13 research outputs found

    Beyond the "clash of ignorances": interculturality and postcolonialism

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    En el marco del estudio de la cuestión del conocimiento en la filosofía occidental, el artículo aborda la noción de «choque de ignorancias» que se está utilizando hoy en día en un gran número de debates académicos, religiosos y políticos para referirse a los choques o conflictos que surgen de la falta de comunicación y entendimiento intercultural. El artículo presenta algunos casos de normalización social de la ignorancia y propone, desde una perspectiva intercultural y post-colonial, algunas ideas que puedan ayudar a ir más allá de los choques que pueda causar la ignorancia normalizada socialmente en el ámbito interpersonal e intercultural.In the context of examining the question of knowledge in Western philosophy, the article discusses the notion of “clash of ignorance”, which is used today in a number of academic, religious and political debates to refer to clashes or conflicts arising from the lack of intercultural communication and understanding. It presents some cases of the social normalisation of ignorance and proposes, from an intercultural and post-colonial perspective, some ideas that could help overcome the clashes that the socially normalised ignorance may cause in the interpersonal and intercultural domain

    Humanism Reconsidered: Post-colonial Humanistic Proposals

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    El artículo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre el ‘humanismo’ y presentar propuestas humanistas desde una perspectiva post-colonial. Comienza por examinar los supuestos que subyacen en la ciencia moderna e ilustrada para poner al descubierto su complicidad en la práctica colonial. A continuación, se analiza el humanismo para mostrar cómo se ha utilizado una noción altamente politizada del humanismo para justificar las prácticas y estructuras deshumanizantes del colonialismo. Este ejercicio crítico se complementa con la discusión de dos propuestas humanistas que tratan de presentar un humanismo alternativo que tiene como objetivo posibilitar una comunicación y entendimiento inclusivo, humanista y transcultural en un mundo que se hace cada vez más interrelacionado.The article aims to reconsider ‘humanism’ and to present humanistic proposals from a post-colonial perspective. It begins by examining the assumptions underlying the modern and enlightened science to expose its complicity in the colonial enterprise. It then analyses humanism to show how a highly politicised notion of humanism has been deployed to justify the dehumanising practices and structures of colonialism. This critical exercise is complemented by the discussion of two humanistic proposals that seek to present an alternative humanism that is geared to enabling an inclusive and humanistic trans-cultural communication and understanding in an increasingly interrelated world

    Aesthetics of Resistance in Western Sahara

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    In reaction to neo-liberal globalization policies that were spearheaded in the 1980s by Reagan-economics and Thatcherism, indignant movements ignited globally in distinct places, spaces, and territories, using diverse resistance strategies, both violent and nonviolent. Today, two years into the new social media revolutions, with the “Arab Spring” (in Tunisia known as Sidi Bouzid Revolt, in Libya as the Revolution of February 17th, and in Egypt as Revolution of January 25th), the “indignado/a” movement in Spain, and “Occupy Wall Street” in the United States, what does it mean to be “indignant”?Within an interdisciplinary Peace Studies and Research context, how do we begin to talk about and theorize this (inter)subjective move from being a “victim” to being “indignant?” And, how do we do so in a way that captures the complex and multi-layered dimensions of liberation struggles? We begin with a theoretical overview in order to frame the discussion. We then specifically examine the “Sahrawi Spring” in order to see theory in practice. As Africa’s last colony,Western Sahara provides an interesting look into the aesthetics of resistance

    Rethinking Development from a Postcolonial Perspective

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    Este artículo pretende ofrecer algunas ideas sobre la práctica y el discurso del desarrollo desde el punto de vista de los Estudios Postcoloniales. Entendiendo el «desarrollo» como una intervención o una serie de intervenciones sostenidas en ciertas realidades sociales con el objetivo explícito de mejorar estas últimas de una manera cualitativa, este artículo examinará el desarrollo como un grupo de discursos históricamente contextualizados que informan ciertas prácticas destinadas a producir efectos perceptibles en las esferas económica, social y cultural. Contra este telón de fondo se extraerán reflexiones críticas derivadas de los estudios postcoloniales para cuestionar los supuestos subyacentes de estos discursos y poner así de manifiesto los intereses que habitan su producción como forma de conocimiento. Por consiguiente, cabe esperar que el hecho de repensar el desarrollo desde una perspectiva postcolonial contribuya a enriquecer el compromiso crítico permanente con esta empresa y sus prácticas y discursos asociados.The article aims to proffer some thoughts on development practice and discourse from the standpoint of postcolonial studies. Based on an understanding of development as an intervention or a series of sustained interventions in certain social realities, with the explicit aim of improving the latter qualitatively, the article will examine development as a set of historically contextualised discourses that inform certain practices that are meant to produce perceptible effects in economic, social and cultural spheres. It is against this backdrop that critical insights derived from postcolonial studies will be drawn on to question the underlying assumptions of these discourses in order to reveal the interests that inhabit their production as a form of knowledge. It is therefore hoped that rethinking from a postcolonial perspective will contribute to enriching the on-going critical engagement with development and its associated practices and discourses.Aquest article vol oferir algunes idees sobre la pràctica i el discurs del desenvolupament des del punt de vista dels estudis postcolonials. Entenent el desenvolupament com una intervenció o una sèrie d'intervencions mantingudes en certes realitats socials amb l'objectiu explícit de millorar aquestes realitats d'una manera qualitativa, aquest article examinarà el desenvolupament com un grup de discursos històricament contextualitzats que informen certes pràctiques destinades a produir efectes perceptibles en les esferes econòmica, social i cultural. S'extrauran reflexions crítiques contra aquest teló de fons derivades dels estudis postcolonials per tal de qüestionar els supòsits subjacents a aquests discursos i posar així de manifest els interessos que habiten la seva producció com a forma de coneixement. Per tant, cal esperar que el fet de repensar el desenvolupament des d'una perspectiva postcolonial ajudi a enriquir el compromís crític permanent amb aquesta tasca i les seves pràctiques i els seus discursos associats

