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    Власні назви як засіб творення комічного в українській поезії кінця ХХ ст.

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    Досліджено використання власних назв як характерного засобу творення комічного з урахуванням стильової поліфонії й розширення тематичних меж поезії означеного періоду, представленого авторами кількох поколінь. Ана- лізований матеріал засвідчує актуалізацію творення різних видів комічного такого лексичного шару, як власні назви. Фактичний матеріал демонструє переважання різних шарів власних назв, які представлені елементами літературної мови, і позалітературної – розмовної. (Investigated the use of poetic okazalasb as a typical means of creating a comic with regard to the style of polyphony and the expansion of the thematic boundaries of the poetry of the period, represented by the authors of several generations. The analyzed material evidence update for the creation of a different kind of comic this lexical layer, as its own name. The actual material shows the prevalence of different layers okazalasb, which are represented by the elements of literary language, and outside literary – colloquial. Implementation of the comic in Ukrainian poetry of the second half of the twentieth century is in line with the trends of modern Ukrainian poetry in general, including the semantics of the poetic word. At the same time comic expression in language practice depends on the artist diastole, resulting in varying proportion of comic elements in the structure of artistic and aesthetic – of fortifications comic elements (poetry Stus, L.Kostenko etc..) to the beginning of the through ironic poetic text demonstrates artistic practice M.Danka, Neda and others unexpected. The predominance of a certain type of comedy – humor, irony, satire or sarcasm – a separate idiostyle depends on a number of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors such as facility comic evaluation, individual attitude of the author and his evaluation purposes. Among the lexical means of creating comic prevails evaluative vocabulary, which by its nature is able to convey most clearly the discrepancy between aspiration and reality, according to the author’s intention. Comic effect is most often based on the implementation of image-potential semantic lexical units assessment, which is supported in stylistic terms «collision» of usual and contextual values tokens or linguistic meaning and context. One of the important means of comic act proper names that are associated with cultural connotations or inner form which explicates comic beginning. Dominant poetic vocabulary of the sixties are place names – names of places of detention as an extremely emki characters in a satirical depiction of reality. Depending on the communicative and pragmatic goals poetic work the authors use their own names primarily for updating background knowledge. Traditionally, the authors use dumb that in sound design, internal form already have comic coloring. It is also important to assess comic names are associated with cultural connotations (as John Thomas), they are updated often in contexts that reveal the motive of national identity. Key words: poetic language, their own names, comic effect, poetic image, evaluative Lexis.

    Мовні засоби творення комічного: індивідуально-авторські видозміни фразеологізмів (Creation comic language means: individual author modification idiom)

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    У статті схарактеризовано мовні механізми творення комічного, пов’язані з індивідуально-авторською трансформацією фразеологічних одиниць. Трансформації зазнають різні за походженням та стилістичним забарвленням фразеологізми. Традиційним для художньої стилістики кінця XX ст. є прийом поширення складу фраеологічної одиниці. Характерна особливість його використання в поетичній мові досліджуваних авторів полягає у створенні художніх мікрообразів із фразеологічною домінантою як носіїв різних відтінків сміху – від поблажливого до гостро іронічного. Атрибутивний поширювач, витриманий у семантичному ключі сталої сполуки або тематичному плані вірша, є способом увиразнення семантики фраеологічної одиниці. (Article Author determined language comic creation mechanisms associated with the individual author’s transformation idioms. Transformation experiencing different origins and stylistic coloring phraseologisms. Rhythmic traditional style of the late XX century. is spread acceptance of phraseology units. A characteristic feature of its use in poetic language studied authors is to create art mikroobraziv of idiomatic as the dominant media of different shades of laughter – from indulgent to sharply ironic. Attribute carriers, designed in semantic clues stable compound or thematic terms poem, is a way of depicting the semantics of phraseological units. Creating comic phraseological means associated with potential to explicate these units humorous folk assessment. Given the general trends of poetic language of the late twentieth century to create a comic effect rarely use steel connections, with a note in the dictionary «ironic», «playful». Various manifestations arise due comic transformations of linguistic units, which, even without proper stylistic overtones, resulting copyright modifications become ironic, satirical or sarcastic sound. To express the comic poets turn to various means of structural and semantic transformation of stable compounds. The most active poetry authors analyzed period the consumption posluhovuyutsya metaphorical idioms. The range covered phenomena zmalovuyutsya in the works metaphorically varied: the phenomena of nature (ecology motif abuse), social realities (motive native language impairment, the loss of it). Metaphorization promotes mainstreaming sustainable double compounds. The transformed phraseological units when deployed metaphoric contexts uvyraznyuyut them as a kind of tonal imagery products. In addition, these linguistic resources can serve as a frame. No less actively to create different kinds of comedy, especially irony and sarcasm, the authors posluhovuyutsya spread component of stable compounds. Combining semantic plans (literal and figurative) stable phrases is the foundation of their expressiveness. In different contexts often undergo transformation steel compound Sodom and Gomorrah, in the eyes sulfur borrow to Europe open a window that is used in connection with the explanation of the moral state of modern society, devaluation of national identity.

