16 research outputs found

    Cuticle deposition in apple fruit: A radial gradient in cuticle age

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    The skins of most fruitcrop species are subject to marked strain due to the continuing expansion of the fruit surface throughout the long developmental period. A mechanical failure of the cuticle during fruit expansion leads to fruit skin disorders. Fruit skin disorders compromise fruit appearance and decrease market value. The cuticular membrane (CM) of apple fruit copes with the ongoing skin strain by continuing to deposit cutin and wax. Recent evidence suggests a radial gradient in strain between the outer (more strain) and the inner surfaces (less strain) of the apple fruit CM. The strain gradient is consistent with the observation that microcracks being initially limited on the outer surface of the CM. It is hypothesized that an ongoing deposition of cutin on the inner surface of the CM would account for this gradient in strain. Unfortunately, direct experimental evidence is lacking. This dissertation is dedicated: (1) to establish a system using the radioactive carbon isotope (14C) and the stable carbon isotope (13C) to quantify CM deposition in developing apple fruit; (2) to identify factors affecting CM deposition in the field and (3) to provide conclusive experimental evidence for a radial gradient in cutin deposition such that the inner surface of the CM is ‘younger’ than the outer surface. Labelled oleic acid or palmitic acid was applied as supposed precursors for cutin monomers to the surface of ‘Idared’ fruit using ‘infinite dose’, ‘finite dose’ or ‘injection’ methods. Of these methods, infinite dose feeding resulted in more consistent and higher precursor incorporation. Incorporation of oleic acid was significantly higher than of palmitic acid. Oleic acid was incorporated in the cutin fraction, but not in the wax fraction. There was no difference in the incorporation of 13C or of 14C labelled oleic acid. Potential gradients in cuticle age were investigated following feeding developing apples with 13C labelled oleic acid. The 13C content was highest in non-ablated CM isolated immediately after the feeding and incorporation period. The 13C content decreased as the CM was progressively ablated from the inner surface. When the 13C content of CMs was quantified in fruit harvested at maturity, the 13C-enriched layer was found deep in the CM following the continued deposition of un-labelled cutin occurring after 13C feeding period. The results recorded the presence of an age gradient in the apple fruit CM between the younger inner surface and the older outer surface. This gradient is the direct result of the deposition of cutin being on the CM’s inner surface

    Russet Susceptibility in Apple Is Associated with Skin Cells that Are Larger, More Variable in Size, and of Reduced Fracture Strain

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    Russeting is an economically important surface disorder in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh). Indirect evidence suggests an irregular skin structure may be the cause of the phenomenon. The objective of this study was to characterize epidermal and hypodermal cell morphology and the mechanical properties of the skins of apple cultivars of differing russet susceptibility. Dimensions of epidermal and hypodermal cells were determined using microscopy. Stiffness (S), maximum force (Fmax), and maximum strain (εmax) at failure were quantified using uniaxial tensile tests of skin strips. Particularly during early fruit development, epidermal cells (EC) and hypodermal cells (HC) in russet non-susceptible cultivars occurred in greater numbers per unit area than in russet-susceptible ones. The EC and HC were lower in height, shorter in length, and of reduced tangential surface area. There were little differences in S or Fmax between non-susceptible and susceptible cultivars. However, the εmax were higher for the skins of non-susceptible cultivars, than for those of susceptible ones. This difference was larger for the young than for the later growth stages. It is concluded that russet-susceptible cultivars generally have larger cells and a wider distribution of cell sizes for both EC and HC. These result in decreased εmax for the skin during early fruit development when russet susceptibility is high. This increases the chances of skin failures which is known to trigger russeting

