2,047 research outputs found

    A case of Susac’s syndrome: bilateral retinal vessel occlusion in the presence of autoimmune inflammatory endotheliopathy

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    The paper presents a case with a classic triad (bilateral inferotemporal branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO), multifocal callosal micro-infarcts, and sensorineural hearing loss) of Susac’s syndrome in a female patient following COVID-19 infection. We report clinical examination data, particularly, eye examination data and neurological status with brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results. Special attention was given to the diagnostic value of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in Susac’s syndrome, which allows detecting characteristic focal atrophic changes in the inner retina with a preserved structure of the photoreceptor layer. Identification of the typical neurological, ocular or otological symptoms should raise suspicion for the syndrome, which is critical for early administration of the systemic steroid therapy

    Relapses In multiple sclerosis.

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    Exact causes of contradictions in the understanding of relapsing course as characteristic phenomenon of multiple sclerosis (MS) and primarily relapsing-remitting type are still considered to be “sub rosa”. We tried to determine connection and correlation between seasonal dynamic factors, chronometric parameters of disease progression (age, disease duration) and frequency of relapses and the role of gender differences as well. A four-year prospective study included complete registration of all cases of MS exacerbations in resident patients with a relapsing-remmiting course of the disease according to McDonald criteria in Volyn region of Ukraine in 2010. Each patient had neurological score based on EDSS scale to ensure compliance with inclusion criteria. 128 patients (44 males and 84 females) with a remitting-recurring course of the disease were involved in this study. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 18, MedCalc and Microsoft Excel software using standard descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. In total, 197 cases of MS relapses were registered. Episodes of relapses prevailed in winter-spring period. Multiple regression model including suggested climate factors showed multiple correlation coefficient – 0.55 (p<0.01). The prevalence of MS was higher in females, while general incidence of recurrences was similar to males. However, relapse rate in different age groups differs: the rate of recurrence increases in women aged after 50 years (mean annualized relapse rate (ARR)=0.66), while it slowly decreases in men with aging. The duration of the disease did not have significant effect on the course of MS in women, whereas weak negative relationship (0.24, p<0.001) between the duration of the disease and the frequency of MS in men was showed. Correspondingly, the average negative correlation (-0.37, p<0.001) was detected between the age of disease onset and the incidence of MS recurrence in males, while this connection was not observed in females. We established that the recurrence of MS is a result of multifactorial influence of external and internal factors. Individual seasonal climate variability did not have sufficient force of influence. Therefore, combined effect of corresponding climate changes played a significant role. Furthermore, it is quite probable that interactions of MS with external factors influencing the human body can be mutually integrated

    "Digital petrophysics" in studies of porosity properties of low- permeable reservoirs

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    The article focuses on study in the properties of low-permeable reservoirs. The object of the research is the Bazhenov formation rocks taken from a well drilled in an oilfield of the West Siberian basin. A series of experiments were carried out to determine porosity of rocks by different methods: the helium saturation, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), microcomputed tomography (mCT). A comparative analysis was conducted to assess the efficiency of different methods. The obtained results have shown that common methods of petrophysical surveys are insufficient for carbonate-argillaceous Low-permeable rocks, containing a great amount of hand extractable organic matter. The additional data received by the mCT method gave an opportunity to increase sufficiently the reliability of the research results. We have concluded that the most efficient method for the study of low-permeable rocks is a combined use of the NMR and the mCT

