112 research outputs found

    Holographic analysis of diffraction structure factors

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    We combine the theory of inside-source/inside-detector x-ray fluorescence holography and Kossel lines/x ray standing waves in kinematic approximation to directly obtain the phases of the diffraction structure factors. The influence of Kossel lines and standing waves on holography is also discussed. We obtain partial phase determination from experimental data obtaining the sign of the real part of the structure factor for several reciprocal lattice vectors of a vanadium crystal.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Study of Ion-beam-induced Phase Transformation in Gd2(Ti1-yZry)2O7

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    The structural and electronic properties of Gd2(Ti1−yZry)2O7 (y=0–1) pyrochlores following a 2.0-MeV Au2+ ion-beam irradiation (~5.0 X 1014 Au2+/cm2) have been investigated by Ti 2p and O 1s near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS). The irradiation of Gd2(Ti1−yZry)2O7 leads to the phase transformation from the ordered pyrochlore structure (Fd3m) to the defect fluorite structure (Fm3m) regardless of Zr concentration. Irradiated Gd2(Ti1−yZry)2O7 with y≤0.5 are amorphous, although significant short-range order is present. Contrasting to this behavior, compositions with y≥0.75 retain crystallinity in the defect fluorite structure following irradiation. The local structures of Zr4+ in the irradiated Gd2(Ti1−yZry)2O7 with y≥0.75 determined by NEXAFS are the same as in the cubic fluorite-structured yttria-stabilized zirconia (Y–ZrO2), thereby providing conclusive evidence for the phase transformation. The TiO6 octahedra present in Gd2(Ti1−yZry)2O7 are completely modified by ion-beam irradiation to TiOx polyhedra, and the Ti coordination is increased to eight with longer Ti–O bond distances. The similarity between cation sites and the degree of disorder in Gd2Zr2O7 facilitate the rearrangement and relaxation of Gd, Zr, and O ions/defects. This inhibits amorphization during the ion-beam-induced phase transition to the radiation-resistant defect fluorite structure, which is in contrast to the ordered Gd2Ti2O7

    Probing Cation Antisite Disorder in Gd2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore by Site-specific NEXAFS and XPS

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    Disorder in Gd2Ti2O7 is investigated by near-edge x-ray-absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). NEXAFS shows Ti4+ ions occupy octahedral sites with a tetragonal distortion induced by vacant oxygen sites. O 1s XPS spectra obtained with a charge neutralization system from Gd2Ti2O7(100) and the Gd2Ti2O7 pyrochlore used by Chen et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 105901 (2002)], both yielded a single peak, unlike the previous result on the latter that found two peaks. The current results give no evidence for an anisotropic distribution of Ti and O. The extra features reported in the aforementioned communication resulted from charging effects and incomplete surface cleaning. Thus, a result confirming the direct observation of simultaneous cation-anion antisite disordering and lending credence to the split vacancy model has been clarified

    Performance Characteristics of Beamline 6.3.1 from 200 eV to 2000 eV at the Advanced Light Source

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    Bend magnet beamline 6.3.1 at the Advanced Light Source operates from 200 eV to 2000 eV, primarily used for x-ray absorption fine structure investigations. The beamline optics consist of a compact, entrance-slitless, Hettrick-Underwood type variable-line-spacing plane-grating monochromator and refocusing mirrors to provide a 25 μm × 500 μm spot at the focal point in the reflectometer end station. Wavelength is scanned by the simple rotation of the grating and illuminates a fixed exit slit. The LabView based beamline control and data acquisition computer code has been implemented to provide a convenient interface to the user. The dedicated end station is a reflectometer that is isolated from the beamline by a differential ion pump. The reflectometer can position samples to within 4 μm with an angular position of 0.002°, has total electron and fluorescence yield detectors, and pumps down in about 30 minutes. External end stations can be mounted downstream of the reflectometer as well. The versatility and simplicity of beamline 6.3.1 have made it useful for a wide range of applications such as the characterization of optical components, reflective coatings, and the investigation of a diverse range of materials in both the solid state and in solution

