5 research outputs found
Regional Tourism Development in Nusa Tenggara Barat: Maximizing Local Economic Development
The diversity of each region causes different potentials in each region. The potential of the village can map how rich the area is, the advantages of the area, and the population and welfare. Tourism is one of them; this sector is potential for the area because it can lift its economy if it is adequately managed. Good management is born from the policies/regulations of the local government. Nusa Tenggara Barat is a province with many tourist attractions. However, from an economic and socio-cultural perspective, Nusa Tenggara Barat has yet to be able to compete with other major provinces in Indonesia, such as the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). The 2018 Village Potential Data by BPS can assist the government in compiling efforts for the village's progress. In the process of data processing, especially big data, in-depth exploration is needed to produce meaningful insight. Clustering is one of the exploration techniques that can map areas in Nusa Tenggara Barat based on the tourism potential in each village. K-Prototypes are used in cases with mixed variables (numeric and categorical). Determination of the best number of clusters is using the silhouette index. It produced 5 clusters with their respective diversity. There are five clusters in Nusa Tenggara Barat by the villages based on tourism aspects and factors that support tourism. Cluster 3 is an ideal cluster, meaning tourism development in that cluster is complete. Cluster 5 has considerable potential in tourism because the supporting factors are analytically good. There are villages dispersed across Sumbawa Barat, Sumbawa, Lombok Tengah, Lombok Barat, Dompu, and Bima that are part of cluster 1. In Sumbawa Barat and Lombok Tengah, cluster 1 predominates numbers. The settlements in cluster 2 are then more prevalent in Sumbawa and Bima. Furthermore, Sumbawa, Dompu, and Bima have the highest concentrations of cluster 4. Unlike clusters 3 and 5, special attention should be paid to clusters 1, 2, and 4 in tourism development. Implications of this research are the government could take toward each cluster to increase the GDP-oriented service product, namely tourism; whether it is an improvement or reconstruction, clustering analysis works its role in learning the data to make the policy more focused.Keberagaman setiap daerah menyebabkan potensi yang berbeda di setiap daerah. Potensi desa dapat memetakan seberapa kaya wilayahnya, keunggulan wilayahnya, serta jumlah penduduk dan kesejahteraannya. Pariwisata adalah salah satunya; Sektor ini merupakan potensi daerah karena pariwisata dapat mengangkat perekonomian daerah jika dikelola dengan baik. Manajemen yang baik lahir dari kebijakan/peraturan pemerintah daerah. Nusa Tenggara Tenggara (NTB) merupakan provinsi yang memiliki banyak tempat wisata. Namun, dari segi ekonomi dan sosial budaya, NTB belum mampu bersaing dengan provinsi besar lainnya di Indonesia, seperti Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Data Potensi Desa 2018 oleh BPS dapat membantu pemerintah dalam menyusun upaya kemajuan desa. Dalam proses pengolahan data khususnya big data diperlukan eksplorasi yang mendalam untuk menghasilkan insight yang bermakna. Clustering merupakan salah satu teknik eksplorasi yang dapat memetakan wilayah di NTB berdasarkan potensi wisata di masing-masing desa. K-Prototipe digunakan dalam kasus dengan variabel campuran (numerik dan kategorikal). Penentuan jumlah cluster terbaik menggunakan indeks siluet. Dihasilkan 5 cluster dengan keanekaragamannya masing-masing
Bagian terpenting dari munisi adalah bahan pendorong (propelan). Jenis propelan untuk pengisi munisi yaitu Double Base Propellant (DBP). Bahan pembentuk DBP ialah Nitroselulosa (NC) dan Nitrogliserin (NG). NG yang sensitif terhadap benturan tidak dapat berfungsi optimal sebagai bahan baku DB jika tidak dikombinasi dengan NC, sedangkan NC yang tersedia belum memenuhi kadar kriteria kebutuhan militer. Untuk mendapatkan NC dibutuhkan bahan dasar yakni Selulosa, dan di Indonesia bahan baku selulosa melimpah. Kertas Koran yang berasal dari kayu mengandung selulosa, sehingga untuk meningkatkan nilai fungsi limbah koran diolah bahan baku NC yang sesuai kriteria kebutuhan militer. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen laboratorium dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar α-selulosa dan cara peningkatan kandungan nitrogen pada limbah koran sebagai alternatif bahan baku nitroselulosa. Bahan yang digunakan untuk isolasi dan pemurniaan α-selulosa adalah reagen Schweitzer, proses bleaching (H2O2 dan NaOCl) dan alkalisasi berulang (NaOH), sedangkan untuk pembuatan NC melalui proses nitrasi dengan bahan HNO3/H2SO4 dan HNO3/Ac2O. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai kadar α-selulosa dari hasil penelitian 91.72% - 93.53%, serta kadar nitrogen dalam NC melalui proses nitrasi berbahan HNO3/H2SO4 dan HNO3/Ac2O ialah berturut-turut 12.6% dan 12.9%, sehingga peningkatan kadar nitrogen dapat diperoleh melalui nitrasi dengan menggunakan Ac2O (acetic anhydride), dilakukan uji unjuk kerja NC dengan hasil larut dalam aceton, menghasilkan percikan api ketika uji nyala, terjadi perubahan pada kertas indikator pada uji penguapan, dan pada pengujian FTIR terdapat gugus –NO2. Oleh karena itu dapat disarankan NC berasal dari limbah koran sebagai alternatif bahan baku pembuatan propelan.Kata Kunci : propelan, nitroselulosa, α-selulosa, limbah kora
