51 research outputs found

    Workplace Happiness and influencing factors: A review of literature

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    Abstract Research shows that people who are happy at work perform better and productive than those who are not. The concept of happiness is associated with individual’s subjective well-being. Workplace happiness is decisive for improving productivity in any organization. Happy people are productive people while those who are not may not pay full attention to any assignment. It is allied with positive constructs such as pleasure, satisfaction and well-being. The present paper is about in-depth search for influencing factors on workplace happiness based on the review of literature. It is clearly evident that positive work engagement, work environment. Income, freedom and work-life balance plays a major role in workplace happiness

    Antimicrobial Activity of Few Medicinal Plants against Clinically Isolated Human Cariogenic Pathogens—An In Vitro Study

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    Hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol and methanol extracts of Psidium guajava, Terminalia chebula, Mimusops elengi and Achyranthes aspera were tested against the dental caries causing bacteria Streptococcus mutans and fungus Candida albicans isolated from caries infected patients. All the four extracts of P. guajava showed activity against both S. mutans and C. albicans. Maximum zone of inhibition was observed in ethyl acetate of P. guajava. The four extracts of T. chebula and M. elengi showed antibacterial activity against S. mutans. M. elengi extracts and ethanol extract of T. chebula did not show any antifungal activity against C. albicans. Except for the hexane extract of A. aspera, the other three extracts showed activity against the tested microbes. The ethyl acetate P. guajava leaf extract showed the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against S. mutans to be <0.076 mg/mL in both MHB and BHI. The P. guajava ethyl acetate extract was subjected to GC-MS

    Влияние распределения нагрузки по осям машинно-тракторных агрегатов на глубину следа

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    It is defined that while doing some agricultural operations the area covered by the machine-tractor aggregates wheels exceeds the area of the field. (Purpose of research) The regularity of repeated accumulation of the soil puddling and the influence of the specifity of axle load distribution of machine-tractor aggregates on the dip of the wheel-track is justified. (Materials and methods) The mathematical apparatus to describe the influence of the effects connected with the soil particles reposition while the repeated loading is developed. The over consolidated soil creates some raised resistance while the following tillage which results in increased fuel consumption and lost productivity of machine-tractor aggregates. The modified soilstructure is difficult to be restored entirely. As a result the intensive worked tilth top soil degrades with time which creates the ecosystem disbalance of cultivated land. The laboratory experiments of the soil features influence and the specifity of wheel loading on the dip of the wheel-track are performed. The regularity of repeated puddling accumulation being subject to Bolstman correlation which links the process entropy and the probability of this state (statistical interpretation of the principle of entropy increase) is set. (Results and discussion) The dependences to determine the deformation of soil with various physical and mechanical properties under different drive system loading conditions of machine-tractor aggregates are obtained. The influence of axle load distribution on the dip of the wheel-track is established. The dependence to describe the process of wheel track formation on the sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of low moisture level which corresponds to the empirical data is obtained. The calculations from the dependence obtained are performed. While doing repeated passes the wheel sinkage is provided only by the increase of contact stresses. (Conclusions) The regularity of the soil puddling rise from the deformer while the repeated loading is set. The regularity obtained makes possible to define the soil deformation depending on the different operating conditions and the drive system parameters of machine-tractor aggregates on different types of soil.При выполнении различных сельскохозяйственных операций площадь, покрываемая колесами машинно-тракторных агрегатов (МТА), при движении превышает площадь самого поля. (Цель исследования) Обосновать закономерности накопления повторных осадок почвы и влияние характера распределения нагрузки по осям машинно-тракторных агрегатов на глубину следа колеса. (Материалы и методы) Разработали математический аппарат для описания влияния явлений, связанных с переукладкой частиц почвы при повторных ее нагружениях. Переуплотненные участки почвы создают повышенное сопротивление при последующих ее обработках, что влечет перерасход топлива и снижение производительности МТА. Разрушенная структура почвы полностью не восстанавливается, в результате чего интенсивно обрабатываемый пахотный слой с течением времени деградирует, что ведет к нарушению экологии агроландшафтов. Провели экспериментальные лабораторные исследования влияния свойств почвы и характера нагружения колес на глубину следа. Определили, что закономерности накопленияповторных осадок подчиняются зависимости Больцмана, связывающей энтропию процесса и вероятность данного состояния (статистическая интерпретация второго начала термодинамики). Получили зависимости для определения деформации почвы с разными физико-механическими свойствами при различных режимах нагружения ходовых систем машинно-тракторных агрегатов. Рассчитали, что распределение нагрузки по осям ходовой системы влияет на глубину следа. (Результаты и обсуждение) Вывели зависимость для описания процесса следообразования на дерново-подзолистой супесчаной почве малой влажности (7,1 процента), отвечающую результатам экспериментов. Провели расчеты на основании полученной зависимости, когда осадка колес при повторных проходахосуществляется лишь за счет повышения контактных напряжений. (Выводы) Определили закономерность нарастания осадки почвы от деформатора при повторных нагружениях. Выявили, что полученные закономерности позволяют найти степень деформации почвы в зависимости от различных режимов работы и параметров ходовых систем МТА на различных типах почвогрунт

