11 research outputs found

    Casos Clínicos en Urología

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    Material didáctico con imágenes, imágenes animadas que permiten transmitir conocimientos al alumno que dificilmente se podría realizar con métodos clásicos.Prof. Dr. Federico Rodríguez - Rubio Cortadella

    Contenidos teóricos en formato multimedia

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    Material didáctico con imágenes, imágenes animadas que permiten transmitir conocimientos al alumno que dificilmente se podría realizar con métodos clásicos.Prof. Dr. Federico Rodríguez - Rubio Cortadella

    Videos de Urología

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    Material didáctico con vídeos animados que ayudan al alumno y que difícilmente podría ser mostrado con los métodos clásicos.Prof. Dr. Federico Rodríguez - Rubio Cortadella

    Atlas de Urología

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    Material didáctico con imágenes, imágenes animadas que permiten transmitir conocimientos al alumno que dificilmente se podría realizar con métodos clásicos.Prof. Dr. Federico Rodríguez - Rubio Cortadella

    Effect of Size on Hydrogen Adsorption on the Surface of Deposited Gold Nanoparticles

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    An experimental study of molecular hydrogen adsorption on single gold nanoparticles of various sizes deposited on the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) was carried out by means of scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. The effect of size on the HOPG/Au system was established. Hydrogen was dissociatively chemisorbed on the surface of gold nanoparticles with an average size of 5–6 nanometers. An increase in the size of nanoparticles to 10 nm or more led to hydrogen chemisorption being inhibited and unable to be detected

    Factores que influyen en el desarrollo del cáncer vesical en nuestro entorno. Estudio de casos y controles

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    El cáncer vesical tiene una alta incidencia y prevalencia y se ha relacionado con numerosos factores de riesgo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los factores que influyen, y en qué intensidad, en la incidencia del cáncer vesical en nuestra área sanitaria. Realizamos un estudio observacional de caso-control en 100 pacientes con tumores de vejiga emparejados con 100 controles para analizar el papel de posibles factores de riesgo en la etiología del cáncer de vejiga en nuestra área asistencial. Los factores de riesgo incluidos en el estudio fueron: antecedentes familiares de neoplasia vesical, tabaco, ocupación, ingesta de agua, ingesta de alcohol, ingesta de café, consumo de grasas, consumo de analgésicos, antecedentes patología urológica. La influencia de las variables fueron analizadas mediante cálculo de OR, chi-cuadrado y regresión logística. El tabaco se mostró como principal factor etiológico presente en el 85% de los casos frente al 36% de los controles (OR de no fumadores de 0,099; IC 95% 0,050-0,197; p<0,00). La ocupación �construcción� mostró una clara tendencia a influir en la etiología (16% en casos frente al 7% de controles), pero sin conseguir significación estadística (OR 2,5; IC 95% 0,993-6,452; p=0,157). El resto de las variables no se mostraron influyentes. La regresión logística destacó el tabaco como única variable influyente en la etiología del cáncer vesical (exp (B) OR 9,335; IC 95% 4,599-18,950; sig 0,000). En conclusión, en nuestra área sanitaria observamos una clara influencia del tabaco en la etiología del cáncer vesical. La tendencia observada entre los trabajadores de la construcción debe ser evaluada en futuros estudios con mayor tamaño muestral. El resto de variables no se mostraron influyentesBladder cancer is a disease with high incidence and prevalence and is associated with multiple risk factors. The objective of the present study was to determine the risk factors and their influence in the incidence of bladder cancer in our area. We performed a case control observational study to analyse the role of the risk factors in the aetiology of bladder cancer in our patients. The risk factors were: family history of bladder cancer, tobacco, occupation, daily water ingestion, alcohol, pattern of coffee drinking, analgesic use, previous history of urologic disorder. The analysis and comparison of variables were done with Odds ratio, chi-square and logistic regression. Tobacco was the main known etiological factor detected in 85% of cases versus 36% of controls (OR of non smokers 0,099: CI 95% 0,050-0,197;p<0,00). The house building was showed to have the tendency as a risk factor that did not reach statistical significance (16% cases vs 7% controls; OR 2,5; CI 95% 0,993-6,452; p=0,157). The rest of variables were not significant in aetiology of bladder cancer. Logistic regression highlighted tobacco habit as unique variable influencing in the etiology of bladder cancer (exp (B) OR 9,335; CI 95% 4,599- 18,950; sig 0,000). Our study showed the clear influence of tobacco in the aetiology of bladder cancer in our patients. The observed tendency in the house building workers should be evaluated in future studies. Other variables were not significan

