141 research outputs found
Impact of technological processes on system security: focus on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
Este trabalho analisou o impacto de processos tecnológicos para o aumento das garantias de segurança de sistemas junto à 180 micro, pequenas e medias empresas situadas no sul do Brasil. Para tal se utilizou de análise quantitativa de níveis de maturidade de processos do modelo COBIT. Se revisou teoricamente as
principais versões do COBIT e segurança de sistemas e metodologicamente foram usadas técnicas estatísticas de correlação linear simples de Pearson, correlação não paramétrica de Spearman e regressão linear simples e múltipla. Os achados em gestão estão relacionados com o processo tecnológico de conformidade dos requisitos externos para gerar aumento das garantias de sistemas, entre outros
processos que relacionados trouxeram importância secundária ao processo decisório.This work analysed the impact of technological processes to increase system security guarantees for 180 micro, small and medium-sized companies located in southern Brazil. To this end, a quantitative analysis of the process maturity levels of the COBIT model was used. The main versions of COBIT and system security were theoretically reviewed and statistical techniques of simple linear correlation of Pearson, non-parametric correlation of Spearman and simple and multiple linear regression were used methodologically. The findings
in management are related to the technological process of compliance of external requirements to generate an increase in system guarantees, among other related processes that brought secondary importance to the decision-making process
Análisis estadístico de las decoraciones pintadas tupiguarani
Nos últimos anos a equipe do Setor de Arqueologia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) concentrou esforços para reunir a (quase) totalidade das peças inteiras e dos fragmentos pintados Tupiguarani conhecidos em museus e coleções em um catálogo descritivo (Prous et al. 2017). Ao todo foram reunidas aproximadamente 500 vasilhas e cerca de 2.500 fragmentos assim decorados. Esse resultado foi possível pelo empenho de dezenas de pesquisadores de diferentes países que colaboraram com essa obra. Verificamos rapidamente que havia diferenças regionais de temas dominantes, assim como no estilo de representação e, até, na forma de pintar e usar as cores. A partir destas primeiras observações, esboçamos uma comparação entre a produção de varias regiões, principalmente entre as manifestações mais meridionais, as do Centro-leste, do Nordeste e do Norte. Agora pretendemos tornar mais objetiva e sistemática esta comparação, procurando também refinar e talvez subdividir os agrupamentos estilísticos através da observação de novos atributos e das correlações. Para tanto preparamos um banco de dados com 55 variáveis. A partir dele pretendemos testar nossas conclusões preliminares usando técnicas estatísticas univariadas, como o teste qui-quadrado, e métodos de análise multivariada. Neste artigo apresentamos um resultado parcial, a partir da análise de uma amostra de 76 peças inteiras. Os atributos estudados mostraram uma grande variabilidade inter-regional, não obstante conseguimos verificar que as peças das regiões Centro-leste e Nordeste são mais semelhantes entre si, enquanto as do Norte e do Sul constituem um segundo grupo de morfologias. Ao longo do ano, pretendemos completar o banco de dados relativo às vasilhas inteiras ou quase inteiras, investido mais adiante no estudo dos fragmentos. Estamos cientes de que, ao longo dos séculos, houve provavelmente mudanças temáticas e estilísticas em cada região. Infelizmente, para a maioria dos potes faltam datações que permitam tratar esta variável. Mesmo assim, os resultados até agora alcançados mostram que houve permanência estilística suficiente para alcançar nosso objetivo.En los últimos años el equipo del Sector de Arqueología de la Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) concentró sus esfuerzos en reunir (casi) la totalidad de las piezas enteras de los fragmentos pintados tupiguarani conocidos de museos y colecciones en un catálogo descriptivo (Prous et al. 2017). En total fueran reunidas aproximadamente 500 vasijas y cerca de 2.500 fragmentos decorados. Este resultado fue posible gracias al empeño de decenas de investigadores de diferentes países que colaboraron con esta obra. Verificamos rápidamente que había diferencias regionales de temas dominantes, así como en el estilo de representación y en la forma de pintar y usar los colores. A partir de estas primeras observaciones, esbozamos una comparación entre la producción de varias regiones, principalmente entre las manifestaciones más meridionales, las del Centro-este, del Noreste y del Norte. Ahora pretendemos volver más objetiva y sistemática esta comparación, buscando también refinar y tal vez subdividir los agrupamientos estilísticos a través de la observación de nuevos atributos y de sus correlaciones. Para esto preparamos un banco de datos con 55 variables, a partir del cual pretendemos probar nuestras conclusiones preliminares utilizando técnicas estadísticas univariadas como la prueba de ji-cuadrado y métodos de análisis multivariados. En este artículo presentaremos un resultado parcial, a partir del análisis de una muestra de 76 piezas enteras. Los atributos estudiados mostraran una gran variación interregional, pero logramos verificar que las cerámicas del Centro-este y Noreste son más similares entre sí, mientras que las del Norte y del Sur constituyen un segundo grupo de morfologías. A lo largo del año, pretendemos completar el banco de datos relativo a las vasijas enteras o casi enteras, que será usado más adelante para el estudio de los fragmentos. Estamos conscientes de que a lo largo de los siglos hubo probablemente mudanzas temáticas y estilísticas en cada región. Desafortunadamente, en la mayoría de los recipientes faltan dataciones que permitan tratar esta variable. Aun así, los resultados hasta ahora alcanzados muestran que hubo una permanencia estilística suficiente como para alcanzar nuestro objetivo
Could the reproductive system explain the stability and long-term persistence in a natural hybrid zone of Petunia (Solanaceae)?
