34 research outputs found

    Correlation of aspergillus skin hypersensitivity with the duration and severity of asthma

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    Asthma is a significant health problem worldwide and Allergic Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) complicates the course of 1-2% of patients of asthma. Aspergillus skin hypersensitivity (AH) is the first step for diagnosis of ABPA. This study was conducted to know the correlation of AH with severity and duration of asthma. Patients, age >15 years, of asthma attending this hospital from January 2015 to December 2015 were included. Asthma was diagnosed clinically and confirmed with spirometry. Of 282 patients 206 patients were AH positive. The AST-positivity in patients having severe asthma (96.8%) was higher than that in patients having mild (36.8%) and moderate asthma (80.4%). The median (IQR) duration of asthma of AH positive patients was 5.0 yrs. This study emphasized the need of ABPA screening by intradermal skin test especially in patients having severe asthma and/or those having asthma for longer duration in order for early diagnosis of ABPA

    Double intra venous cannula versus single needle technique of aspiration and methylprednisolone injection in the treatment of wrist ganglion: a comparative study

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    Background: Ganglion is the one of the common soft tissue swellings in the hand and wrist. Treatment options available include reassurance, nonsurgical means like aspiration with or without steroid or hyaluronidase injection and surgical or arthroscopic excision. All current treatment options produce suboptimal results. This study endeavours to compare the outcome and recurrence rate and other complications after treatment of wrist ganglion by aspiration and methylprednisolone injection by double Intravenous cannula versus single needle technique.Methods: A prospective comparative clinical study was done with a total of 72 patients. 36 patients in group 1 were treated with double intravenous cannula technique and 36 patients in group 2 were treated with single needle technique. All the patients were followed up for 6 months to look for recurrence and any complication. The patient’s age, sex and various characteristics of the ganglion cyst like side, site, size, etc. were recorded.Results: In group 1, recurrence was seen in 6 patients (15.7%) while in group 2, recurrence were seen in 14 (38.8%) patients. There was statistical significant difference between the two groups with p value of 0.04. No complication was seen in both groups due to methylprednisolone injection.Conclusions: Inspired by the results we advise to use aspiration and methylprednisolone injection by double intravenous cannula technique in the treatment of wrist ganglion before any surgical intervention. It is safe, simple, cost effective method and is less invasive and less time consuming with recurrence rate comparable to surgical and arthroscopic interventions

    Journal of Oral Health and Craniofacial Science

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    ABSTRACT Clowning is a form of humour. It is an art form that invites play, interaction, and laughter. Clown Care is a programme in hospitals and medical centres involving visits from specially trained hospital clowns. Clowning helps patients to focus on something other than their illness. Olsson et al. and Spitzer suggested that clown care could create a warm climate, promote good interpersonal relationships, and relieve feelings of frustration, anxiety, or hostility. Hospital clowns work worldwide as a health humanization resort, providing interplay with patients, family and staff creating a positive emotional state that fosters affi rmative environmental conditions. This type of activity varies greatly in terms of professionalism, accountability and artistic methods. Promotion of emotional and psychosocial well-being of patients transcends opportunities for oral health promotion activities in hospitals, schools and community. Previous research reports on clown training refl ects attitudebuilding potential for the healthcare students provided that it is performed in a deep, essential, strict and continuous fashion in a facultative manner rather than mandatory allowing the student to build his own artistic, professional and personal path. Thus, the prospect of introducing training curriculum of this underrated nontechnical skill for dental students in Indian dental education system needs to be harnessed

    Нормативно-правові аспекти дослідження витрат торговельних підприємств

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    У статті досліджено міжнародні та національні нормативно-правові акти, що розкривають суть та методологічні аспекти формування витрат підприємств у бухгалтерському і податковому обліку. (In the article are investigated standard-legal sources that open methodological aspects of formation of costs of the enterprises in the accounting and tax account.

    Nations within a nation: variations in epidemiological transition across the states of India, 1990–2016 in the Global Burden of Disease Study

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    18% of the world's population lives in India, and many states of India have populations similar to those of large countries. Action to effectively improve population health in India requires availability of reliable and comprehensive state-level estimates of disease burden and risk factors over time. Such comprehensive estimates have not been available so far for all major diseases and risk factors. Thus, we aimed to estimate the disease burden and risk factors in every state of India as part of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study 2016

    Unusual Sites of Cutaneous Tuberculosis: A Report of Two Cases

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    Cutaneous tuberculosis (CTB) is an uncommon small subset of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, comprising 1–1.5% of all extrapulmonary tuberculosis manifestations, which manifests only in 8.4–13.7% of all tuberculosis cases. Lupus vulgaris (LV) and tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (TBVC) are forms of reinfection tuberculosis and often occur in presensitized patients, by exogenous inoculation. We report two cases of cutaneous tuberculosis at unusual sites. A 35-year-old female having a forehead lesion for 2 years was diagnosed as having tuberculosis verrucosa cutis and another 16-year-old girl with lesion in left axilla for 10 years was proven to have lupus vulgaris. The delayed diagnosis was possibly due to lower clinical suspicion due to the presentation of CTB at unusual sites. This highlights the importance of keeping TB as an important differential as misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis of this entity can lead to prolonged morbidity

    Clown language training in Dental education: Dental Student’s Perspective

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    Clowning is a form of humour. It is an art form that invites play, interaction, and laughter. Clown Care is a programme in hospitals and medical centres involving visits from specially trained hospital clowns. Clowning helps patients to focus on something other than their illness. Olsson et al. and Spitzer suggested that clown care could create a warm climate, promote good interpersonal relationships, and relieve feelings of frustration, anxiety, or hostility. Hospital clowns work worldwide as a health humanization resort, providing interplay with patients, family and staff creating a positive emotional state that fosters affirmative environmental conditions. This type of activity varies greatly in terms of professionalism, accountability and artistic methods. Promotion of emotional and psychosocial well-being of patients transcends opportunities for oral health promotion activities in hospitals, schools and community. Previous research reports on clown training reflects attitude-building potential for the healthcare students provided that it is performed in a deep, essential, strict and continuous fashion in a facultative manner rather than mandatory allowing the student to build his own artistic, professional and personal path. Thus, the prospect of introducing training curriculum of this underrated non-technical skill for dental students in Indian dental education system needs to be harnessed

    A New Approach for Construction of Geodemographic Segmentation Model and Prediction Analysis

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    Customer retention is invariably the top priority of all consumer businesses, and certainly it is one of the most critical challenges as well. Identifying and gaining insights into the most probable cause of churn can save from five to ten times in terms of cost for the company compared with finding new customers. Therefore, this study introduces a full-fledged geodemographic segmentation model, assessing it, testing it, and deriving insights from it. A bank dataset consisting 11,000 instances, which consists of 10,000 instances for training and 10,000 instances for testing, with 14 attributes, has been used, and the likelihood of a person staying with the bank or leaving the bank is computed with the help of logistic regression. Base on the proposed model, insights are drawn and recommendations are provided. Stepwise logistic regression methods, namely, backward elimination method, forward selection method, and bidirectional model are constructed and contrasted to choose the best among them. Future forecasting of the models has been done by using cumulative accuracy profile (CAP) curve analysis