Quasi-dynamic pressure and temperature


The phase transformation of {beta}-HMX (< 0.5% RDX) to the {delta} phase has been studied for over twenty years and more recently with an optically sensitive second harmonic generation technique. Shock studies of the plastic binder composites of HMX have indicated that the transition is perhaps irreversible, a result that concurs with the static pressure results published by F. Goetz et al. [l] in 1978. However the stability field favors the {beta} polymorph over {delta} as pressure is increased (up to 5.4 GPa) along any sensible isotherm. In this experiment strict control of pressure and temperature is maintained while x-ray and optical diagnostics are applied to monitor the conformational dynamics of HMX. Unlike the temperature induced {beta} -> {delta} transition, the pressure induced is heterogeneous in nature. The room pressure and temperature {delta} -> {beta} transition is not immediate although it seems to occur over tens of hours. Transition points and kinetics are path dependent and so this paper describes our work in progress

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