    Electric arc production of nanoparticles for energetic materials [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableThermites are a class of energetic material (similar to explosives) which consists of a fuel and oxidizer which react chemically to release energy. These materials are of interest because they can contain over 2.5 times more energy than TNT and they can be made from relatively benign components. The rate at which these materials react depends on the size of the fuel and oxidizer particles. Traditionally prepared thermites have relatively large particle sizes and therefore tend to react slowly. We are producing a new type of thermite called super-thermite which uses very small particles known as nanoparticles. These small particles of fuel and oxidizer react much more quickly than traditionally prepared thermites. Using this method we can prepare super-thermites which burn at over 2,000 meters/second. These properties make super-thermite an ideal replacement for several toxic lead containing energetic materials. However, super-thermite materials are currently too expensive for most applications. We are researching several new methods of preparing nanoparticles for super-thermite which will reduce their cost. One method we are using is called plasma arc-discharge, and actually very similar to an arc welding process. In arc welding electricity is used to form plasma arc. The heat from the arc melts the metals and fuses them together. In our process we continue to heat the material until it evaporates and forms a vapor. When the vapor cools it condenses forming nanoparticles. This process has been used previously to prepare nanoparticles of aluminum, silicon, and copper oxide. In the near future we will extend this method to other materials as well. The benefit of this method is nanoparticles can be prepared from relatively affordable bulk materials. Using this method we hope reduce the cost of preparing super-thermite from over 20.00/gramtolessthan20.00/gram to less than 0.25 per gramCollege of Engineering Undergraduate Research Optio

    Effect of CO Molecule Orientation on the Reduction of Cu-Based Nanoparticles

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    The adsorption of CO on the surface of Cu-based nanoparticles was studied in the presence of an external electric field by means of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS). Nanoparticles were synthesized on the surface of a graphite support by the impregnation–precipitation method. The chemical composition of the surface of the nanoparticles was determined as a mixture of Cu2O, Cu4O3 and CuO oxides. CO was adsorbed from the gas phase onto the surface of the nanoparticles. During the adsorption process, the potential differences ΔV = +1 or −1 V were applied to the vacuum gap between the sample and the grounded tip. Thus, the system of the STM tip and sample surface formed an asymmetric capacitor, inside which an inhomogeneous electric field existed. The CO adsorption process is accompanied by the partial reduction of nanoparticles. Due to the orientation of the CO molecule in the electric field, the reduction was weak in the case of a positive potential difference, while in the case of a negative potential difference, the reduction rate increased significantly. The ability to control the adsorption process of CO by means of an external electric field was demonstrated. The size of the nanoparticle was shown to be the key factor affecting the adsorption process, and particularly, the strength of the local electric field close to the nanoparticle surface

    Effect of CO Molecule Orientation on the Reduction of Cu-Based Nanoparticles

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    The adsorption of CO on the surface of Cu-based nanoparticles was studied in the presence of an external electric field by means of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS). Nanoparticles were synthesized on the surface of a graphite support by the impregnation&ndash;precipitation method. The chemical composition of the surface of the nanoparticles was determined as a mixture of Cu2O, Cu4O3 and CuO oxides. CO was adsorbed from the gas phase onto the surface of the nanoparticles. During the adsorption process, the potential differences &Delta;V = +1 or &minus;1 V were applied to the vacuum gap between the sample and the grounded tip. Thus, the system of the STM tip and sample surface formed an asymmetric capacitor, inside which an inhomogeneous electric field existed. The CO adsorption process is accompanied by the partial reduction of nanoparticles. Due to the orientation of the CO molecule in the electric field, the reduction was weak in the case of a positive potential difference, while in the case of a negative potential difference, the reduction rate increased significantly. The ability to control the adsorption process of CO by means of an external electric field was demonstrated. The size of the nanoparticle was shown to be the key factor affecting the adsorption process, and particularly, the strength of the local electric field close to the nanoparticle surface

    Oxidation of Thin Titanium Films: Determination of the Chemical Composition of the Oxide and the Oxygen Diffusion Factor

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    The morphologies and local electronic structures of titanium coatings deposited on the surfaces of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite were determined. Chemical compositions of the oxides formed on the coating surfaces were established. A theoretical model was developed describing the changes in the TiOx oxides (1.75 &lt; x &lt; 2) band gap depending on the duration and temperature of the titanium film annealing procedure in oxygen. The effective activation energy of oxygen diffusion in TiOx (1.75 &lt; x &lt; 2) was determined, and the pre-exponential factor of the diffusion coefficient was estimated