    Antiviral Activity of the Hepatitis C Virus Polymerase Inhibitor Filibuvir in Genotype 1-Infected Patients

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    More effective and better-tolerated therapies are needed for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Among the direct-acting anti-HCV agents in development is the nonstructural 5B protein (NS5B polymerase) non-nucleoside inhibitor filibuvir. We investigated the antiviral activity, pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability of multiple doses of filibuvir in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced patients who were chronically infected with HCV genotype 1 in two phase 1b clinical studies (study 1 was a randomized, placebo-controlled dose escalation study and study 2 was a nonrandomized, open-label study). The filibuvir doses evaluated ranged from 200-1400 mg daily, and the duration of dosing ranged from 3-10 days. Genotypic changes in the NS5B nucleotide sequence following short-term filibuvir therapy were also assessed. Filibuvir potently inhibited viral replication in a dose-dependent manner. Mean maximum HCV RNA change from baseline ranged from 20.97 log 10 IU/mL with filibuvir given at 100 mg twice daily to 22.30 log 10 IU/mL with filibuvir given at 700 mg twice daily in treatment-naive patients. In treatmentexperienced patients, an HCV RNA reduction of 2.20 log 10 IU/mL was achieved with filibuvir given at 450 mg twice daily. Filibuvir was well tolerated in both studies. Adverse events were mild or moderate in severity. No discontinuations, serious adverse events, or deaths were reported. NS5B sequencing identified residue 423 as the predominant site of mutation after filibuvir dosing. Conclusion: Filibuvir administration resulted in significant reductions in HCV RNA concentrations at doses that were well tolerated in patients infected with HCV genotype 1. Filibuvir is currently being evaluated in combination with pegylated interferon alfa 2a plus ribavirin in treatment-naive patients. (HEPATOLOGY 2011;54:50-59) and is a leading cause of chronic liver disease. 2 The current standard of care for chronic HCV infection is a combination of pegylated interferon alfa (pegIFN) and ribavirin (RBV). 3 In treatment-naive patients who are infected with HCV genotype 1, administration of pegIFN and RBV results in a sustained virological response (SVR; defined as undetectable HCV RNA in the plasma 24 weeks after completion of therapy) in only 40%-50% of patients following 48 weeks of therapy. 7 PegIFN and RBV therapy is also associated with substantial side effects, including fatigue

    Racial Disparities and Risk for COVID-19 Among Pregnant Patients: Results from the Michigan Statewide Collaborative

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    Objective: Previous studies have looked at COVID-19 outcomes in pregnancy and racial disparities among patients with COVID-19, but few have studied racial disparities among pregnant patients with COVID-19. Our goal in this study is to analyze the relationship between race and disparate COVID-19 risk in pregnancy. Study Design: A retrospective cohort analysis was performed on data collected as part of the COVID-19 in Pregnancy and The Newborn: State of Michigan Collaborative, a database of pregnant patients admitted to 14 institutions in Southern Michigan. Cases were defined as patients with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result. Controls, those with suspicion of COVID-19 prior to universal screening or a negative PCR test, were matched to cases on the same unit within 30 days of each case. For this analysis, the two primary groups of interest were non-Hispanic Black (Black) vs. non-Hispanic White (White) patients. Potential covariates were age, body mass index (BMI), chronic hypertension, diabetes, asthma, substance use, and smoking; the dependent variable was COVID/non-COVID in a robust Poisson regression model. In addition, 18 symptoms and disease severity (mild/moderate/severe) were compared between the Black and White groups using the same statistical method. Results: Of 1,131 gravidas, 42.9%(n=485) were Black. These patients were at two-fold greater risk for COVID-19 compared with their White counterparts [35.9% vs. 18.3%, RR=1.96(1.6-2.4)]. After adjusting for obesity and diabetes, the risk of COVID-19 in Black patients remained higher compared to the risk among White patients (aRR=2.46 [1.87-3.24]). There were no differences in symptoms nor severity of disease presentation between the groups. Conclusion: In our population, Black patients are more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19 infection during pregnancy. This finding is not explained by a range of covariates. Other factors, such as social determinants of health, may be important to understand this disparity and warrant further examination

    COVID-19 is associated with early emergence of preeclampsia: results from a large regional collaborative

