158 research outputs found

    Provider-initiated HIV testing and counseling in Mbeya City, south-western Tanzania: knowledge and practice of health care providers

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    Provider-initiated testing and counseling (PITC) is a routine HIV counseling and testing offered to adult clients attending at health care facilities. In Tanzania PITC started in 2007, with the aim of increasing early HIV diagnosis and timely access to care, treatment and support services. The objective of this study was to assess the level of knowledge and practice of health care providers on PITC. This cross sectional study was conducted in April-May 2010 among nurses and clinicians working in the government health care facilities in Mbeya City, south-western Tanzania. Self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain relevant information from the study participants. A total of 402 (95% response rate) care providers were interviewed. Their mean (± SD) age was 41 ± 9.5 years. The majority 304 (76%) were nurses. Their duration of practice ranged from 4 months to 39 years. All the care providers reported to be aware of PITC services. However, 35% of them had inadequate knowledge of PITC and 269 (67%) reported to have ever offered PITC services. Median number of clients attended per week was 3 (IQR, 1-6 clients). Participants who had attended special training on PITC were 6-fold more likely to offer PITC services [OR = 6.2, 95% CI = 3.7-10.2; P<0.001] than those who had not attended. In conclusion more than one-third of health providers do not routinely offer PITC in Mbeya City, leading to missed opportunity for early HIV diagnosis. On job and in-service training to improve PITC knowledge and supportive supervision for those trained is required

    Where and how do young people like to get their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information? Experiences from students in higher learning institutions in Mbeya, Tanzania: a cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) among young adults in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) is still a major public health challenge. Early school-based sexuality education programs and sexual health information sharing between teachers, parents and young people have been considered protective against the sexual health risks to which young people are exposed. There is, however, limited information on the preferred choices of "where", "how" and "from whom" young people would like to receive SRH information. We aimed to describe the experience and preferences of young people regarding their SRH education and learning and in particular communication with their parents/guardians. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study among randomly selected students aged 18-24y attending Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Mbeya, Tanzania. We used a self-administered questionnaire to collect information on SRH education received, ability to discuss SRH matters with a parent/guardian and SRH information gaps encountered during their early sexual experience. RESULTS: We enrolled 504 students from 5 HLIs, of whom 446 (88.5%) reported to be sexually active, with mean age at sexual debut of 18.4y (SD 2.2). About 61% (307/504) of the participants found it difficult to discuss or did not discuss SRH matters with their parent/guardian while growing up. Learning about SRH matters was reported from peers (30.2%) and teacher-led school curriculum (22.7%). There was a strong gender-biased preference on SRH matters' discussions, female and male participants preferred discussions with adults of their respective sex. Peers (18.2%), media (16.2%) and schools (14.2%) were described as the preferred sources of SRH information. On recalling their first sexual experience, sexually-initiated participants felt they needed to know more about sexual feelings, emotions and relationships (28.8%), safer sex (13.5%), how to be able to say 'No' (10.7%) and how to use a condom correctly (10.2%). CONCLUSION: Young people have a gender preference when it comes to learning about SRH matters from their parents; however, such conversations seldom occur. Community health education should focus on building skills of parents on parent-child communication on SRH matters so as to empower them to confidently initiate and convey accurate SRH information. Comprehensive SRH education and skills building need to be strengthened in the current school SRH curriculum in order to meet the demand and needs of students and increase the competence of teachers

    Trends and factors associated with repeated adolescent pregnancies in Tanzania from 2004-2016: evidence from Tanzania demographic and health surveys

