395 research outputs found

    Zagadnienie podwyższenia efektywności nauczania języków obcych i wybrane aspekty socjalnej teorii lingwodydaktycznej

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    The article opens with a discussion of the main educational and organizational reasons, as well as other circumstances (for example, the lack of publicly entitled language policy in the country) for the relatively low effectiveness of recent teaching of foreign languages, in particular Russian language, in comparison to some highly developed countries in Western Europe. The author goes on to introduce the significant current substantive (scientific) issues of the new approach to a practically oriented theory of teaching foreign languages — social glottodidactics.The article opens with a discussion of the main educational and organizational reasons, as well as other circumstances (for example, the lack of publicly entitled language policy in the country) for the relatively low effectiveness of recent teaching of foreign languages, in particular Russian language, in comparison to some highly developed countries in Western Europe. The author goes on to introduce the significant current substantive (scientific) issues of the new approach to a practically oriented theory of teaching foreign languages — social glottodidactics

    Słowiańskie nazwy ‘pleców’ i ‘ramienia’ w świetle materiałów gwarowych i źródeł historycznych

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    Slavic names of ‘the back’ and ‘the shoulders’ in the light of dialectal materials and historic sourcesThe meaning of the names of ‘the back’ and ‘the shoulders’ are very ambiguous, which is also characteristic of the other names of the parts of the body. Certain names of ‘the back’ often refer to only their upper or lower part, as well as to ‘the spinal column’, while certain names of ‘the shoulders’ also mean ‘the shoulder’, ‘the upper part of the arm, however, below the elbow’ or ‘the whole arm to the palm’. In the plural form, this causes the confusion between ‘the back’ and ‘the shoulders’.‘The back’ and ‘the shoulder’ have only one group of common indigenous names: *pletji, *pletj-E and several word-forming derivates. In the both meanings, one form – *pletji – occurred, which was characterized by an obvious territorial difference. In addition, in the names of ‘the back’, the names: spina and formations *χrьbьtъ, *χribьtъ, connected with the root *gъrb-, *lędvьje and *zada cover wide territories. The remaining ones are extremely rare.In the names of ‘the shoulders’, however, apart from the lexemes connected with the root *pletj-, names derived from the root *orm-, exhibiting a great morphological differentiation, occur. Lack of information in OLA records about grammatical forms somewhat complicates their interpretation. The clarification of complicated morphological transformations of these forms is made easier only by materials derived from beyond OLA. Historical materials prove that in eastern Slavic languages originally the names derived from the root *orm- were unknown

    Słowiańskie nazwy ‘brwi’ w świetle materiałów gwarowych i źródeł historycznych

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    Slavic names for ‘eyebrows’ in light of dialectal materials and historical sources‘Eyebrows’ have in OlA only several more frequent names (that are marked on the map by areas), the remaining ones occupy small areas or are absolutely rare.The most frequent names are those connected with the core *-brъv-, that are internally very different. There is an expressive contrast/opposition between the northern area with forms from *brъv- and the large southern area with the forms from prefixed *obrъv-. The forms from the core *-brъv- are also divided into two areas due to the preservation of the indigenous [old Slavonic semivowel] “jor/jer”: in the west, the forms with the disappeared weak “jor” exist in the west, while in the each these forms show its secondary vocalization. These macro-divisions also include the differentiations that are the result of morphological transformations of primary forms *bry, *brъve and *obry, *obrъve that show the early transition to -i stems with the accusative form in the nominative case, in turn the transition to former -a stems or to former -ja stems, the emergence of the secondary form of the neuter *obrъvьje, and finally – most probably due to the treatment of the form of the singular of the feminine gender *(o)brъva as the plural form and its depluralization – the emergence of the singular of the neuter  *(o)brъvo.Vast areas are formed by forms from *vědja (in pl *vědję or *vědji) in the eastern part of the southern Slavic languages and by forms from the base *ob-oč- (or most frequently *//obočьje) in the Czech Republic, Morava and Slovakia and as the island-like presence can be found in Lusatia (Łużyce) and in Hungary

