836 research outputs found

    A Theoretical Analysis of Narrow Banking Proposals

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine narrow banking proposals. First, we survey the narrow banking proposals presented in the United States and Japan, and categorize them by means of two standards: (1) whether safe assets that a narrow bank is allowed to hold are limited to short-term assets, and (2) whether a narrow bank is allowed to engage in lending activity. Second, we examine the feasibility of each proposal for the purpose of achieving the stability of the financial system, making use of two theoretical models: Wallace (1996) and Kashyap, Rajan, and Stein (1998). Finally, we conclude that a desirable narrow bank is one that carries out both deposit-taking and lending activities, though restrictively, and is allowed to invest in short-term safe assets.

    Recent Performance of Nonpolar/Semipolar/Polar GaN-Based Blue Emitting Devices and GaN bulk Crystal Growth

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    早稲田大学創立125周年記念シンポジウム 半導体・ナノエレクトロニクス―技術立国日本のこれから― 2007年10月23日 早稲田大学国際会議場井深大記念ホー

    Carrier recombination dynamics in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells

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    We have mesured the carrier recombination dynamics in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells over an unprecedented range in intensity. We find that at times shorter than 30\,ns, they follow an exponential form, and a power law at times longer than 1\,μ\mus. To explain these biphasic dynamics, we propose a simple three-level model where a charge-separated state interplays with the radiative state through charge transfer following a tunneling mechanism. We show how the distribution of distances in charge-separated states controls the dynamics at long time. Our results imply that charge recombination happens on nearly-isolated clusters of localization centers.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in PHYSICAL REVIEW

    Endpoint Strichartz estimates and global solutions for the nonlinear Dirac equation

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    We prove endpoint Strichartz estimates for the Klein-Gordon and wave equations in mixed norms on the polar coordinates in three spatial dimensions. As an application, global wellposedness of the nonlinear Dirac equation is shown for small data in the energy class with some regularity assumption for the angular variable

    Swelling and Replicative DNA Synthesis of Detergent-treated Mouse Ascites Sarcoma Cells

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    Previous investigation showed that mouse ascites sarcoma cells permeabilized with appropriate concentrations of detergents (Triton X-100, Nonidet P-40 and Brij 58) had high replicative DNA synthesis in the presence of the four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, ATP, Mg2+ and proper ionic environment. The present study showed the optimum detergent concentration for DNA synthesis coincided closely with the minimum detergent concentration for inducing cell swelling. Phase contrast microscopy and electron microscopy of Triton-permeabilized cells showed the characteristic swollen cytoplasms and nucleus. Autoradiographic study showed that the DNA synthesis in permeable cells was confined to the nucleus. Cell viability and [3H] deoxythymidine uptake were impaired at much lower concentrations of Triton X-100 than the optimum concentration for in vitro DNA synthesis. In Triton-permeabilized cells, the minimum Triton concentration that produced cell swelling also seemed to produce high repliative DNA synthesis, which reflects the in vivo state of DNA synthesis.</p