6 research outputs found

    A rare case of peripartum cardiomyopathy with takayasu arteritis

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    29 years old primigravida 38.3 weeks came with complaints of bleeding per vaginum and sudden onset breathlessness. Major finding on examination was that there was no pulse in the left hand along with raised BP, low SPO2 and B/L crepitations. Emergency management was given and patient stabilized temporarily. D/D were discussed with acute LVF due to PPCM most likely and patient was taken up for emergency LSCS. Post section 2D ECHO was performed showing decreased EF. Peripartum cardiomyopathy is an uncommon but potential life-threatening cardiac failure of unknown etiology, encountered late in pregnancy or in the postpartum period. Diagnosis of PPCM should essentially include echocardiographic substantiation of left ventricular dysfunction. TA is a vasculitis that mainly affects women of childbearing age, so it is possible to find pregnant patients with the disease. Women with Takayasu arteritis require multidisciplinary management prior to and during pregnancy. Monitoring for and reducing risk of preeclampsia, FGR and thromboembolic disease are helpful in achieving favorable outcomes

    GTSE1 reguliert Mikrotubuli-Stabilität in der Mitose durch Inhibierung der Mikrotubuli-Depolymerase MCAK

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    Die Trennung der Chromosomen und die Stabilität des Genoms hängen von der zellulären Regulation der Mikrotubuli-Dynamik ab. Die präzise Regulation der Mikrotubuli-Dynamik während der Zellteilung ist essentiell um die Anheftung der Mikrotubuli an die Kinetochore zu gewährleisten. Sie ist Voraussetzung für die richtige Anordnung der Chromosomen, für die Korrektur von fehlerhaften Kinetochor-Mikrotubuli-Verbindungen sowie Bedingung für die richtige Verteilung der Chromosomen. In Krebszellen mit hyperstabilen Kinetochor-Mikrotubuli-Dynamiken treten häufiger Fehler bei der Verteilung der Chromosomen und eine erhöhte chromosomale Instabilität (CIN) auf. In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass GTSE1, ein Protein, das in mehreren Krebszelllinien und Tumoren überexprimiert ist, Mikrotubuli stabiliert. Dies ist wiederum eine Voraussetzung für die richtige Anordnung und Verteilung der Chromosomen. GTSE1 bindet an Zentrosomen und Spindel-Mikrotubuli. Eine Reduktion des Proteinlevels von GTSE1 in Zellen führt zu einem Verlust der Astral-Mikrotubuli und einer verminderten Stabilität der Kinetochor-Mikrotubuli, wodurch Fehler bei der Orientierung der Spindel und der Anordnung der Chromosomen auftreten. GTSE1 hält die Stabilität der Mikrotubuli auf einem präzisen Level, indem es der Mikrotubuli-destabilisierenden Aktivität der Mikrotubuli-Depolymerase MCAK entgegenwirkt, als Voraussetzung für die richtige Orientierung der Spindel und die Anordnung der Chromosomen. Aufgereinigtes GTSE1 bindet in vitro direkt an MCAK und hemmt dessen Depolymeraseaktivität. Ferner wurde in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass eine Reduktion der ungewöhnlich hohen GTSE1 Levels in den Krebszelllinien U2OS und Hela Kyoto, die eine hohe chromosomale Instabilität zeigen, die Häufigkeit der Fehlverteilung von Chromosomen senkt und dass dies in Abhängigkeit von MCAK geschieht. Im Gegensatz dazu bewirkt die künstliche Erhöhung der GTSE1 Levels in chromosomal stabilen Zelllinien eine vermehrte Fehlverteilung von Chromosomen und chromosomale Instabilität. Folglich kontrolliert GTSE1 die präzise Mikrotubuli-Dynamik indem es der Mikrotubuli-Depolymeraseaktivität von MCAK entgegenwirkt und fördert somit die Stabilität des Genoms. Dies ist Voraussetzung für die erfolgreiche Anordnung und Verteilung der Chromosomen.Chromosome segregation and genome stability are dependent on cellular regulation of microtubule (MT) dynamics. The precise regulation of MT dynamics during mitosis is essential to facilitate both kinetochore-microtubule (KT-MT) attachments, required for proper alignment of chromosomes, and error correction of KT-MT mal-attachments, required for accurate segregation of chromosomes. Increased chromosome segregation errors and elevated chromosomal instability (CIN) has been reported in cancer cells with hyper-stable KT-MT dynamics. In this thesis, we show that GTSE1, a protein found overexpressed in several cancer cell lines and tumours, stabilizes MTs required for proper chromosome alignment and chromosome segregation. GTSE1 associates with centrosomes, spindle MTs, and reducing GTSE1 protein levels in cells leads to a loss of astral MTs and a decrease in KT MT stability, which causes defects in spindle orientation and chromosome alignment, respectively. GTSE1 maintains precise levels of MT stability required for proper spindle orientation and chromosome alignment by antagonizing the MT-destabilizing activity of the MT depolymerase MCAK. GTSE1 antagonizes MCAK’s depolymerase activity in vitro, and these proteins directly interact in a phospho-dependent manner in cells and in vitro. We show that reducing the abnormally high levels of GTSE1 in the highly CIN U2OS and Hela Kyoto cancer cell lines reduces the frequency of chromosome mis-segregation events in a MCAK-dependent manner. Conversely, artificially elevating GTSE1 protein levels in chromosomally stable cell lines leads to an increase in chromosome missegregation and CIN. Thus, GTSE1 promotes genome stability by controlling the precise MT dynamics required for the efficient alignment and segregation of chromosomes through antagonizing MCAK’s MT depolymerase activity

    Centrosomal microtubule nucleation regulates radial migration of projection neurons independently of polarization in the developing brain

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    Cortical projection neurons polarize and form an axon while migrating radially. Even though these dynamic processes are closely interwoven, they are regulated separately-the neurons terminate their migration when reaching their destination, the cortical plate, but continue to grow their axons. Here, we show that in rodents, the centrosome distinguishes these processes. Newly developed molecular tools modulating centrosomal microtubule nucleation combined with in vivo imaging uncovered that dysregulation of centro-somal microtubule nucleation abrogated radial migration without affecting axon formation. Tightly regu-lated centrosomal microtubule nucleation was required for periodic formation of the cytoplasmic dilation at the leading process, which is essential for radial migration. The microtubule nucleating factor g-tubulin decreased at neuronal centrosomes during the migratory phase. As distinct microtubule networks drive neuronal polarization and radial migration, this provides insight into how neuronal migratory defects occur without largely affecting axonal tracts in human developmental cortical dysgeneses, caused by mutations in g-tubulin.ISSN:0896-6273ISSN:1097-419

    Data Migration In Heterogeneous Databases (ETL)

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    Abstract—Development of economic systems presents rapid growth trend and requires establishing a rapid trans-regional clearing system in banks. We are studying the approaches and processes of data migration and take a bank’s database as an example. The process of data migration has three methods. Data migrated by tools beforehand, data migrated manually beforehand, data generated by new system afterwards. It converts the data from source database to destination database and then migrate it successfully. The database migration is the lack of a well defined low risk and low cost strategy for moving enterprise data from one database to another over time. A high amount of data is being managed by databases and applications in companies today. The process of moving data from one database to another database is the data migration. The data are extracted from different databases and stored to another databases