245 research outputs found

    Modern Geometry

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    Comparison of Muscle Activation During an Overhead Pres: Kettlebell v. Dumbbell

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    Nuevas ocurrencias y descripción del hábitat de la rana endémica del sur de Ecuador Atelopus exiguus (Anura: Bufonidae) en un punto crítico de conservación en los altos Andes

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    Atelopus species are classified as a priority taxon for monitoring and conservation, of these A. exiguus is endemic to southern Ecuador and is classified as critically endangered, however, within its known geographic range, little attention has been given to identifying new localities particularly across the páramo ecosystem (> 3500 m a.s.l.). Therefore, in the páramo landscape of Macizo del Cajas Biosphere Reserve, a conservation hotspot, we intensively searched for A. exiguus across 15 localities (elevation range: 3550 – 3800 m a.s.l.). In one year of monitoring (2020 – 2021), we recorded four individuals of A. exiguus (two were tadpoles) in two localities. The localities are characterized by a higher proportion of páramo grassland in association with shrubby páramo as well as cushion páramo; this riparian habitat is related to relatively good water quality (according to Andean Biotic Index), relatively low water temperatures and relatively low water flow. Our findings, accompanied by a detailed monitoring protocol, suggest habitat requirements for A. exiguus. Further intensive surveys beyond the limits of protected areas of Azuay province, especially across the páramos, is emerging as an urgent step to improve conservation decisions.Las especies del género Atelopus están clasificadas como un taxón prioritario para su monitoreo y conservación, de ellas A. exiguus es endémica del sur de Ecuador y está clasificada como en peligro crítico de extinción. Sin embargo, dentro de su área de distribución geográfica conocida, poca atención se ha prestado en identificar nuevas localidades, especialmente en el ecosistema del páramo (> 3500 m de altitud). Por lo tanto, en el paisaje de páramo de la Reserva de la Biosfera Macizo del Cajas, un punto caliente de conservación, buscamos intensamente la especie en 15 localidades (rango de elevación: 3550 – 3800 m de altitud). En un año de monitoreo (2020 – 2021), registramos cuatro individuos de A. exiguus (dos fueron renacuajos) en dos localidades. Las localidades se caracterizan por una mayor proporción de pastizales de páramo en asociación con páramo arbustivo, así como páramo de almohadilla; este hábitat ribereño está relacionado con una calidad de agua relativamente buena (según el Índice Biótico Andino), temperaturas de agua relativamente bajas, así como un flujo de agua relativamente bajo. Nuestros hallazgos, acompañados de un protocolo de monitoreo detallado, sugieren los requerimientos de hábitat para A. exiguus. La realización de más estudios intensivos más allá de los límites de las áreas protegidas de la provincia de Azuay, especialmente a través de los páramos, se considera como urgente para mejorar las decisiones de conservación

    Primeros reportes de Myotis riparius (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) en los altos Andes del sur del Ecuador

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    The Vespertilionidae family is widely distributed in South America. In Ecuador, there are 20 species including Myotis riparius. The species has been recorded between 10 to 1240 m a.s.l. on the both eastern and western sides of the Andes cordillera. In this work we reported two new localities for southern Ecuador which include the highest records for the species and increasing in 1077 m the limit elevation previously known in Ecuador.La familia Vespertilionidae está ampliamente distribuida en América del Sur. En Ecuador habitan 20 especies incluyendo a Myotis riparius. Esta especie ha sido registrada entre 10 y 1240 metros de elevación en las estribaciones de la cordillera de los Andes. En este trabajo reportamos dos nuevas localidades para el sur del Ecuador las cuales incluyen los registros de mayor elevación para la especie e incrementan 1077 metros el límite altitudinal conocido en Ecuador

    Wavelength Tunability of Ion-bombardment Induced Ripples on Sapphire

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    A study of ripple formation on sapphire surfaces by 300-2000 eV Ar+ ion bombardment is presented. Surface characterization by in-situ synchrotron grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering and ex-situ atomic force microscopy is performed in order to study the wavelength of ripples formed on sapphire (0001) surfaces. We find that the wavelength can be varied over a remarkably wide range-nearly two orders of magnitude-by changing the ion incidence angle. Within the linear theory regime, the ion induced viscous flow smoothing mechanism explains the general trends of the ripple wavelength at low temperature and incidence angles larger than 30. In this model, relaxation is confined to a few-nm thick damaged surface layer. The behavior at high temperature suggests relaxation by surface diffusion. However, strong smoothing is inferred from the observed ripple wavelength near normal incidence, which is not consistent with either surface diffusion or viscous flow relaxation.Comment: Revtex4, 19 pages, 10 figures with JPEG forma

    System and method of in-season nitrogen measurement and fertilization of non-leguminous crops from digital image analysis

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    Systems and methods of determining nitrogen levels from a digital image and in-season nitrogen measurement and fertilization of non-leguminous crops from digital image analysis are disclosed. In particular, a method of determining leaf nitrogen concentration and yield from a digital photograph of a fully developed leaf (collared leaf) of a crop of non-legumes, such as corn, wheat, rice, cotton, potatoes sugarcane, turfgrass or forage grass species. The digital image is processed to determine a dark green color index ( DGCI ), which is closely related to leaf nitrogen concentration and yield. Standardized color disks having known DGCI values are included in the digital photograph and serve as an comparative standard. The comparative standard allows correction of DGCI of samples when using different cameras and/or when lighting conditions change. The DGCI values can then be used to determine the amount of nitrogen fertilizer that should be applied to recover crop yield potential

    Fishing for ecosystem services

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    Ecosystems are commonly exploited and manipulated to maximize certain human benefits. Such changes can degrade systems, leading to cascading negative effects that may be initially undetected, yet ultimately result in a reduction, or complete loss, of certain valuable ecosystem services. Ecosystembased management is intended to maintain ecosystem quality and minimize the risk of irreversible change to natural assemblages of species and to ecosystem processes while obtaining and maintaining long-term socioeconomic benefits. We discuss policy decisions in fishery management related to commonly manipulated environments with a focus on influences to ecosystem services. By focusing on broader scales, managing for ecosystem services, and taking a more proactive approach, we expect sustainable, quality fisheries that are resilient to future disturbances. To that end, we contend that: (1) management always involves tradeoffs; (2) explicit management of fisheries for ecosystem services could facilitate a transition from reactive to proactive management; and (3) adaptive co-management is a process that could enhance management for ecosystem services. We propose adaptive co-management with an ecosystem service framework where actions are implemented within ecosystem boundaries, rather than political boundaries, through strong interjurisdictional relationships