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    Introduction: a repeated pregnancy represents a failure of health and social systems to educate and provide the necessary services and skills to ensure adolescent girls do not experience any further unwanted pregnancies during this young age. We aimed to determine trends and factors associated with repeated adolescent pregnancies in Tanzania 2004-2016. Methods: an analytical cross-sectional study was conducted using secondary data from Tanzania demographic and health surveys of the years 2004-2005, 2010 and 2015-2016 among adolescent mothers aged 15 to 19 years. Data analysis was performed using STATA version 15 and considered the complex survey design. The Poisson regression model was used to estimate prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals for factors associated with repeated adolescent pregnancy. Results: the proportion of repeated adolescent pregnancies increased from 15.8% in 2004/2005 to 18.6% in 2010, then to 18.8% in 2015/2016. Adolescents who delivered their first pregnancy at home (APR: 1.36, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.78) and who started sexual activity before 15 years of age (APR: 1.80, 95% CI: 1.40, 2.31) were likely repeated adolescent pregnancy. In contrast, adolescents who used contraception (APR: 0.52, 95% CI: 0.34, 0.81) had a lower prevalence of repeated adolescent pregnancies. Conclusion: the prevalence of repeated adolescent pregnancies has increased and remains unacceptably high. Adolescents who had low education delivered their first pregnancy at home and were non-contraceptive users need to be targeted in policies and programs for the prevention of repeated adolescent pregnancies

    HIV among pregnant women in Moshi Tanzania: the role of sexual behavior, male partner characteristics and sexually transmitted infections

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    BACKGROUND: Women continue to be disproportionately affected by HIV in Tanzania, and factors contributing to this situation need to be identified. The objective of this study was to determine social, behavioral and biological risk factors of HIV infection among pregnant women in Moshi urban, Tanzania. In 2002 – 2004, consenting women (N = 2654), attending primary health clinics for routine antenatal care were interviewed, examined and biological samples collected for diagnosis of HIV and other sexually transmitted/reproductive tract infections. RESULTS: The prevalence of HIV was 6.9%. The risk for HIV was greater among women whose male partner; had other sexual partners (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 15.11; 95% confidence interval [CI], 8.39–27.20), traveled frequently (AOR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.22–2.65) or consumed alcohol daily (AOR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.06–2.67). Other independent predictors of HIV were age, number of sex partners, recent migration, and presence of bacterial vaginosis, genital ulcer, active syphilis and herpes simplex virus type 2. CONCLUSION: Development of programs that actively involve men in HIV prevention is important in reducing transmission of HIV in this population. Further, interventions that focus on STI control, the mobile population, sexual risk behavior and responsible alcohol use are required

    Risky sexual behaviours among young adults attending Higher Learning Institutions in Mbeya, Tanzania: implications for STIs and HIV preventive programs.

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    BACKGROUND: High-risk sexual behaviours (HRSBs) among young adults are a key risk for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV and unplanned pregnancies. The World Health Organization has identified the 15-24 year age-group as high-risk for STIs. Students at Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) may be at higher risk because they are free of immediate parental supervision, a transient migratory population, and probably at peak years of sexual activity. Here, we describe risky sexual behaviours and preventive practices among young adults attending HLIs in Mbeya, Tanzania. METHODS: ross-sectional study was conducted from March 2019 to January 2020 among students aged 18-24 years enrolled in HLIs within Mbeya. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information on sexual health education, activity, behaviour and STI knowledge. RESULTS: 504 students were enrolled; mean age of 21.5 (SD 1.74) years. 377 (74.8%) students were sexually active. Mean age of first sexual encounter was 18.4 years and 11.6% reported their sexual debut was ≤15 years. A higher proportion of male students (59.7%) reported their sexual debut with non-steady partners compared with female students (40.9%). Lack of condom use at sexual debut was reported by 43.3% of sexually active students. Consistent condom use during the past 4-weeks was reported at 23.3% and 16.9% among men and women, respectively. Almost 1 in 10 students reported being forced into having sex by someone they were dating. Sex under the influence of alcohol was reported by 25.5% of the students. Nearly 7 in 10 (77%) students had heard of STIs, but only 15% were aware STIs could be asymptomatic. CONCLUSION: STI prevention programs need to recognize young adults in HLIs as an at-risk population. HLIs must advocate targeted messages to minimize risks to acquiring STIs, offer counselling and support for those experiencing sexual violence, and promote condom use and safer-sex negotiation skills

    Prevalence and risk factors for diabetes mellitus among tuberculosis patients in Moshi Municipal Council, Kilimanjaro Tanzania