    Межкультурная коммуникативная компетенция и социальная лингводидактика

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    In the era of the electronic information revolution the growth of the information society, functioning and competing natural and artificial languages, new tasks connected with more and more effective intercultural (and interdisciplinary) complementary study of theory and practice problems of teaching foreign languages in proper connection with the development of new information technologies (algorithms) for language data processing have appeared. The role of these tasks and problems will be, no doubt, increasing as a result of the rapid influx of language information and needs to overcome more and more effectively and quickly the language barriers. Under these conditions caused by nowadays as well as future demands and challenges, presented in our paper social methodology in language teaching may be of crucial importance as the new theory and practice of teaching foreign languages.In the era of the electronic information revolution the growth of the information society, functioning and competing natural and artificial languages, new tasks connected with more and more effective intercultural (and interdisciplinary) complementary study of theory and practice problems of teaching foreign languages in proper connection with the development of new information technologies (algorithms) for language data processing have appeared. The role of these tasks and problems will be, no doubt, increasing as a result of the rapid influx of language information and needs to overcome more and more effectively and quickly the language barriers. Under these conditions caused by nowadays as well as future demands and challenges, presented in our paper social methodology in language teaching may be of crucial importance as the new theory and practice of teaching foreign languages.In the era of the electronic information revolution the growth of the information society, functioning and competing natural and artificial languages, new tasks connected with more and more effective intercultural (and interdisciplinary) complementary study of theory and practice problems of teaching foreign languages in proper connection with the development of new information technologies (algorithms) for language data processing have appeared. The role of these tasks and problems will be, no doubt, increasing as a result of the rapid influx of language information and needs to overcome more and more effectively and quickly the language barriers. Under these conditions caused by nowadays as well as future demands and challenges, presented in our paper social methodology in language teaching may be of crucial importance as the new theory and practice of teaching foreign languages

    Słowiańskie nazwy ‘źrenicy’ w świetle materiałów gwarowych i źródeł historycznych

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    Slavic names of the ‘pupil’ (‘źrenica’) in the light of dialect materials and historic sourcesDespite a considerable mixture of names of “the pupil”, their collateral use and not quite distinct borders of ranges of specified lexemes, it is possible to specify several express, albeit not quite well-defined, areals (map 1).In Russia and in eastern regions of Belarus and Ukraine, the name *z//orčьkъ (// > d) dominates. In the areal of this name, it is possible to define the areal of a separate or collateral occurrence of names *Z//ьrъkъ, more rarely *z//irъkъ (Z > s, ž; // > v) southward and eastward from Moscow, names *ględělьce, *ględělьca and *ględělьcь in the vicinity of Pskov and Novgorod and *čьrnyšь, *čьrnyšьkъ and *čьrnyšьko in the north of Russia.In Poland and in the Czech Republic, *GЪpanьnъka (GЪ > ø) occur, besides, *zьrěnica also occurs in Poland.In Ukraine and in eastern Belarus, *čelověčьkъ dominates, while *čelověčьko is less numerous; in southern Bulgaria, Macedonia and in Slavic settlements on the territory of  Greece and Turkey the forms  *čELoVěčę, *čELověčьlę and *čELoVěčьčь (EL > ø; V > ø) dominate.In Serbia and Croatia and somewhat in Slovenia and south-western Bulgaria, the name *zěnica prevails.Map 2 (motivation map) shows most visibly two types: from the verbs meaning ‘patrzeć’ („to see”), which occur in the prevailing part of the Slavic territory, and from the words meaning persons and things that are reflected in „the pupil” (‘źrenica’) and are represented in western Ukraine and western Belarus, on the prevailing territory of Poland, in the Czech Republic and Moravia, in the south-eastern part of Slovakia and also in Macedonia, southern Bulgaria and in Slavic settlements on the territory of Greece and Turkey. Both of these types were registered as a certain mixed type, in particular, in eastern Ukraine and eastern Belarus.The names that are motivated by the black color of “the pupil” (‘źrenica’) are found mainly in northern russian and in southern Macedonian dialects; less frequently they appear in the territory of Austria and in Łużyce. Motivation types from the names meaning round, shining and luminous objects, and from the names that are diminutive names of the eye are very sporadic and occur in great dispersion

    Effect of activation and preactivation on the mechanical behavior and neutral position of stainless steel and beta-titanium T-loops

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    Objective: To quantify, for each activation, the effect of preactivations of differing distribution and intensity on the neutral position of T-loops (7-mm height), specifically the horizontal force, moment to force (M/F) ratio, and load to deflection ratio. Methods: A total 100 loops measuring 0.017 x 0.025 inches in cross-section were divided into two groups (n = 50 each) according to composition, either stainless steel or beta-titanium. The two groups were further divided into five subgroups, 10 loops each, corresponding to the five preactivations tested: preactivations with occlusal distribution (00, 200, and 401, gingival distribution (201, and occlusal-gingival distribution (40). The loops were subjected to a total activation of 6-mm with 0.5-mm iterations. Statistical analysis was performed using comprised ANOVA and Bonferoni multiple comparison tests, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The location and intensity of preactivation influenced the force intensity. For the M/F ratio, the highest value achieved without preactivation was lower than the height of the loop. Without preactivation, the M/F ratio increased with activation, while the opposite effect was observed with preactivation. The increase in the M/F ratio was greater when the preactivation distribution was partially or fully gingival. Conclusions: Depending on the preactivation distribution, displacement of uprights is higher or lower than the activation, which is a factor to consider in clinical practice.This study was carried out and financed by the Faculty of Dental Medicine of University of Porto.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modernist metropolitan neighborhoods in comparison with other forms of housing: Selected examples

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    The article is an attempt to look at post-socialist tower blocks and modernist housing from a contemporary perspective. It takes the context of post-communist Europe as the basis for analysis, citing Sofia as an example. On the basis of the literature and references to the messages of mass culture, it shows the specificity of a metropolitan neighborhood, and leads the reader to a proposal for a conceptualization of ‘neighborhood’ using the notion of a neighborhood circle. The empirical part presents the results of a questionnaire carried out by means of a nationwide online survey and by means of interviews carried out in three Polish locations: Poznań, Warsaw and Wronki. The collected empirical data are described from the point of view of selected themes related to the concept of ‘neighborhood circles’, and analyzed statistically. The recommendations indicate the need to ask further detailed questions and invite discussion, and not only among urban sociologists, on the condition of modernist mass housing from the point of view of building neighborly relations.Wybrany przykład międzynarodowy i wyniki badania w Polsce stanowią próbę przyjrzenia się blokowiskom postsocjalistycznym ze współczesnej perspektywy. Za podstawę analiz wzięto kontekst Europy postkomunistycznej, przywołując jako przykład Sofię. Opierając się na literaturze oraz nawiązując do przekazu kultury masowej, wskazano na specyfikę sąsiedztwa wielkomiejskiego, prowadząc czytelnika do propozycji konceptualizacji sąsiedztwa wykorzystującej pojęcie kręgu sąsiedzkiego. W części empirycznej zaprezentowano wyniki badania kwestionariuszowego, zrealizowanego za pomocą ankiety internetowej na terenie całego kraju oraz przy użyciu wywiadów kwestionariuszowych przeprowadzonych w trzech polskich miastach: Poznaniu, Warszawie i Wronkach. Zgromadzone dane empiryczne zostały opisane w odniesieniu do wybranych wątków nawiązujących do koncepcji kręgów sąsiedzkich, a także poddane analizie statystycznej. Postawiono dwa pytania: o sposób badania relacji sąsiedzkich w przestrzeniach postsocjalistycznych blokowisk, odwołując się tym samym do studiów prowadzonych w latach 80. oraz 90. XX w.; o charakter relacji sąsiedzkich, konstruowanych na podstawie architektonicznych inspiracji Le Corbusierem, tym razem w warunkach neoliberalnej deregulacji. Rekomendacje analizy wskazują na potrzebę zadawania kolejnych szczegółowych pytań i zapraszają do dyskusji na temat kondycji formuły modernistycznego, masowego zamieszkania z uwzględnieniem specyfiki budowania relacji sąsiedzkich