30 research outputs found

    Babel' in Context

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    Isaak Babel (1894–1940) is arguably one of the greatest modern short story writers of the early twentieth century. Yet his life and work are shrouded in the mystery of who Babel was—an Odessa Jew who wrote in Russian, who came from one of the most vibrant centers of east European Jewish culture and all his life loved Yiddish and the stories of Sholom Aleichem.This is the first book in English to study the intertextuality of Babel’s work. It looks at Babel’s cultural identity as a case study in the contradictions and tensions of literary influence, personal loyalties, and ideological constraint. The complex and often ambivalent relations between the two cultures inevitably raise controversial issues that touch on the reception of Babel and other Jewish intellectuals in Russian literature, as well as the “Jewishness” of their work

    Under Postcolonial Eyes

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    In the Western literary tradition, the “jew” has long been a figure of ethnic exclusion and social isolation—the wanderer, the scapegoat, the alien. But it is no longer clear where a perennial outsider belongs. This provocative study of contemporary British writing points to the figure of the “jew” as the litmus test of multicultural society. Efraim Sicher and Linda Weinhouse examine the “jew” as a cultural construction distinct from the “Jewishness” of literary characters in novels by, among others, Salman Rushdie, Anita Desai, Doris Lessing, Monica Ali, Caryl Philips, and Zadie Smith, as well as contemporary art and film. Here the image of the “jew” emerges in all its ambivalence, from postcolonial migrant and modern everyman to more traditional representations of the conspirator and malefactor. The multicultural discourses of ethnic and racial hybridity reflect dissolution of national and personal identities, yet the search for transnational, cultural forms conceals both the acceptance of marginal South Asian, Caribbean, and Jewish voices as well as the danger of resurgent antisemitic tropes. Innovative in its contextualization of the “jew” in the multiculturalism debate in contemporary Britain, Under Postcolonial Eyes: Figuring the “jew” in Contemporary British Writing analyzes the narrative of identities in a globalized culture and offers new interpretations of postmodern classics

    Poetyka Holokaustu? Na przykładzie trzech poetów

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    Niezależnie od tego, czy postrzegamy Holokaust jako wydarzenie jedyne w swoim rodzaju, czy też jako kulminację serii katastrof w historii Żydów, bez wątpienia pisarstwo będącewynikiem Holocaustu warte jest badania jako zarówno świadectwo, jak i dzieło literackie. W niniejszym artykule przyglądam się poezji czasów Holokaustu, tym razem bez odniesieniado często cytowanego i przekręcanego dictum Adorna na temat poezji po Auschwitz. Mój esej kwestionuje binarną opozycję, którą można sprowadzić do przeciwstawnych stwierdzeń: „poezja Holokaustu jest barbarzyństwem i niemożliwością” i „sztuka podnosi na duchu, a Holokaust tego nie zmienia”. Analizuję trzy indywidualne przykłady poezji czasów Holokaustu wykorzystywanej zarówno jako środek przetrwania, jak i dania świadectwa w czasach Zagłady – nie są to przykłady twórczości retrospektywnej lub uprawianej przez poetów niebędących świadkami wydarzeń. Problemy estetyczne i etyczne były częścią pisarstwa in extremis świadomego tych wyzwań na długo przed Adornem i teorią krytyczną. W zestawieniu Celana, Suckewera i Miłosza dostrzec można desperacką próbę tych poetów, by tworzyć poezję mierzącą się z wyzwaniem momentu historycznego, mimo wszystkich dzielących ich różnic dotyczących kultur pochodzenia, tradycji językowych i literackich. Choć badacze i krytycy odczytują twórczość wymienionych poetów osobno, według mnie powinno się ich studiować jako przykład zmagania się z bezprecedensową grozą, której pełnego wymiaru historycznego i ogromu następstw wymienieni autorzy nie mogli wówczas pojąć. Nie powinniśmy już dłużej ignorować źródeł i poprzedników, z których czerpali, gdy staramy się ocenić ich dokonania w kwestii stworzenia „poetyki Holokaustu” zdolnej wyrazić nieadekwatność języka i niewystarczalność wyobraźni w próbie oddania niewypowiadalnego, którego poeci doświadczyli osobiście w swojej codzienności. Jeśli będziemy czytać inaczej niż „po Adornie”, może to zaowocować bardziej zniuansowaną dyskusją o tym, czy istnieje poetyka Holokaustu.Whether or not we understand the Holocaust to be unique or following a series of catastrophes in Jewish history, there is no doubt that the writing that came out of those traumaticevents is worth examining both as testimony and as literature. This article looks again at Holocaust poetry, this time circumventing Adorno’s much-cited and often misquoted dictum onpoetry after Auschwitz. The essay challenges the binary of either “Holocaust poetry is barbaric and impossible” or “art is uplifting and unaffected by the Holocaust.” I analyse three individual cases of Holocaust poetry as a means of both survival and testimony during the Holocaust – not retrospectively or seen by poets who were not there. Aesthetic and ethical issues are very much part of a writing in extremis which is conscious of the challenge well before Adorno and critical theory. In a comparison of Celan, Sutzkever, and Miłosz we can see their desperate attempt to write a poetry that meets the challenge of the historical moment, for all the differences between them in their cultural backgrounds, language traditions, and literary influences. As I argue, although scholars and critics have read these poets separately, they should be studied as part of the phenomenon of grappling with an unprecedented horror which they could not possibly at the time understand in all its historical dimension and outcome. We should no longer ignore their sources and antecedents in trying to gauge what they did with them in forging a “Holocaust poetics” that would convey something of the inadequacy of language and the failure of the imagination in representing the unspeakable, which they personally experienced on a day to day basis. By not reading “after Adorno” we can arrive at a more nuanced discussion of whether there isa Holocaust poetics

    Teaching Jessica: race, religion, and gender in The Merchant of Venice

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    The Jew’s “fair daughter” in Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice converts and marries a Christian, Lorenzo. Recent attention, however, to changing ideas of race and identity in the early modern period has brought into question the divisions of Christian/Jew/Moor. Can Jessica convert and no longer be considered the Jew’s daughter? As “gentle” and “fair” is she to be considered gentile and in no way dark (spiritually or racially)? Jessica’s conversion has apparently little religious meaning, but rather she is saved from the Jew her father by marriage to Lorenzo, who becomes Shylock’s heir. Is Jessica’s conversion to be considered a matter of convenience that might, as Launcelot quips, raise the price of hogs, or is it also to be counted as an ideological and racial conversion that reveals underlying anxieties about gender, sexuality, and religious identity? This essay attempts to argue against the grain of the performance history of The Merchant History, which often downplays the role of Jessica or revises the text of the play, and returns to the text in order to contextualize the conversion of Jessica in contemporary discourses of gender, race, and religion in England’s expansionist colonialism and proto-capitalist commerce. The conversion of Jessica can be seen in that context as an exchange of monetary and ethical value, in which women’s sexuality also had a price-tag. These questions have implications for the teaching of the play and for the understanding of its concerns with unstable sexual, religious, and national identities