234 research outputs found

    Two cases of acute basophilic leukemia, with a special reference to basophiloblasts

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    The two rare cases with a high fever and anemia as the chief complaints were confirmed to be acute basophilic leukemia on the basis of the following findings, namely, 1) Numerous basophiloblasts and immature basophilocytes were found in the peripheral blood and bone marrow picture, but there were few neutrophils. 2) By the culture of bone marrow in cover-slips the growth type to acute leukemia, these basophilocytes appearing in the growth zone were clearly distinguishable from neutrophils, eosinophils or monocytes by the modus of their movement and cellular structure. 3) In vitro fluid medium culture revealed that blasts decreased in number along with lapse of time whereas immature and mature basophilocytes increased in inverse proportion. Having encountered these two rare cases of acute basophilic leukemia and being able to autopsy one of them, the authors report their case findings and confirm the distinction of basophiloblasts. Judging from these findings, the authors are of the opinion that some modification seems to be in the offering as regard the Naegeli's myeloblast theory.</p

    Einige Eigenschaften des Erdbodens für elektrischen Gleichstrom

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    Enhanced response of the fricke solution doped with hematoporphyrin under X-rays irradiation

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    The vials filled with Fricke solutions were doped with increasing concentrations of Photogem®, used in photodynamic therapy. These vials were then irradiated with low-energy X-rays with doses ranging from 5 to 20 Gy. The conventional Fricke solution was also irradiated with the same doses. The concentration of ferric ions for the Fricke and doped-Fricke irradiated solutions were measured in a spectrophotometer at 220 to 340 nm. The results showed that there was an enhancement in the response of the doped-Fricke solution, which was proportional to the concentration of the photosensitizer. The use of such procedure for studying the radiosensitizing property of photosensitizers based on the production of free radicals is also discussed.Tubos de ensaio foram preenchidos com a solução Fricke dopada com Fotogem® em concentrações crescentes; essa hemotoporfirina é utilizada na terapia fotodinâmica. Esses tubos foram irradiados com doses de 5 a 20 Gy. A solução Fricke convencional também foi irradiada com as mesmas doses. As concentrações de íons férricos nas soluções Fricke convencional e dopadas irradiadas foram medidas num espectrofotômetro com comprimento de onda entre 220 e 340 nm. Os resultados mostraram que quando comparado o Fricke convencional com o Fricke dopado irradiado, as amostras dopadas demonstraram um aumento na resposta da dose absorvida que é proporcional a concentração do Photogem® na solução Fricke. Concluímos que esse procedimento pode ser utilizado para propósitos de dosimetria na terapia com radiossensibilizadores

    Future of oncologic photodynamic therapy

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a tumor-ablative and function-sparing oncologic\ud intervention. The relative simplicity of photosensitizer application followed by light\ud activation resulting in the cytotoxic and vasculartoxic photodynamic reaction\ud has allowed PDT to reach a worldwide audience. With several commercially\ud available photosensitizing agents now on the market, numerous well designed\ud clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of PDT on various cutaneous and\ud deep tissue tumors. However, current photosensitizers and light sources still have\ud a number of limitations. Future PDT will build on those findings to allow development\ud and refinement of more optimal therapeutic agents and illumination devices.\ud This article reviews the current state of the art and limitations of PDT, and highlight\ud the progress being made towards the future of oncologic PDT

    ‘Truth’ in ‘Not-Ego’ World: The ‘Air’ and ‘Feeling’ in “Sanshiro” “Sorekara (And Then)”

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    Total error shift patterns for daily CT on rails image-guided radiotherapy to the prostate bed

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To evaluate the daily total error shift patterns on post-prostatectomy patients undergoing image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) with a diagnostic quality computer tomography (CT) on rails system.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 17 consecutive post-prostatectomy patients receiving adjuvant or salvage IMRT using CT-on-rails IGRT were analyzed. The prostate bed's daily total error shifts were evaluated for a total of 661 CT scans.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the right-left, cranial-caudal, and posterior-anterior directions, 11.5%, 9.2%, and 6.5% of the 661 scans required no position adjustments; 75.3%, 66.1%, and 56.8% required a shift of 1 - 5 mm; 11.5%, 20.9%, and 31.2% required a shift of 6 - 10 mm; and 1.7%, 3.8%, and 5.5% required a shift of more than 10 mm, respectively. There was evidence of correlation between the x and y, x and z, and y and z axes in 3, 3, and 3 of 17 patients, respectively. Univariate (ANOVA) analysis showed that the total error pattern was random in the x, y, and z axis for 10, 5, and 2 of 17 patients, respectively, and systematic for the rest. Multivariate (MANOVA) analysis showed that the (x,y), (x,z), (y,z), and (x, y, z) total error pattern was random in 5, 1, 1, and 1 of 17 patients, respectively, and systematic for the rest.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The overall daily total error shift pattern for these 17 patients simulated with an empty bladder, and treated with CT on rails IGRT was predominantly systematic. Despite this, the temporal vector trends showed complex behaviors and unpredictable changes in magnitude and direction. These findings highlight the importance of using daily IGRT in post-prostatectomy patients.</p

    Bio-nanotechnology and photodynamic therapy -state of the art review

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and bio-nanotechnology (NT) show striking similarities in clinical design and mechanistics. The PDT paradigm of photosensitizer application, light activation and singlet oxygen generation does in fact occur on the nanoscale level as does the resultant outcomes. NT has the ability to explain as well as modify each of the critical steps of PDT particularly photosensitizer design and delivery, light source miniaturization and optimization, location and intensity of the photodynamic reaction as well as offering a far greater insight into dosimetry and mechanisms of action. This review will explore the current and potential future interactions and modifications NT may have on PDT