    Los Estudios Post-Coloniales y la Filosofía para la Paz: un enfoque comparativo

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    The article seeks to propose a dialogue between post-colonial studies, which represent a critical approach that aims to address the multiple effects of colonialism within (post)colonial cultures, and the proposals of Philosophy for Peace expounded by Vicent Martínez Guzmán. The objective of this comparative approach is to examine the possible concurring points between the two projects as well as their respective contributions with a view to promoting cultures for peace and intercultural dialogue. Apart from their criticism to hegemonic systems of knowledge and their associated forms of violence, both projects also carry out a reconstructive task by proposing an education for peace that seeks to reconstruct the normative horizon that makes explicit our competences to make peace(s) and increases peaceful coexistence in a world that is becoming increasingly globalized and interrelated.El artículo trata de proponer un diálogo entre los Estudios Post-coloniales, los cuales representan un enfoque crítico que pretende abordar los múltiples efectos del colonialismo en el seno de las culturas (post)coloniales, y las propuestas de la Filosofía para la Paz promovida por Vicent Martínez Guzmán. El objetivo de esta aproximación comparativa es examinar los posibles puntos de encuentro entre los dos proyectos, así como sus respectivas aportaciones con miras a la promoción de culturas para la paz y la interculturalidad. Aparte de su crítica a los sistemas de saber hegemónicos y las violencias que generan, los dos proyectos también realizan una tarea reconstructiva, haciendo hincapié en proponer una educación para la paz que trata de reconstruir el horizonte normativo que explicite nuestras competencias para hacer las paces e incrementar la convivencia pacífica en un mundo que cada vez se está haciendo más globalizado e interrelacionado

    Fanon in Algeria: a case of horizontal (post)-colonial encounter?

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    Patients and relatives' perspectives about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in Khartoum, Sudan

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    Lack of knowledge and inappropriate attitude towards electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatment may affect the outcome of psychiatric’s morbidity and mortality. However, less systematic studies have been done on this area. This study aimed to assess the patients’ and relatives’ perspectives, i.e. knowledge, attitude and compliance on ECT in Khartoum State, Sudan. This was an observational hospital-based study conducted among 103 psychiatric patients and their relatives respectively who visited the Taha Basher and Eltigani Elmahi psychiatric hospitals during 2016. Both the patients and their relative inquired about different criteria of knowledge and attitude towards ECT. The percentage of score was calculated based on their positive answers by selecting the most appropriate answer or by calculating the mean of many positive answers. All the data were collected through a pre-designed questionnaire, and further analyzed statistically. Male was represented 61 (59.2%) and the commonest age group of patients was 16-30 years. The overall score of knowledge towards ECT among patients and their relative was 54.9% and 59.4%, respectively. Acceptance on the use of ECT were agreed by 43.7% of patients and more than 70% of patients and their relatives believed giving ECT for emergency psychiatric cases. Psychiatrist was the most frequent source of information reported by both patients (73.8%) and relatives (67%). Male relatives showed significantly higher attitude of recommending ECT treatment (p=0.004) for other patients. Patients and their relatives were reported to have moderate and better knowledge and attitude towards the use of ECT, respectively

    Injectable cryogel-based whole-cell cancer vaccines

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    A biomaterial-based vaccination system that uses minimal extracorporeal manipulation could provide in situ enhancement of dendritic cell (DC) numbers, a physical space where DCs interface with transplanted tumour cells, and an immunogenic context. Here we encapsulate GM-CSF, serving as a DC enhancement factor, and CpG ODN, serving as a DC activating factor, into sponge-like macroporous cryogels. These cryogels are injected subcutaneously into mice to localize transplanted tumour cells and deliver immunomodulatory factors in a controlled spatio-temporal manner. These vaccines elicit local infiltrates composed of conventional and plasmacytoid DCs, with the subsequent induction of potent, durable and specific anti-tumour T-cell responses in a melanoma model. These cryogels can be delivered in a minimally invasive manner, bypass the need for genetic modification of transplanted cancer cells and provide sustained release of immunomodulators. Altogether, these findings indicate the potential for cryogels to serve as a platform for cancer cell vaccinations