31 research outputs found

    Selection assisted by a BoLA-DR/DQ haplotype against susceptibility to bovine dermatophilosis

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    Bovine dermatophilosis is a severe skin infection of tropical ruminants inducing a severe loss in productivity and a 15% mortality rate. This disease is caused by the actinomycete bacterium Dermatophilus congolensis associated with the tick Amblyomma variegatum. Currently there are no prospects for a vaccine, and acaricide or antibiotic control is hampered by the development of chemoresistance. Animal breeders have observed that dermatophilosis susceptibility seems to be determined genetically, and we previously identified a BoLA-DRB3-DQB class II haplotype marker for high (R2 = 0.96) susceptibility to the disease. With this marker, we developed a successful eugenic selection procedure for zebu Brahman cattle in Martinique (FWI). Over a period of five years, a marked reduction in disease prevalence, from 0.76 to 0.02 was achieved, and this low level has been maintained over the last two years. The selection procedure, based on a genetic marker system targeting the highly polymorphic BoLA locus, eliminates only those individuals which are at the highest risk of contracting the disease. In the present work, we discuss the properties of this system, including the "heterozygote advantage" and the "frequency dependence" theories, and examine their involvement in the biological mechanisms at the host/pathogen interface. We speculate on the exact role of the MHC molecules in the control of the disease, how the natural selection pressure imposed by the pathogens selectively maintains MHC diversity, and how our results can be practically applied for integrated control of dermatophilosis in developing countries

    Diversité des agricultures familiales

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    Dans un contexte d’interrogation sur les modĂšles agricoles et de profondes transformations des agricultures et des marchĂ©s, cet ouvrage s’attache Ă  revisiter la diversitĂ© des formes familiales de production et leurs mutations de par le monde. DĂšs lors, l’analyse intĂšgre les liens aux marchĂ©s, aux territoires et Ă  l’Ailleurs — par le fait migratoire — les enjeux d’autonomie et de sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, les stratĂ©gies de survie et d’accumulation ainsi que les formes d’action collective et politique. L’ouvrage est construit autour de dix-huit Ă©tudes de cas, menĂ©es dans les cinq continents. Elles ont toutes Ă©tĂ© conduites avec un cadre mĂ©thodologique, identique et original, inspirĂ© du Sustainable Rural Livehoods (cadre d’identification des moyens de subsistance durables en milieu rural). RevisitĂ©e pour cet ouvrage, cette mĂ©thode d’observations et d’analyses permet aux auteurs de prĂ©ciser finement « ce qui fait famille », d’analyser les adaptations du travail des actifs familiaux et les mettre en perspective avec le contexte territorial et les politiques publiques de chaque pays. Écrit Ă  plusieurs mains, par un rĂ©seau de chercheurs, cet ouvrage contribue autant Ă  l’approfondissement des savoirs scientifiques sur les agricultures familiales dans le monde qu’à la mise Ă  l’épreuve d’un cadre mĂ©thodologique d’analyse et d’observations en milieu rural. Il vise un public de chercheurs, d’enseignants et d’étudiants, agronomes, Ă©conomistes, sociologues et historiens. Les experts du dĂ©veloppement agricole et rural y trouveront un grand intĂ©rĂȘt. Plus largement, toute personne qui s’intĂ©resse aux agricultures familiales et Ă  leurs Ă©volutions dans divers contextes sociaux trouvera avantage Ă  cette lecture. Les chercheurs qui ont coordonnĂ© cet ouvrage sont agronomes, Ă©conomistes et gĂ©ographes, au Cirad ou Ă  l’Inra oĂč ils mĂšnent des recherches sur les systĂšmes agricoles familiaux Ă  des Ă©chelles locales, nationales ou internationales. Cet ouvrage est le fruit d’une dĂ©marche de recherche collective et partagĂ©e permettant Ă  de nombreux scientifiques des pays du Sud d’exprimer la diversitĂ© des rĂ©alitĂ©s agraires contemporaines. Certains coordinateurs ou auteurs de cet ouvrage ont Ă©galement collaborĂ© Ă  Agricultures familiales et mondes Ă  venir, titre paru en 2014 chez Quae. Ce livre est Ă©galement disponible en anglais sous le titreDiversity of Family Farming Around the WorldauprĂšs des Ă©ditions Springer -www.springer.co

    EnquĂȘte dans des quartiers traditionnels du littoral dakarois, SĂ©nĂ©gal : quelle action publique ?