    Under-Sodium Viewing: A Review of Ultrasonic Imaging Technology for Liquid Metal Fast Reactors

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    This current report is a summary of information obtained in the "Information Capture" task of the U.S. DOE-funded "Under Sodium Viewing (USV) Project." The goal of the multi-year USV project is to design, build, and demonstrate a state-of-the-art prototype ultrasonic viewing system tailored for periodic reactor core in-service monitoring and maintenance inspections. The study seeks to optimize system parameters, improve performance, and re-establish this key technology area which will be required to support any new U.S. liquid-metal cooled fast reactors

    Dynamic 3D shape of the plantar surface of the foot using coded structured light:a technical report

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    The foot provides a crucial contribution to the balance and stability of the musculoskeletal system, and accurate foot measurements are important in applications such as designing custom insoles/footwear. With better understanding of the dynamic behavior of the foot, dynamic foot reconstruction techniques are surfacing as useful ways to properly measure the shape of the foot. This paper presents a novel design and implementation of a structured-light prototype system providing dense three dimensional (3D) measurements of the foot in motion. The input to the system is a video sequence of a foot during a single step; the output is a 3D reconstruction of the plantar surface of the foot for each frame of the input. Methods Engineering and clinical tests were carried out to test the accuracy and repeatability of the system. Accuracy experiments involved imaging a planar surface from different orientations and elevations and measuring the fitting errors of the data to a plane. Repeatability experiments were done using reconstructions from 27 different subjects, where for each one both right and left feet were reconstructed in static and dynamic conditions over two different days. Results The static accuracy of the system was found to be 0.3 mm with planar test objects. In tests with real feet, the system proved repeatable, with reconstruction differences between trials one week apart averaging 2.4 mm (static case) and 2.8 mm (dynamic case). Conclusion The results obtained in the experiments show positive accuracy and repeatability results when compared to current literature. The design also shows to be superior to the systems available in the literature in several factors. Further studies need to be done to quantify the reliability of the system in clinical environment

    Removal of pertechnetate from simulated nuclear waste streams using supported zerovalent

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    The application of nanoparticles of predominantly zerovalent iron (nanoiron), either unsupported or supported, to the separation and reduction of pertechnetate anions (TcO 4 -) from complex waste mixtures was investigated as an alternative approach to current waste-processing schemes. Although applicable to pertechnetate-containing waste streams in general, the research discussed here was directed at two specific potential applications at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site: (1) the direct removal of pertechnetate from highly alkaline solutions, typical of those found in Hanford tank waste, and (2) the removal of dilute pertechnetate from near-neutral solutions, typical of the eluate streams from commercial organic ion-exchange resins that may be used to remediate Hanford tank wastes. It was envisioned that both applications would involve the subsequent encapsulation of the loaded sorbent material into a separate waste form. A high surface area (>200 m 2 /g) base-stable, nanocrystalline zirconia was used as a support for nanoiron for tests with highly alkaline solutions, while a silica gel support was used for tests with near-neutral solutions. It was shown that after 24 h of contact time, the high surface area zirconia supported nanoiron sorbent removed about 50% (K d ) 370 L/kg) of the pertechnetate from a pH 14 tank waste simulant containing 0.51 mM TcO 4 -and large concentrations of Na + , OH -, NO 3 -, and CO 3 2-for a phase ratio of 360 L simulant per kg of sorbent. It was also shown that after 18 h of contact time, the silica-supported nanoiron removed >95% pertechnetate from a neutral pH eluate simulant containing 0.076 mM TcO 4 -for a phase ratio of 290 L/kg. It was determined that in all cases, nanoiron reduced the Tc(VII) to Tc(IV), or possibly to Tc(V), through a redox reaction. Finally, it was demonstrated that a mixture of 20 mass % of the solid reaction products obtained from contacting zirconia-supported nanoiron with an alkaline waste solution containing Re(VII), a surrogate for Tc(VII), with 80 mass % alkali borosilicate based frit heat-treated at 700°C for 4 h sintered into an easily handled glass composite waste form