    Клінічний випадок ускладненого перебігу дивертикульозу товстої кишки

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    Diverticulosis of colon is a disease that is accompanied by formation of the single or plural hernia like bulges of mucous mem­brane through muscular framework outside the contours of wall of the bowel. Frequency of diverticulosis presents from 7 to 24 %. Among complications of motion we distinguished diverticulitis, perforation, bleeding, internal and externalintestinal fistulis. We present our own experience of treatment of the complicated atypical motion of diverticulosis of the colon.Дивертикулезная болезнь, или дивертикулез толстой кишки (ДТК), – это заболевание, сопровождающееся образованием отдельных или множественных грыжеобразных выпячиваний слизистой оболочки сквозь мускульный каркас за границы контуров стенки кишки. Частота ДТК составляет от 7 до 24 %. Среди осложнений течения ДТК выделяют дивертикулит, перфорацию, кровотечение, внутренние и внешние кишечные фистулы.Дивертикулярна хвороба, або дивертикульоз товстої кишки (ДТК), – це захворювання, що супроводжується утворенням по­одиноких чи множинних грижоподібних випинань слизової оболонки крізь м’язовий каркас за межі контурів стінки киш­ки. Частота ДТК становить від 7 до 24 %. Серед ускладнень перебігу ДТК виділяють дивертикуліт, перфорацію, кровотечу, внутрішні та зовнішні кишкові нориці. Представляємо власний досвід лікування ускладненого атипового перебігу ДТК

    Клінічний випадок защемленої ретростернальної грижі

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    A female patient N., 1968 year of birth with complaints of pain in the epigastrium of a pronounced nature, nausea, disposable vomiting, stomach and gas stasis, bloating was admitted to the Department of Abdominal and Endocrine Surgery of the Volyn Oblast Clinical Hospital. After a short-term training, surgical intervention-upper-middle laparotomy was performed. At the audit, a defect was detected in the retrosternal department of the diaphragm up to 7.0 cm in diameter, in which a large omentum was attached and partly (one wall) of the lumbar colon. A variety of diaphragmatic hernias are parasternal hernias that occur relatively rarely, ranging from 2 to 6 % of all diaphragmatic hernias. Parasternal hernias, in turn, are divided into retrocostosternal and retrosternal.В статье показали опыт успешного хирургического лечения редкостного случая ущемленной ретростернальной грыжи в условиях хирургического стационара Волынской областной клинической больницы. В отделение абдоминальной и эндокринной хирургии Волынской областной клинической больницы поступила больная Н., 1968 г. р. с жалобами на боли в эпигастрии выраженного характера, тошноту, однократную рвоту, задержку стула и газов, вздутие живота. После проведения кратковременной подготовки выполнено оперативное вмешательство – верхнесрединная лапаротомия. При ревизии выявлен дефект в ретростернальном отделе диафрагмы до 7,0 см в диаметре, в котором ущемленный большой сальник и частично (одна стенка) пояснично-ободочная кишка. Разновидностью диафрагмальных грыж являются парастернальные грыжи, которые встречаются сравнительно редко, составляют от 2 до 6 % всех диафрагмальных грыж. Парастернальные грыжи, в свою очередь, делятся на ретрокостостернальну и ретростернальную грыжи.У статті висвітлено досвід успішного хірургічного лікування рідкісного випадку защемлення ретростернальної грижі в умовах хірургічного стаціонару Волинської обласної клінічної лікарні.У відділення абдомінальної та ендокринної хірургії Волинської обласної клінічної лікарні госпіталізована хвора Н.,1968 р.н. зі скаргами на болі в епігастрії вираженого характеру, нудоту, одноразове блювання, затримку випорожнень та газів, здуття живота. Після короткочасної підготовки виконано операційне втручання – верхньосерединна лапаротомія. При ревізії виявлено дефект у ретростернальному відділі діафрагми до 7,0 см в діаметрі, в якому защемлений великий сальник та частково (одна стінка) попереково-ободова кишка. Різновидом діафрагмальних гриж являються парастернальні грижі, які зустрічаються порівняно рідко, складають від 2 до 6 % всіх діафрагмальних гриж. Парастернальні грижі, у свою чергу, поділяються на ретрокостостернальну та ретростернальну грижі

    Winter 2018 major sudden stratospheric warming impact on midlatitude mesosphere from microwave radiometer measurements

