50 research outputs found

    Genomic Variations in Pancreatic Cancer and Potential Opportunities for Development of New Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment

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    This research was supported by Nature Sciences Foundation of China (31301007 and 81272525), Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund and The MRC (MR/M015696/1)

    Association between behavioral patterns and depression symptoms: dyadic interaction between couples

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    BackgroundBehavioral patterns are sometimes associated with depression symptoms; however, few studies have considered the intra-couple effects. This study examined the effect of a spouses’ behavioral patterns on depression symptoms within themself and in their spouse.MethodsA total of 61,118 childbearing age participants (30,559 husband-wife dyads) were surveyed. The depression symptoms were assessed using the nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). The behavioral patterns were identified by the latent class analysis. The effects of behavioral patterns on the couple’s own depression symptoms (actor effect) and their partner’s depression symptoms (partner effect) were analyzed using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM).ResultsThree behavioral patterns were identified: low-risk group, moderate-risk group, and high-risk group. The high risk of these behavior patterns would be associated with a higher score on the PHQ-9; for both husbands and wives, their behavioral patterns were positively associated with PHQ-9 scores (βhusband = 0.53, P < 0.01; βwife = 0.58, P < 0.01). Wives’ behavioral patterns were also positively associated with their husbands’ PHQ-9 scores (β = 0.14, P < 0.01), but husbands’ behavioral patterns were not associated with their wives’ PHQ-9 scores.ConclusionsWives’ depression symptoms were affected only by their own behavioral patterns, whereas husbands’ depression symptoms were influenced by both their own and their spouses’ behavioral patterns

    Changes in Growing Season Vegetation and Their Associated Driving Forces in China during 2001–2012

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    In recent decades, the monitoring of vegetation dynamics has become crucial because of its important role in terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, a satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was combined with climate factors to explore the spatiotemporal patterns of vegetation change during the growing season, as well as their driving forces in China from 2001 to 2012. Our results showed that the growing season NDVI increased continuously during 2001–2012, with a linear trend of 1.4%/10 years (p < 0.01). The NDVI in north China mainly exhibited an increasing spatial trend, but this trend was generally decreasing in south China. The vegetation dynamics were mainly at a moderate intensity level in both the increasing and decreasing areas. The significantly increasing trend in the NDVI for arid and semi-arid areas of northwest China was attributed mainly to an increasing trend in the NDVI during the spring, whereas that for the north and northeast of China was due to an increasing trend in the NDVI during the summer and autumn. Different vegetation types exhibited great variation in their trends, where the grass-forb community had the highest linear trend of 2%/10 years (p < 0.05), followed by meadow, and needle-leaf forest with the lowest increasing trend, i.e., a linear trend of 0.3%/10 years. Our results also suggested that the cumulative precipitation during the growing season had a dominant effect on the vegetation dynamics compared with temperature for all six vegetation types. In addition, the response of different vegetation types to climate variability exhibited considerable differences. In terms of anthropological activity, our statistical analyses showed that there was a strong correlation between the cumulative afforestation area and NDVI during the study period, especially in a pilot region for ecological restoration, thereby suggesting the important role of ecological restoration programs in ecological recovery throughout China in the last decade

    A Review on the Catalytic Decomposition of NO by Perovskite-Type Oxides

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    Direct catalytic decomposition of NO has the advantages of being a simple process, producing no secondary pollution, and being good for the economy, which has attracted extensive research in recent years. Perovskite-type mixed oxides, with an ABO3 or A2BO4 structure, are promising materials as catalysts for NO decomposition due to their low cost, high thermal stability, and, of course, their good catalytic performances. In this review, the influence factors, such as A-site substitution, B-site substitution and reaction conditions on the catalytic performance of catalysts have been expounded. The reaction mechanisms of direct NO decomposition are also discussed. Finally, major conclusions are drawn and some research challenges are highlighted

    The Stability of Dams with Different Stoping Elevations in the Tongling Valley-Type Tailings Impoundment: A Case Study in Yunnan China

