1,940 research outputs found

    Multipartite Entanglement Measure

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    In this paper, we generalize the residual entanglement to the case of multipartite states in arbitrary dimensions by making use of a new method. Through the introduction of a special entanglement measure, the residual entanglement of mixed states takes on a form that is more elegant than that in Ref.[7] (Phys.Rev.A 61 (2000) 052306) . The result obtained in this paper is different from the previous one given in Ref.[8] (Phys.Rev.A 63 (2000) 044301). Several examples demonstrate that our present result is a good measurement of the multipartite entanglement. Furthermore, the original residual entanglement is a special case of our result.Comment: 5 page

    High-throughput on-chip DNA fragmentation

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    free microfluidic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fragmentation chip that is based on hydrodynamic shearing. Genomic DNA has been reproducibly fragmented with 2-10 kbp fragment lengths by applying hydraulic pressure ΔP across micromachined constrictions in the microfluidic channels. The utilization of a series of constrictions reduces the variance of the fragmented DNA length distribution; and parallel microfluidic channels design eliminates the device clogging

    Weaving Entities into Relations: From Page Retrieval to Relation Mining on the Web

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    With its sheer amount of information, the Web is clearly an important frontier for data mining. While Web mining must start with content on the Web, there is no effective ``search-based'' mechanism to help sifting through the information on the Web. Our goal is to provide a such online search-based facility for supporting query primitives, upon which Web mining applications can be built. As a first step, this paper aims at entity-relation discovery, or E-R discovery, as a useful function-- to weave scattered entities on the Web into coherent relations. To begin with, as our proposal, we formalize the concept of E-R discovery. Further, to realize E-R discovery, as our main thesis, we abstract tuple ranking-- the essential challenge of E-R discovery-- as pattern-based cooccurrence analysis. Finally, as our key insight, we observe that such relation mining shares the same core functions as traditional page-retrieval systems, which enables us to build the new E-R discovery upon today's search engines, almost for free. We report our system prototype and testbed, WISDM-ER, with real Web corpus. Our case studies have demonstrated a high promise, achieving 83%-91% accuracy for real benchmark queries-- and thus the real possibilities of enabling ad-hoc Web mining tasks with online E-R discovery

    Holographic phase transition in a non-critical holographic model

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    We consider a holographic model constructed from the intersecting brane configuration D4-D4ˉ\bar{\rm{D4}}/D4 in noncritical string theory. We study the chiral phase diagram of this holographic QCD-like model with a finite baryon chemical potential through the supergravity dual approximation.Comment: 14 pages, reference adde

    Investigation of passive flow control techniques to enhance the stall characteristics of a microlight aircraft

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    This report investigates the enhancement of aerodynamic stall characteristics of a Skyranger microlight aircraft by the use of passive flow control techniques, namely vortex generators and turbulators. Each flow control device is designed and scaled to application conditions. Force balance measurements and surface oil flow visualisation are carried out on a half-model of the microlight to further investigate the nature of the flow on the aircraft with and without the flow control devices. The results indicate a clear advantage to the use of turbulators compared with vortex generators. Turbulators increased the maximum lift coefficient by 2.8%, delayed the onset of stall by increasing the critical angle by 17.6% and reduced the drag penalty at both lower (pre-stall) and higher angles of attack by 8% compared to vortex generators. With vortex generators applied, the results indicated a delayed stall with an increase in the critical angle by 2% and a reduced drag penalty at higher angles of attack

    Existence Criterion of Genuine Tripartite Entanglement

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    In this paper, an intuitive mathematical formulation is provided to generalize the residual entanglement for tripartite systems of qubits [Phys. Rev. A 61, 052306 (2000)] to the tripartite systems in higher dimension. The spirit lies in the tensor treatment of tripartite pure states [Phys. Rev. A 72, 022333 (2005)]. A distinct characteristic of the present generalization is that the formulation for higher dimensional systems is invariant under permutation of the subsystems, hence is employed as a criterion to test the existence of genuine tripartite entanglement. Furthermore, the formulation for pure states can be conveniently extended to the case of mixed states by utilizing the Kronecker product approximate technique. As applications, we give the analytic approximation of the criterion for weakly mixed tripartite quantum states and consider the existence of genuine tripartite entanglement of some weakly mixed states.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Country report on building energy codes in Republic of Korea

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    노트 : This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor Battelle Memorial Institute, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or Battelle Memorial Institute. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof

    Genuine tripartite entanglement monotone of (22n)(2\otimes 2\otimes n)- dimensional systems

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    A genuine tripartite entanglement monotone is presented for (22n)(2\otimes 2\otimes n)-dimensional tripartite pure states by introducing a new entanglement measure for bipartite pure states. As an application, we consider the genuine tripartite entanglement of the ground state of the exactly solvable isotropic spin-1/2 chain with three-spin interaction. It is shown that the singular behavior of the genuine tripartite entanglement exactly signals a quantum phase transition.Comment: 5 page