7 research outputs found

    Molecular second-quantized Hamiltonian:Electron correlation and non-adiabatic coupling treated on an equal footing

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    We introduce a new theoretical and computational framework for treating molecular quantum mechanics without the Born–Oppenheimer approximation. The molecular wavefunction is represented in a tensor-product space of electronic and vibrational basis functions, with electronic basis chosen to reproduce the mean-field electronic structure at all geometries. We show how to transform the Hamiltonian to a fully second-quantized form with creation/annihilation operators for electronic and vibrational quantum particles, paving the way for polynomial-scaling approximations to the tensor-product space formalism. In addition, we make a proof-of-principle application of the new Ansatz to the vibronic spectrum of C2

    How accurately can perturbative and variational vibrational models predict the fundamental frequencies of dihalomethanes?

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    Three dihalogenated methane derivatives (CH2F2, CH2FCl, and CH2Cl2) were used as model systems to compare and assess the accuracy of two different approaches for predicting observed fundamental frequencies: canonical operator Van Vleck vibrational perturbation theory (CVPT) and vibrational configuration interaction (VCI). For convenience and consistency, both methods employ the Watson Hamiltonian in rectilinear normal coordinates, expanding the potential energy surface (PES) as a Taylor series about equilibrium and constructing the wavefunction from a harmonic oscillator product basis. At the highest levels of theory considered here, fourth-order CVPT and VCI in a harmonic oscillator basis with up to 10 quanta of vibrational excitation in conjunction with a 4-mode representation sextic force field (SFF-4MR) computed at MP2/cc-pVTZ with replacement CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVQZ harmonic force constants, the agreement between computed fundamentals is closer to 0.3 cm-1 on average, with a maximum difference of 1.7 cm-1. The major remaining accuracy-limiting factors are the accuracy of the underlying electronic structure model, followed by the incompleteness of the PES expansion. Nonetheless, computed and experimental fundamentals agree to within 5 cm-1, with an average difference of 2 cm-1, confirming the utility and accuracy of both theoretical models. One exception to this rule is the formally IR-inactive but weakly allowed through Coriolis-coupling H-C-H out-of-plane twisting mode of dichloromethane, whose spectrum we therefore revisit and reassign. We also investigate convergence with respect to order of CVPT, VCI excitation level, and order of PES expansion, concluding that premature truncation substantially decreases accuracy, although VCI(6)/SFF-4MR results are still of acceptable accuracy, and some error cancellation is observed with CVPT2 using a quartic force field

    The Molpro quantum chemistry package

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    Molpro is a general purpose quantum chemistry software package with a long development history. It was originally focused on accurate wavefunction calculations for small molecules but now has many additional distinctive capabilities that include, inter alia, local correlation approximations combined with explicit correlation, highly efficient implementations of single-reference correlation methods, robust and efficient multireference methods for large molecules, projection embedding, and anharmonic vibrational spectra. In addition to conventional input-file specification of calculations, Molpro calculations can now be specified and analyzed via a new graphical user interface and through a Python framework

    Coordinate transformation and the nuclear vibrational problem.

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    This thesis describes the development and testing of a new suite of methods for solving the nuclear vibrational Schrödinger equation in order to calculate anharmonic fundamental vibrational frequencies for realistically sized chemical systems. To get around the potential energy surface (PES) construction bottleneck, we present a new method based upon constructing the PES in a curvilinear coordinate system and transforming back to rectilinear normal mode coordinates to facilitate solving the vibrational problem. We also implement and benchmark the performance of a screened vibrational configuration interaction method for calculating anharmonic fundamental frequencies. Both methods combined allow modelling of vibrational spectra for molecules with up to 20 atoms to be calculated routinely on a desktop computer, provided that the ab initio calculations required to construct the PES are computationally feasible

    Molpro quantum chemistry package

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    Molpro is a general purpose quantum chemistry software package with a long development history. It was originally focused on accurate wavefunction calculations for small molecules but now has many additional distinctive capabilities that include, inter alia, local correlation approximations combined with explicit correlation, highly efficient implementations of single-reference correlation methods, robust and efficient multireference methods for large molecules, projection embedding, and anharmonic vibrational spectra. In addition to conventional input-file specification of calculations, Molpro calculations can now be specified and analyzed via a new graphical user interface and through a Python framework

    Molpro quantum chemistry package

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    Molpro is a general purpose quantum chemistry software package with a long development history. It was originally focused on accurate wavefunction calculations for small molecules but now has many additional distinctive capabilities that include, inter alia, local correlation approximations combined with explicit correlation, highly efficient implementations of single-reference correlation methods, robust and efficient multireference methods for large molecules, projection embedding, and anharmonic vibrational spectra. In addition to conventional input-file specification of calculations, Molpro calculations can now be specified and analyzed via a new graphical user interface and through a Python framework