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    Significant interest has been focused on recovery rates, recovery options, and recovery utilization when tailings impoundments are re-mined. However, the stability of the tailings dams during the recovery process is also a severe issue. Based on engineering geological surveys and laboratory tests, the evolution of the Tongling tailings impoundment’s instability characteristics under different recovery heights and diverse working conditions was analyzed by numerical simulation. Firstly, with the help of 2D software, the position of the tailings dam infiltration line and the alteration of the dam safety factor during the stoping process were calculated. Secondly, 3Dmine (2017) software was used to create the 3D surface structure of the tailings impoundment, and then a 3D numerical analysis model was established by means of Midas GTS NX software. The numerical simulation of seepage and stress analyses were conducted based on the model. Consequently, the evolution of the stability characteristics of tailings dam under different operating conditions was calculated. The research demonstrates that the dry beach length of the tailings pond gradually reduces with a decrease in the extraction height, resulting in a lower infiltration line. Under flood conditions, the saturation line has partial overflow due to the poor seepage discharge capacity of the dam. The total displacement of the dam body is inversely proportional to the retrieval height. The more extreme the analyzed working conditions, the more the safety factor will be reduced. Additionally, the plastic variation area of the dam body will be more comprehensive, which will increase the risk of a dam collapse

    Utjecaj dodatka Tweena 80 i acetona na luÄŤenje, strukturu i antioksidacijsku aktivnost egzopolisaharida iz gljive Lentinus tigrinus

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    In this study, the effects of the addition of Tween 80 and acetone on secretion, structure and antioxidant activities of Lentinus tigrinus exopolysaccharides (EPS) were investigated. It was found that Tween 80 and acetone displayed a stimulatory effect on EPS secretion. The EPS obtained by the addition of Tween 80 (EPS-T), acetone (EPS-A) and control (EPS-C) were purified by Sepharose CL-6B gel filtration chromatography and molecular mass of purified fractions was estimated to be 22.1, 137 and 12 kDa, respectively. Monosaccharide composition analysis indicated that EPS-T, EPS-A and EPS-C were mainly composed of glucose and mannose. Congo Red test indicated that EPS-T and EPS-A had a highly ordered conformation of triple helix, while EPS-C had a random coil conformation. Furthermore, EPS-A exhibited higher DPPH scavenging and antiproliferative activities than EPS-C and EPS-T, which might be attributed to the molecular mass.U ovom je radu istražen utjecaj dodatka Tweena 80 i acetona podlozi za uzgoj gljive Lentinus tigrinus na lučenje, strukturu i antioksidacijsku aktivnost egzopolisaharida (EPS). Utvrđeno je da Tween 80 i aceton pospješuju lučenje egzopolisaharida. Dobiveni egzopolisaharidi pročišćeni su gel filtracijom na koloni Sepharose CL-6B, a molekularna masa dobivenih frakcija bila je: 22,1 kDa uz dodatak Tween 80 (EPS-T), 137 kDa uz dodatak acetona (EPS-A), te 12 kDa u kontrolnom uzorku (EPS-C). Ispitivanjem monosaharidnog sastava dobivenih egzopolisaharida utvrđeno je da se uglavnom sastoje od glukoze i manoze. Određivanjem strukture egzopolisaharida pomoću bojila Congo Red ustanovljeno je da EPS-T i EPS-A imaju konformaciju trostrukog heliksa, a EPS-C nasumičnu strukturu tzv. slučajnog klupka (engl. random coil). Osim toga, EPS-A imao je veću sposobnost uklanjanja DPPH radikala i izraženiji antiproliferacijski učinak od EPS-C i EPS-T, vjerojatno zbog toga što je imao najveću molekularnu masu

    Effect of Tween 80 and Acetone on the Secretion, Structure and Antioxidant Activities of Exopolysaccharides from Lentinus tigrinus

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    In this study, the effects of the addition of Tween 80 and acetone on secretion, structure and antioxidant activities of Lentinus tigrinus exopolysaccharides (EPS) were investigated. It was found that Tween 80 and acetone displayed a stimulatory effect on EPS secretion. The EPS obtained by the addition of Tween 80 (EPS-T), acetone (EPS-A) and control (EPS-C) were purified by Sepharose CL-6B gel filtration chromatography and molecular mass of purified fractions was estimated to be 22.1, 137 and 12 kDa, respectively. Monosaccharide composition analysis indicated that EPS-T, EPS-A and EPS-C were mainly composed of glucose and mannose. Congo Red test indicated that EPS-T and EPS-A had a highly ordered conformation of triple helix, while EPS-C had a random coil conformation. Furthermore, EPS-A exhibited higher DPPH scavenging and antiproliferative activities than EPS-C and EPS-T, which might be attributed to the molecular mass

    Improvement of the Interface between the Lithium Anode and a Garnet-Type Solid Electrolyte of Lithium Batteries Using an Aluminum-Nitride Layer