    Non-adiabatic Josephson Dynamics in Junctions with in-Gap Quasiparticles

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    Conventional models of Josephson junction dynamics rely on the absence of low energy quasiparticle states due to a large superconducting gap. With this assumption the quasiparticle degrees of freedom become "frozen out" and the phase difference becomes the only free variable, acting as a fictitious particle in a local in time Josephson potential related to the adiabatic and non-dissipative supercurrent across the junction. In this article we develop a general framework to incorporate the effects of low energy quasiparticles interacting non-adiabatically with the phase degree of freedom. Such quasiparticle states exist generically in constriction type junctions with high transparency channels or resonant states, as well as in junctions of unconventional superconductors. Furthermore, recent experiments have revealed the existence of spurious low energy in-gap states in tunnel junctions of conventional superconductors - a system for which the adiabatic assumption typically is assumed to hold. We show that the resonant interaction with such low energy states rather than the Josephson potential defines nonlinear Josephson dynamics at small amplitudes.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Spectrum of Andreev Bound States in a Molecule Embedded Inside a Microwave-Excited Superconducting Junction

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    Non-dissipative Josephson current through nanoscale superconducting constrictions is carried by spectroscopically sharp energy states, so-called Andreev bound states. Although theoretically predicted almost 40 years ago, no direct spectroscopic evidence of these Andreev bound states exists to date. We propose a novel type of spectroscopy based on embedding a superconducting constriction, formed by a single-level molecule junction, in a microwave QED cavity environment. In the electron-dressed cavity spectrum we find a polariton excitation at twice the Andreev bound state energy, and a superconducting-phase dependent ac Stark shift of the cavity frequency. Dispersive measurement of this frequency shift can be used for Andreev bound state spectroscopy.Comment: Published version; 4+ pages, 3 figure

    Current trends in public involvement in crime prevention policing

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    The relevance of this study is substantiated by the need to implement a strategy of public influ- ence on crime, to improve police-public interaction in the field of crime prevention, new forms and meth- ods of which can be implemented in the activities of the National Police. The purpose of this study was to provide a comprehensive investigation of the practices of involvement of the public, community-based organisations, and individuals in police activities aimed at preventing offences, and of the legal frame- work in this area. According to the purpose and objectives set, the study employed general and special methods and techniques of scientific cognition, including the methods of analysis, synthesis, classification and grouping, which made it possible to investigate a wide scope of scientific discussions on the issues raised. Based on the analysis of secondary sources, it was found that researchers state a prominent level of public trust in the police and other law enforcement agencies, as well as in state and local governments in economically developed countries. Most researchers attribute this to the positive results and consequences of involving the public, community-based organisations, and individuals in policing activities to prevent crime, protect public safety and order, and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. It was found that in the modern scientific discourse, such successes are associated with the establishment of effective channels of communication between the police and the public and legislative regulation of such interaction. In this regard, the study elucidated the views of researchers on the approaches to regulatory support for the in- volvement of the public, community-based organisations, and individuals in police activities in preventing offences in different countries. The study argued the need for legislative consolidation of certain forms and methods of involvement of the public, community-based organisations, and individuals in police activities aimed at protecting public safety and order, protecting life, health and property of citizens, and preventing criminal offences. The review of the current state of scientific research on the issue formed the basis for further theoretical developments in the field of organising effective interaction between law enforcement agencies and societ