    Direct Evidence for a Radial Gradient in Age of the Apple Fruit Cuticle

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    The pattern of cuticle deposition plays an important role in managing strain buildup in fruit cuticles. Cuticular strain is the primary trigger for numerous fruit-surface disorders in many fruit crop species. Recent evidence indicates a strain gradient may exist within the apple fruit cuticle. The outer layers of the cuticle are more strained and thus more susceptible to microcracking than the inner layers. A radial gradient in cuticle age is the most likely explanation. Our study aimed to establish whether (or not) deposition of new cutin in a developing apple fruit occurs on the inner surface of the cuticle, i.e., immediately abutting the outward-facing epidermal cell wall. Developing apples were fed with 13C oleic acid through the skin. Following a 14-d period for incorporation, the fruit was harvested and the cuticular membranes (CMs) isolated enzymatically. The CMs were then ablated to varying extents from the inner or the outer surfaces, using a cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAPP). Afterwards, the ablated CMs were dewaxed and the 13C contents were determined by mass spectrometry. The incorporation of 13C in the cutin fraction was higher than in the wax fraction. The 13C content was highest in non-ablated, dewaxed CM (DCM) and decreased as ablation depth from the inner surface increased. There was no change in 13C content when ablation was carried out from the outer surface. As fruit development proceeded, more 13C label was found towards the middle of the DCM. These results offered direct evidence for deposition of cutin being on the inner surface of the cuticle, resulting in a radial gradient in cuticular age—the most recent deposition (youngest) being on the inner cuticle surface (abutting the epidermal cell wall) and the earliest deposition (oldest) being on the outer surface (abutting the atmosphere). Copyright © 2021 Si, Khanal, Schlüter and Knoche

    Cognitive Representation Learning of Self-Media Online Article Quality

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    The automatic quality assessment of self-media online articles is an urgent and new issue, which is of great value to the online recommendation and search. Different from traditional and well-formed articles, self-media online articles are mainly created by users, which have the appearance characteristics of different text levels and multi-modal hybrid editing, along with the potential characteristics of diverse content, different styles, large semantic spans and good interactive experience requirements. To solve these challenges, we establish a joint model CoQAN in combination with the layout organization, writing characteristics and text semantics, designing different representation learning subnetworks, especially for the feature learning process and interactive reading habits on mobile terminals. It is more consistent with the cognitive style of expressing an expert's evaluation of articles. We have also constructed a large scale real-world assessment dataset. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed framework significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, and effectively learns and integrates different factors of the online article quality assessment.Comment: Accepted at the Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedi

    Topic Enhanced Controllable CVAE for Dialogue Generation (Student Abstract)

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    Neural generation models have shown great potential in conversation generation recently. However, these methods tend to generate uninformative or irrelevant responses. In this paper, we present a novel topic-enhanced controllable CVAE (TEC-CVAE) model to address this issue. On the one hand, the model learns the context-interactive topic knowledge through a novel multi-hop hybrid attention in the encoder. On the other hand, we design a topic-aware controllable decoder to constrain the expression of the stochastic latent variable in the CVAE to reduce irrelevant responses. Experimental results on two public datasets show that the two mechanisms synchronize to improve both relevance and diversity, and the proposed model outperforms other competitive methods

    Cutin Synthesis in Developing, Field-Grown Apple Fruit Examined by External Feeding of Labelled Precursors

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    An intact skin is essential in high-quality apples. Ongoing deposition of cuticular material during fruit development may decrease microcracking. Our objective was to establish a system for quantifying cutin and wax deposition in developing apple fruit. Oleic acid (13C and 14C labelled) and palmitic acid (14C labelled) were fed to developing apples and the amounts incorporated in the cutin and wax fractions were quantified. The incorporation of 14C oleic acid (C18) was significantly higher than that of 14C palmitic acid (C16) and the incorporation in the cutin fraction exceeded that in the wax fraction. The amount of precursor incorporated in the cutin increased asymptotically with time, but the amount in the wax fraction remained about constant. Increasing the concentration of the precursor applied generally increased incorporation. Incorporation in the cutin fraction was high during early development (43 days after full bloom) and decreased towards maturity. Incorporation was higher from a dilute donor solution (infinite dose feeding) than from a donor solution subjected to drying (finite dose feeding) or from perfusion of the precursor by injection. Feeding the skin of a developing apple with oleic acid resulted in significant incorporation in the cutin fraction under both laboratory and field condition