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    The next generation of all-solid-state batteries can feature battery safety that is unparalleled among conventional liquid batteries. The garnet-type solid-state electrolyte Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO), in particular, is widely studied because of its high Li-ion conductivity and stability in air. However, the poor interface-contact between Li and the electrolyte (garnet) severely limits the development of solid electrolytes. In this study, we synthesize cubic phase Li6.4La3Zr1.4Ta0.6O12 (LLZTO) using a secondary sintering method. In addition, a thin aluminum nitride (AlN) layer is introduced between the metal (Li) and the solid electrolyte. Theoretical calculations show that AlN has a high affinity for Li. Furthermore, it is shown that the AlN coating can effectively reduce the interface impedance between Li and the solid electrolyte and improve the lithium-ion transport. The assembled symmetric Li cells can operate stably for more than 3600 h, unlike the symmetric cells without AlN coating, which short-circuited after only a few cycles. The hybrid solid-state battery with a modified layer, which is assembled using LiFePO4 (LFP), still has a capacity of 120 mAh g−1 after 200 cycles, with a capacity retention rate of 98%. This shows that the introduction of an AlN interlayer is very helpful to obtain a stable Li/solid-electrolyte interface, which improves the cycling stability of the battery

    Geomorphology, Mineralogy, and Chronology of Mare Basalts in the Oceanus Procellarum Region

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    Mare basalts on the lunar surface are tangible expressions of the complex thermal evolution and geological processes that have occurred within the lunar interior. These basaltic manifestations are highly important because they provide invaluable insights into lunar geological evolution. Notably, the Oceanus Procellarum region, which is renowned for its extensive and long-lasting basaltic volcanism, is a premier location to investigate late-stage lunar thermal evolution. The primary aim of this research is to elucidate the geomorphological, compositional, and temporal attributes that define the mare basalts within the Oceanus Procellarum region. To achieve this aim, we comprehensively analyzed the geomorphological features present within the region, leveraging Kaguya/SELENE TC images and digital elevation models. Specifically, these geomorphological features encompass impact craters, wrinkle ridges, sinuous rilles, and volcanic domes. Subsequently, we thoroughly examined the mineralogical attributes of basalts in the Oceanus Procellarum region, leveraging Kaguya/SELENE MI data and compositional map products. To more accurately reflect the actual ages of the mare basalts in the Oceanus Procellarum region, we carefully delineated the geological units within the area and employed the latest crater size-frequency distribution (CSFD) technique to precisely determine their ages. This refined approach allowed for a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the basaltic rocks in the study area. Overall, our comprehensive study included an in-depth analysis of the volcanic activity and evolution of the Oceanus Procellarum region, along with an examination of the correlation between the mineralogical composition and ages of mare basalts. The findings from this exhaustive investigation reveal a definitive age range for basalt units within the Oceanus Procellarum region from approximately 3.69 Ga to 1.17 Ga. Moreover, the latest mare basalts that formed were pinpointed north of the Aristarchus crater. Significantly, the region has experienced at least five distinct volcanic events, occurring approximately 3.40 Ga, 2.92 Ga, 2.39 Ga, 2.07 Ga, and 1.43 Ga, leading to the formation of multiple basalt units characterized by their unique mineral compositions and elemental abundances. Through the application of remote sensing mineralogical analysis, three primary basalt types were identified: low-titanium, very-low-titanium, and intermediate-titanium basalt. Notably, the younger basalt units exhibit an elevated titanium proportion, indicative of progressive olivine enrichment. Consequently, these younger basalt units exhibit more intricate and complex mineral compositions, offering valuable insights into the dynamic geological processes shaping the lunar surface

    ATP-Binding Cassette G Transporters and Their Multiple Roles Especially for Male Fertility in <i>Arabidopsis</i>, Rice and Maize

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    ATP-binding cassette subfamily G (ABCG) transporters are extensive in plants and play essential roles in various processes influencing plant fitness, but the research progress varies greatly among Arabidopsis, rice and maize. In this review, we present a consolidated nomenclature and characterization of the whole 51 ABCG transporters in maize, perform a phylogenetic analysis and classification of the ABCG subfamily members in maize, and summarize the latest research advances in ABCG transporters for these three plant species. ABCG transporters are involved in diverse processes in Arabidopsis and rice, such as anther and pollen development, vegetative and female organ development, abiotic and biotic stress response, and phytohormone transport, which provide useful clues for the functional investigation of ABCG transporters in maize. Finally, we discuss the current challenges and future perspectives for the identification and mechanism analysis of substrates for plant ABCG transporters. This review provides a basic framework for functional research and the potential application of ABCG transporters in multiple plants, including maize