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    Objective: To examine the relationship between COVID-19 and preeclampsia (PreE) in a large, diverse population. Study Design: The COVID-19 in Pregnancy and The Newborn: State of Michigan Collaborative established a database of pregnant patients admitted to 14 institutions in Southern Michigan. Patients with COVID-19 (cases) were matched to 2 or 3 non-COVID patients (controls) on the same unit within 30 days of each case. Relative Risks (RR) were calculated using robust Poisson regression models with adjustment for covariates. Chi-squared test for trend was used to assess the increase in risk with the severity of disease. Results: 369 cases and 1,090 controls were delivered between March - October 2020. An increased risk of PreE (RR=1.8), driven almost entirely by an increase in preterm PreE (pretermPreE) (RR=2.85) was observed in COVID pregnancies (Table 1), with a dose-response relationship with symptomatology and severity (Table 2). The associations between COVID-19 disease and PreE or pretermPreE were independent of other risk factors, as demonstrated by the minimal changes in RR after adjustment for confounders (Table 1). However, African American (AA) COVID patients experienced pretermPreE 1.9 times more than COVID patients of other races (10.1 vs 5.3), an increase not observed in control patients. The strength of the association for COVID with PreE was comparable to the association of PreE with chronic hypertension and nulliparity (data not shown). Increasing symptoms and severity of COVID-19 were associated with an increased risk for PreE with placental lesions, even after adjustment for relevant covariates (Tables 1 & 2). Non-PreE COVID patients had an increased trend of placental lesions compared to non-COVID patients, reaching significance for intravillous thrombin. Conclusion: COVID-19 is significantly associated with early emergence of PreE, independent of known risk factors other than AA race. Our study shows that among patients predisposed to PreE, COVID-19 impacts PreE severity in that it leads to pretermPreE. Further studies on COVID-19 and PreE, with a focus on racial disparities, is warranted

    Murine Models and Cell Lines for the Investigation of Pheochromocytoma: Applications for Future Therapies?

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    Pheochromocytomas (PCCs) are slow-growing neuroendocrine tumors arising from adrenal chromaffin cells. Tumors arising from extra-adrenal chromaffin cells are called paragangliomas. Metastases can occur up to approximately 60% or even more in specific subgroups of patients. There are still no well-established and clinically accepted “metastatic” markers available to determine whether a primary tumor is or will become malignant. Surgical resection is the most common treatment for non-metastatic PCCs, but no standard treatment/regimen is available for metastatic PCC. To investigate what kind of therapies are suitable for the treatment of metastatic PCC, animal models or cell lines are very useful. Over the last two decades, various mouse and rat models have been created presenting with PCC, which include models presenting tumors that are to a certain degree biochemically and/or molecularly similar to human PCC, and develop metastases. To be able to investigate which chemotherapeutic options could be useful for the treatment of metastatic PCC, cell lines such as mouse pheochromocytoma (MPC) and mouse tumor tissue (MTT) cells have been recently introduced and they both showed metastatic behavior. It appears these MPC and MTT cells are biochemically and molecularly similar to some human PCCs, are easily visualized by different imaging techniques, and respond to different therapies. These studies also indicate that some mouse models and both mouse PCC cell lines are suitable for testing new therapies for metastatic PCC

    An Observational Study With the Janssen Autism Knowledge Engine (JAKE®) in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Objective: The Janssen Autism Knowledge Engine (JAKE®) is a clinical research outcomes assessment system developed to more sensitively measure treatment outcomes and identify subpopulations in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Here we describe JAKE and present results from its digital phenotyping (My JAKE) and biosensor (JAKE Sense) components.Methods: An observational, non-interventional, prospective study of JAKE in children and adults with ASD was conducted at nine sites in the United States. Feedback on JAKE usability was obtained from caregivers. JAKE Sense included electroencephalography, eye tracking, electrocardiography, electrodermal activity, facial affect analysis, and actigraphy. Caregivers of individuals with ASD reported behaviors using My JAKE. Results from My JAKE and JAKE Sense were compared to traditional ASD symptom measures.Results: Individuals with ASD (N = 144) and a cohort of typically developing (TD) individuals (N = 41) participated in JAKE Sense. Most caregivers reported that overall use and utility of My JAKE was “easy” (69%, 74/108) or “very easy” (74%, 80/108). My JAKE could detect differences in ASD symptoms as measured by traditional methods. The majority of biosensors included in JAKE Sense captured sizable amounts of quality data (i.e., 93–100% of eye tracker, facial affect analysis, and electrocardiogram data was of good quality), demonstrated differences between TD and ASD individuals, and correlated with ASD symptom scales. No significant safety events were reported.Conclusions: My JAKE was viewed as easy or very easy to use by caregivers participating in research outside of a clinical study. My JAKE sensitively measured a broad range of ASD symptoms. JAKE Sense biosensors were well-tolerated. JAKE functioned well when used at clinical sites previously inexperienced with some of the technologies. Lessons from the study will optimize JAKE for use in clinical trials to assess ASD interventions. Additionally, because biosensors were able to detect features differentiating TD and ASD individuals, and also were correlated with standardized symptom scales, these measures could be explored as potential biomarkers for ASD and as endpoints in future clinical studies.Clinical Trial Registration:https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02668991 identifier: NCT0266899