487 research outputs found

    On 2D Viscoelasticity with Small Strain

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    An exact two-dimensional rotation-strain model describing the motion of Hookean incompressible viscoelastic materials is constructed by the polar decomposition of the deformation tensor. The global existence of classical solutions is proved under the smallness assumptions only on the size of initial strain tensor. The proof of global existence utilizes the weak dissipative mechanism of motion, which is revealed by passing the partial dissipation to the whole system.Comment: Different contributions of strain and rotation of the deformation are studied for viscoelastic fluids of Oldroyd-B type in 2

    Fluctuations Do Matter: Large Noise-Enhanced Halos in Charged-Particle Beams

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    The formation of beam halos has customarily been described in terms of a particle-core model in which the space-charge field of the oscillating core drives particles to large amplitudes. This model involves parametric resonance and predicts a hard upper bound to the orbital amplitude of the halo particles. We show that the presence of colored noise due to space-charge fluctuations and/or machine imperfections can eject particles to much larger amplitudes than would be inferred from parametric resonance alone.Comment: 13 pages total, including 5 figure

    Global Hilbert Expansion for the Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann System

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    We study the Hilbert expansion for small Knudsen number ε\varepsilon for the Vlasov-Boltzmann-Poisson system for an electron gas. The zeroth order term takes the form of local Maxwellian: $ F_{0}(t,x,v)=\frac{\rho_{0}(t,x)}{(2\pi \theta_{0}(t,x))^{3/2}} e^{-|v-u_{0}(t,x)|^{2}/2\theta_{0}(t,x)},\text{\ }\theta_{0}(t,x)=K\rho_{0}^{2/3}(t,x).OurmainresultstatesthatiftheHilbertexpansionisvalidat Our main result states that if the Hilbert expansion is valid at t=0forwellpreparedsmallinitialdatawithirrotationalvelocity for well-prepared small initial data with irrotational velocity u_0,thenitisvalidfor, then it is valid for 0\leq t\leq \varepsilon ^{-{1/2}\frac{2k-3}{2k-2}},where where \rho_{0}(t,x)and and u_{0}(t,x)satisfytheEulerPoissonsystemformonatomicgas satisfy the Euler-Poisson system for monatomic gas \gamma=5/3$

    Global exponential stability of classical solutions to the hydrodynamic model for semiconductors

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    In this paper, the global well-posedness and stability of classical solutions to the multidimensional hydrodynamic model for semiconductors on the framework of Besov space are considered. We weaken the regularity requirement of the initial data, and improve some known results in Sobolev space. The local existence of classical solutions to the Cauchy problem is obtained by the regularized means and compactness argument. Using the high- and low- frequency decomposition method, we prove the global exponential stability of classical solutions (close to equilibrium). Furthermore, it is also shown that the vorticity decays to zero exponentially in the 2D and 3D space. The main analytic tools are the Littlewood-Paley decomposition and Bony's para-product formula.Comment: 18 page

    Production of Enhanced Beam Halos via Collective Modes and Colored Noise

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    We investigate how collective modes and colored noise conspire to produce a beam halo with much larger amplitude than could be generated by either phenomenon separately. The collective modes are lowest-order radial eigenmodes calculated self-consistently for a configuration corresponding to a direct-current, cylindrically symmetric, warm-fluid Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij equilibrium. The colored noise arises from unavoidable machine errors and influences the internal space-charge force. Its presence quickly launches statistically rare particles to ever-growing amplitudes by continually kicking them back into phase with the collective-mode oscillations. The halo amplitude is essentially the same for purely radial orbits as for orbits that are initially purely azimuthal; orbital angular momentum has no statistically significant impact. Factors that do have an impact include the amplitudes of the collective modes and the strength and autocorrelation time of the colored noise. The underlying dynamics ensues because the noise breaks the Kolmogorov-Arnol'd-Moser tori that otherwise would confine the beam. These tori are fragile; even very weak noise will eventually break them, though the time scale for their disintegration depends on the noise strength. Both collective modes and noise are therefore centrally important to the dynamics of halo formation in real beams.Comment: For full resolution pictures please go to http://www.nicadd.niu.edu/research/beams

    Global Solutions for Incompressible Viscoelastic Fluids

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    We prove the existence of both local and global smooth solutions to the Cauchy problem in the whole space and the periodic problem in the n-dimensional torus for the incompressible viscoelastic system of Oldroyd-B type in the case of near equilibrium initial data. The results hold in both two and three dimensional spaces. The results and methods presented in this paper are also valid for a wide range of elastic complex fluids, such as magnetohydrodynamics, liquid crystals and mixture problems.Comment: We prove the existence of global smooth solutions to the Cauchy problem for the incompressible viscoelastic system of Oldroyd-B type in the case of near equilibrium initial dat

    Dynamical elastic bodies in Newtonian gravity

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    Well-posedness for the initial value problem for a self-gravitating elastic body with free boundary in Newtonian gravity is proved. In the material frame, the Euler-Lagrange equation becomes, assuming suitable constitutive properties for the elastic material, a fully non-linear elliptic-hyperbolic system with boundary conditions of Neumann type. For systems of this type, the initial data must satisfy compatibility conditions in order to achieve regular solutions. Given a relaxed reference configuration and a sufficiently small Newton's constant, a neigborhood of initial data satisfying the compatibility conditions is constructed

    Development of singularities for the compressible Euler equations with external force in several dimensions

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    We consider solutions to the Euler equations in the whole space from a certain class, which can be characterized, in particular, by finiteness of mass, total energy and momentum. We prove that for a large class of right-hand sides, including the viscous term, such solutions, no matter how smooth initially, develop a singularity within a finite time. We find a sufficient condition for the singularity formation, "the best sufficient condition", in the sense that one can explicitly construct a global in time smooth solution for which this condition is not satisfied "arbitrary little". Also compactly supported perturbation of nontrivial constant state is considered. We generalize the known theorem by Sideris on initial data resulting in singularities. Finally, we investigate the influence of frictional damping and rotation on the singularity formation.Comment: 23 page

    Global classical solutions for partially dissipative hyperbolic system of balance laws

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    This work is concerned with (NN-component) hyperbolic system of balance laws in arbitrary space dimensions. Under entropy dissipative assumption and the Shizuta-Kawashima algebraic condition, a general theory on the well-posedness of classical solutions in the framework of Chemin-Lerner's spaces with critical regularity is established. To do this, we first explore the functional space theory and develop an elementary fact that indicates the relation between homogeneous and inhomogeneous Chemin-Lerner's spaces. Then this fact allows to prove the local well-posedness for general data and global well-posedness for small data by using the Fourier frequency-localization argument. Finally, we apply the new existence theory to a specific fluid model-the compressible Euler equations with damping, and obtain the corresponding results in critical spaces.Comment: 39 page

    Black Hole Critical Phenomena Without Black Holes

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    Studying the threshold of black hole formation via numerical evolution has led to the discovery of fascinating nonlinear phenomena. Power-law mass scaling, aspects of universality, and self-similarity have now been found for a large variety of models. However, questions remain. Here I briefly review critical phenomena, discuss some recent results, and describe a model which demonstrates similar phenomena without gravity.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; Submission for the proceedings of ICGC 2000 in the journal Preman