    The Use of Bayesian Networks in Public Administration of the Economy

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    The state, exercising its managerial function in the economic sphere, pursues specific goals, the main of which is to ensure for society and the decent state welfare, as well as to increase the level of material production. Bayesian trust networks can be used in government project management as diagrams reflecting the causal relationships between events or influence diagrams. Besides, Bayesian trust networks allow integrating into the model the data obtained at each stage of project development, thereby providing feedback, which is an essential component of the public administration

    Coherent current transport in wide ballistic Josephson junctions

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    We present an experimental and theoretical investigation of coherent current transport in wide ballistic superconductor-two dimensional electron gas-superconductor junctions. It is found experimentally that upon increasing the junction length, the subharmonic gap structure in the current-voltage characteristics is shifted to lower voltages, and the excess current at voltages much larger than the superconducting gap decreases. Applying a theory of coherent multiple Andreev reflection, we show that these observations can be explained in terms of transport through Andreev resonances.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Phase dependent current statistics in short-arm Andreev interferometer

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    We calculate analytically the current statistics for a short diffusive wire between the normal reservoir and a short superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) junction, at arbitrary applied voltages and temperatures. The cumulant-generating function oscillates with the phase difference ϕ\phi across the junction, approaching the normal-state value at ϕ=π\phi=\pi. At T=0 and at the applied voltage much smaller than the proximity gap Δϕ\Delta_\phi, the current noise PIP_I doubles and the third current cumulant C3C_3 is 4 times larger with respect to their values in the normal state; at eVΔϕeV \gg \Delta_\phi they acquire large excess components. At the gap edge, eV=ΔϕeV = \Delta_\phi, the effective transferred charge defined through dPI/dIdP_I/dI and dPI/dVdP_I/dV approaches 0e0e and 3e3e, respectively, which makes doubtful the interpretation of these quantities as physical elementary transferred charge. At T0T \neq 0, C3C_3 shows a non-monotonous voltage dependence with a dip near eV=ΔϕeV = \Delta_\phi.Comment: 13 pages, to be published in Proc. NATO ARW "Quantum Transport in Metallic and Hybrid Nanostructures", StPetersburg, 200

    Phonon relaxation of subgap levels in superconducting quantum point contacts

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    Superconducting quantum point contacts are known to possess two subgap states per each propagating mode. In this note we compute the low-temperature relaxation rate of the upper subgap state into the lower one with the emission of an acoustic phonon. If the reflection in the contact is small, the relaxation time may become much longer than the characteristic lifetime of a bulk quasiparticle.Comment: REVTeX, 4 page

    Combined effect of Zeeman splitting and spin-orbit interaction on the Josephson current in a S-2DEG-S structure

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    We analyze new spin effects in current-carrying state of superconductor-2D electron gas-superconductor (S-2DEG-S) device with spin-polarized nuclei in 2DEG region. The hyperfine interaction of 2D electrons with nuclear spins, described by the effective magnetic field B, produces Zeeman splitting of Andreev levels without orbital effects, that leads to the interference pattern of supercurrent oscillations over B. The spin-orbit effects in 2DEG cause strongly anisotropic dependence of the Josephson current on the direction of B, which may be used as a probe for the spin-orbit interaction intensity. Under certain conditions, the system reveals the properties of pi-junction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure