54 research outputs found

    Integrable deformations of the Gk1×Gk2/Gk1+k2G_{k_1} \times G_{k_2}/G_{k_1+k_2} coset CFTs

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    We study the effective action for the integrable λ\lambda-deformation of the Gk1×Gk2/Gk1+k2G_{k_1} \times G_{k_2}/G_{k_1+k_2} coset CFTs. For unequal levels theses models do not fall into the general discussion of λ\lambda-deformations of CFTs corresponding to symmetric spaces and have many attractive features. We show that the perturbation is driven by parafermion bilinears and we revisit the derivation of their algebra. We uncover a non-trivial symmetry of these models parametric space, which has not encountered before in the literature. Using field theoretical methods and the effective action we compute the exact in the deformation parameter β\beta-function and explicitly demonstrate the existence of a fixed point in the IR corresponding to the Gk1−k2×Gk2/Gk1G_{k_1-k_2} \times G_{k_2}/G_{k_1} coset CFTs. The same result is verified using gravitational methods for G=SU(2)G=SU(2). We examine various limiting cases previously considered in the literature and found agreement.Comment: 1+23 pages, Latex; v2: NPB version; v3: Correcting a typo in Eqs. (2.21), (2.22

    Weyl anomaly and the CC-function in λ\lambda-deformed CFTs

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    For a general λ\lambda-deformation of current algebra CFTs we compute the exact Weyl anomaly coefficient and the corresponding metric in the couplings space geometry. By incorporating the exact β\beta-function found in previous works we show that the Weyl anomaly is in fact the exact Zamolodchikov's CC-function interpolating between exact CFTs occurring in the UV and in the IR. We provide explicit examples with the anisotropic SU(2)SU(2) case presented in detail. The anomalous dimension of the operator driving the deformation is also computed in general. Agreement is found with special cases existing already in the literature.Comment: 1+19 pages, Latex, v2: NPB versio

    All-loop anomalous dimensions in integrable λ\lambda-deformed σ\sigma-models

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    We calculate the all-loop anomalous dimensions of current operators in λ\lambda-deformed σ\sigma-models. For the isotropic integrable deformation and for a semi-simple group GG we compute the anomalous dimensions using two different methods. In the first we use the all-loop effective action and in the second we employ perturbation theory along with the Callan-Symanzik equation and in conjunction with a duality-type symmetry shared by these models. Furthermore, using CFT techniques we compute the all-loop anomalous dimensions of bilinear currents for the isotropic deformation case and a general GG. Finally we work out the cases of anisotropic SU(2)SU(2) and the two coupling, corresponding to the symmetric coset G/HG/H and a subgroup HH, splitting of a group GG.Comment: 1+26 pages, Latex; v2: minor corrections; v3: few minor changes, NPB version; v4: clarifications in section 2.

    All-loop correlators of integrable λ\lambda-deformed σ\sigma-models

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    We compute the 2- and 3-point functions of currents and primary fields of λ\lambda-deformed integrable σ\sigma-models characterized also by an integer kk. Our results apply for any semisimple group GG, for all values of the deformation parameter λ\lambda and up to order 1/k1/k. We deduce the OPEs and equal-time commutators of all currents and primaries. We derive the currents' Poisson brackets which assume Rajeev's deformation of the canonical structure of the isotropic PCM, the underlying structure of the integrable λ\lambda-deformed σ\sigma-models. We also present analogous results in two limiting cases of special interest, namely for the non-Abelian T-dual of the PCM and for the pseudodual model.Comment: 30 pages plus appendices; v2: few minor changes, NPB versio

    The classical Yang-Baxter equation and the associated Yangian symmetry of gauged WZW-type theories

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    We construct the Lax-pair, the classical monodromy matrix and the corresponding solution of the Yang--Baxter equation, for a two-parameter deformation of the Principal chiral model for a simple group. This deformation includes as a one-parameter subset, a class of integrable gauged WZW-type theories interpolating between the WZW model and the non-Abelian T-dual of the principal chiral model. We derive in full detail the Yangian algebra using two independent methods: by computing the algebra of the non-local charges and alternatively through an expansion of the Maillet brackets for the monodromy matrix. As a byproduct, we also provide a detailed general proof of the Serre relations for the Yangian symmetry.Comment: 1+32 pages, Latex, v2: few minor changes, NPB version, v3: A factor of two corrected in (A.22

    Integrable models based on non-semi-simple groups and plane wave target spacetimes

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    We initiate the construction of integrable λ\lambda-deformed WZW models based on non-semisimple groups. We focus on the four-dimensional case whose underlying symmetries are based on the non-semisimple group E2cE_2^c. The corresponding gravitational backgrounds of Lorentzian signature are plane waves which can be obtained as Penrose limits of the λ\lambda-deformed SU(2)SU(2) background times a timelike coordinate for appropriate choices of the λ\lambda-matrix. We construct two such deformations which we demonstrate to be integrable. They both deform the Nappi-Witten plane wave and are inequivalent. Nevertheless, they have the same underlying symmetry algebra which is a Saletan-type contraction of that for the λ\lambda-deformed SU(2)SU(2) background with a timelike direction. We also construct a plane wave from the Penrose limit of the λ\lambda-deformation of the \nicefrac{SU(2)}{U(1)} coset CFT times a timelike coordinate which represents the deformation of a logarithmic CFT constructed in the past. Finally, we briefly consider contractions based on the simplest Yang-baxter σ\sigma-models.Comment: v1:1+33 pages, Latex, v2:JHEP versio

    Quantum aspects of doubly deformed CFTs

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    We study quantum aspects of the recently constructed doubly lambda-deformed sigma-models representing the effective action of two WZW models interacting via current bilinears. We show that although the exact beta-functions and current anomalous dimensions are identical to those of the lambda-deformed models, this is not true for the anomalous dimensions of generic primary field operators in accordance with the fact that the two models differ drastically. Our proofs involve CFT arguments, as well as effective sigma-model action and gravity calculations.Comment: 1+26 pages, Late
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