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    Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a worldwide public health problem and its prevalence has been rising rapidly in low and middle income countries (LMICs) including Tanzania. According to WHO report 2015, DM is ranked number six as a leading cause of death  worldwide. Strong evidence suggests that DM may be associated with Tuberculosis (TB) and could affect TB treatment outcomes. Tanzania is among the 22 countries that have a high burden of TB and currently facing increased epidemic of DM. The increasing diabetes  prevalence may be a threat to TB control and counteract strategies to end TB by 2030 as proposed by WHO.Objective: To determine proportion of TB patients who are co-infected with DM in Moshi municipal council, Kilimanjaro Tanzania.Methodology: This study was a hospital based cross-sectional study conducted in April to July 2018 at 4 health facilities; Mawenzi Regional Referral hospital, St. Joseph District Designated hospital, Pasua Health center and Majengo Health centre in Moshi municipal. The study included adults aged 18 years and above attending either of the 4 health facilities for TB care. The study included newly diagnosed and those who were on TB treatment. Interviews were conducted followed by blood glucose testing. Data was entered and analysed using SPSSResults: A total of 153 TB patients were enrolled, their mean age was 42.5 (Âą14.75) years and 46 (30.1%) were females. The prevalence of DM among TB patients in this study was 9.2%. Factors associated with TB-DM comorbidity were: age (OR 4.43, 95% CI: 1.18-16.55), HIV status (OR 3.88, 95% CI: 1.06-14.11), and family history of DM (OR 6.50, 95% CI 0.67-25.56).Conclusion: One in ten patients with TB had confirmed DM. There is a need for future studies to assess if DM influences TB treatment and outcomes in this setting

    Effect of tuberculosis infection on mortality of HIV-infected patients in Northern Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: TB and HIV are public health problems, which have a synergistic effect to each other. Despite the decreasing burden of these two diseases they still make a significant contribution to mortality. Tanzania is among the 30 high TB and HIV burden countries. METHODS: Routine data over 6 years from people living with HIV (PLHIV) attending health facilities in three regions of Northern Tanzania were analyzed, showing mortality trends from 2012 to 2017 for HIV and HIV/TB subpopulations. Poisson regression with frailty model adjusting for clustering at health facility level was used to analyze the data to determine mortality rate ratios (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). RESULTS: Among all PLHIV the overall mortality rate was 28.4 (95% CI 27.6-29.2) deaths per 1000 person-years. For PLHIV with no evidence of TB the mortality rates was 26.2 (95% CI 25.4-27.0) per 1000 person-years, and for those with HIV/TB co-infection 57.8 (95% CI 55.6-62.3) per 1000 person-years. After adjusting for age, sex, residence, WHO stage, and bodyweight, PLHIV with TB co-infection had 40% higher mortality than those without TB (RR 1.4; 95% CI 1.24-1.67). CONCLUSIONS: Over the 6-year period mortality rates for HIV/TB patients were consistently higher than for PLHIV who have no TB. More efforts should be directed into improving nutritional status among HIV patients, as it has destructive interaction with TB for mortality. This will improve patients' body weight and CD4 counts which are protective against mortality. Among PLHIV attention should be given to those who are in WHO HIV stage 3 or 4 and having TB co-infection

    "It is her responsibility": partner involvement in prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV programmes, northern Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Partner involvement has been deemed fundamental in prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) programmes, but is difficult to achieve. This study aimed to explore acceptability of the PMTCT programme components and to identify structural and cultural challenges to male involvement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was conducted during 2007-2008 in rural and urban areas of Moshi in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania. Mixed methods were used, and included focus group discussions with fathers and mothers, in-depth interviews with fathers, mothers and health personnel, and a survey of 426 mothers bringing their four-week-old infants for immunization at five reproductive and child health clinics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Routine testing for HIV of women at the antenatal clinic was highly acceptable and appreciated by men, while other programme components, notably partner testing, condom use and the infant feeding recommendations, were met with continued resistance. Very few men joined their wives for testing and thus missed out on PMTCT counselling. The main barriers reported were that women did not have the authority to request their husbands to test for HIV and that the arena for testing, the antenatal clinic, was defined as a typical female domain where men were out of place.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Deep-seated ideas about gender roles and hierarchy are major obstacles to male participation in the PMTCT programme. Empowering women remains a huge challenge. Empowering men to participate by creating a space within the PMTCT programme that is male friendly should be feasible and should be highly prioritized for the PMTCT programme to achieve its potential.</p
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