26 research outputs found

    Eh Klp5 is a divergent member of the kinesin 5 family that regulates genome content and microtubular assembly in Entamoeba histolytica

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    Earlier studies have established two unusual features in the cell division cycle of Entamoeba histolytica. First, microtubules form a radial assembly instead of a bipolar mitotic spindle, and second, the genome content of E. histolytica cells varied from 1X to 6X or more. In this study, Eh Klp5 was identified as a divergent member of the BimC kinesin family that is known to regulate formation and stabilization of the mitotic spindle in other eukaryotes. In contrast to earlier studies, we show here that bipolar microtubular spindles were formed in E. histolytica but were visible only in 8-12% of the cells after treatment with taxol. The number of bipolar spindles was significantly increased in Eh Klp5 stable transformants (20-25%) whereas Eh Klp5 double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) transformants did not show any spindles (< 1%). The genome content of Eh Klp5 stable transformants was regulated between 1X and 2X unlike control cells. Binucleated cells accumulated in Eh Klp5 dsRNA transformants and after inhibition of Eh Klp5 with small molecule inhibitors in control cells, suggesting that cytokinesis was delayed in the absence of Eh Klp5. Taken together, our results indicate that Eh Klp5 regulates microtubular assembly, genome content and cell division in E. histolytica. Additionally, Eh Klp5 showed alterations in its drug-binding site compared with its human homologue, Hs Eg5 and this was reflected in its reduced sensitivity to Eg5 inhibitors - monastrol and HR22C16 analogues

    Genome re-duplication and irregular segregation occur during the cell cycle of Entamoeba histolytica

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    Heterogeneity of genome content is commonly observed in axenic cultures of Entamoeba histolytica. Cells with multiple nuclei and nuclei with heterogenous genome contents suggest that regulatory mechanisms that ensure alternation of DNA synthesis and mitosis are absent in this organism. Therefore, several endo-reduplicative cycles may occur without mitosis. The data also shows that unlike other endo-reduplicating organisms, E.histolytica does not undergo a precise number of endo-reduplicative cycles. We propose that irregular endo-reduplication and genome partitioning lead to heterogeneity in the genome content of E.histolytica trophozoites in their proliferative phase. The goal of future studies should be aimed at understanding the mechanisms that are involved in (a) accumulation of multiple genome contents in a single nucleus; (b) genome segregation in nuclei that contain multiple genome contents and (c) maintenance of genome fidelity in E. histolytica

    Inter-Cellular Variation in DNA Content of Entamoeba histolytica Originates from Temporal and Spatial Uncoupling of Cytokinesis from the Nuclear Cycle

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    Accumulation of multiple copies of the genome in a single nucleus and several nuclei in a single cell has previously been noted in Entamoeba histolytica, contributing to the genetic heterogeneity of this unicellular eukaryote. In this study, we demonstrate that this genetic heterogeneity is an inherent feature of the cell cycle of this organism. Chromosome segregation occurs on a variety of novel microtubular assemblies including multi-polar spindles. Cytokinesis in E. histolytica is completed by the mechanical severing of a thin cytoplasmic bridge, either independently or with the help of neighboring cells. Importantly, cytokinesis is uncoupled from the nuclear division cycle, both temporally and spatially, leading to the formation of unequal daughter cells. Sorting of euploid and polyploid cells showed that each of these sub-populations acquired heterogeneous DNA content upon further growth. Our study conclusively demonstrates that genetic heterogeneity originates from the unique mode of cell division events in this protist

    Non-Overlapping Distributions and Functions of the VDAC Family in Ciliogenesis

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    Centrosomes are major microtubule-organizing centers of animal cells that consist of two centrioles. In mitotic cells, centrosomes are duplicated to serve as the poles of the mitotic spindle, while in quiescent cells, centrosomes move to the apical membrane where the oldest centriole is transformed into a basal body to assemble a primary cilium. We recently showed that mitochondrial outer membrane porin VDAC3 localizes to centrosomes where it negatively regulates ciliogenesis. We show here that the other two family members, VDAC1 and VDAC2, best known for their function in mitochondrial bioenergetics, are also found at centrosomes. Like VDAC3, centrosomal VDAC1 is predominantly localized to the mother centriole, while VDAC2 localizes to centriolar satellites in a microtubule-dependent manner. Down-regulation of VDAC1 leads to inappropriate ciliogenesis, while its overexpression suppresses cilia formation, suggesting that VDAC1 and VDAC3 both negatively regulate ciliogenesis. However, this negative effect on ciliogenesis is not shared by VDAC2, which instead appears to promote maturation of primary cilia. Moreover, because overexpression of VDAC3 cannot compensate for depletion of VDAC1, our data suggest that while the entire VDAC family localizes to centrosomes, they have non-redundant functions in cilogenesis

    Entamoeba histolytica Encodes Unique Formins, a Subset of Which Regulates DNA Content and Cell Division▿ †