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    Published: 14 August 2019. Includes Supplement as supporting information.The impact of a major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in the Arctic in February 2018 on the midlatitude mesosphere is investigated by performing the microwave radiometer measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) and zonal wind above Kharkiv, Ukraine (50.0∘ N, 36.3∘ E). The mesospheric peculiarities of this SSW event were observed using a recently designed and installed microwave radiometer in eastern Europe for the first time. Data from the ERA-Interim and MERRA-2 reanalyses, as well as the Aura microwave limb sounder measurements, are also used. Microwave observations of the daily CO profiles in January–March 2018 allowed for the retrieval of mesospheric zonal wind at 70–85 km (below the winter mesopause) over the Kharkiv site. Reversal of the mesospheric westerly from about 10 m s⁻¹ to an easterly wind of about −10 m s⁻¹ around 10 February was observed. The local microwave observations at our Northern Hemisphere (NH) midlatitude site combined with reanalysis data show wide-ranging daily variability in CO, zonal wind, and temperature in the mesosphere and stratosphere during the SSW of 2018. The observed local CO variability can be explained mainly by horizontal air mass redistribution due to planetary wave activity. Replacement of the CO-rich polar vortex air by CO-poor air of the surrounding area led to a significant mesospheric CO decrease over the station during the SSW and fragmentation of the vortex over the station at the SSW start caused enhanced stratospheric CO at about 30 km. The results of microwave measurements of CO and zonal wind in the midlatitude mesosphere at 70–85 km altitudes, which still are not adequately covered by ground-based observations, are useful for improving our understanding of the SSW impacts in this region.Yuke Wang, Valerii Shulga, Gennadi Milinevsky, Aleksey Patoka, Oleksandr Evtushevsky, Andrew Klekociuk, Wei Han, Asen Grytsai, Dmitry Shulga, Valery Myshenko, and Oleksandr Antyufeye

    Infrared and optical properties of pure and cobalt-doped LuNi_2B_2C

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    We present optical conductivity data for Lu(Ni1x_{1-x}Cox_x)2_2B2_2C over a wide range of frequencies and temperatures for x=0 and x=0.09. Both materials show evidence of being good Drude metals with the infrared data in reasonable agreement with dc resistivity measurements at low frequencies. An absorption threshold is seen at approximately 700 cm-1. In the cobalt-doped material we see a superconducting gap in the conductivity spectrum with an absorption onset at 24 +/- 2 cm-1 = 3.9$ +/- 0.4 k_BT_c suggestive of weak to moderately strong coupling. The pure material is in the clean limit and no gap can be seen. We discuss the data in terms of the electron-phonon interaction and find that it can be fit below 600 cm-1 with a plasma frequency of 3.3 eV and an electron-phonon coupling constant lambda_{tr}=0.33 using an alpha^{2}F(omega) spectrum fit to the resistivity.Comment: 10 pages with 10 embedded figures, submitted to PR

    Optical absorption in the strong coupling limit of Eliashberg theory

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    We calculate the optical conductivity of superconductors in the strong-coupling limit. In this anomalous limit the typical energy scale is set by the coupling energy, and other energy scales such as the energy of the bosons mediating the attraction are negligibly small. We find a universal frequency dependence of the optical absorption which is dominated by bound states and differs significantly from the weak coupling results. A comparison with absorption spectra of superconductors with enhanced electron-phonon coupling shows that typical features of the strong-coupling limit are already present at intermediate coupling.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, 4 uuencoded figure

    Specific heat of MgB2_2 in a one- and a two-band model from first-principles calculations

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    The heat capacity anomaly at the transition to superconductivity of the layered superconductor MgB2_2 is compared to first-principles calculations with the Coulomb repulsion, μ\mu^\ast, as the only parameter which is fixed to give the measured TcT_c. We solve the Eliashberg equations for both an isotropic one-band and a two-band model with different superconducting gaps on the π\pi and σ\sigma Fermi surfaces. The agreement with experiments is considerably better for the two-band model than for the one-band model.Comment: final published versio