The long-term success of populations is dependent on individual reproductive success, and in general, increased population size and genetic diversity contribute to population maintenance, reducing the risk of local extinction. Interspecific hybridization has consequences that can vary according to the hybrids' fate, which can be strongly influenced by the reproductive capacity of hybrids and canonical individuals from the contact zone. We examined the reproductive biology and morphology of two closely related Petunia (Solanaceae) species and their interspecific hybrids from Serra do Sudeste, Southern Brazil, and we measured their reproductive success under controlled conditions based on seed production and germination from five pollination treatments. We found differences in self-compatibility degree among individuals, lineages, and pollination treatments based on high total seed production (> 204,000 seeds) and germination (630 seedlings evaluated). No correlation was observed between corolla colour and reproductive success or between floral morphological traits and compatibility. High self-compatibility and inter-lineage compatibility can explain the hybrid populations' maintenance and origin, favouring the two analysed species' introgression
Population genetic dynamics in the French Guiana region
International audienceThree sets of genetic markers (blood group plus protein polymorphisms, mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome) were compared in four French Guiana and one Brazilian Amerindian populations. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between five gene diversity statistics and historical or present-day population sizes showed significant values, indicating loss of diversity due to population bottlenecks. The three sets of markers furnished distinct admixture estimates, and the blood group plus protein polymorphisms could have overestimated the European contribution to their gene pool. Correspondence analysis distinguished the coastal from the interior populations, possibly reflecting past migration events
French Guiana Amerindian demographic history as revealed by autosomal and Y-chromosome STRs.
International audienc
Blood groups in Native Americans : a look beyond ABO and Rh
The study presents comparisons between blood group frequencies beyond ABO and Rh blood systems in Native American populations and previously published data from Brazilian blood donors. The frequencies of Diego (c.2561C>T, rs2285644), Kell (c.578C>T, rs8176058), Duffy (c.125A>G, rs12075, c.1−67T>C, rs2814778) and Kidd (c.838A>G, rs1058396) variants in Kaingang (n=72) and Guarani (n=234) populations from Brazil (1990–2000) were obtained and compared with data from these populations sampled during the 1960s and with individuals of different Brazilian regions. Data showed high frequencies of DI*01 and FY*01 alleles: 11.8% and 57.6% in Kaingang and 6.8% and 75.7% in Guarani groups, respectively. The main results indicated: (1) reduction in genetic distance over time of Kaingang and Guarani in relation to other Brazilian populations is suggestive of ongoing admixture; (2) significant differences in some frequencies of blood group markers (especially Diego, Kidd and Duffy) in relation to Native Americans and individuals from different geographical regions of Brazil. Our study shows that the frequency of red blood cell polymorphisms in two Native American groups is very different from that of blood donors, when we evaluated blood groups different from ABO and Rh systems, suggesting that a better ethnic characterization of blood unit receptors is necessary
Evaluation of polymorphisms in toll-like receptor genes as biomarkers of the response to treatment of Erythema nodosum leprosum
Erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) is an inflammatory complication caused by a dysregulated immune response to Mycobacterium leprae. Some Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been identified as capable of recognizing antigens from M. leprae, triggering a wide antimicrobial and inflammatory response. Genetic polymorphisms in these receptors could influence in the appearance of ENL as well as in its treatment. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the association of genetic variants of TLRs genes with the response to treatment of ENL with thalidomide and prednisone. A total of 162 ENL patients were recruited from different regions of Brazil and clinical information was collected from their medical records. Genomic DNA was isolated from blood and saliva samples and genetic variants in TLR1 (rs4833095), TLR2 (rs3804099), TLR4 (rs1927914), and TLR6 (rs5743810) genes were genotyped by TaqMan real-time PCR system. In order to evaluate the variants’ association with the dose of the medications used during the treatment, we applied the Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) analysis. In the present sample, 123 (75.9%) patients were men and 86 (53.1%) were in treatment for leprosy during the ENL episode. We found an association between polymorphisms in TLR1/rs4833095, TLR2/rs3804099, TLR4/rs1927914, and TLR6/rs5783810 with the dose variation of thalidomide in a time-dependent manner, i.e.,the association with the genetic variant and the dose of the drug was different depending on the moment of the treatment evaluated. In addition, we identified that the association of polymorphisms in TLR1/rs4833095, TLR2/rs3804099, and TLR6/rs5783810 with the dose variation of prednisone also were time-dependent. Despite these associations, in all the interactions found, the influence of genetic variants on dose variation was not clinically relevant for therapeutic changes. The results obtained in this study show that TLRs polymorphism might play a role in the response to ENL treatment, however, in this context, they could not be considered as useful biomarkers in the clinical setting due small differences in medication doses. A larger sample size with patients with a more genetic profile is fundamental in order to estimate the association of genetic variants with the treatment of ENL and their clinical significance
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