambarkan dan menjelaskan konsep bagaimana melatih fisik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tuntutan dalam setiap cabang olahraga.240 hlm.; 24 cm

    Mengajar dan Melatih Atletik

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    xi, 128 hlm.: 23 c

    Mengajar dan melatih atletik

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    xi, 128 halaman.: 21 c