    Cutin Synthesis in Developing, Field-Grown Apple Fruit Examined by External Feeding of Labelled Precursors

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    An intact skin is essential in high-quality apples. Ongoing deposition of cuticular material during fruit development may decrease microcracking. Our objective was to establish a system for quantifying cutin and wax deposition in developing apple fruit. Oleic acid (13C and 14C labelled) and palmitic acid (14C labelled) were fed to developing apples and the amounts incorporated in the cutin and wax fractions were quantified. The incorporation of 14C oleic acid (C18) was significantly higher than that of 14C palmitic acid (C16) and the incorporation in the cutin fraction exceeded that in the wax fraction. The amount of precursor incorporated in the cutin increased asymptotically with time, but the amount in the wax fraction remained about constant. Increasing the concentration of the precursor applied generally increased incorporation. Incorporation in the cutin fraction was high during early development (43 days after full bloom) and decreased towards maturity. Incorporation was higher from a dilute donor solution (infinite dose feeding) than from a donor solution subjected to drying (finite dose feeding) or from perfusion of the precursor by injection. Feeding the skin of a developing apple with oleic acid resulted in significant incorporation in the cutin fraction under both laboratory and field conditions

    Computational analysis of reconstructing current and sag of three-phase overhead line based on the TMR sensor array

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    The development of overhead lines has met the electricity demand of the rapidly developing society. However, the large-scale installation of overhead lines and the natural environmental differences in different regions increase the complexity of the real-time management of the lines. To improve the efficiency of line management, this article constructs a theoretical and simplified electromagnetic field model of 500 kV three-phase overhead lines and studies the method of monitoring the current-sag state of the lines based on analyzing the distribution of magnetic field intensity under the three-phase overhead lines. Moreover, the placement of the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) sensor array was analyzed, and the current and sag reconstruction algorithm of the line was further proposed. The calculation results show that the simplified magnetic field model is accurate in most areas under the overhead line. The comparison of condition number and sensor position sensitivity value on sensor placement evaluation shows that the sensor position sensitivity value is more comprehensive, and it is recommended to use dual-axis TMR magnetic sensors. The relative error of the line sag calculated by the proposed TMR sensor array and algorithm is less than 3% and 4% for balanced and unbalanced three-phase line currents, respectively

    Data from: Ecological correlates of extinction risk in Chinese birds

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    China is one of the countries with the richest bird biodiversity in the world. Among the 1372 Chinese birds, 146 species are considered threatened and three species are regionally extinct according to the officially released China Biodiversity Red List in 2015. Here, we conducted the first extensive analysis to systematically investigate the patterns and processes of extinction and threat in Chinese birds. We addressed the following four questions. First, is extinction risk randomly distributed among avian families in Chinese birds? Second, which families contain more threatened species than would be expected by chance? Third, which species traits are important in determining the extinction risk in Chinese birds using a multivariate phylogenetic comparative approach? Finally, is the form of the relationship between traits additive or nonadditive (synergistic)? We found that the extinction risk of Chinese birds was not randomly distributed among taxonomic families. The families that contained significantly more threatened species than expected were the hornbills, cranes, pittas, pheasants and hawks and eagles. We obtained eleven species traits that are commonly hypothesized to influence extinction risk from the literature: body size, clutch size, trophic level, mobility, habitat specificity, geographical range size, nest type, nest site, flocking tendency, migrant status and hunting vulnerability. After phylogenetic correction, model selection based on Akaike’s information criterion identified the synergistic interaction between body size and hunting vulnerability as the single best correlate of extinction risk in Chinese birds. Our results suggest that, in order to be effective, priority management efforts should be given both to certain extinction-prone families, particularly the hornbills, pelicans, cranes, pittas, pheasants and hawks and eagles, and to bird species with large body size and high hunting vulnerability