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    Une nouvelle forme de gouvernance littorale urbaine multi-niveaux se dessine Ă  Dakar. Elle se dĂ©finit par la pluralitĂ© des centres de dĂ©cisions, des lieux de pouvoirs, des partenariats publics-privĂ©s et surtout par l'Ă©troite relation entre le pouvoir central et les acteurs privĂ©s. C'est une relation teintĂ©e de corruption qui a longtemps empĂȘchĂ© la Loi sur le littoral d'ĂȘtre rĂ©digĂ©e puis mise en application. Ainsi le Domaine Public Maritime a Ă©tĂ© vendu au plus offrant et ce de façon accĂ©lĂ©rĂ©e depuis l'alternance de 2000. Pour coller aux normes gestionnaires et aux mots d'ordres internationaux imposant la concertation avec les acteurs « du bas », les bailleurs et mĂ©diateurs politiques de ces bailleurs sont dĂ©sormais en quĂȘte d'interlocuteurs locaux pour tenter de prĂ©server le littoral dakarois et plus largement sĂ©nĂ©galais. Nos zones d'investigations, toutes situĂ©es dans d'anciens villages aux habitats dits traditionnels (souvent sans titre foncier), constituent des espaces d'interface entre diffĂ©rents modes d'habiter, d'occuper, d'investir, finalement de gĂ©rer le territoire littoral. Entre tradition et modernitĂ©.A new, multi-level form of urban coastal governance is emerging at Dakar. It is characterised by a plurality of decision-making centres, public-private partnerships and above all by the close links between central government and private-sector actors. For a long time this relationship was tainted by corruption, preventing the drawing up and implementation of the ‘Loi sur le littoral’. As a result, the Public Maritime Domaine has been sold to the highest bidders at an ever increasing rate since 2000. To respect management norms and international regulations requiring consultation with coastal area actors, the political partners and mediators are now looking for local spokespersons to preserve the coastal areas of Dakar and, more generally, Senegal. The study zones, all located in former villages of traditional housing (often without a land title), represent interface spaces between different forms of habitation, occupancy, investment and modernity

    Un territoire littoral dans l’espace politique, Ă©conomique et religieux du SĂ©nĂ©gal

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    The coastal areas, which group together a more and more important part of the populations, are subjected to both global environmental changes and the increase of regional and local anthropogenic pressures. These considerations lead to complex modifications whose mechanism is often misunderstood. The adaptation of the Senegalese populations to erosive effects of the coastal drift, to the rarefaction of halieutic resources and to domestic and industrial pollutions, results from a pretty long history of traditional rivalries between fisheries, residential and recreational needs. The seashores of the city of Dakar – which are land, economic and tourist, religious, and halieutic issues –respond to logics of interest and shunning, but also to logics of composition and strife. All these elements are decisive for the political shaping of the Senegalese environmental debate. The case of Ouakam Bay, where people with various activities and interests meet within a limited area, will allow us to highlight the marginalization of some people accustomed to the spheres of decision. Then, we will try to analyse the connexions that exist between both the new organizations and the users with the principle of responsibility in this environmental management

    Method of treating rheumatoid arthritis

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    The invention relates to a method of treating rheumatoid arthritis in a patient comprising the steps of:a) providing a biological sample from a patient,b) measuring the level of soluble VE-cadherin in the biological sample obtained at step a);c) comparing said level of soluble VE-cadherin with a predetermined reference value, andif the level of soluble VE-cadherin measured at step b) is higher that the predetermined reference value,treating the patient until a basal level of soluble VE-cadherin is reached