612 research outputs found

    Comparing machine learning and ensemble learning in the field of football

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    Football has been one of the most popular and loved sports since its birth on November 6th, 1869. The main reason for this is because it is highly unpredictable in nature. Predicting football matches results seems like the perfect problem for machine learning models. But there are various caveats such as picking the right features from an enormous number of available features.  There have been many models which have been applied to various football-related datasets. This paper aims to compare Support Vector Machines a machine learning model and XGBoost an Ensemble learning model and how Ensemble Learning can greatly improve the accuracy of the predictions

    Optimization of multi-gigabit transceivers for high speed data communication links in HEP Experiments

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    The scheme of the data acquisition (DAQ) architecture in High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments consist of data transport from the front-end electronics (FEE) of the online detectors to the readout units (RU), which perform online processing of the data, and then to the data storage for offline analysis. With major upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at CERN, the data transmission rates in the DAQ systems are expected to reach a few TB/sec within the next few years. These high rates are normally associated with the increase in the high-frequency losses, which lead to distortion in the detected signal and degradation of signal integrity. To address this, we have developed an optimization technique of the multi-gigabit transceiver (MGT) and implemented it on the state-of-the-art 20nm Arria-10 FPGA manufactured by Intel Inc. The setup has been validated for three available high-speed data transmission protocols, namely, GBT, TTC-PON and 10 Gbps Ethernet. The improvement in the signal integrity is gauged by two metrics, the Bit Error Rate (BER) and the Eye Diagram. It is observed that the technique improves the signal integrity and reduces BER. The test results and the improvements in the metrics of signal integrity for different link speeds are presented and discussed

    Recent advances in management of cerebrovascular diseases

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    A comprehensive approach to managing the vascular risk factors in both primary and secondary stroke prevention settings can lower the risk of first and recurrent stroke. Recent studies highlight the benefits of blood pressure treatment in the elderly, use of statins in healthy subjects with normal low-density lipoprotein levels, and comparison of various anti-platelet agents. For acute stroke the efficacy of thrombolysis beyond 3 hours has recently been shown

    Comparative Distributions of Hazard Modeling Analysis

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    In this paper we present the comparison among the distributions used in hazard analysis. Simulation technique has been used to study the behavior of hazard distribution modules. The fundamentals of Hazard issues are discussed using failure criteria. We present the flexibility of the hazard modeling distribution that approaches to different distributions

    Corporate Governance and Board Compensation: A Case of listed Non-Financial Firms in Pakistan

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    The study addresses the impact of corporate governance (CG) on board compensation for the listed non-financial firms on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) for the period 2005-2015. We incorporated female directors, board size, ownership concentration, board independence, and adoption of CCG (code of corporate governance) as channels of CG. Board compensation was measured by the natural log of the total baord compensation. The study has controlled for firm size, firm performance, leverage, and cash flow from operation. By using ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis technique together with robust standard error, we find significant relationship between CG characteristics and board compensation.Findings suggest that CG characteristics and ownership structure plays a significant role in the board compensation determination. Board size and board independence exhibits significant positive relationship with board compensation. Additionally, consistent with literature, we find negative relationship between gender diversity and board compensation. Ownership concentration shows positive relationship with board compensation. Implementation of code of CG exhibits positive and significant relationship with board compensation. Finally we find positive relationship between CG index developed via Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and board compensation.Key Words: Corporate Governance; Board Compensation; Ownership Concentration; Gender Diversity; Corporate Governance Inde

    Corporate Governance and Board Compensation: A Case of listed Non-Financial Firms in Pakistan

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    The study addresses the impact of corporate governance (CG) on board compensation for the listed non-financial firms on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) for the period 2005-2015. We incorporated female directors, board size, ownership concentration, board independence, and adoption of CCG (code of corporate governance) as channels of CG. Board compensation was measured by the natural log of the total baord compensation. The study has controlled for firm size, firm performance, leverage, and cash flow from operation. By using ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis technique together with robust standard error, we find significant relationship between CG characteristics and board compensation.Findings suggest that CG characteristics and ownership structure plays a significant role in the board compensation determination. Board size and board independence exhibits significant positive relationship with board compensation. Additionally, consistent with literature, we find negative relationship between gender diversity and board compensation. Ownership concentration shows positive relationship with board compensation. Implementation of code of CG exhibits positive and significant relationship with board compensation. Finally we find positive relationship between CG index developed via Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and board compensation.Key Words: Corporate Governance; Board Compensation; Ownership Concentration; Gender Diversity; Corporate Governance Inde