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo of gastroretentive drug delivery system of cimetidine using hard alginate capsules.Methods: Drug release study was tested to various hard alginate capsules containing 200 mg cimetidine with paddle method dissolution apparatus in artificial gastric fluid pH 1.2. Concentrations of cimetidine were measured using ultraviolet spectrophotometer at 218.4 nm wavelength. The product that fulfilled the sustained release profile was evaluated for bioavailability using male rabbits at dose 9.3 mg/kg orally, and the antiulcer studies were evaluated by HCl-induced ulcer method at cimetidine dose 18 mg/kg once a day orally. Gastric lesions were evaluated by macroscopic and microscopic observations.Results: The results of drug release test showed that hard alginate capsule made from sodium alginate 500–600 cP gave sustained release profile of cimetidine for 12 h. In vivo bioavailability studies showed that cimetidine given with hard alginate capsules gave higher of Cmax, Tmax, and area under the curve of cimetidine compared to cimetidine that given with conventional hard gelatin capsules. The antiulcer studies showed that the healing effect of cimetidine that given with hard alginate capsules was faster than cimetidine given in suspension form. Cimetidine that given with hard alginate capsules macroscopically showed no gastric lesion and histopathologically also showed normal gastric mucosa of rats after 4 days treatment. However, cimetidine given in suspension form showed of 0.036±0.024 ulcer index and microscopically there was still erosion of gastric mucosa of rats after 4 days treatment.Conclusion: Floating gastroretentive of cimetidine using hard alginate capsules give a sustained release of cimetidine with better bioavailability and antiulcer effect of cimetidine
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo of gastroretentive drug delivery system of cimetidine using hard alginate capsules.Methods: Drug release study was tested to various hard alginate capsules containing 200 mg cimetidine with paddle method dissolution apparatus in artificial gastric fluid pH 1.2. Concentrations of cimetidine were measured using ultraviolet spectrophotometer at 218.4 nm wavelength. The product that fulfilled the sustained release profile was evaluated for bioavailability using male rabbits at dose 9.3 mg/kg orally, and the antiulcer studies were evaluated by HCl-induced ulcer method at cimetidine dose 18 mg/kg once a day orally. Gastric lesions were evaluated by macroscopic and microscopic observations.Results: The results of drug release test showed that hard alginate capsule made from sodium alginate 500–600 cP gave sustained release profile of cimetidine for 12 h. In vivo bioavailability studies showed that cimetidine given with hard alginate capsules gave higher of Cmax, Tmax, and area under the curve of cimetidine compared to cimetidine that given with conventional hard gelatin capsules. The antiulcer studies showed that the healing effect of cimetidine that given with hard alginate capsules was faster than cimetidine given in suspension form. Cimetidine that given with hard alginate capsules macroscopically showed no gastric lesion and histopathologically also showed normal gastric mucosa of rats after 4 days treatment. However, cimetidine given in suspension form showed of 0.036±0.024 ulcer index and microscopically there was still erosion of gastric mucosa of rats after 4 days treatment.Conclusion: Floating gastroretentive of cimetidine using hard alginate capsules give a sustained release of cimetidine with better bioavailability and antiulcer effect of cimetidine
Pengenalan dan Pencegahan Hipertensi Serta Pengecekan Tekanan Darah : Pengenalan dan Pencegahan Hipertensi Serta Pengecekan Tekanan Darah di Mesjid Al-Karim, Desa Sari Laba Jahe, Kecamatan Sibiru-Biru, Kabupaten Deli Serdang
Hipertensi merupakan kondisi medis dengan prevalensi tinggi, dimana merupakan suatu sindrom atau kumpulan gejala kardiovaskuler yang progresif sebagai akibat dari kondisi lain yang kompleks dan saling berhubungan. Banyak masyarakat yang belum menyadari pemicu hipertensi adalah dari pola hidup sehari-hari yang salah. Maka perlu di berikan informasi dan edukasi sehingga masyarakat dapat mengenal dan mencegah penyakit hipertensi sejak dini. Sehingga prevalensi terhadap hipertensi akan menurun. Metode penyampaian informasi dan edukasi yang disampaikan yaitu dengan cara persentase. Hasil kegiatan ini meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap penyakit hipertens