7 research outputs found

    Red fox takeover of arctic fox breeding den : an observation from Yamal Peninsula, Russia

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    Here, we report from the first direct observation of a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) intrusion on an arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) breeding den from the southern Arctic tundra of Yamal Peninsula, Russia in 2007. At the same time, as a current range retraction of the original inhabitant of the circumpolar tundra zone the arctic fox is going on, the red fox is expanding their range from the south into arctic habitats. Thus, within large parts of the northern tundra areas the two species are sympatric which gives opportunities for direct interactions including interference competition. However, direct first-hand observations of such interactions are rare, especially in the Russian Arctic. In the present study, we observed one red fox taking over an arctic fox breeding den which resulted in den abandonment by the arctic fox. On July 19, eight arctic fox pups were observed on the den before the red fox was observed on the same den July 22. The pups were never seen at the den or elsewhere after the red fox was observed on the den for as long as we stayed in the area (until August 10). Our observation supports the view that direct interference with red fox on breeding dens may contribute to the range retraction of arctic foxes from the southern limits of the Arctic tundra in Russia

    Dental evidence for variation in diet over time and space in the Arctic fox, Vulpes lagopus

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    Studies of the effects of variation in resource availability are important for understanding the ecology of high-latitude mammals. This paper examines the potential of dental evidence (tooth wear and breakage) as a proxy for diet and food choice in Vulpes lagopus, the Arctic fox. It presents a preliminary study of dental microwear, gross wear score, and tooth breakage in a sample (n = 78 individuals) from the Yamal Peninsula of the Russian Arctic. While these measures have each been associated with feeding ecology in larger carnivorans (e.g., proportion of bone in the diet), they have yet to be combined in any study and have rarely been applied to smaller species or those from high latitudes. Arctic foxes from the north and south of the peninsula, and those from rodent peak and trough density periods, are compared to assess impact of changes in food availability across space and time. Results indicate that microwear textures vary in dispersion, with more variation in texture complexity, including higher values (suggesting more consumption of bone), in the rodent-poor period in the north of Yamal. Gross wear scores and tooth breakage are also significantly higher for the north of Yamal than the south. These data together suggest that dental evidence can provide important insights into variation in the feeding ecology of Arctic foxes and potentially into the impacts of changes in food abundance across space and time

    Dental evidence for variation in diet over time and space in the Arctic fox, Vulpes lagopus

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    Studies of the effects of variation in resource availability are important for understanding the ecology of high-latitude mammals. This paper examines the potential of dental evidence (tooth wear and breakage) as a proxy for diet and food choice in Vulpes lagopus, the Arctic fox. It presents a preliminary study of dental microwear, gross wear score, and tooth breakage in a sample (n = 78 individuals) from the Yamal Peninsula of the Russian Arctic. While these measures have each been associated with feeding ecology in larger carnivorans (e.g., proportion of bone in the diet), they have yet to be combined in any study and have rarely been applied to smaller species or those from high latitudes. Arctic foxes from the north and south of the peninsula, and those from rodent peak and trough density periods, are compared to assess impact of changes in food availability across space and time. Results indicate that microwear textures vary in dispersion, with more variation in texture complexity, including higher values (suggesting more consumption of bone), in the rodent-poor period in the north of Yamal. Gross wear scores and tooth breakage are also significantly higher for the north of Yamal than the south. These data together suggest that dental evidence can provide important insights into variation in the feeding ecology of Arctic foxes and potentially into the impacts of changes in food abundance across space and time


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    The ecological characteristics of the Arctic fox of Yamal have been investigated. The laws of the spatial distribution and the peculiarities of use of the territory by the Arctic foxes in the different seasons of the year and with the different trophic conditions have been revealed. The dynamics of number, the sexual-age structure and morphophysiological reactions of the population have been investigated under the sharply differing conditions of the medium. The negative effect of the industrial run-in of the tundra on the Arctic fox has been established. The complex investigation of the ecological and morphophysiological signs has allowed to evaluate the influence of the feed base state and abiotic factors on the population. The materials of investigation have been used in the system of the zoological monitoring, of the hunting farming of the region and for prognosing the Arctic fox resourcesAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    MOESM1 of Vole abundance and reindeer carcasses determine breeding activity of Arctic foxes in low Arctic Yamal, Russia

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    Additional file 1: Table S1. Candidate models evaluated for arctic fox den occupancy. Table S2. Candidate models evaluated for for the number of arctic fox pups per litter. Table S3. Estimated coefficients of two generalized linear mixed effects models for the minimum number of pups per den. Table S4. Estimated coefficients of a linear mixed effects model for the yearly variation in a) δ13C and b) δ15C values of winter fur of arctic foxes. Figure S1. Proportion of den visits each year during which remains of different categories of birds were recorded among prey remains. Figure S2. Proportion of den visits each year during which remains of different categories of mammalian prey remains were recorded. Figure S3. Results of a correspondence analysis of prey remains recorded at each visit on active dens or dens with clear signs of recent presence of foxes

    Dental evidence for variation in diet over time and space in the Arctic fox, Vulpes lagopus

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    Studies of the effects of variation in resource availability are important for understanding the ecology of high-latitude mammals. This paper examines the potential of dental evidence (tooth wear and breakage) as a proxy for diet and food choice in Vulpes lagopus, the Arctic fox. It presents a preliminary study of dental microwear, gross wear score, and tooth breakage in a sample (n = 78 individuals) from the Yamal Peninsula of the Russian Arctic. While these measures have each been associated with feeding ecology in larger carnivorans (e.g., proportion of bone in the diet), they have yet to be combined in any study and have rarely been applied to smaller species or those from high latitudes. Arctic foxes from the north and south of the peninsula, and those from rodent peak and trough density periods, are compared to assess impact of changes in food availability across space and time. Results indicate that microwear textures vary in dispersion, with more variation in texture complexity, including higher values (suggesting more consumption of bone), in the rodent-poor period in the north of Yamal. Gross wear scores and tooth breakage are also significantly higher for the north of Yamal than the south. These data together suggest that dental evidence can provide important insights into variation in the feeding ecology of Arctic foxes and potentially into the impacts of changes in food abundance across space and time

    Inhibition of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases 8/19 Restricts Bacterial and Virus-Induced Inflammatory Responses in Monocytes

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    Hyperactivation of the immune system remains a dramatic, life-threatening complication of viral and bacterial infections, particularly during pneumonia. Therapeutic approaches to counteract local and systemic outbreaks of cytokine storm and to prevent tissue damage remain limited. Cyclin-dependent kinases 8 and 19 (CDK8/19) potentiate transcriptional responses to the altered microenvironment, but CDK8/19 potential in immunoregulation is not fully understood. In the present study, we investigated how a selective CDK8/19 inhibitor, Senexin B, impacts the immunogenic profiles of monocytic cells stimulated using influenza virus H1N1 or bacterial lipopolysaccharides. Senexin B was able to prevent the induction of gene expression of proinflammatory cytokines in THP1 and U937 cell lines and in human peripheral blood-derived mononuclear cells. Moreover, Senexin B substantially reduced functional manifestations of inflammation, including clustering and chemokine-dependent migration of THP1 monocytes and human pulmonary fibroblasts (HPF)