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    The formin family of proteins mediates dynamic changes in actin assembly in eukaryotes, and therefore it is important to understand the function of these proteins in Entamoeba histolytica, where actin forms the major cytoskeletal network. In this study we have identified the formin homologs encoded in the E. histolytica genome based on sequence analysis. Using multiple tools, we have analyzed the primary sequences of the eight E. histolytica formins and discovered three subsets: (i) E. histolytica formin-1 to -3 (Ehformin-1 to -3), (ii) Ehformin-4, and (iii) Ehformin-5 to -8. Two of these subsets (Ehformin-1 to -3 and Ehformin-4) showed significant sequence differences from their closest homologs, while Ehformin-5 to -8 were unique among all known formins. Since Ehformin-1 to -3 showed important sequence differences from Diaphanous-related formins (DRFs), we have studied the functions of Ehformin-1 and -2 in E. histolytica transformants. Like other DRFs, Ehformin-1 and -2 associated with F-actin in response to serum factors, in pseudopodia, in pinocytic and phagocytic vesicles, and at cell division sites. Ehformin-1 and -2 also localized with the microtubular assembly in the nucleus, indicating their involvement in genome segregation. While increased expression of Ehformin-1 and -2 did not affect phagocytosis or motility, it clearly showed an increase in the number of binucleated cells, the number of nuclei in multinucleated cells, and the average DNA content of each nucleus, suggesting that these proteins regulate both mitosis and cytokinesis in E. histolytica

    Non-Overlapping Distributions and Functions of the VDAC Family in Ciliogenesis

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    Centrosomes are major microtubule-organizing centers of animal cells that consist of two centrioles. In mitotic cells, centrosomes are duplicated to serve as the poles of the mitotic spindle, while in quiescent cells, centrosomes move to the apical membrane where the oldest centriole is transformed into a basal body to assemble a primary cilium. We recently showed that mitochondrial outer membrane porin VDAC3 localizes to centrosomes where it negatively regulates ciliogenesis. We show here that the other two family members, VDAC1 and VDAC2, best known for their function in mitochondrial bioenergetics, are also found at centrosomes. Like VDAC3, centrosomal VDAC1 is predominantly localized to the mother centriole, while VDAC2 localizes to centriolar satellites in a microtubule-dependent manner. Down-regulation of VDAC1 leads to inappropriate ciliogenesis, while its overexpression suppresses cilia formation, suggesting that VDAC1 and VDAC3 both negatively regulate ciliogenesis. However, this negative effect on ciliogenesis is not shared by VDAC2, which instead appears to promote maturation of primary cilia. Moreover, because overexpression of VDAC3 cannot compensate for depletion of VDAC1, our data suggest that while the entire VDAC family localizes to centrosomes, they have non-redundant functions in cilogenesis

    EhRho1, a RhoA-Like GTPase of Entamoeba histolytica, Is Modified by Clostridial Glucosylating Cytotoxins

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    Clostridial glucosylating cytotoxins inactivate mammalian Rho GTPases by mono-O glucosylation of a conserved threonine residue located in the switch 1 region of the target protein. Here we report that EhRho1, a RhoA-like GTPase from the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, is glucosylated by clostridial cytotoxins. Recombinant glutathione S-transferase-EhRho1 and EhRho1 from cell lysate of Entamoeba histolytica were glucosylated by Clostridium difficile toxin B and Clostridium novyi alpha-toxin. In contrast, Clostridium difficile toxin A, which shares the same mammalian protein substrates with toxin B, did not modify EhRho1. Change of threonine 52 of EhRho1 to alanine prevented glucosylation by toxin B from Clostridium difficile and by alpha-toxin from Clostridium novyi, which suggests that the equivalent threonine residues are glucosylated in mammalian and Entamoeba Rho GTPases. Lethal toxin from Clostridium sordellii did not glucosylate EhRho1 but labeled several other substrate proteins in lysates from Entamoeba histolytica in the presence of UDP-[(14)C]glucose

    Data from: Denning habits of free-ranging dogs reveal preference for human proximity

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    Dens are crucial in the early development of many mammals, making den site selection an important component of parental care in such species. Resource availability and shelter from predators primarily govern den selection. Species inhabiting human-dominated landscapes typically den away from human disturbance, often shifting dens to avoid humans during the early life of their young. Domesticated dogs have evolved in human proximity over centuries, being bred and reared in human homes for generations. While pets rely on their owners for shelter and care, free-ranging dogs roam uncared, and typically whelp in dens. We conducted a study on 148 free-ranging dog dens in India to understand their denning habits. Distance from resources influenced den choice, but anthropogenic disturbance did not. Dens were found in areas of high human activity, and begging from humans was preferred over scavenging. A study on 15 pregnant females revealed that females actively searched for denning sites, rejecting several intermediate ones before selecting the final den. We propose that the obvious preference of dogs for denning close to humans is a behavioural adaptation that helps them to survive in the urban landscape, in spite of the high human induced mortality during the early life of pups

    Data from: High early life mortality in free-ranging dogs is largely influenced by humans

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    Free-ranging dogs are a ubiquitous part of human habitations in many developing countries, leading a life of scavengers dependent on human wastes for survival. The effective management of free-ranging dogs calls for understanding of their population dynamics. Life expectancy at birth and early life mortality are important factors that shape life-histories of mammals. We carried out a five year-long census based study in seven locations of West Bengal, India, to understand the pattern of population growth and factors affecting early life mortality in free-ranging dogs. We observed high rates of mortality, with only ~19% of the 364 pups from 95 observed litters surviving till the reproductive age; 63% of total mortality being human influenced. While living near people increases resource availability for dogs, it also has deep adverse impacts on their population growth, making the dog-human relationship on streets highly complex

    Data record 2

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    Data sheet containing the details of 95 mother-litter groups who were followed up to their 7th month of age